Luka in Wonderland

Chapter 5


Clover: A new chapter! I am so proud~

Gakupo: Shouldn't you be working on your project?

Clover: *Shifty eyes* No…

Luka: Just be happy she's continuing with this.

Clover: YEAH!


The alarm…Was that…It was, or maybe it wasn't. I couldn't tell, so I rolled over to glance at the annoying machine. It's stupid red display flicked. Nine o'clock…Wasn't I supposed to be somewhere at nine? Maybe…

With a groan I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. The beeping ceased. "Ah, finally some peace and quiet!" I said with a yawn. I then struggled to get myself out of bed, which honestly wasn't all too unusual for me.

I let out a sigh before walking over to the calendar that was thumbtacked to my pink wall. "I thought I was supposed to go somewhere today…" I muttered groggily as I looked for the correct date. "9:00 amusement park with Vivi and others…" I said groggily. "W-Wait!" I quickly made my way back to my alarm clock. "9:01?" I questioned. "Shit! I'm late!" I exclaimed.


Dear Gakuko, please explain to me how one can take so long in the shower and not be late for a very important event. Love, your brother, Gakupo.

If I had time to write this letter I would, but I don't because right now I am trying my best to dry my hair and unfortunately my best isn't good enough. My hair refuses to dry. "Ugh, I don't have time for this! I'm not going to be late for a date with Luka! No way!" I exclaimed before ripping the blow dryer's cord form the outlet on the wall.

I ran into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of pants and a T-shirt. There really wasn't time to be picky about clothes. I ripped off my towel and quickly slid on my pants. Wait…Don't boxers come first?

I threw off my pants and ran back to my drawer, pulling out the first pair of boxers I found. I quickly slid them on and then put my pants, a pair of dark skinny jeans, over them. Next I slid on my shirt, then I quickly tied up my hair before running out the door.

Oh, shoes. Why am I forgetting everything today! I groaned and ran back into the house. I grabbed a pair of socks and slid them on, then I quickly put on my converse.


Not to self never, and I repeat NEVER forget to set your alarm to the proper time. After running around my room, like a chicken with its head cut off, for a good fifteen minutes I finally got in the shower. I didn't spend very long in there, in fact I didn't even wash my hair (not that it needed to be washed anyways). I exited the bathroom clothed in light blue skinny jeans with several rips and paint stains, and a pink tank top that read SING in big white block letters.

I glanced into the mirror and frowned. "Damn it…I need a pony tail." I muttered. I rummaged through a drawer filled with hair accessories until I finally found and simple white pony tail. I quickly tied my hair up before sliding on some flip flops and running out the door.


I was finally on my way to the amusement park. The only problem was that it was now about ten o'clock, meaning that I was late. Why me? I thought to myself. Why does my life have to suck so much? I mean I finally get a date with Luka and I'm late!

Suddenly something, well actually someone, interrupted my thoughts. How? I kinda ran right into them. "Ah, I'm really sorry! Are you okay-" I stopped. "Luka?" I questioned.

The girl, who had fallen, pushed herself off the ground and dusted herself off. "Yeah, it's me. Thanks a ton for knocking my down eggplant head." She muttered.

I frowned. "Sorry, Luka." I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips. "Hey, since we're both already late let's just walk together." I suggested.

"Whatever, Eggplant head." Luka muttered.


I sighed. "Geez, what is taking them so long?" I asked. I wasn't really questioning anyone in particular, but Meiko decided to respond. "Maybe they eloped." She said with a shrug.

"Nah," Akaito began "I bet they're having sex." I smirked. "Yeah, with a tuna flavored condom and everything~" I added.

The two of us snickered.

"Hey, what's so funny?" I recognized the voice without even seeing the face, it was Luka.

"Oh, nothing~" I said. "Thank for finally showing up you two!" I quickly stood up, motioning for the others to do the same, and made my way over to the entrance gate.

A girl with redish pink twin tails took our money and gave use each a wristband.

"What should we do first?" I questioned.

"TEA CUPS!" Kaito exclaimed.


Clover: Oh god, not the tea cups! XP Anyways so I'll use this space to respond to reviews from now on~

KaiyaVoca-Mix2: At the top right hand corner of the screen there should be some white text that says Sign Up. You'll need to register and get a account before you can post any of your stories for others to read. To register you will need an email address. (: I'm very glad you used Vivian! Make sure you credit me for her though. I'm super excited to read your fic!