Welcome back! It's been over a week due to my brother deleting the story on my computer... Well enjoy!

Chapter 2: Case 1

"Paige, Kyle, Macey,Oscar, Rieko, Sherlock, Cerise, you are team Clue!"Chris said. "Roy, Natasha, Alexa, Ronald, Raven, Ezra, Bailey, Reggie, you are team Mystery."

"Now the game rules are simple, someone on whatever team gets kidnapped and is hidden. Kitten here will make a fake doll of who ever it is and uses someone finger prints on the weapon! Eh, you'll know what to do when the game starts."Chris explained.

"Uh, had anyone seen Ronald?"Alexa asked looking around. Chris had a evil grin but Kitten's was wider. Then someone screamed, everyone but Kitten and Chris ran to the dinning caboose.

Everyone gasped and scream when they saw Ronald's body stabbed with a knife. "Don't worry, he ain't real. Figure it out and we'll give him back, could be anyone of you..."Chris gave a evil laugh but Kitten just palm slapped herself.

Sherlock walked up to the front of the crowd, "People, calm down. Kyle can you give my a hand?"He asked. "Sure." He said walking toward him. Sherlock pulled a glove out his pocket and putted it on.

He pulled out the knife and stared at the handle. He then turned to the others and said "The person who had killed him, I mean his doll had mustard in his or hers hand."

Kyle took notes and was going to ask Sherlock something until his eyes laid on some object. He crawled to the small object and pick it up. It was a pink bracelet, he stood up and turned to Sherlock.

"The killer's a female."He said acting like a detective. "Very nice, very nice! For a first timer."Then Sherlock took the bracelet and placed it in a bag, Alexa was pondering where she had seen it.

Baily also had looked around and saw fainted foot prints, she wanted to tell the others but she kept it a secret to the other team so she told a team mate which was Ezra.

But what Ezra heard was "Yar, I had found thy footprints that's leads to thy treasure!" Ezra then scurried through the floor following the prints that lead to Chris's room.

In his vision, Chris's was a dark evil lair and the print had lead to the hot tub and inside it was a blue necklace (In HIS vision) "A necklace of meanness..."He muttered to himself.

"What are you doing?" A shadow asked. "Oh! Nothing shadow fairy."Ezra said turning around to see Raven. "The name is Raven."She said writing in a small book.

"What are you doing anyways?"She asked. "I found a necklace of meanness!"He exclaimed. "No, that's a pink bow."She corrected him. She took the bow and flipped the pages in her book.

She then ran out of the room and ran to Sherlock. Then whispered in his ear, "I see, the killer is... Natasha!" Natasha gasped and covered her mouth, everyone did the same.

"I-I didn't do it!" Natasha said waving her hands, her left hand had a little mustard also. "Nope, she didn't!" Chris sang behind them, "I did, but I framed her. If you are looking for Ronald he is with Chef!"

Ronald came in looking sick and leaned on a wall clutching his stomach, "I. Will. Never. Eat. Green eggs and ham..."He groaned as he fainted, "Since Sherlock here solved it already, team Clue gets first class! You losers, to the end of the train."Chris then walked out the room.

Kitten then walked in holding a box, she went over to Sherlock. She opened the box and inside it was a pencil. "What's this for?"Sherlock asked holding the pencil.

Kitten took the pencil and pressed on the eraser, it suddenly turned into a pair of glasses. Sherlock then wore then he saw everything in blue but finger prints were all over.

Kitten then gave him a piece of paper and it said "A pair of fingerprint glasses, you'll need them next time." Then she walked away, "Strange little girl..."Sherlock muttered to himself.

"Well it's a nice time for a break! See you next time on Total Drama Mystery!"Chris said popping out of nowhere.

So readers? Team Mystery... Vote off a person! ( Roy, Natasha, Alexa, Ronald, Raven, Ezra, Bailey, Reggie) And would you like longer waits for longer chapters or shorter wait for shorter chapters?