A/N: I thought I'd take a break from writing Nice to Meet You; and work on this first!

"I can just imagine how ravishing you'll look in these, Rusa!"

Ruby happily exclaimed, holding up a pair red shorts and a red hat to boot. He had just finished stitching buttons for the shirt and is now working on some embroidery.

His eyes twinkled as he looked at Riolu's own, the color of the pokemon's eyes changing color with the glance.

"Hey! Weren't his eyes red just a while ago?" Sapphire asked, docking her head to the side.

"It's an aura pokemon. The color changes with the owner's mood"

"So… What mood is that?"

"Well, it's bright yellow. He must think I'm pretty excited about something!"

"Huh? Over what?"

Ruby smirked, and then swiftly held up the just-finished red outfit right in Sapphire's face. It was a complete red outfit that matched his. The black sleeveless shirt and white hat seemed like a perfect replica to what he was wearing. Sapphire stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"Ew! Why should MY baby pokemon look exactly like you? That's going overboard!" She quickly cuddled Riolu and diverted his attention elsewhere.

"I'll have you know, I fashioned YOUR outfit from my own. So if you think it looks horrible; then you look horrible as well! …And even more so than the leaves-outfit!"

"Oh yeah!" Sapphire got up, tightening her grip on Rusa as she screamed back at the boy. Ruby retaliated by standing up as well, his newly-sewn outfit tight in his grip.

Riolu looked back and forth between the teenagers, his yellow eyes changing hue rapidly until they had a bright shade of magenta. It whimpered like a lost puppy for a bit, but its call had fallen on deaf ears. Then, Riolu decided to simply screech, making the bickering duo clam up.

"I guess it didn't like hearing us fight…" Sapphire said, putting Riolu on the floor gently.

Ruby looked away and sighed. "You're right. We shouldn't keep bickering like this; it'll make him want to run away" He suddenly felt a deep pain in his chest, as he remembered what happened with Mimi. He never wants that to happen again. Ever.

"Alright! First thing's first. My house or your house?"

Sapphire's eyes widened as she scratched her head in confusion.

"What d'ya mean?"

"Well, it needs to stay with at least one of us."

"Oh! Well, it should be my house then! Papa will definitely love him!"

Ruby looked at Rusa, then at Sapphire, then on the ground as he lifted his hand to rest on his chin in deep thought.

"I can see how your father might welcome the new addition to your family but…"


"He'll experiment on it Sapph! Who knows where this little Riolu might end up in the hands of a scientist?" He clutched his hands dramatically, his crimson-eyes starting to fill with tears as he pictured his beloved baby in a steel cage.

Sapphire opened her mouth to say something, but thought about his words.

"Fine! Just give me some time to talk to him; but in the meantime, he can stay with-"

"You'll be staying with ME, my lovely little Rusa!" Ruby held onto Riolu's black paws and started spinning him around like it was love at first sight.

Sapphire sighed. Seeing Ruby and Rusa's happy faces made her heart skip a beat though, she had never seen either of them that happy before!

"Well, I should probably get him some milk! I can already hear his tummy rumblin' away"

"Good idea Sapph, you go ahead and run to the Pokemart now!"

Ruby handed her half of the pay, and waved his hand as if he were shooing her off. Sapphire rolled her eyes and kissed Riolu on the forehead goodbye.

"Sapphire will be back soon, ok Rusa?" She said, as she waved from a distance.

Ruby smiled, and then quickly changed it into a smirk. "Now, where were we, my beautiful Rusa?" With claw-like hands twitching in excitement, he looked at the helpless blue pokemon with sparks in his crimson eyes.

Sapphire eagerly jogged towards the nearest Pokemart, repeating "For Rusa, For Rusa" over and over again all throughout.

As she was about to make a turn, a certain group of friends caught her eye.

"Ey, it's Sapphire!" Gold cried out.

"Sapphire? Well, hi there!" Chris chirped. Silver simply shrugged.

The caramel-head halted and ran towards them. "Hey guys! What's up?"

"We're just hangin' out here, there's nothing much to do" Gold replied, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. Chris sighed and faced her.

"You seem like you're rushing, Sapphire! What's the hurry?"

"Ah! Long story, I just really need to get some Pokemilk from the store. I'll get back to you guys later, bye!" And with that, she ran off.

Silver narrowed his eyes on her and raised a brow. "Pokemilk?"

