Disclaimer: I own this...the story that is. The characters however, I can only wish. But hey a girl can dream. Kingdom hearts people belong to disney and square enix. If I owned them then I wouldn't be here now would I? That's right, I wouldn't. I would be out releasing a new game by now...

Rate: I don't know. I guess ages 10+. You do the math.

A/N: first of all, that's the first time I ever wrote 'A/N'…I never knew how great it felt to write stuff like that. I feel like I'm an official AUTHOR! WHOOP! CONGRATULATE ME LORD! I'VE FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES A PURPOSE IN LIFE! (If my poor excuse of a life even counts…everything is so overrated, I mean seriously.) Anyhow, my ridiculous ranting aside, I would actually like to say that this is based off my actual life (the only part of it that was exciting so far). Obviously I changed a lot of things to make sure no creepy, psycho stalker comes for me. Things like: name, descriptions, time, age, some minor exaggeration, and I added some things that I wished happened. However, it does not affect the actual story; I did fall in love with my ex-sworn enemy. It was actually the best relationship in my life, and he ended up being my first actual love. We aren't together now though, and truth be told I haven't dated anyone since. I actually broke up with him because I was moving. I know you're probably thinking 'that's a stupid reason', but if you knew me you would know I can't handle long distance anything. Long-distance friendships are hard for me as it is, imagine relationships. I also imagined what it would be like if I replaced the people with kingdom hearts characters and thus it was born. So yeah, it is a story of my life using other people to portray it. Nice isn't it. Sorry for the LONG intro so here ya go!

Love me, Hate me

By: LostMySightToLight

Chapter 1: The Matchmaker's Wisdom

"Will you just admit it already? You know you like him! So why not admit it!"

I shook my head wearily and looked her in the eyes.

"Kai, for the last time I don't LIKE him, I HATE him!" I explained.

Kairi, my best friend in the whole world, has been trying to convince me for the past week that my sworn enemy, Riku, and I would make a perfect couple. She was a short girl with shoulder-lengthed red hair, blue eyes, and a thin physique. I've known her since second grade and the one thing that never changes about her is her scary ability to guess future events, relationships (meaning couples), and when the next pop quiz will be (Which is very helpful to know if you want to keep your A grade average). I am, however, an exception in her ability.

"Honestly Sora! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason he teases you is because he likes you?" She asked.

She may be my best friend, but when she starts playing 'matchmaker' she can be very annoying. "Kai, we're not elementary school kids." What kind of highschooler teases their crush? It's unheard of!

I ran away leaving her at a loss of words and entered the classroom, relieved that I was able to escape from her. Unfortunately, it wasn't long till I bumped into someone and fell flat on my back. This, by the way, hurt a lot.

"Oh, hey Sora," said a familiar voice, "you okay? Let me help you up."

"Hey Axel, sorry for bumping into you, yet again, I was just trying to get away from Kai and her matchmaker self."

A strong arm pulled me up to see my childhood friend Axel. Axel, my only guy friend, is very popular, mainly because he's huge. I'm not talking fat-huge; I'm talking tall-huge. Plus, he's ripped! I'm talking six-pack here! He has the right balance of muscle. You know, not-too-little yet not-too-much. He has long, wild, red hair, grass-green eyes, and two tattoos under his eyes that resembles those worn by court jesters. So it's only natural that all the girls think he's super hot. I, on the other hand, am already immune to his good looks. Probably has something to do with knowing him since birth. He's like the older brother I never had and I'm like the younger brother he WISHED he had. (He has an older sister, so you know how it is.)

"Kairi is trying to set you up with another one of her 'good friends'?" He said laughing.

"Yup, you know her," I rolled my eyes, "she's always trying to set me up with someone."

He let out a chuckle, letting go of my arm once he was sure I was OK to stand up on my own. "So who's the lucky guy this time?" He said handing me my black notebook that I was so clumsy enough to drop. Before I could say anything though, Kairi ran into the classroom completely out of breath. Speak of the devil.

"You can't get away that easily!" She hissed jokingly. However, she caught me by surprise. Letting out a silent yelp, I quickly attempted to hide behind Jake, but failed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to look me straight in the eye.

"Trust me Sora. I know that I was wrong all those other times, but something tells me I'm right about this one!"

Axel stared back and forth at us. He was probably feeling confused and left out from the conversation. Kairi realized this and began to explain. "I was thinking that Sora and Riku would make a good couple, but he won't listen!" I think it's safe to say that Axel agreed with me when he burst out laughing.

"See? Even Axel thinks it's a stupid idea!"

"What's a stupid idea?" A voice asked.

"Kairi thinks Riku and I would make a good couple." I answered. I stopped and glanced at my friends to see which one asked the obvious question, but I was instead greeted by their pale, blank faces. A horrifying thought came to my mind as I turned around to see a tall silver haired guy with ocean-colored eyes looking down on me. It was Riku.

A/N: Okay, I know that was probably the shortest chapter in the history of short chapters, but I have to separate the story somehow. So I beg of you, please bear with me. I will put the second part up soon I'm just trying to get the hang of this site. Till then.

BTW: Anyone who reviews gets my angel of awesomeness' blessing...and free cake from my work (any flavor you can think of!)! That's right...I'm a baker/cake decorator...I have power.X3