So, I just had this idea while watching the newest episode. :3 I know, I'm evil evil. But, stories are just more interesting this way. At least, for me. This is a little drabble/one-shot. I may do a second chapter, if this get's interest. For now, please enjoy and review. Each review is another step telling me to continue writing. Or stop, whatever you like! :D

Yay! Menry? Haggie? *giggle* I'm torn between Jasper x Maggie and Henry x Maggie. Jasper and Maggie have a sweet relationship, and romance is implied, but something about Henry and Maggie's little moments get's me liking their pairing a tad better. ^^

Disclaimer: I own no one and nothing at all. :3 Mkay?

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"What do you want?" a gruff voice bellowed, the sound bouncing off the walls and echoing around the room.

Silence followed, the three figures that had entered the shop stopped dead in their tracks. Once the gun was held in sight, they stood stock still, the muffled sounds of their breathing the only thing that told them this wasn't a dream. This was reality. Or , if you will, living hell.

"Are you Eddie Macintosh?" Henry finally asked, not stuttering in the least.

The gun moved in the air, the hand that held it pointing directly at the boy. "What's it to ya?" the man said. A small click was heard as the gun was cocked, in preparation to pull the trigger. Maggie stepped forward slightly, wrapping her hands around Henry's arm in fear and worry. As if her being there would keep him safe.

Henry glanced at Maggie, placing his free hand over her own in a comforting gesture. "Well, we just wanted to know if you knew anything about where the money Dillinger stole was buried? The money he said belongs to no one?" Henry asked, his voice more careful now as he glanced at Maggie and Jasper.

The man, Eddie Macintosh, moved away from the shadows, gun still pointed at the three teens standing in front of him. "I don't know nothing', but you lot do." he mumbled, stepping closer still.

Henry pushed Maggie behind him, Jasper following suit. "Sir? Please, you must know something." Henry pressed.

"No, but you do!" Eddie said, grabbing something from the table beside him, the gun pointed at them all the while. Then, with quick but clumsy movements, he lunged forward and grabbed Henry.

Henry pulled away easily, but in the time he was considering if it was okay to hit the old man, he himself was hit over the head with a car muffler by a shadowy figure. He fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

"Henry!" Maggie and Jasper cried together. But before they could think to run, the old man and the man that hit Henry had grabbed them. They struggled, but quickly had their hands and feet tied.

"Now shut up and quite your squirming or I'll shoot." Eddie said, pointing the gun at an unconscious Henry. Maggie and Jasper stopped moving, glancing at Henry with worried expressions.

"Now that you are all so. . . conveniently immobilized. Tell me everything you know about the money!" Eddie kept his gun pointed at Henry, and Maggie shook slightly beside Jasper.

"Don't hurt him! We don't know anything! It's only for a school assignment, and we thought you might be able to help us." Maggie said, watching Eddie carefully. Her heart raced, and her eyes fought to allow the tears to spill.

"You little liar. I bet your one of those, those smart know-it-alls with the rich daddy." Eddie taunted her, laughing. Maggie turned away and buried her face into Jasper's sleeve to keep from shooting back a discourteous remark.

"Throw 'em into the closet. We can deal with them later. For now, take their bags, they might have something." Eddie moved forward and quickly snatched Maggie's bag from her, laughing all the while. The man pulled them towards a door in the back of the shop and roughly shoved them inside. Eddie dragged Henry over, but soon doubled over in pain, complaining of back problems.

The other man lifted Henry himself and threw him inside, slamming the door with a load bang and then a click, signaling it's locking. And leaving them trapped.

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"Hang on Maggie, almost. . . Got it!" Jasper said triumphantly, holding the rope up in front of her. He them continued trying to untie his own ankles. It was lucky Maggie had been able to untie the knot from Jasper's tie backwards. It had taken her about ten minutes, with the minimal movement her hands did have from behind her back.

"Thanks!" Maggie quickly untied her feet, and glanced around the dark room, rubbing her wrists. She stood, and almost instantly fell backwards agents the wall. The darkness spun around her, making her thoughts swim.

"You okay, Mags?" Jasper asked. She quickly regained composure and stepped forward, fumbling with the opposite wall until her figures touched something that stuck out of the wall. She pushed and pulled, and finally was able to turn on a dim light that hung from the ceiling.

Spinning around, she dropped to her knees beside Henry, who lay limply on the other side of the small room. She moved his head onto her lap, seeing the dried blood that coated the back of his head from the blow he took earlier. The bleeding had stopped, so she wasn't to worried. The only problem was waiting for him to wake. She silently prayed he didn't have a concussion. . . Or worse.

