Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but boy what would I give to stare into those big brown eyes.

A/N I know it's been done before, but it has been eating at my brain for almost a week. This is also my first go at a Sherlock Holmes fic. Be gentle with me!

Down the rabbit hole

Two months, two painstakingly long months since Watson wed and left me here alone at Baker Street. The days were long, the nights longer, and not even a swift injection of cocaine kept me entertained for long. No case that came my way held any interest, even the absence of Mrs. Hudson was feeding my boredom. I sat in the same velvet lined chair day in and day out plucking at the violin, staring into nothingness.

"Mr. Holmes, I suggest you go out for a bit, breathe some clean air." Mrs. Hudson complained, setting down the tea tray.

"Is my constant plucking bothering you…..nanny?" I stopped plucking the strings long enough for her to look my way. I held her gaze for a moment, and then continued much to her annoyance. Shaking her head she left me to my boredom. I hated to admit that blasted woman did have a point.

"I suppose a walk wouldn't be so bad." I murmured to my self, grabbing a hat and my coat I descended the 17 steps from my holdup at 221B.

I was thankful for the lack of people wandering about the cobblestone streets, it gave me less to focus on, even if my mind did need a bit of exercise. There was a man arguing with a young woman. His wife perhaps. No, she wore no ring on her finger as he did, his mistress, he must have been putting an end to their affair, as she was now chasing after his cab down the street. I had found myself walking down an abandoned alleyway, nothing but the clicks of my shoes to keep me company. In all my years here I didn't recall this place, strange, how something in such close proximity of my home was completely new to me. It led to a dead end. A solid brick wall.

"How peculiar." I said quietly examining the wall before me. It bricks seemed to be lined with some sort of shimmering dust. I cocked my head sideways and leaned in a bit closer. It seemed that the closer I got, the more the wall would shine, and it was mesmerizing. Reaching out I traced my finger along one of the lines, gasping when my felt my finger slide into the wall.

"Hmmm…..there must be some logical explanation to this." I withdrew my finger and placed both my palms onto the wall, pushing slightly. They too went inside the wall, the harder I pushed, the further they went. Withdrawing both hands I stood back and looked at the wall, still glistening in the moonlight.

"I wonder if I can't pass my entire body through, but to where does it lead." Hypnotized by the shimmering charm I placed my hands back upon the wall.

"Only one way to find out I suppose." I inhaled deeply and pushed my way through into the unknown.

Into the unknown was right. It would seem that I had not only traveled through the wall but into someplace I have never seen the likes of before. The wall was gone, in its place stood a stone wall and I was no longer in an alleyway, but on a cobblestone street. There were people dressed in the most peculiar clothing, most of the women either had on some sort of trousers or very short things that loosely resembled a dress of some sort. Their accents were American.

"American? I traveled from London to America? Impossible!" I thought to myself, yet here I was. The street was lined with shops, most of them closed, the windows full of delightful trinkets and gadgets. A pile of newspapers sat close to one of the windows.

"February 1st 2010.….2010!" I stumbled away from the window, nearly tripping over the curb.

"Defiantly Impossible, must be some kind of hoax, yes a hoax, there is no way I traveled through a wall into another country and into the future as well." I rambled as I briskly made my way down the street. A light on in a shop window caught my attention. I pushed open the door, a small bell rang as I stepped inside. It smelled heavenly, it was a bakery. The scent of coffee and baked goods filled the air.

"Sorry, I'm closed." I heard a woman's voice call.

"Hello?" I took notice to the rustling behind the counter.

"Damn pennies!" She stood up with a hand full of copper coins. I tried not to notice how wonderful she looked. Dark red hair, almost the color of cherries, grey eyes that had flecks of blue towards the centers. She too wore trousers, with a black shirt and a rustic looking necklace that trailed into the neck of her shirt. An heirloom perhaps.

"Oh hi!" She smiled, I noticed the intriguing dimple she had just below her left eye. "Sorry I thought you were another tourist. Did Kyle send you? I thought he was off tonight, but don't worry, I'll have his usual ready in a bit." I said nothing, I found myself at a loss for words.

"Are you new,? The new ones are always quiet at first."


She lifted one of her eyebrows. "Are you ok?"

"Please Madame can you tell me today's date?" She looked like an honest enough person.

"February 1st."

"And the year?"

"Seriously?" A look of annoyance grew upon her face.

"Damnit woman please!" I snapped.

"Look, if Kyle sent you here for his coffee that's fine, you can even stay in character if you'd like, but don't come into my shop and harass me."

"I don't know anyone by the name of Kyle, what are you going on about."

"You're not with the ghost tours?"

So you like? Please let me know it would mean a lot to me! I'm gonna try to get the next one up ASAP it will be in the girls point of view probably from now on. Reviews make me all mushy inside!
