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Epilogue: Loving Leisure...?

The evening was lit with the blasts of fireworks and the sounds of cheering. It was just as I would have pictured it, a celebration I mean. I'd never really been to festivals or the like, but I knew what they'd be like. Stormwind had almost fully recovered, thanks to the hard work of its inhabitants, and those from the surrounding area who pitched in to help. I uttered thanks to the passing guards, who were thanking me for my help saving Stormwind. I had been promoted to an honorary Stormwind Guard, but I still preferred my old style of travelling around the world in search of adventures. I wasn't the type to hang around one place for too long, anyway. And that's what I would continue to do. I felt a tug at my hand as Kujajin spun me around to face him.

"Al and my sister are waiting in the Trade District," He informed me without a greeting, "C'mon."

"Yes, my liege," I gave him a mock bow, as a joke of course, and followed his lead along to the bridge. He's still getting used to Human politeness, like saying "hello" before ordering someone around. He'd get there eventually, I thought.

We walked passed the canals and into the Trade District. The rest of the city was celebrating their victory over the invasion, of course. We passed the various bars with cheering Dwarves and entered the middle of the district, where Alpine and Votheilia gave us welcoming waves. At least they knew customs around here.

"Yo, Kujajin," Alpine started as we approached them, "We went up to Vo's place and picked up Max."

"Max?" Kujajin perked up, as I thought he might.

His Black Panther looked over at him from behind his sister, and immediately bolted in his direction. He jumped up on Kujajin, nearly knocking him over. Kujajin rubbed behind his ears and scratched his neck fondly. The two must have been really close, as Hunters often were with their pets. It was a reciprocal exchange of respect, he had told me one, and trust. You have to be able to trust each other with your lives, and trust breeds friendship and understanding, he'd said.

"Wow, Elfboy," I said innocently, "you and your cat are pretty close."

"He was my Father's cat," He said in a more serious tone, which was something even I didn't know, "Before he passed away a few years ago."

"I understand." I gave him a nod; he had told me about his father a few times prior. He died back when Kujajin lived with his mother and sister, and the three of them were left to manage on their own. Somehow, though, it seemed he almost had a vendetta against his father's passed soul. I turned back to Alpine, "Hey Al, where is everybody?"

"They're all in the Mage district, for the celebration." He told me simply, an odd thing for Alpine to do. Not joke or anything, I mean.

I remembered that. This evening there was some kind of party in the Mage district to honour all those who fought for Stormwind's safety. These people were very grateful, I'd never pegged them for it though. Living alone and all, you're only ever grateful to the merciful elements. Leisurely, the five of us walked up to the celebratory area. I hadn't really seen the damage done to the Mage district, but it must have been pretty bad, since it was still a little broken and beaten around the corners. The reconstruction group was doing a fast and orderly job, though.

The area near the heart of the Mage district was infested with alliance folk. I'm sure Kujajin, Votheilia and Alpine felt a little on edge, in case someone didn't recognize them, I mean. There were three men standing on some kind of stone platform in front of everyone, discussing something amongst themselves. One of them noticed us and gave us a warm smile, gesturing to the others.

"Welcome, Heroes of Stormwind!" He greeted with arms wide open, the crowd cheered, and I almost fell over with shock. As the cheers died down, the man spoke louder, "Kujajin, if not for your efforts, Stormwind city would not exist today."

"Come up here," Another spoke excitedly, "Field Marshal Kujajin of Eversong."

I felt Kujajin squeeze my hand, and looked over at him. I knew that he had done so much for Stormwind —far more than I did— and I wasn't jealous to let him take the glory. But, for some reason, It didn't seem to me that he wanted it. He tugged on my arm and led me up to the platform, despite my protests, and believe me, I protested a lot.

"Hey, what are you-" He pulled me forward quickly, "Just let me-"

We weaved through the crowd expertly, and he pulled me up onto the stage, stumbling. I felt awkward and anxious being there, for I felt I didn't deserve to be there. I was part of the actual invasion itself, technically. Kujajin cleared his throat curtly while the audience quieted down, before speaking.