With a long sigh and a heavy heart, she began working on the knot that bound his wrists together. "Henry? Henry, wake up." she whispered as she worked. He groaned, shifting slightly. "Henry." Maggie said again, tugging at the knot gently. It finally came loose and she removed the rope, grabbing one of Henry's hands. "Henry. Please wake up." she whispered, squeezing his hand tightly. For a moment they sat like that, before Maggie could feel a gentle squeeze in return.

"Henry!" she said, smiling. Slowly, he began to sit up, rubbing the back of his head and wincing.

"Hey." he mumbled, smiling lightly at Maggie. Before she could stop herself, Maggie had lurched forward and engulfed Henry in a rib-breaking hug. For a second Henry did nothing, but soon wrapped his arms around her, too. "Thanks Nurse Maggie." he mumbled into her ear.

Jasper cleared his throat from his position across the room, and the two quickly broke apart, glancing around the room. Color crawled up Maggie's face, and she started playing with a strand of her hair. Finally, Henry spoke. "Soooo, anyone have a plan on getting out of here and away from the nutcase?" he asked. Grunting slightly, he got to his feet, swaying slightly. Maggie was quickly at his side, steadying him. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, a silent thank you passed between them.

Henry moved towards the locked door, Maggie right at his heels. He fiddled with the knob for a while, but Maggie looked around the doorframe, her eyes finally on the door knob. "Wait, try this." she said, pulling a bobby pin out of her pocket and handing it to Henry. Maggie didn't often use bobby pins, but kept them in her pockets, just in case there was ever a hair emergency. Or in this case, a locked door that needed opening.

After a moment, Henry kicked the door, hard. Taking this as a bad sign, Maggie sighed, falling to the floor. "Great." she muttered. She sat there for a while, arms wrapped around her knees, with her chin resting on them. Jasper still hadn't moved from where he was at the other side of the room. Maggie glanced up at him, but she only gave a sympathetic look and shrugged. She lost track of how long the quiet rattling went on in the room as Henry fumbled with the pin. But then, the fumbling rhythm was broken by a small click.

The three glances at each other, and Henry silently handed the pin back to Maggie. Jasper was at his side quickly, and after a moment reached for the knob. Turning it slowly, the door creaked open and Jasper peeked his head out before pushing it open all the way. He moved and Maggie soon followed, Henry close behind her. They were almost free.

Almost, being the key word. As Maggie was about to exit the room, a gunfire rang out, and Maggie slumped forward. Henry lunged towards her and help her tightly, looking around. She lay in his arms, eyes shutting slowly. Red blood had already started to blossom on her shirt, at her shoulder. "Henry. . . Run." she whispered, she eyes finally closing completely, she grip on his shoulders loosening as she went limp. Henry held her tightly still, looking around the room. Another shot rang out and Henry ducked instinctively. Jasper had moved to stand beside them, but Henry quickly waved him off, and he sprang away, sprinting through the dimly light area and out of sight. This time the gun shot blindly whirled through the air, and Henry nearly doubled over in pain as it hit him near the ankle.

Lifting Maggie bridal style, Henry cautiously looked around before following his cousin. The gun rang out randomly now, hitting a tin can on a table as Henry passed, and the door marking their exit as Henry moved out of the way. With a final effort, he swung the door open and ran as quickly as he could, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his foot. The gunshots were still going off, ringing in Henry's ears as he ran, but they dimmed, signaling Eddie Macintosh hadn't bothered to follow them. Right now, all Henry wanted was to get Maggie out of here. She hadn't moved since, and he worried greatly.

Suddenly, Henry found himself oddly reminded of his many chats with Jasper. He knew Jasper had asked Maggie out once, and she had denied. Well, she hadn't really replied. Though over the past few weeks, as he got to know Maggie, he found himself having strange feelings when he was with her. It was hard to describe them, but he knew one thing: He had never felt this way before.

Now, as Henry half limped, half ran down the street, he was met by Jasper and a waiting ambulance. Policemen flooded the area, running towards the shop as Henry ran away. Almost before he could stop, Henry felt Maggie being lifted out of his arms. For a split second he wanted to protest, but was reminded that these people were going to help. Things seemed to slow down, as if Henry was seeing things in slow motion.

Jasper, waving a hand in front of his face, Maggie being lifted into the back of the ambulance, the police officers swarming around them, asking questions that he couldn't hear. Finally, things started to blur, the pain of his own injury catching up to him. He fell forward, still watching as the paramedics hovered over Maggie. Finally, the sounds stopped, and everything went black.