When your broken in a million

little pieces and your trying

but you cant hold on anymore

every tear falls down for a reason

dont you stop believing

in yourself Little girl dont be so blue

I know what your going through

dont let it beat you up

Chapter 1

I jumped up when Charlie slammed his fists down on the table and glared at me. He didnt say anything to me, just glared at me and shoved his bowl of food in the fridge stalking outside and racing off in his curiser. I sighed and walked up to my room plopping down on it and staring off at nothing. That was what was left of me. Nothingness. Charlie had raced off after another arguement about me. I hadnt been eating latley, or doing anything acctually. I showered every morning and brushed my teeth and thats it. I would sit somewhere and stare off at nothing. Charlie was desperate. He hated seeing me this way and i felt horrible for doing that to him but i just could not bring myself out of this misery that had consumed my whole being.

At some point during the time i had been thinking, I had fallen asleep I didnt know for how long but it was dark outside. I stood and went toward the living room stopping at a mirror to look at myself. I was a shadow of what i was before. My eyes looked hollow and unseeing. my skin more pale than before, my hair had grown to my waist in curls that i hadnt bothered to cut, i was thin, much too thin and as i pulled up the sleeves of my shirt i could easily see the scars that etched along my wrists, at least a hundred.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed Charlie wasnt home yet, the cruiser wasn't in the driveway like it usually was. I frowned looking at the clock 2:07am.He really should be home by now. I called his phone. No answer. I called again and again, even calling the station. No answer. I began to get frantic climbing into my truck and driving to the diner and bar, he was no where to be found. I thought maybe he would have returned home by now and headed back frantically hoping he had returned while i was away. I felt the panic claw its way in when i saw that there was no cruiser in the driveway.

I entered the house running when i heard the phone ringing, could it be Charlie? I held my breath as i picked up and pressed talk shaking slightly.

"Hello? Charlie?" I said frantically.

"No, no, this isn't Charlie, who am i speaking too?" A voice filled with symapthy asked. I had a nervous feeling and knew something bad had happened in the pit of my stomach.

"This is Isabella Swan, who am I speaking too?" I said stressing the I.

"Isabella, this is deputy Frank, i have some very bad news. Charlie passed away in a car accident a few hours ago, im so sorry Isabella" When i heard those words it felt like someone had stabbed my heart a million times. I dropped the phone and sank to the ground unable to stand. I curled up in a ball and rocked myself back and forth. I was really alone now. Phil and Renee had passed away about two months after HE left and now Charlie was gone too.

I gingerly picked the phone back up. "What happends now?" I whispered unable to speak louder than that.

"Well, you are officially 18 an adult so you are on your own and Charlie's body was burned in the crash, its up to you if you want to have a funeral, you get everything. Im sorry for you're loss." With that the man hung up leaving me to drown in my guilt. Charlie had gotten in a car crash because i had refused to eat. It was my fault.

I had absolutly nothing to live for. My true love was gone. My mother was gone. My father way gone. My friends refused to talk to me. I had nothing. No one. I crawled to the couch and fell into a deep sleep. When i awoke i looked at the clock and realized i had been sleeping for the whole day it was 11 pm. I stood and went to Charlies room opening the door cautiously and curling up in his un done bed. I took a deep breath, i could smell him. I thought about his shiny brown eyes and gurggly laugh and i wept. I sobbed. I sobbed untill i had no more tears letting the sobs rake throught me.

I didnt want to live anymore. This was not the life that i had wanted. But how could i die? I didnt want to shoot myself or overdose, i was selfish and wanted a quick death. I thought about all the possibilities and remembered the Volturi. With that i stood and took a quick shower before racing to the airport in my truck. I had tugged on my black skinny jeans and a old flannel shirt that had belonged to Charlie along with his way too big for me sweater and my black converse. When i got to the airport i bought a ticket to Volterra, Italy.

