The Doctor Never Really Changes

Author: Naomitrekkie

Rating: T

Timeline: During the specials. After "Planet of the Dead." Slight CoE mentions for any Torchwood fans (not too spoiler-ish if you've seen the previews).

Synopsis: The Doctor's a new man, at least since the last time they saw him. So what does he do? Kidnaps their daughter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. I wasn't even alive for most of it's legacy.

A/N: As a New Year's Present, I'll be posting the rest of the story today. Thank you for everyone who's read, and sorry for the posting gap!


Chapter 6: Going Home

Contrary to her parents' stories, the Doctor managed to get her home on the first try. In fact, he landed in her back yard. Sure, the ride was shaky, but what's some shakiness for precision?

Stepping outside, she found herself greeted by the shocked expressions of her parents' for what she figured was two reasons: her arrival and the TARDIS's.

Unable to contain her happiness, she ran straight for her parents, enveloping them in a huge hug.

"Susan, you're back," her father said.

"And in a dress! I've always tried so hard to get you in a dress!" her mother added.

"Blame the Doctor."

"Is the Doctor with you?" both her parents asked simultaneously.

"Is this really where Sir Ian of Jaffa lives? Sure have gone downhill, if you ask me."

Ian and Barbara could not believe it. The man stepping outside the TARDIS sure knew stuff the Doctor knew, but was far too young to be him.

"Doctor, you're so young!" Ian commented.

"And now you're really an old chap," the Doctor countered.

"But how?" Barbara asked.

"Simple. Regeneration. A trick my people have. When we're close to dying we simply regenerate all the cells in our body and become young again. Presto, new face, new Doctor."

"Seems you're the same to me," Ian said.

"What makes you say that?"

"You just love kidnapping Chestertons, don't you?"

"Sorry, Chafferson, what was that?" He pretended to have the selective hearing as his first incarnation had done, causing everyone to laugh.

Yes, the Doctor make look different, but he never really changed.

The End

So that's it then! Thanks to everyone who's followed this story, and happy 2011!