Disclaimer: Now before anyone says anything. I wrote this after thinking ever since this movie came out about writing it. SO yeah, Im finally getting down to business. Anyway Im going to go ahead and say, this story follows VERY closely to the film. If you notice that most of the dialogue is from the movie, exactly how it is written then you are a true fan. Obsessed. But true. ;] Now, I don't own anything except for any OC's you may or will find throughout the story. Also, if anyone is interested, I would like a beta reader? And all things that my OC talks about are real life events that I thought were funny. And yes, that means her report is real. I am in fact related to R. E. Lee.

Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth... But we were already too late.

Saying school was boring was an understatement. But saying Mr. Honsey's class was boring.. Well that was like saying Ozzy Osbourne wasn't a legend. It just simply bwasb/. But it wasn't so bad I liked to think. I mean, my brother was in the class too.

Oh how completely rude of me, my name's Annaleigh Vitesse Witwicky, I know what kind of name is that? But it was my name since the Witwicky family adopted me. Yes adopt. You know? The place kids from months old to pre-teens stay at until they are lucky enough to find a home. Kid's that get their pedigree. It's like a puppy farm but for humans. Anyway's, Ron and Judy wanted a daughter, but a car crash ruined they're chances at having another baby. Barely a year after Judy gave birth to Sam. But they adopted me as a baby, and boy am I grateful.

Anyways back to Mr. Honsey's class. We had this report to do on our family. And Teach' was so lucky to get two siblings in the same class, that he said specifically we weren't allowed to do the same person. Unfortunately, he learned that after the last three reports Sam and I did. Young Grasshoppa has learned very well... Damn.

"Ms. Witwicky pay attention!"

I snapped out of my slight daze, turning my head to look up at the desk Teach sat at. Being in the somewhat middle of the class had it's ups and downs. For some reason, every time a teacher calls your name in class, people have to look. It's like some encrypted data in our minds. A teacher calls out a student, everyone automatically thinks that student is in trouble and watches.

My thoughts were interrupted when Sam nudged my shoulder. "Ms. Witwicky, it's your turn."

I sighed, grabbed the small box sitting beside my chair and walked up to the front of the class dumping the contents onto the desk. "Aight' for my Family Genealogy report I decided to do it on Sam and I's great ancestor General Robert E. Lee. As all of you know Gen. Lee fought in the Civil War on the side of the Confederate Army. Now Lee was in fact offered a position to fight on the Union's side, but he simply declined and told them-

"We are now in a state of war which will yield to nothing. The whole south is in a state of revolution, into which Virginia, after a long struggle, has been drawn; and though I recognize no necessity for this state of things, and would have forborne and pleaded to the end for redress of grievances, real or supposed, yet in my own person I had to meet the question whether I should take part against my native state. With all my devotion to the Union, and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission m the army, and, save in defense of my native state-with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed-I hope I may never be called upon to draw my sword."

"And so sealed his fate. Now here I have with me a few position's of my x5 Grandpa, pictures of some of the gun's he used in the war. Because well let's face it, I doubt the Councilor is goning to let me walk in the school with a gun."

I shook my head, a slight smile on my face when Trey. A friend of mine stated out loud, "I don't blame her either! After that stunt you pulled in Wal-mart, I'm shocked your parents let you around those guns." At which multiple students looked confused, but Sam, Miles and Ryan started laughing.

"Hey! No talking till she's done!" Teach reprimanded Trey, but it was obvious he was tired and just wanted the day to end.

"Another artifact I have with me, is something Gen. Lee wore on a day to day basis. A very important possession to my family, his hat. While generally stated a priceless heirloom, you would be surprised at how such a small thing can create a big controversy. And yeah this totally ends the presentation."

There were a few moments of silence before Mr. Honsey stated in a peculiar fashion. "You just did your report last night, didn't you Annaleigh." At which I nodded my head rapidly. "...B+" I threw my hand's in the air with a 'w00t w00t' and collected my things to sit down.

He shook his had at my small, but amusing antics. "Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up."

Sam sprung from his seat and all but dumped his backpack full of contents on the table. "Sorry, I got a lot of stuff."

At which point Trent decided to fling a piece of paper at my brother. Effectively hitting him on the cheek. With a slight glare, I stretched my arms behind me, legs rearing up before slamming my foot through the small opening of our grade school chairs. Hitting Trent in his lower back, he let out a sharp grunt, before turning to glare at me in his seat.

"Hiyo~!" I waved with a bright smile.

"Pay attention!"

"Okay. So for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact," Sam reached for a slightly yellowed map, "he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal." He held it up for the class to see.

"In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight into the Arctic Shelf. So that's the story, right?" I then noticed Teach was slouched over, looking about ready to drool on himself. "And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th-century seamen." Chuckles broke out, and Teach had to hold up his favored 'Quiet' sign. 'Pfft, like that works 80% of the time.'