I sobbed the whole way there not caring about the looks people gave me. When i finally arrived at the volterra airport i knew that i was a sight to see. Dressed in a baggy sweater and jeans with limp hair and extremly red puffy eyes. I got into a taxi and arrived at the castle in about ten minutes. I arrived at the lobby where Gianna the human receptionist directed me to the throne room. With a nervous fast beating heart i walked into a grand room with three large thrones and several Vampires.


Aro, Cauis, and Marcus, where seated on their thrones when we heard a beating heart make its way toward the doors. We knew Gianna was working but she wouldnt dare come into this room. the doors opened to reveal a very thin, but very beautiful human girl. She looked to be around my age maybe a year younger about 18. She had long curly brown hair to her waist and was too thin with bloodshot brown eyes and skin as pale as my own. She looked hollow, living, but dead. I felt myself drawn to this person. I remembered now that this girl was the human that Edward had come begging to die because of her.

This time she was alone. Aro stood with a smile and walked up close to Isabella if i remmember correctly taking her hand.

"Isabella, so nice of you to visit us, what can we do for you my dear? And where is you're Edward?" Everyone could see her flinch at the sound of his name.

"I'v come to ask a favor, and i dont know where he is. He left." She said in a whisper knowing that we could all hear.

"What is the favor dear Bella? Left? He left you alone for the second time?" Aro asked curious. Everyone was. Edward had seemed like he honestly loved this girl when we last saw him, i wondered what would have made him leave her again. When you looked at this girl it seemed like she was frail, much too delicate to be left alone and too beautiful to be left.

"I want to die." She said simply, looking up at Aro for the first time. You could see the depression in her brown eyes. She had obviously been crying for more than a few days.

"Die? Isabella, why do come to us if you want to die?" Aro asked sympathy and shock apparent on his face.

"Because i had nothing left to live for. And because Ed- He had said that if someone wanted to die they should go to Volterra and the Volturri would grant them thier wish with ease." She said a hint of desperation on her voice.

"Well, Isabella i dont want to kill you, we are not the soul less monsters that he made us out to be, i would love for you to join my guard, if you would premit it." He said. She looked up at him then back down again in thought.

"Couldnt you just kill me please?" She asked hesitantly pleading with Aro, could she really be that depressed.

"No, im sorry Isabella, but your only choices are too stay here and live with us as a part of our servants, or as a part of our guard. I cannot allow myself, or anyone else to kill you, my dear your a precious child and i dont understand how Edward Cullen left you but i promise you, you will be happy here" Aro said with a great amout of love toward the Isabella. She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why do you care if i die" She said looking up at Aro. Aro looked back at her at her and smiled sadly.

"Because somehow i feel like your the daughter i never had and i would like it very much if you would consider staying here as part of the guard and also my adopted daughter, the princess of the Volturi.

Isabella's face lit up when she heard the word daughter and her face contorted a few more tears spilling our as well. "Ok, ill be your daughter" With that she ran up to Aro and hugged him tightly. At first he looked shocked and i heard several gasps around the room, no one touched Aro like that. He then smiled and hugged her back.

"Welcome, to the family Princessa Isabella Marie Volturi." He said as she smiled up at him wiping away her tears. "Alec, would you do the honor of showing Isabella to her room and expalining everything to her, Jane and Heidi will pick her up in an hour to take her shopping and tomorrow you will change her into one of us. After the change bring her to me." I bowed slightly to him and gestured for the beautiful girl to follow me.

Once we where a bit past the throne room i spoke up making up my mind to talk to her. "Hello Isabella, princess, my name is Alec Volturi" I said bowing down slightly to her as well and kissing her hand.

"Hi Alec" She said blushing.

Hmmm...can anyone else feel the love? :D ALice POV next chapter! with more ALec and Bella POV's im still not sure if i want to do a Edward POV or maybe Even Aro POV. Tell me what you think and ill update by tommrow if i get at least 3-4 reveiws! REVIEWW!
