Authoress's Note: Here is the second part of the two-shot I dedicated for Shimmerleaf and Moonlit Dreaming. Hope you enjoy it, oh and this is the song-fic part of the story… Sorry if some characters are a bit OOC, I lacked time for research. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the storyline and the plot I concocted up.

Every Time I Hear Your Name

"I guess we weren't meant to be." Lanna sighed as she slowly applied her newly-bought mascara. She dabbed on a light shade of pink on her cheeks and a deep one right on her lips. She took out her compact and finally examined her face, rosy cheeks because of blush, full-colored lips because of lip gloss and tantalizing eyes caused by mascara and eye shadow.

"Ugh," she grunted, "I missed the spot again!" She then took out her vanishing cream to cover up the zit on her chin. "From all faces in the world, why did fate choose to curse my face with a big ugly zit?" She asked on the face in the mirror ironically and fully known of the fact that the figure won't reply. Or at least that's what she thought.

Visions, dreams, voices taunting her everyday ever since she came back to the city made her new nerve-wrecking life even more complicated. Different voices but always one main purpose was present in the hour of her delusions: her career change.

Ever since Denny convinced her to get back up on stage after her manager's arrival, their relationship pretty much went downwards. Not only theirs though, the whole island's bond with her slowly became farther and farther away than Denny's. What happened to her?

What happened to me? She thought.

All Lanna could remember when she first visited on the island after her first concert were the cold stares they gave her, the agonizing silence they'll share with her in the dining table or any place where any people are even standing. They gave her the cold shoulder, no, something even worse and Lanna surely wasn't able to bear with it.

Natalie, ever so brave and outgoing Natalie, what happened to her? All little Lanna did was just give her some ideas on how to actually dress like a girl and make her posture more lady-like. Was it too insulting? She badly needed a makeover, from head to toe, and a good change of attitude too.

And then there's Julia, the sweet and caring Julia, what made her change? Lanna just sent her some diet pills to make her look a bit thinner. Was it really wrong to tell her that she had too much weight on her body? Elliot knows what's best for her anyways, so maybe he'll just stop her if she can't go any further.

Sabrina, the shy and sweet girl at the mansion, just gave her blank stares every time they meet around the islands. Sabrina was a really kind and sweet girl, she'll stutter a word or two every now and then but that's just it. Maybe I should schedule an appointment with her and my publicist.

Chelsea was also another conflict in the island. The village simply adored the girl, always talking about her latest achievements and awards and her relationship with Mark. Why did they always have to talk about her? Why not famous and successful Lanna?

Then there's the very gorgeous and sexy Lily, her beady eyes full of rage and hate burning her very presence in shame. She was never the one for make-up or glamour, but the way she moved, the way she carry and portray herself in front of the people around her, you'll think she was a diva or a celebrity in the making. But no, she was just a simple treasure hunter looking for various rare pieces of stones scattered around the island.

Lanna tried her best to convince her to come with her in the limelight, to experience something new in the city but her gentle husband had it going to prevent her to come back to the city. Either for her protection or for her own desire, she mockingly denied Lanna's offer.

"I don't need those petty things most girls like you are after." Lily spat bitterly. She knew that behind her orbs of burning onyx is a heart full of regret and sadness washing over her mind. Lanna didn't want to make Lily go any further as Will captured his wife in a soft embrace. They slowly walked away, hand in hand, without giving Lanna another hesitating glance. What was the real reason Lily can't join with her? When she becomes a star, she can have all the treasures she can ever have. "What is it?" she ponders. "Is it love?" she says again, her voice barely audible.


That was the only thing that can make her miserable life complete again. For a while, she went to the city to strengthen her relationship with Denny. She thought that the numerous places they'll be able to visit will make their bond grow stronger and wrap themselves around emotional growth. She dreamed that while she is famous and loved by many fans, she and Denny will settle down and have kids and grow old together.

She soon learned that reality and fantasy can't collide. She learned it the hard way.

He became ignorant and distant. He didn't return her calls, nor did he reply in the numerous floods of emails she sent to him everyday. He often became silent and not anymore the noisy, annoying chatterbox he was.

Lanna couldn't bare the fact that their relationship, the strong and solemn relationship they built, is now slowly crushing down. She never noticed it before, and she regretted the obvious hints Denny's been giving her.

She sits on her desk stacked with all the new songs she has to practice, contracts she had to reread and some scores she has to practice again on her guitar. A small piece of paper soon caught her eye, and soon enough she was in the verge of sobbing again.

It was a photo of her and Vaughn, wrapped in a warm embrace while posing for the cameras. Was this love? Was this true love?

She tucked the photo on the corner of her desk and began writing on a blank sheet of paper. It's been a long time she has written to the island, and now with their dying relationship, now is the right time to say goodbye for once and for all.

Dear Denny,

Hey Den-dumbs, I miss you already. Ever since you walked away from me, said your goodbye, and boarded that ship, I never thought that you'll still be a big part in my life. It's been six months and I can still remember all the jokes you'll pull off to make me laugh. I have tried to forget, let you out of my head, but the memories we made just won't fade.