"It's a great honour to have been of assistance," He started, "But I only feel that it's fair to give credit where credit is due." He flashed me a supportive look before continuing, "If I had my way, I would have walked right into Stormwind city upon hearing the news of an invasion, and probably would have been killed on sight." He laughed, though I didn't think it was really that funny of a thought, pretty realistic if you ask me, "I owe my life and my gratitude to you, Nasrina."

I just stared at him. I wasn't only confused as to why he was thanking me, I was just plan stupefied that he thought I had actually done anything to merit such esteem. In my mind, I hadn't done all that much for him, or for Stormwind. I was simply the tag-along girl. I mean, he was the one who led the forces against the invasion, anyway. He was the one who saved me in Ironforge. I waited for him to continue, anyway.

"Nasrina advised me with my decisions, bravely faced the danger of the Ironforge Invasion, travelled knowingly into Horde territory, went undercover into the Warchief's meeting, and braved imprisonment by Thrall's men." He pulled me forward, into the spotlight, where I was least comfortable, "If it weren't for you," He spoke to me, "I wouldn't have done anything that I did."

I watched his eyes for any sign of lies, but found none. It's hard for me to believe people, but right now, I couldn't see any reason why I shouldn't. I hadn't known how much of an influence I had been on him, I guess. I blushed when he gave me another smirk, probably amused by my awkward silence. The crowd cheered louder, and I was overwhelmed at the sheer numbers of attendees. The crowd looked bigger from up here.

"And let me not forget," Kujajin started again, "the courageous efforts of my sister, Votheilia, and my good friend Alpine." Kujajin looked out at them over the audience.

"Do you have anything to say?" One of the important men on the platform asked Alpine and Votheilia, and the crowd went quieter to hear.

"Your name is Nasrina?" Alpine shouted in confusion.

Kujajin laughed and waved the question away. I forgot I hadn't told him yet. The men announced the beginning of the celebration, and the crowd cheered. The entire celebration was basically a buffet, dancing, fireworks, booze, and enjoying each others' company. As I'd always imagined, I suppose. The four of us were lying in the grass, on our backs, in a small circle, with our heads in the middle, staring up at the lights dancing on the strings. This was too much for a simple girl like me, really. To my right was Kujajin, left was Alpine, and above me was Votheilia.

"Sometimes, when you look up at the sky, don't you think it feels like we're trapped inside a marble?" Alpine spoke up over the dull hum of the cheering crowd a little ways away.

"I can't say I've ever thought that." I replied truthfully, not really taking much note of the comment.

"Nope, me neither." Kujajin agreed definitively.

"I think that all the time." Votheilia said with a firm nod. Kujajin and I both looked up at her, then looked at each other and shared a shrug.

"Man," I sat up and stretched my arms a little, "it feels good to lie down every once in a while, and not on hard rocks and dirt, I mean."

I heard the rhythm of music playing a little ways away and turned around. I watched the intriguing dancing of the city inhabitants. I stared at them for a moment longer than I intended, before lying back down on the ground with the others. Kujajin raised his head and looked over at where I had been staring, and a smile graced his lips.

"You want to dance?" He asked me suddenly.

"Hm?" I looked up at him innocently, "No, you idiot, what kind of a girl do you think I am?" I glared at him sternly.

"The female kind?" Alpine inquired, and I laughed as I smacked him for being so blunt.

I contemplated in that moment, that perhaps this was what I had been searching for. Maybe, this is the kind of contentment that I wanted. Surrounded by friends, in this fearless atmosphere, maybe this what was it was all about. It felt very distant to me, though, all this happiness and festivities. It was comfortable, but perhaps too comfortable. For someone like me, anyway. In that moment in time, it seemed that all I really wanted to do was lie here, and bask in the contentment.

"Help, help me!" Someone called from the entrance to the Mage district.

