
Pairing(s): Rusty/Harry

Warning(s): Male/Male relationship, slightly perverted Rusty

Prompt: 21 Escape of 100 Drabble Table

Harry ran past the security room, rounding a corner and stopped. He pressed himself against the wall panting heavily. "This is seriously going to hell," he muttered, wincing as the sound of pounding feet rushed past him.

"Everything alright there?" Rusty's voice crackled in his ear and Harry felt a twitch develop in his eye.

"Ryan, I'm not talking to you. Ever. I can practically see the smug look on your face bastard and it's not appreciated," he growled lowly, eyeing the hall before him quickly before running again.

"I'm not the sadistic bastard you think I am beautiful. Putting you in life threatening situations does not bring me immense pleasure of any kind. Nor does seeing your angry face or your cute flushed face while you're running."

"Are you watching me? Put Danny on now!" Harry yelled, shutting his mouth sharply. Giving a nervous glance around, Harry ducked into a hidden alcove.

"Danny is currently busy dealing with something else. Fortunately for you, I'm here and I have the exact layout of the building you're in and can tell you how to get out."

"What are you waiting for then?" Harry hissed.

"Well, I'm not seeing a lot of incentive to tell you."

"How about the fact that I won't completely kill you, huh? I'll leave your pretty face intact; sound good?"

"So you do like the way I look. I'm flattered. But not enough. I'll tell you how to get out on one condition."

"What is it?" he asked suspiciously, shrinking back into the dark space to hide himself further.

"You have to agree to it first beautiful before I tell you."

"That's extortion!"

"That hurts. I see it as merely ensuring my benefit."

"Ryan, I swear once I get out of here I am so going to-"

"As much as I would love to hear all the kinky things you want to try with me, you only have about two minutes before security ambushes you. We got a deal?"

Harry bit his lip lightly, screwing his eyes shut to concentrate. After thirty seconds, he gave a resigned sigh and nodded slightly. "Yeah, it's a deal."

He could practically hear the smirk in Rusty's voice when he replied, "Excellent. Go down the hall and take two rights. Take the third door on the left and you're out. Oh, and be ready by seven tonight. I'll pick you up so we can go out on our long awaited date."

Harry's curse echoed loudly in the corridor.