Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Her dress is beautiful, a simple and elegant white silk. She is surrounded by chatty young women who know nothing about her, but her maid of honor sits next to her and holds her hand. Luna knows exactly how much this is costing her, and that is why she picked her.

She walks into the Great Hall, one hand lightly holding her father's arm. It's crowded, packed with people she doesn't know and doesn't want at her wedding, but has to have because she is the Minister's daughter. She sees red hair at the front and smiles. She sees him standing next to the minister and almost cries.

There are flowers everywhere. They match the flowers in her bouquet and in her hair. The ones in her hair are fake, copies of the real thing made with silver and diamonds. She wishes they were real.

He says the words that seal him to her and now it is her turn. Everyone is waiting. She looks at Ron and Hermione, sitting side by side in the front row. They smile sadly at her and link their hands together. A small hand squeezes hers where no one but the minister can see, and Percy won't say anything. She summons a smile that only those three that know the truth can see through and says I do. The tears in her eyes as they are pronounced husband and wife are tears of joy. That's what they all tell themselves.

Later, at the reception, she thanks Hermione for the flowers. Hermione gives her a strange look and tells her that she had nothing to do with them. Neither Ron nor Luna ordered them. Neville stops by as she tries to figure it out and asks where she got them. Apparently, they only bloom the week of the Winter Solstice. It's the middle of July.

She tells him they were a gift and goes to dance with her new husband. She loves him, there is no doubt of that, but he's not the man she wanted. A part of her will always belong to the man who promised her those flowers on her wedding day, the man who kept that promise even in death. A part of her, a part that's bigger than she cares to admit, will always love Harry Potter.

A/N: Inspiration drawn from Mercedes Lackey. One of her characters promises a friend that he'll get her rare flowers for her wedding. He comes through, even though he died. There's no romantic attachment between them, though.