Gold placed a hand under his chin and examined the situation. "Being the awesome breeder that I am, I have reason to believe that an egg of hers' has hatched"

"Egg? But almost all her pokemon are males save for one. And Blaziken is incompatible with the rest!"

Silver and Chris suddenly found themselves in a state of deep thought. Gold yawned and rested his head on Chris' lap, making her roll her eyes at him in response. "Well, maybe she received something from someone… Or WORSE" Gold suggested.

"W-worse? What could you possibly mean?" Silver asked, his eyes narrowing with every second.

"She and Ruby…"

*SMACK!* Chris punched him in the head.

"You and your silly assumptions… Seriously, Gold!"

"Hey there Ruby! I was wondering if maybe you had some eyeliner-" Blue ran up to Ruby's secret base entrance, her voice echoing through the walls.

"SHHHH; would you tone down? I've finally managed to get Rusa to sleep!"

"Geez Ruby, chill! Who's Rusa anyway?" The girl entered through the beaded doors, her eyes sparkling as she got a first glimpse of the little Riolu.

"Awwwww! How adorable! Is this little angel yours?"

"Well, mine and Sapphire's actually. We found the egg at the same… time…" Ruby's voice trailed off as he looked away, flustered. Now that Blue knows, everyone will soon follow suit…

Blue couldn't hide the devious smile creeping up from the corners of her mouth.

"Is my little Ruby all grown up? I can't believe you've gotten me grandchildren already!"
She playfully teased, pinching her underclassman's ruby-red cheeks. Ever since I got to know him back when he was 11 years old, Ruby really grew on me! Especially since he has really good fashion sense!

"What the heck are you talking about, Crazy woman!"

"Aw, now you're starting to sound a lot like your father…" The brunette pouted and seated herself next to him.

"You mean Green? He's my father?" Ruby shook his head and sighed. I know she used to tease how we acted sort of like a family, but this is just plain silly now.

"Yeah! Don't you remember when I used to compare us to a family? Sapphire's mom and dad are Red and Yellow, me and Green… we're YOUR parents!"

Ruby raised a brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. Even if we are the youngest, I still act way more mature than the others.

"I'm back with the milk!"

Ruby rolled his eyes and got up to get the milk from Sapphire. Blue's eye twitched as she stormed towards the door and looked Ruby with furious eyes. "You mean to tell me you let the MOTHER do the errands? What kind of a sick person are you, Ruby?"

Sapphire frantically looked at both Blue and Ruby simultaneously. What's going on!

"What's the big deal, Blue? Sapphire simply got Rusa some milk while I watched her!"

"What's the deal! YOU'RE the father, Ruby! You do the money-oriented drabble while Sapphire cares for the baby! Don't you both know how it works?"

Ruby popped a vein as he faced her with a serious look in his eyes.

"No; I DON'T know how it works, my father was barely a father as far as I'm concerned; so I suggest you leave me and Sapphire alone!"

Ruby looked at her once more, with Blue blinking a couple of times as she stood there in silence. Sapphire didn't fare well either, as they both watched Ruby prepare the milk like a real mother and feed the baby pokemon with love and care.

Sapphire and Blue looked at each other in complete awe, before stepping outside the base, leaving Ruby alone to nurse Rusa.

"MAN, I was only kidding! Why does Ruby have to get so worked up?"

Sapphire sighed and plopped herself onto a stump. "He gets like that when ya talk about his daddy or somethin"

Blue sighed and sat beside her. "I should be more careful about what I say then…"

"Naw, Ruby needs to learn how to get over it…" Sapphire looked down and stayed quiet.

"Huh? What's wrong, Sapph? Did Ruby scream at you too?"

"N-no, it's not that…" The caramel-head looked away, avoiding Blue's glance.

"It's just that, Ruby knows how to handle the baby pokemon so well… Like a real mommy, and… All I can manage to do is buy her some milk. Heck, ANYONE can do that"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sayin, I'M the girl. I need to know these things!" She leaned her head on her arms and started sniffling.

"Sapphire… You guys are just teenagers! You don't need to-"

"It's not that either! You just don't understand, Blue!" The azure-eyed girl wiped her nose in haste with her arm, before grabbing hold on a branch and climbing a giant oak right after.

Blue was left there, sighing with regret. Man, these kids are hard to figure out! No wonder people tend to leave them both alone… They've got issues only they know how to handle! The brunette looked back at the base one last time, before heading off to tell the others.

"I've got to help them out sooner or later, or that Riolu might end up a sad divorcee-kid!"