So, I told you I'd hurry up with it! My sequel of a sequel. :)

Hope you enjoy.

Finn and Puck were the first to get to detention, taking a seat in the back of the room.

"I wouldn't get too comfortable guys," Mr Schue said, glancing up from his pile of papers," We'll be going somewhere else as soon as the others get here."

The two boys glanced at each other, wondering where he was going to take them. Finn leant on the desk, yawning from the long day he'd had," This is the first time I've been in detention for ages."

"Yeah," Puck smirked," Berry is turning you soft."

"She is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Uh huh."

"Nu huh."

"Keep it down," Mr Schue warned them, a stern look on his face.

"Sorry," they mumbled in unison, before turning back to each other. Puck remembered in freshman year when both him and Finn always ended up in detention together, and would get in trouble for talking. It made him a little happy that they were reliving the good old days.

Kurt was the next to arrive, sitting himself in the middle of the room. He pulled out his ipod, about to place in the headphones when Mr Schue spoke," Kurt, ipod."

The man held out his hand expectantly and Kurt who, with a roll of the eyes, walked over to hand it to him. As he walked back to his seat, he mumbled to himself about being denied basic commodities. Finn laughed, though he had no idea what Kurt had meant by that, but his face was just really funny as he said it.

When Rachel finally arrived, she stood before Mr Schue, arms folded," I would just like to say, before this detention starts, I believe that this is completely unfair and shows the lack of justice within this school."

Mr Schue sighed," I already know Rachel. Why don't you write a letter of complaint?"

He sort of regretted saying it, as her eyes lit up like they did whenever she got an idea and he knew Figgins wouldn't want to listen to her argument. Despite this, he stood up, gathering his papers so he could mark them as he supervised the kids.

"Where are you going Mr Schue?" Rachel demanded to know, having not moved from her spot.

"We're going to the choir room. Remember? You have to clean up your mess," he informed her, ignoring the groans from all the guys. They've gotta learn some somehow.

Reluctantly, the four teenagers followed, Kurt beginning to explain to Mr Schue that he couldn't kneel down as that would get his new jeans dirty. Mr Schue, though a little bemused, stood his ground," Sorry Kurt. The "super slushie" was your idea. If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime."

"Did he seriously just say that?" Puck muttered to Finn, who had the same smirk on his face. When they reached the choir room, a section which had been closed off all weekend, everyone was shocked from how bad it actually looked. The slushie had dried over most of the floor, creating a brown sticky layer over it, one which also trailed out of the door and into the hallway. Mr Schue made his way over to a chair, placing the papers of the one down, before heading over to the piano, where some cleaning materials had been placed.

With a sly smile, he handed them over,"Have fun guys."

Rachel obediently began, grabbing a cloth and a bottle of bleach. With a frown creeping onto her face, she slowly fell to her knees, beginning to scrub the brown floor. Her knees felt like they were glued to the floor, and she had to keep moving her hand into different positions as she put all her effort into the one tiny spot. Puck, raising his brow, glanced down to see if her skirt had been pulled up, Finn nudging him.

Though he hated cleaning, he knew that it was better to get it over with sooner better than later and joined Rachel, determined to keep the annoyed look on his face. Finn and Kurt glanced at each other, before copying the other two's actions. Finn grunted in frustration when the slushie wasn't coming off, gaining everyone's attention. Rachel sighed, shaking her head," You're doing it wrong."

Her stared at her," How am I doing it wrong? There's only one way to do it!"

"You're meant to do it in circles. Not up and down. Didn't you ever learn this?" she enquired, taking his silence as a no, though he did begin to clean it properly, much to Puck's amusement.

"She's got you house trained and everything."

Finn ignored Puck's taunts, wondering how the direction in which he rubbed the floor changed anything at all. Though the clean spot surrounding Rachel sort of proved it, he convinced himself it's just because she's got more energy than anyone else. He glanced to Kurt, who was staring at the floor with his face contorted into a look of disgust. Finn could already see the stains beginning to appear on his jeans.

"God, I can't believe we have to clean all of this!" he said angrily, pointing to the floor," I didn't even do anything."

Puck glanced up from the floor," Yeah, well tough luck. You didn't have to write on your head, you know?"

"So it's my fault that I'm here?"

"Pretty much," Puck concluded, returning to the sticky mess. Finn furrowed his brow," Actually, it's all your fault. If none of you have started this, then I wouldn't have been dragged into it."

"You think we dragged you into it?" Rachel asked, eyes wide and bottom lips quivering slightly. He knew that that was probably not the best thing to say.

"No, it's jus-"

"It's just nothing. We're all to blame," Kurt said, glancing around at the mini circle they'd created.

