Disclaimer: I don't own Rookie Blue.

It's your job to know why people are saying what they're saying. You wanna be a cop, learn to read the signs.

Sam's words kept replaying over and over in Andy's head, made worse by the fact that she couldn't fault him for the truth. She knew by now that many of the mistakes she had made so far were because she didn't trust her instincts – her intuition. Andy's head was buried in her locker as she gathered up her things at the end of her shift.

learn to read the signs. "Shut up!" Andy mumbled to herself.

Sam walked into the women's locker room, intent on ensuring that McNally was okay after the events of the evening. Twice in one day, he thought to himself, becoming a habit.

"Talking to yourself now, McNally?" Sam asked dryly.

Andy straightened up quickly, embarrassed. She could feel a rant building up inside her, so sick of the words running through her head. She knew rationally that she was being self-indulgent and ridiculous, but because of her screw-ups tonight, she was starting to second guess her skills as a cop. All of the insecurity and frustration threatened to spill over, and Sam was just a ready target.

"If you're here to lecture me some more about how I screwed up big time tonight, don't even bother. I've been going over and over it in my head." Andy turned to look at Sam and he saw the tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes. That he caught her at a weak moment only added fuel to the fire. "You don't think that I haven't beaten myself up for putting Sadie at risk? Maybe you'd prefer another rookie for a partner, Sir, since I'm such a disappointment? I'm this close to handing in my badge and one more word from you about 'reading the signs,' so help me God…"

Sam held up a hand, whether it was to stop McNally's tirade or to reach out to her, he didn't know which. He was about to turn and walk away, giving her some much needed space, when he stopped. Time for a "teachable moment," and a lesson that his rookie needed to learn.

"I think I have some time to show you what I mean by 'reading the signs,' McNally," he said smoothly, walking slowly back to Andy. The dangerous look in his eyes made her uneasy, not quite sure what he was planning. Closer and closer he came, walking her slowly backward, stopping only when her back hit the row of lockers.

"You deliberately put yourself in harms way tonight, almost getting yourself killed in the process. Forgive me if I was a little bit pissed". Careful, how much you give away, Sam, he told himself. "The signs are everywhere, McNally. You just have to slow down, pay attention and trust your instincts."

"You see, when someone invades your personal space like I'm doing now, there are certain signs that a person makes – certain cues that if you're observant enough to pick up on, will help you assess that person's state of mind. Shifting your weight from one foot to the other, tucking your hair behind your ear, avoiding eye contact – all signs of discomfort or anxiety. See, McNally, you rely on that buffer zone, and when it's taken from you, it bumps you off your game – takes away your power. You're immediately put on the defensive. Sometimes, though, you have to look beyond the obvious. Now, say that I lean in closer…"

Sam positioned his upper body closer to Andy's, leaning in and placing one hand against the locker beside her head, his face just inches from hers.

"...the cues change, because the context changes - becomes more intimate. Dilated pupils…the catch in your breath - barely perceptible, but it's there. And if I were to touch the pulse point at the base of your throat, I'd feel it jack-rabbiting – all signs of arousal, McNally."

Sam paused, watching the effect his words were having – the play of emotions running across his rookie's face. He wasn't in any rush.

"You're wondering what it would be like if I kissed you – the feel of my lips…my tongue against yours…all of these thoughts are driving the signs right now, McNally. Your signs…your thoughts…right up front where I can see them…no secrets…no hiding."

Sam straightened up and started to back away from Andy with a half-smile on his face. Lesson over…

Or not…

He could tell the exact moment the fog cleared from his rookie's eyes. Different 'tells' this time…narrowed eyes and the slight clench of her jaw led him to believe that she wasn't going to let him get out of there unscathed. Nope, luck wasn't on his side. He sighed and resigned himself to what was to follow.

"Let me see if I've got this straight, because I'd hate to miss any little gems from Officer Sam Swarek's Mind Reading 101, Andy said sarcastically. "But, you know what? I think that I'm a pretty good student. I think that I picked up on all of the high points." Andy slowly made her way toward the now still Sam. Never one to back down from a confrontation, Sam waited, slightly uneasy - not that he'd ever let her see it.

As Andy approached Sam, her hands grasped the bottom hem of her t-shirt. She lifted her arms and as her head cleared the garment, caught the narrowing of Sam's eyes before he carefully schooled his features. Andy looked down to see Sam quickly shove his hands into his pockets. Christ, he thought, she's going to kill me before this is through.

"McNally, what are you doing?" Sam asked, knowing full well that payback's a bitch.

"Relax, Sam. Don't you want to know what I've learned?" Andy taunted gently, with a little smile on her lips. "You're very good about controlling yourself and not giving away too much, but I've got you. Your eyes darkened, you know - the dilation of your pupils...that seems to be a trend tonight. You're making a good effort to keep looking in my eyes when what you really want to do is look at my breasts. And the way your hands clenched and unclenched before you forced them into your pockets shows me that you want to touch me – cup my breasts in your hands… feel the weight of them in your palms…see my reaction when you rub your thumbs across my nipples." Oh, but this was so empowering, Andy thought with a smile.

She took Sam's right wrist and tugged his hand out of his pocket. Walking backward toward the row of lockers, she gently pulled Sam along with her. Why he let her, she didn't question. Placing his palm with his fingers splayed against her stomach, her breath caught as she felt the charge when his palm touched her skin. Her eyes closed for a moment and she smiled. When they opened she looked right into Sam's darkened eyes.

"You're playing a dangerous game, McNally," Sam warned her huskily. Andy continued like he hadn't even spoken.

"I can see a muscle working in your jaw as you're trying to hold on to the control that you're so proud of. And you know that little pulse point at the base of my throat? You're wondering what it would be like if you put your lips on it – feel it racing, knowing that you're the one who did that to me…to graze it with your teeth, and touch it with your tongue - taste my skin. Now you're the one who's thinking about what it would be like to kiss me. You think about it a lot – more than you want to. I see the way you look at me when you think I don't notice – always watching…measuring. Trying to figure out if I'm just a naïve rookie who needs protection or if there's something more. Trying to figure out what you feel and what to do about it."

Sam was nearing the end of his hard-fought patience. McNally did things to his control that most people couldn't. She knew what buttons to press – his triggers, that almost guaranteed a reaction. Maybe because they were in the women's locker room she thought that he wouldn't call her on her little game. He hoped that she was prepared for what was to come.

His hand started to move up her belly, up over her ribcage, between her breasts – fingers still splayed to caress the skin of her upper breasts not covered by her bra…up to her throat where his fingers curled around to the back of her neck, his thumb resting on her pulse…over her jaw-line until his palm cupped her cheek and his thumb rested on her lower lip. His eyes never left hers - eyes that were smoky with arousal. His thumb played lazily with her lower lip. Andy vaguely felt her control starting to slip, but she couldn't find the energy to care.

She raked her teeth over his thumb, soothing it with her tongue. The corners of Sam's mouth turned up in the barest hint of a smile. Control, he thought to himself. He was in familiar waters again.

"You want to know what I think about besides kissing you?" Sam asked quietly, eyes never leaving Andy's. He angled his hips until his hardness was pressed against her, leaving no doubt as to his thoughts. A small moan escaped Andy's lips and she closed her eyes against the onslaught of feelings Sam was causing inside her.

"No, don't close your eyes," Sam instructed. "Look at me, McNally." Andy's eyes fluttered open and she gazed at Sam through eyes that hid nothing.

"End it with Callaghan soon, McNally. I'm not a patient man, and I don't share."