The Sun was setting on the school ground of Reefside High casting a dark shadow over the buildings and

the few remaining cars in the lot. A few kids walked here and there mostly dealing with summer school

Sitting in a nice white jeep in the parking lot looking quite relaxed was Trent Mercer.

Idly checking his watch every few minutes his hazel eyes trailed over the grounds at the teens coming

out. He sighed some rubbing his black hair back and leaning back in his gray seat.

"He's so late" Trent spoke softly in an annoyed tone but oddly a smile quirked on the side of his lips.

He was always late Trent knew this. He would always get so caught up in his studies that when they had

something planned he was always the one to remind him. Trent was patient though maybe that's why

He would sit back and dare waiting on him to show up. He looked around the grounds a bit more then

Spotted him running out of the double doors jacket all messed up, backpack hanging off his side messily with a few papers sticking out the zipper.

Trent smiled and turned the jeep on his eyes staying on the boy running up to him and quickly getting in

the jeep.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Trent. We started talking about the new Spaceman Z show and before we knew it the janitor was telling us most of the school was cleared out."

"That's fine your always late anyways Ethan" Trent said dryly getting a startled look from Ethan.

"I'm not always late! I have great timing!" He smiled though and buckled in.

Trent saw that Ethan was nervous and smirked learning over in his seat to Ethan. Ethan was so busy looking forward that he didn't notice until Trent was right on him. He turned to him just in time for their lips to connect. Trent had to hold back a laugh as he deepened the kiss feeling Ethan push back on him after a moment. Trent retreated and studied Ethan's face noticing his cheeks flaring a darker brown.

"You said not infront of the school." Ethan's voice was breathy and he couldn't get rid of the huge smile plastered on his face.

Trent chuckled and leaned back in his seat buckling in and driving off slowly "But we aren't right infront of the school are we?"

Ethan broke out of his blush and rolled his eyes tossing his backpack to the floor. "You are a dangerous Latin Trent."

Trent laughed loudly "I couldn't resist my chocolate" And to his delight Ethan's cheeks rose again giving him a nice sense of victory.

Ethan looked over at him and smiled putting his hand on Trent's leg feeling it shiften under his touch. He was the one to chuckle now as Trent cursed giving Ethan his own win in their little game.

"So what are we doing?" He said looking at the road.

Trent turned the corner quickly "Kira is having a show at Hayley's. Don't tell me you forgot about that?"

Ethan's expression darkened some "Are you sure she wants us there? I did kind of steal you."

Trent sighed some it had been only a month since him and Kira had broken up. Trent had gone thru a dark time then. It was right at prom when he had noticed something about himself and Kira. He didn't even ask her to the prom for one and he found himself getting jealous of Ethan's date. Jealous of some girl he never met. At first he figured he was being silly or someone spiked the punch but over the course of the night things changed. Funny how it was Conner that noticed it first.


Trent sighed standing near the punch bowl scooping out his fourth straight cup. He turned his eyes falling back on Ethan and his date dancing it away to one of kira's slower songs. He wrinkled his nose in disgust a bit and sipped on the juice.

"Well you look like you want to barf." Trent blinked and looked to the voice catching Conner staring at him refilling his own cup. "What's up?"

Trent shook his head "Nothing just relaxing" His voice trailed as Ethan dipped his date his smile big and it tugged at Trent's heart more than it should.

Conner sipped his drink and smiled some his eyes darting between Trent and Ethan. "Ethan is getting his groove on out there. Never thought Geek boy could move like that."

Trent shifted some "Me either."

Conner smiled again a devilish look coming over his face "So why don't you go ask him for a dance?"

Trent's eyes shot to Conner with a deer in the headlights look. Conner smiled again his assumptions all cleared now so he could go on. "Don't think I haven't noticed. You've been firing daggers at her the entire night."

Trent shook some and looked back to them. Was I that transparent? He gulped his punch down and looked back to Conner who seemed to be expecting some retort and Trent had took too long "You know I'm with Kira!"

Conner chuckled "Not tonight you aren't. Funny when you and she are a couple." Trent felt like Conner slapped him right then and quickly tried to compose himself.

"Just because we didn't come to prom together doesn't mean I suddenly have the hots for Ethan." He said that part a little lower as he moved to the wall leaning against it. Conner joined him and smiled again.

"You know I don't care if you are gay. Couple of the guys on the soccer team are and they are pretty cool bros now if you want Ethan then you better make some moves."

Trent looked to Conner and couldn't help but smile. Conner somehow despite being really crazy at times brung him to the real problem now. Am I gay? Trent rubbed his chin and thought about it for a bit. He had always been slightly attracted to guys but he also liked the female form too. He always ignored the part of him that screamed at him to try dating a guy once Kira entered his life but lately he didn't feel the same way he used to about her. Being evil strained them to thin and yet Ethan had been on his mind and was there when he needed someone to talk to.

"Conner" he began "I think the correct term is bi." He sighed some and Conner clasped his shoulder.

"I'm not going to ask what you see in Ethan of all guys here. But stop wasting time and talk to him!"

Trent shook his head softly "Kira I can't just break it off with her then ask one of her best friends out."

Conner lifted his head thoughtfully "We will worry about that after the prom."

End Flashback-

"Trent!" Trent broke out of his memories and looked back at Ethan who seemed to be almost in a panic to get his attention. Trent smiled quickly "What did you say?"

Ethan sighed rolling his eyes "I'm going to put spacing out on your scorecard. Anyways do you think she wants us there?"

Trent turned another corner and nodded "She told Conner to ask us to come. He said something about she is trying to not let our friendship die. Besides we were teammates for too and she doesn't want that strained."

Ethan shrugged and shifted back into his seat. Looking at the buildings speed by he knew they were coming up on Hayley's soon. "I don't know what to say to her." He said finally "Funny how a month ago I could say 'Hey Kira! Need me to mix your tunes?' And now." Ethan sighed and Trent's stomach twisted.

"I'm sorry" He said his voice obviously pained "If I had just shut up and..." And suddenly he was silenced by a pair of dark lips falling on his cheek. He almost swerved right off the road with that movement as he turned to Ethan retreating to his seat.

"I'm not mad at what we have now Trent. I came to my senses and you did too. I'm mad at us for hurting Kira and losing her as an awesome girl pal for a month."

Trent sighed pulling up to Hayley's Cyberspace which seemed overly packed tonight more than any other night. For some reason Trent felt some sense of foreboding just looking at it and he squeezed Ethan's hand. "I know I hate that we kept ourselves distant and used Conner of all people as a middle man."

Ethan chuckled and opened his door "We might as well get this night over with right?"

Trent gulped and nodded getting out of the car that same looming feeling taking him over. This is going to be a long night He thought to himself as they headed for the door.