"...Sale, by the way. Like the sextant here. $50 for this, which is a bargain." He held up Grandfathers glasses then. "These are pretty cool. These are our grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but-" AT that my brothers voice drowned out and I glared at him. 'He's trying to SELL granddad's GLASSES? Dammit Sam.'

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade."

The rest of class kind of droned on, a slight mist entering my vision as I gazed out the window. When the bell rang, I was out the door, "Meet you at the car Sam."

"Where's your brother?" My Dad asked, as I climbed the door and settled myself in the backseat.

"Trying to negotiate on a grade."

My Dad chuckled a little before leaning back in his seat, an arm resting on the window seal. "So why don't you want a car right now?"

I grinned, leaning forward and folding my arms on the passengers seat. "Cause I want to put Sam through the torment of going to Wal-greens for women products." Dad laughed even more.

At that moment I heard a distinct YES, before a backpack hit me on the back and Sam jumping right into the passengers seat where I had been hanging. "Yes yes. A-. It's an A, though."

At this point I laid down in the back seat and tuned out most of the conversation. But once Dad played his little car joke, I started cracking up laughing. Sam looked over the seat and stared at me with a sneer, "I can't wait to see what he does to you."

Climbing out the back of the car, I stretched a little and began walking towards the cars to see if any were worth the ride here. "Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. How can I help you?"

"Well my son here, looking to buy his first car."

"You come to see me?" Bobby said, a hand to his chest, tears in his eyes. Guy took Theater Arts class seriously. I tuned out again until he started talking about his Mammy, snorting in laughter when he talked about her.

I then saw it. A camaro. Shut it, a yellow and black 1977 Chevrolet Camaro. My fingers slid along the hood. "Sam!" It was beautiful. Again they were negotiating. Then it happened... A strange siren like sound and at the end it sounded like someone let loose three hits of laughter.

Uncle Bobby B looked scared and stricken. Turning wildly towards our father, four fingers up, "Four thousand!"

Sam and I shared a room. I know weird, right? But thats the way it is, and I wouldn't change it. I was tossing the Tv remote back and forth watching as Sam trekked his way through the room. He was talking to himself.. Again. I slid into his bed, turning on my stomach watching him.

"Sam you look different.."

"Hm?" he stated, not really paying attention.

"Did you cut your own hair again?" After our Mom decided why waste money on haircuts, when we could do it ourselves, the bad days started. Let's just say, Sam and I cut each others hair from now on.

Sam faced me, a kind of Duh look on his face. "No, the sour patch kid came and cut it off while you were in the shower."


"No dummy!" With that he jumped on the bed and squished me.

"Oh god! Ribs.. breaking.. Air passages.. loosing pressure.. Ahh.." Sam was shaking with bit back laughter, he slowly got up and laid a kiss on my hair covered head. "Now Anna, I have the girl, now I just need the girl. I need money to take out the girl, is what I need."

I got up as well, sitting into Sam's computer chair, typing into his ebay account. "No bids bro. Looks like no money for you."

"Great.. Broke."

I pat my lap smiling in amusement, Mojo hopped into my lap with a soft yip. "You want your pain pills?" Yeah that's right. Mojo. Don't look at me, Sam named him. Shaking the little bottle of prescription pills, Mojo barked again as I popped one into my hand and let him take it from my fingers. "Alright I know you get wasted on these Mojo. But if you piss in Sam's bed again, I'm throwing you to the german shepard down the street." Wagging a finger at him, Sam laughing in amusement, "No more. Crack head."

I was bored... Again.

Son of a biscuit.

Time had passed all slow. It was purposely mocking me.

Its been almost two hours since Sam had left with Miles to the park. And all Mom and Dad were doing was watching movies. And Mom was drinking. Dear lord. If there was one well known thing on the street, it was that our Mom, could not hold her liqour all that well. To pass time, or more likely to keep me from being in the same room as Mom, I began reading an old favorite book of mine. Intensity by Dean Koontz. Before I knew it, seven o'clock had come and gone. Getting up from my bed, I headed down stairs where both of my parents were about to get up and take a shower. Fortunatly, it must have shown on my face, because Mom thought she needed to give me the 'birds and the bee's' talk again.

"Judy, no. She's a teenager. She knows what sex is."

I sputtered, and hid my face in my hands, "Oh God, I don't wanna hear this."

"Ron she may not realise that you and I still do it." SHe turned to me, and I swear my heart shriveled up and died. "See baby, sometimes parents need to take out their frustrations, so as to not beat their kids-"

"GoingtoTreyskbye!" I was out the door.

Yep... This was a normal day in the Witwicky household.