Rachel scoffed," Excuse me? You hypnotised me!"

"Yes," he agreed," But you and Puck didn't have to do anything in return. Did you?"

She faced the floor again, defeated. But Puck wasn't finished, he was determined to win this one," We shouldn't have had a reason to do anything..."

Finn felt the tension, slowly moving back a little so he wouldn't end up caught in the middle of it. He noticed that Rachel had exactly the same look on her face. Puck and Kurt were glaring at each other now, scowls on their mouths.

"What is it Hummel? Can't think of anything to say?"

"I'd rather no waste my time," he muttered. Puck glanced at the bucket of water beside him, "subtly" knocking it over in Kurt's direction. Kurt jumped up, his jeans now soaking wet, fuming with anger. Finn had joined him, holding him back with more effort than he thought he'd need. For someone so small, Kurt was actually pretty strong.

Mr Schue was now paying attention, staring at Puck," Why did you do that?"

"It was an accident," Puck defended himself, not being able to hide the smirk. Mr Schue let Kurt go to the boy's changing room so he could put on some new clothes, leaving Rachel and Finn to give Puck a look of annoyance.

"Guys, could you go and find a mop for this mess whilst I have a talk with Puck," Mr Schue said to them, all the time his eyes on the boy. They nodded, making their way out of the room to find the nearest janitor's closet.

"Look, Mr Schue, I didn't mean to do that okay?" Puck said nonchalant. However, Mr Schue wasn't letting him off that easily," Puck, I know you. And I was sat right over there. You did that on purpose."

Puck straightened himself," Well, maybe I did, but he shouldn't have called me a waste of time."

"You're right," Mr Schue said honestly," But what you did was out of order. I want you to apologise to him when he gets back, understand?"

"Yes," Puck groaned.

- glee -

Finn found the closet quickly, turning on the light and beginning to route through the entire contents of it. Rachel had already scolded him for messing it all up, though it was difficult finding a mop.

"My knees are covered in slushie," Rachel complained, looking down at them with a frown. He laughed, going deeper in the clutter of the closet, which was much larger than he'd expected. Rachel stood beside him, taking a much more gentle approach, with just as little luck.

"Where is the damn mop," he exclaimed. Just then, they heard music, sounding like it was blurring through headphones and glares at each other curiously. When the door slammed shut, they weren't fast enough to react and soon they heard the lock make a clicking sound. No matter how much they shouted, the person couldn't hear, probably from the music.

Finn slumped against the wall, face in hands," Oh God. This is not happening."

He felt Rachel's small figure beside him and turned to her, seeing that she looked like he felt. But she was much more optimistic than he was," Someone will find us."

"What if they don't? What if we're stuck here all night? We'll get really hungry and cold and I don't, but it would still be bad," he said, realising how much he sounded like her in that moment,"Errr ... not that I'm worried or anything."

"Sure," she replied with a smirk.

"How long do you think it'll be before someone finds us?"

"Dunno. Maybe hours," her gaze slowly turned to him, eyes widening," Maybe days."

At his face, she began to laugh, causing him to blush with embarrassment.

"Not funny Rach," he nudged her with him elbow. She grinned in return, bowing her head slightly as she faced the floor.

"Soooo," Finn smiled," What do you wanna do know?"

- glee -

Once Mr Schue had finally got Puck to apologise to Kurt, which took about five minutes, he began to wonder about the other two. Hadn't he just sent them to get a mop?

When Sue had walked into the choir room, her hand on the shoulder of the two teens, he knew that there was going to be trouble.

"I thought these little hooligans were meant to be in detention?" she questioned, staring straight towards him. Finn and Rachel looked pretty guilty, both with flushed faces.

"I sent them to get a mop," he stammered, noticing how none of them had one and that was when he realised what they'd been doing.

Sue took the silence as a reason to start talking," I found some of your little delinquents locked in the janitor's closet. God knows what they would have done if I hadn't found them there at that time. It was only a few minutes away from getting really ugly. Though, luckily, I stopped them in time. You know how teenage boys are. Hormones raging. Seems it's strong enough to lock yourself girlfriend in a closet with you."

"That wasn't what happened," Finn said, his voice desperate, taking a step away from Sue," We got locked in. So to pass the time we thought that we'd..."

"Nice one," Puck smirked, reaching up for a high five, though Finn frowned at his friend.

"Are you sure that's what happened?" Mr Schue asked. Both teenagers nodded quickly.

Sue wasn't happy about them getting away with it, and thus pressed on the matter," I suggest that you keep boys and girls separate from now on, William. I thought you would have learned from Quinn. If you want, I'd be happy to take Rachel here to clean all the trophies in my office. Somewhere where she won't be tempted by so much testosterone."

