Alright so this is a fan fiction I started working on maybe about a year ago. It had a different title and only like two pages done – but I had some ideas for it. Well, I went on a trip recently (Which is why there hasn't been anything up lately) and found the time to actually sit down and write it. It was actually a really good way to pass the time (Especially when I was trying to relax before bed because of the time difference).

I don't know if it'll be any good (I know the beginning is a bit rough), but it's something that I like to say I wrote and actually finished. It's weird, ever since I made my account I've been writing more chapter fan fictions. I rated this T because I didn't think it was all the bad (just some angst) but if anyone thinks it should be changed just say so.

Alright, well I'll shut up so you can read the story. Enjoy~!

Oh and don't forget to review once your finished – I LOVE getting reviews, it always makes any day that much more better. :)

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kai, Rei, Tala or Bryan but the others I have made up myself and belong to me.

1. Out Again

"Tala, Kai's out again." Rei whispered. The redhead sighed, making the phone line crackle slightly. "Sorry to bother you at such a bad hour-"

"Kitten don't worry about it." Tala interrupted, knowing Rei still felt bad. "I was awake anyway."

Which was partly true. He had been slightly awake, but he had been braiding Bryan's hair as he slept. Running his fingers through the lavender hair to undo the braids, he pressed the phone closer to his ear.
"He came home from work about three hours ago." Rei continued, sniffling quietly. "He said something about a meeting, and I asked him why they would hold a meeting at one in the morning. He said the people had a time difference problem, and I just let it go again."

The male sighed and his breathing got shaky. Tala could tell that Rei was trying not to cry and he bit his bottom lip gently.

"Rei you should come over." Tala insisted. Rei whimpered an 'I don't want to bother you guys' and Tala's ice blue eyes almost filled with tears at how broken Rei sounded. "Please Kitten, I want you to come."

And Rei then agreed. Pressing the off button with Rei's promise to be there in a few minutes, Tala tossed the phone away and shook Bryan's shoulder to jostle him out of his half asleep state. Bryan grumbled a few incoherent Russian words then sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah?" He murmured, stretching and cracking his knuckles. Tala slipped off the bed and walked to their bathroom.

"Rei's coming over." Tala said softly, pulling a brush through his hair. He heard Bryan get up as he tied it back so that only two strands hung loose and walked back into the room to find Bryan slipping on clothes.

"Kai went out again?" He said. Tala nodded and his lover sighed. "That bastard."

Rei set the phone into its holder to charge and wiped at his eyes, annoyed with himself. He didn't really believe that Kai was cheating did he? No, Kai wouldn't do that. And the hotel calling last week, coincidence that they said Ren instead of Rei, though he didn't hear anything about a hotel after he told Kai they called. And Kai was just walking down the street towards a different hotel with a blonde haired guy as Rei and Tala sat in the coffee shop a block away and happened to notice them. It was just a business partner right? He couldn't bother Kai with silly little questions. It would make Kai think he was obsessed, selfish and watching him. No, he couldn't do that.

As he rambled in his head about how many reasons Kai wouldn't be cheating on him, he slipped his bandana on, grabbed his wallet and phone, and stepped out into the chilly Russian night. It was only a fifteen minute walk to Tala and Bryan's, one he had learned to memorize these past few weeks, and the cool air cleared his mind. It also lashed at his damp cheeks harshly and he blinked his golden eyes often to fight off the dry wind. He was shadowed in the night, only recognizable under a streetlamp. He made it to their building and stood outside of it solemnly, under a golden streetlamp.

Tears spilled down his cheeks but he didn't want to go in. He always felt bad about intruding on their lives, it wasn't fair. Just because they were a happy couple who were so devoted to each other and would never cheat, doesn't mean they had to deal with his problems. He wiped at the tears on his cheeks, feeling anger build inside of him. But it faded, as quickly as it had come it disappeared. What he had been angry at, well he knew it was Kai who was probably in another hotel right now. Rei loved Kai with all his heart, he gave up everything to be with him and even moved to Russia when Kai asked him to, so wasn't it enough? The door to the apartment building suddenly opened and out stepped Tala, waking out towards Rei. Bryan stood under the threshold to keep the door open and watched as his redheaded lover walked towards the crying male.

Tala wore all white, white pants, a white tank top, a thin white sweater and white boots. It was his color. His skin looked paler in the night and his red hair looked as bright as fire. And then there were his ice blue eyes which were sad for Rei. His slim arms were crossed tightly over his chest but he opened them as he neared Rei. With their breath clouding in front of them, Rei let out a sad cry and fell into the embrace, gripping at the older helplessly. Tala closed his eyes and held Rei as tight as he could, hugging him to his chest. Rei was shaking in his arms and crying into his neck, gripping at his shirt and sweater. Under the golden glow from the streetlamp the two stood, one helping the other. Bryan watched sadly, knowing how much pain Rei was in. His lover was always gentle with the boy, they both treated him as their brother but more protective. His lavender hair swayed in the wind slightly and he held the door open more as Tala led them inside.