Hello everyone this is Crimson and Aqua A.K.A The Roses of Color. This is our story: Memories Renewed. We are very excited to give you this story. We hope you like it and also we do not own bleach! Please review by clicking the button and please follow our story by adding us to your story alert. Thank you!

(Okay during these we're going to tell you stuff a bit. First off both Crimson and Aqua met on Fanfiction and became best friends. Like sisters! We loved each others stories and then decided to write a story together. So enjoy.)

3rd person POV:

Ichigo Kurosaki sighed as he laid on his bed. He had just returned from the Soul Society, having had to save his friend Rukia Kuchiki. He was now an official substitute soul reaper, having earned the respect of many. Though he may seem super. After all he fought two captains and a vice captain and won. He still had a weakness. The heat of the summer! Now Ichigo laid in his bed, in only boxers with two fans blowing semi-cold air on him. Kon had snuck into the fridge, the lucky small bastard. So now Ichigo had some peace.

"Ichi-nii?" asked a small cute voice from outside the door.

"Can we come in?" asked another voice that had more power in it.

"Yeah." he said and sat up to put some basic shorts on and a t-shirt. The fraternal twins came in and sat on his floor. Karin the eldest twin turned up the heat to high and glared at Ichigo.

"Spill it strawberry. What happened in the soul society?" The three siblings looked at each other for a moment.

The kids knew they were different since they were born. Ichigo, Karin, and Yuzu could see spirits. Not only that but when Ichigo fought someone, for some reason he could feel the persons heart. When he fought Byakuya Kuchiki he realized that though this person was a noble and seemed heartless, this person still had a heart.

With Karin see could look into somebody's eyes or be near their spiritual pressure and see their past. Feel their emotions. Although it was painful for her, she learned to bear. Not only that, but she learned to use it against her enemies.

Yuzu could see things through blood. She could see exactly which vein was injured and either heal it or injure it more to hurt her opponent, most likely tearing the vein or taking out the oxygen cells the flow within the blood of the wound.. That is why Karin and Ichigo do not fight with her. Yes, each had an extraordinary power. Each didn't know why. They figured it was a blessing. They didn't tell their father. Sure they told them they could see spirits, but that's all he knew. First they could only see certain ones…that is, until Rukia came.

Ichigo at first didn't let his sisters know about Rukia Kuchiki. He didn't want them to get involved. Too bad he didn't think about Karins powers when he tried to hide it. One day after their mothers memorial day, when Rukia wasn't anywhere to be seen. Karin and Yuzu cornered Ichigo and made them spill. After that they were introduced to Rukia. Rukia was shocked to see that the kids were this talented, but it worked out in the end. Rukia wondered if it came from their father. That thought was shot down when she stood in front of him for two hours without her gigai on. So they went on with their lives. That is, until Renji and Byakuya came to take her away. Ichigo decided to go after her, the girls wished to go with him but he wouldn't allow it. He had his friends and he didn't need to worry about his little sisters. After he left though the girls begged Urahara to train them. He did so with a smile all the time thinking, 'Masaki, Isshin, you have brave and powerful kids. But they can be very scary when they need to be.' Now that Ichigo has returned, the girls have been begging him to talk about the soul society. He told them the fights and battles but now they wanted to know what the place looked like.

"Well it's like a maze really. I got lost loads of time. The buildings-" Ichigo got cut off from his explanation when a hell butterfly flew through his window. "What now?" Ichigo growled as he put his finger out for the butterfly to land on as Rukia had taught him.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I the head captain of the thirteen gotei, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, order you to come and join in the event of our ten year shinigami competition. You will compete with many competitors. The competition will be in four days. I expect you to be in the soul society in two. Until then. Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto."

"Great." Ichigo grumbled.

"What?" Yuzu asked.

"I'm being called to join in a competition. Honestly I just got back from the place. Why do I have to go?" He growled and looked for the annoying stuffed animal that usually Yuzu dressed up. "Yuzu, have you seen Bostov anytime soon?" Yuzu tilted her head and shook her head no.

"Ichi-nii when do you have to go?" Karin asked. If Ichigo had turned around he would have realized that Karin had a very dangerous look on her face. The face she always had on when she was planning something mischievous.

"I have to be there in two day's." Ichigo grumbled as he looked under his bed. 'When I find that annoying stupid lion i'm gonna-"

"What will we do?" Karin asked interrupting his thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Well 'ol goat chin is on that annual doctors convention and we are home all alone."

"I'll drop you off at aunt Sasuki's." was his reply. "I'll say my friends and I have to go somewhere."

"But we wanna go with you." Karin and Yuzu said at the same time, in perfect unison. Ichigo's scowl got worse. He sat up and stared at the girls.

"No. It's dangerous." Now he understood. His sisters were planning on going with him all along. That's why Karin was asking those questions.

"We've been in danger before." Karin argued as Yuzu suddenly remembered the roast in the oven and ran downstairs.

"I said no and I mean no."

Karin stood up and walked through the door. "Fine, we'll be with aunt Sasuki while your gone on your trip to the soul society. We wont be bored. We'll be to busy spreading the copies of this picture to all of your friends." Karin said and help up an old picture. Ichigo turned and looked at it. It was taken when he was about three or four. The picture was of two little kids. A boy and a girl. Both were in the bathtub naked, with bubbles everywhere. The boy was Ichigo with his unmistakeable orange hair and the girl had short spiky black hair. Also known as Tatsuki. "I'm sure Tatsuki will love to know that you kept it. In your diary, under your bed, tucked away." Karin started to smirk as Ichigos eyes widened. Ichigo didn't have a diary. That we're aware of anyways. He also knew that picture was part of Karins blackmail area. She got it from their mothers old albums and made a lot of copies of it. Just like a bunch of other photos. If he left that photo would be all over Japan in just twenty-four hours. Imagine what would happen when Ichigo came back from the soul society.