Will frowned," I think I can handle it Sue, but ... thanks for the offer."

"Just trying to do my bit. Better get the floor cleaned quickly though. Wouldn't want Figgins to find you slacking on the job, Eh kids?"

There was a low mumble of speech from Finn, Puck and Kurt, though Rachel stayed silent. As soon as Sue's hand released off her shoulder, her entire body relaxed. Mr Schue gave her and Finn a disappointed look, sighing to himself. This wasn't turning out to be much of a punishment for them," Guys. I need you to keep cleaning. Detention isn't supposed to be fun. You're supposed to be so miserable that you start behaving."

"We do behave!" Rachel frowned, picking up her cloth again. There was still water on the floor, but they'd have to deal with it, and it sort of made the floor clean quicker.

"You have half an hour to finish the floor," Mr Schue told them, checking his watch. They all looked at him like he were crazy. They weren't even half way there yet.

"Uh, this is impossible," Puck announced, groaning loudly, but everyone had began concentrating solely on finishing the job: they did not want to end up doing it tomorrow.

After a while, Finn's arms were beginning to ache and nobody was talking. The only sound was the scrubbing of the floor and the flutter of paper from Mr Schue marking essays. He vaguely noticed Rachel beginning to sing, but the song didn't really ring any bells. Kurt raised his brow, staring at her in disbelief. Was she really singing Happy Working Song? Though her rendition was quite good, she was sixteen and that was from a children's film!

"What are you doing Berry?" Puck had the same look as Kurt, having been forced to watch Enchanted many times by his little sister.

Rachel huffed, annoyed that she'd been interrupted," Well, I was sick of no one talking, so I thought that I'd lighten the mood a little. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"No, but," he gave her a look," Disney? Come on. We're in High school, not Kindergarten."

She seemed offended by his comment," What do you suggest we sing then?"

Puck frowned, not being able to come up with something on the spot," I don't know, just not that."

"I don't see how you can openly criticise my choice in song when you can't even think of one for yourself," she pointed out, completely abandoning the cleaning as she stared at him, expecting an answer.

"I can think of one. It's just taking time," he told her," And anyway, I'm trying to find a song with vocals for more than one person."

Kurt took the pause as his cue to interject with his own suggestion," Well, why don't we sing Hey Jude? It's a classic, so I'm sure you all know the words, and there were four members of the The Beatles ..."

"I like Kurt's idea!" Finn said, before another "discussion" broke out between Puck and Rachel. He waited a second, before singing the first verse.

Hey Jude don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

Puck sang next, his voice different to Finn's, but it was a good different. Mr Schue had now placed his papers down and watched the four wit curiosity.

Hey Jude don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better

Rachel's voice drifted through the air as she took her turn, her eyes closing as she sang passionately. She'd loved the song ever since the first time she'd listened to it and relished in any chance that she got to sing it, along or with other people.

And any time you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder

Everyone harmonised next, smiles appearing on their faces. They sounded good, really good.

Da da da da da
da da da da

The last person, Kurt sang his solo verse, swaying from side to side as if he could really hear the music.

Hey Jude don't let me down
You have found her now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

For the next part, Rachel and Finn sang, grinning at each other. She'd taken hold of his hand with the both of hers, staring at his shining brown eyes.

So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder

Puck and Kurt joined in now, the four voices mixing together.
Da da da da da
da da da da Yeah

And for this verse, it was only Kurt and Puck singing.

Hey Jude don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better
Better, better, better, better, better, Yeah,Yeah,Yeah

Though everyone began the "na na na na na na, na na na na, na na."

Each smiled as their voices belted around the room. They repeated it over and over, until Mr Schue told them that they still need to finish the floor. But secretly he would have preferred them to keep on singing.

When they had finished cleaning, the detention had ran over about twenty minutes and most of them had received phone calls from their parents by then. Finn had offered to drive Rachel home, seeing as it was beginning to rain and he wanted to spend more time with her.

"So Rach," he smiled," How was your first experience with detention?"

She laughed, " Well, I got my legs covered in three day old slushy, my clothes splashed with water, locked in a closet, found making out by probably the scariest woman alive and then had a sing-a-long to The Bealtes. Yeah, it was definitely an experience, not one that I'm quite sure I can take again."

"Yeah, but tomorrow will be different. It'll be the boring detention where you just have to sit around for an hour. I don't think you'll be able to stop talking," he joked, giving her a grin. Rachel pretended to be offended, flicking her head in the opposite direction to Finn.

"I can stop talking," she informed him, but Finn didn't believe it. The only time she wasn't saying something was when they were kissing.

"We'll have to find out tomorrow."

Ooh, so now you have to wait for the Tuesday detention. What do you think might happen?