The music came to a halt as an old man sprinted inside, out of breath, ranting about something no one could understand. From so far away, we couldn't hear but a word, so Kujajin and I stood abruptly and walked over to the older man. The guards attempted to calm him down, and some crowded around the poor frightened gentleman. His eyes darted everywhere, and his hands reached and grasped all around him, looking for someone to listen and understand him.

"Calm down now, what is it?" One of the music players asked.

"It's Arthas!" He cried as he grasped the side of the building, "He's gone mad!"

"What do you mean?" A Stormwind city guard ushered for more.

"He's," He wheezed, "He's found," He panted heavily again, and for a moment I thought he was going to pass out or die, "It's the Lich King!"

"The what?" He asked on, almost to the point of shaking the man.

Kujajin and I exchanged glances. Alpine moved in closer to hear the guy, and Votheilia followed. The crowd was buzzing with questions, and all went unanswered. The man coughed vigorously; elderly and exhausted. They all fell silent again, as the man opened his mouth to try and speak again, though his hoarse and scratchy voice.

"The Wrath of the Lich King!" He stated simply, before falling into the arms of a guard, coughing and shaking madly. The guard took him slowly away, seeking medical aid.

"Nasrina?" Kujajin tilted his head towards me expectantly.

"Not missing this for the World." I grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction the man had come from, with Alpine and Votheilia following.

Maybe I just wasn't meant to be comfortable, like these people. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be content, or laze around in one place. Maybe I was put on Azeroth to run around the world, chase people, and sleep on dirt. I was okay with that, I really was. I wasn't the type to cage myself, like all these other Humans seemed to be content with. We indeed were a curious kind of creature. I remembered it then, and slowed.

"Wait," I stopped them, "I forgot something back at the Inn; I'll be right back."

"Don't keep us waiting," Alpine joked, but let me go.

I gave them a quick wave and ran back to the Stormwind Inn. I greeted the Innkeeper and sprinted up the stairs to my room. The halls were dark, with no lights, and my room was darker. The door creaked open slowly and I closed it softly behind me. I walked over to beside the bed and searched under my pillow; only to find nothing. I lifted the pillow itself and saw nothing underneath it. I felt around, and only touched the smooth, lenient softness of a mattress. I was sure I had left my daggers under there, I always did.

Cer-clunk, cer-clunk – his boot steps echoed through the room, stiffening my form. I dared not turn around to look upon him, but instead watched his moving shadow on the ground below me.

"Looking for something," Thrall spoke through his cracked and heavy voice, "Warrior-Girl?"


Well, there you have it, the end of Saving Stormwind. I hope you enjoyed it, and REMEMBER TO REVIEW! Also, It's official! There is a sequel. I'm still in the process of writing it, but at least you know it's coming. I'm being presumptuous, of course, thinking that just because you read all the way through you enjoyed it. Well, if you did, keep close watch for the sequel, because it's coming soon! Review, too!

Preview of SEQUEL:

"Kharn'A'Lei," A deeper voice addressed him, "Quit playing with the woman."

"Huh?" I looked up to the speaker, registering him as a rather influential guy, but I could not remember who he was, "Who are you?"

"Viola, that's what they call you, isn't it?" He bent down to me beside this Kharn'A'Lei.

"Yes, but how do you know that?" I stared at him suspiciously, in confusion. The faces, it was as if it was too much for me to look at them. It hurt my head, and in agony I clutched the throbbing part of my temple.

"Oh perfect," He grinned at me, "I knew that hit on the head would be a good idea."

"The… hit on the head?" I asked, cocking my head reaching to touch the part of my scalp which seemed most painful. There it was, a fresh gash that was already scabbed over.

"Poor dear," The Orc shook his head, "You don't remember, do you?"

"No," I said uneasily and somewhat carefully. I felt rising resentment bubbling up in my chest. I hated not knowing what was going on.

"Exactly." He chuckled, seemingly amused, "You don't remember me at all, right?"

"No," I muttered again, becoming frustrated with his smugness.

"Well," He stood up and towered over me, "I am Warchief Thrall."