"So, Ichi. Nii. San, what do you say? Can we still not go with you to the Soul. .?" Karin asked with a smirk. Ichigo stared at her for a moment. He then sighed and looked down.

"Pack a small backpack of your necessities. We leave tomorrow." He then went back to looking for Kon. Karin smirked and then walked calmly downstairs to tell Yuzu they were going with their elder brother.

(Aqua and Crimson have both written storeis for Bleach! Aqua has other siblings on the site that write as well. Crimson has no siblings...and she likes it that way! :D.)

"Ah, Kurosaki siblings. What brings you to my humble home?" Kisuke Urahara asked the siblings when they showed up at his door. Ichigo had his hands in his pockets as he scowled at the perverted shop keeper. Karin and Yuzu both smiled -well Karin smirked- at the shopkeeper and each had a small backpack on their backs.

"We have to go to the soul society for some competition thingy." Ichigo explained. "Well I do, Karin and Yuzu just want to come along." Urahara smirked behind his fan.

"And you agreed?"

"...Karin...showed reason." Ichigo looked away with an even bigger scowl.

"Can we go now!" Karin grumbled. "Or are we just going to sit here and talk over tea?"

Yuzu sweat dropped and forced a laugh while Ichigo just shook his head. "Very well come along." Urahara said with a flourish he then took them down into the basement that each had trained in. "Now then, since you three are all soul reapers, you can go through the senkai gate. So please step out of your bodies." The siblings did as they were told. Then Urahara told them how to get to the soul society through the gate. Then they were on their way. "Good luck!" Urahara called as the gate on Uraharas side. Ichigo then led the way.

The siblings walked through the bare passage. Karin and Ichigo argued half way through until Yuzu threatened them with a spoon. They both quieted down after that. Believe me when I say, Yuzu's spoons hurt. Ichigo and Isshin got the welts to prove it. Why doesn't Karin? Simple, she's smart. Finally in front of the siblings another set of gates opened and they walked through.

Here's the problem. Ichigo led the way. So as the kids walked through they walked into a big room. A big room with tall doors with VERY important people in the room. Who are those people? The captains and vice captains of the 13 gotei. Karin looked at all the bewildered people and sighed.

"Ichi-nii...why are you such a dumbass?" She then turned to Yuzu. "I told you we shouldn't have let him lead us. He wouldn't know what direction to take if the directions were shoved us his as-" Ichigo quickly put a hand over her mouth to stop her from saying the rest of the cuss words. Kenpachi and Renji started to laugh. Yamamoto then banged his staff onto the floor to silence the room.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I understand the mishap of coming into this room. But what is the meaning of these girls?" he asked. Ichigo let go of Karins mouth and turned.

"They're my little sisters. This one," He put a hand on Yuzu's head. "Is the youngest, Yuzu. This one," he put his other on Karins head. "Is Karin, she's the elder by fifteen minutes."

"What are they doing here with you."

"I...persuaded him to let us come for the competition." Karin explained.

Ichigo scoffed. "Persuade, being the key word."

"We wanted to see what the soul society looked like. Plus we thought it might be fun to...try our strengths."

Ichigo blinked and looked down at his sisters. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We want to join the competition, Ichi-nii-san. Especially me. I want to fight THAT guy!" Karin yelled and pointed at Kenpachi with a grin. Ichigo stared at his sisters for a moment before he exploded.

"NO, NO, NO! Absolutely not! I REFUSE! NO NO NO NO NO NO!" He then grabbed their backpacks. "I'm taking you to aunt Sasuki's. You saw enough here!" Karin then held a picture for only Ichigo to see. He stopped and looked at Karin.

(Blackmail is the best way to get your siblings to do what you want. I have tried it many times it always works, that is, until the sibling you are blackmailing destroys the blackmail. Then you run like hell. - Aqua) (So very true. Especially when they destroy your blackmail and get some of their own. Then you really run like hell. - Crimson) (Although it as never happened to me before. But my brother has had it happen more than usual. - Aqua)

"I only need one hour and this will be EVERYWHERE. Do you really want that?" Ichigo stopped and turned to Yamamoto.

"Can they join the fight too?"

"I don't see why not. What levels are they at?" Yamamoto asked.

Karin stepped foreward. "I've achieved shikai."

Yuzu stepped foreward. "Same as Karin-chan." Yamamoto nodded.

"Very well. I'll allow you to compete." From Karin came a 'whatever' and from Yuzu a 'Yay!' Yamamoto then continued. "You will be staying at the tenth division during your stay.

"Tenth?" The twins asked and looked towards the place Ichigo was. Straight at Toshiro Hitsugaya.

IT IS DONE! YAY! Now we hope you like it. We also hope you review! Please keep reading when the next chapter comes! OH YEAH! Kick ass, people! Hehe. We will have the next chapter up soon. Thanks again. ^^

Flames will be laughed at. And then posted on our profile so that all, can see. Then when all people have laughted at it, We will send the flame back to the sender with all the jokes the reviewers said. - Aqau

So please don't make us be mean. No Flames please. - Crimson