I can try to run, I can try to hide. But this pain won't go away easily. Vaughn's always comforting me, bringing me gifts every now and then and trying to keep my mind off of things. He'll make jokes like you do, which I find rather disturbing, and try to keep up with all the chatter we do. But I know that the hardest part he does that is because he'll often slip away saying your name.

The pop star singer slowly staggers in her position, thinking about what to really write next. She lets go of the pen, letting her fingers stretch for a while from the cramped state they were a while ago. Denny. His name brings out pain and hurt and always leaves a large, empty hole in her chest. But somehow, in someway, writing this letter can actually mend that hole into a shield. She grasps the pen with her nimble fingers, and slowly began to write in a new way of expression.

Cause every time I hear your name, my worlds stops for a moment. With just a single and simple word, I can see your tanned face again. Every time I hear your name, my world stops for a moment. And I'm taken back to what we had: the memories, the jokes, and the laughter, everything when I hear your name.

She staggered for a moment, wiping the soft tears forming up in her eyes. She stood up and headed for the washroom, hoping to erase the nagging feeling in her head that this was wrong. The water flowing down her faucet slowly cleansed all the impurities that her face have struggled to put up with. Flowing like a river in her mind, it soothed her to the very tips of her skin. When she looked up, however, she gazed at a person a lot different from herself.

Ebony hair shining, no, gleaming under the warm rays of the sun casting a glow on her face. Her orbs of a beautiful amethyst stares back at her topaz ones, sending a wave of concern and worry across her face. Lanna shook her head and again stared at the porcelain mirror, hoping to see the girl again.

But she was wrong.

She saw her old self again, marked with signs of sadness and regret. She sighed an exasperated sigh and slowly walked again to finish her letter. She sat down on the opulent couch her fans gave her and then, let her fingers move on their own, releasing all the emotion kept within her.

Now I'm you found you're special girl, namely Sabrina, to fix that empty space in your heart. But I'm stuck with the love that we shared, that time just can't erase. As I told you, I have tried to forget, to get everything about you out of my head, but still those memories won't fade.

I'm trying to run, I'm trying to hide from this painful feeling inside, but it won't ever go away. Because every time I hear your name, my whole world stops for a moment and especially now that we're far apart. With just one single word, I can see your face that can actually bring me memories that takes me back to what we had, every time I hear your name.

Cherish your sweetheart for me, the way I should have treated you before. Looking at me now, I think I've matured because of you Denny, and I won't be able to forget you.

Love Lots,


She tucked in the letter in an old, white envelope sealing it shut with a goodbye kiss. She called in her publicist and instructed to her to put it in a bottle then send it. With a longing heart searching for true love, she tucked in on her sheets and went back to her dreamland peacefully.


"Vaughn." she said weakly, looking up at his tall, lean figure. Vaughn looked up from the papers he was reading and soon approached Lanna.

"Yes?" He said meekly, giving Lanna's hand a tight squeeze. He was really concerned about her health since she wasn't in good condition ever since she sent the letter to Denny.

"Do you love me?" She asked with a small smile, hoping to get an honest answer from the silver-haired gentleman. He reaches down to brush of her bangs to sides to plant a sweet kiss on her forehead, before answering, "Yes"

Lanna smiled and continued to sleep, now contented that she may not be with Denny anymore, but she had found someone that truly loves her. Vaughn chuckled at the sight, slowly realizing the thinnest layer of resemblance Lanna and Sabrina had. He cooed her name again and sighed, "I guess we weren't meant to be." He now then closes the picture of him and Sabrina on their last date in the islands, together hand in hand. He looked at Lanna's frail state and simply grunted a "Get well soon" before squeezing her thin hand and exiting the room.


A week later, Denny finally received her letter. He was in tears after that, but Sabrina was able to comfort him with love and happiness they both have built and cherished. He didn't know how to thank Sabrina for all the kindness she has bestowed upon him. She defended him from Regis's demands and all gossip concerning their relationship.

"I owe you something, too." She'll say when the question arises above them. Denny again looked at Sabrina lovingly and they spent an hour or so just gazing and caressing each other's face. Just being comfortable with each other was enough to satisfy their relationship.

He gazed on a display case right beside her bed, shining with a golden plaque below to symbolize its importance. He was nervous that day, the day when he will propose his love. From the time they recuperated from the rejection they faced, the bond between them grew stronger and stronger at each passing day.

A Blue Feather, it says, a contract of undying fidelity and love to each other's betrothed. He was happy he made the right choice. As he placed a soft kiss on Sabrina's forehead, he couldn't help but smile at the resemblances she and Lanna can make.

"I guess we weren't meant to be" he whispered to the breeze engulfing them. He was happy that he found his true love, yet he cannot deny that he was still saddened by the fact that he and Lanna can never be. He stared across the ocean, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to be your sweetheart. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain, but it seemed that we were never meant to be. I'm sorry you had to die so soon especially when you had just reached stardom in the industry. I'm really sorry."

The couple now gazed upon the ocean, wide and vast, while listening to Lanna's new hit.

Every time I hear Your Name.

I may be beautiful

I may be hot

But deep inside me

I'm just searching for love
