lalala. second glee fic.

thanks to ravenwolf2089 for helping me with the plot!

"Hey Matt, can we get The Hangover?" Mike asked, bouncing up and down the aisles of the Lima Blockbuster, badgering his best friend with constant questions and movie suggestions.

"Whatever dude." Matt replied as he snatched the movie Mike had thrown at him out of the air. The duo checked out and headed to the parking lot and their car. "Wait, is that Rachel?" He asked, nodding across the street at a small brunette seated in front of a local Italian restaurant.

"Oh hey, it is!" Mike said, furrowing his brow, "Why is she sitting on a bench by herself? She's so little, she could get like, stolen or something."

"Yeah, I'm sure Rachel freaking Berry would let someone steal her." Matt laughed, "But c'mon, let's go see what's up. Hey Rachel!"

Rachel heard her name being yelled and snapped her head up towards where the sound was coming from, smiling when she saw the two quiet glee clubbers.

"Hello Michael, Matthew." She greeted quietly, moving down the bench to make room for them.

"Why're you sitting here alone?" Mike questioned, sliding in next to her.

"Oh, well it seems as though Finn has forgotten about our date for tonight." She sighed.

"He's kinda stupid like that." Matt shrugged.

"Seriously? Wow. He sucks." Mike added.

"No, it's quite alright, it's not very unusual. I'll just head home and watch Singing in the Rain with my fathers and call Finn to reprimand him for forgetting yet again." She explained, tipping her head back to rest against the back of the bench.

"Are you sure? You can come hang out with us if you want." Mike suggested, placing a hand on Rachels arm.

"Yeah, we were just going to go over to my house and watch some movies." Matt added.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't want to impose." Rachel replied, fidgeting with the hem of her short buttercup yellow dress and crossing her tanned legs, staring down at her lap.

"Nah, you won't be, you can help me handle that one." Matt insisted, jamming his thumb in Mikes general direction only to be cut off by Mike yelling an indignant "hey!". "C'mon Rach, it'll be fun."

"Besides you need to get out more without Finn. Being social is way more fun, trust me." Mike teased.

"Well I suppose it does sound more fun than an evening with my fathers." She conceded, standing up quickly, almost tripping over her black peep toed heels in the process.

"Alright, let's shake our tail feathers before Annie interrogates us about our whereabouts." Mike said

"True that, yo." Matt joked, flashing a fake gang sign and laughing.

"Ah, always with the ghetto-ness, Chocolate Thunder." Mike laughed.

"You know it Jackie Chan." Matt shot back.

Throughout the entire exchange, Rachel just watched the two boys interact, laughing at their joke filled banter and their obvious comfort with each other and her when they were normally very quiet in glee.

"Do you need a ride Rach or did you drive here?" Matt asked, arriving at Mikes car.

"Oh! My daddy drove me here, Finn was going to give me a ride home." She blushed.

"No worries, hop in." Mike said, opening the passenger side door for her.

"Hey, I called eternal shot gun on your sixteenth birthday, not fair!" Matt pouted.

"Ladies first dude, where are your manners? I'm telling Annie when we get home." Mike warned.

"No! No, don't do that. Bad, bad, friend. Stop pulling the mom card!" Matt said, pouting again and slipping into the back seat to sulk in privacy.

"No Matt you can have the front seat, it's not a problem at all!" Rachel insisted making a move to go to the back.

"Uh uh, no ya don't." Mike said, grabbing her wrist, "Ignore him, ladies have priority in my car and unless there's something you're not telling me, you are definitely a girl, so get in, he'll get over it."

Rachel just smiled shyly at him and slid into the seat, Mike closing the door behind her. When the three teens pulled into Matts driveway and entered the house, a feminine voice called out to them from further in the house.

"Matt is that you? If you left Mike at the store again, you better just turn your sorry butt around and go back for him!" A woman said, emerging from another room with a green apron tied around her waist, waving a wooden spoon in the air at her son. "Oh! Who's this?"

"Ma, this is Rachel, we saw her while we were out and invited her to come hang out." Matt answered.

"Yeah, and your son was rude to her!" Mike announced, smiling widely.

"Dude!" Matt yelled as his mother shouted "Matthew David Rutherford!"

"Well, my sons rudeness aside, nice to meet you Rachel, I'm Annie, Matts mom. You're that talented girl from that Glee club yes? You were just fantastic at Regionals!" Annie gushed, ushering the kids into the kitchen, where she walked over to the stove and stirred something in a large pot.

"Oh no, your son was perfectly polite, it's nice to meet you too. Yes, I am in glee club and thank you, we worked very hard, I'm glad people appreciated it." The girl said with a large smile on her face.

"Well, I certainly did! But Rachel dear, why are you so dressed up?" Annie asked.

"I was planning on dining with my boyfriend this evening but he isn't the brightest and it seems as if he forgot, and your son and Michael were kind enough to offer my their company so I wouldn't be alone." Rachel said, rushing so the words kind of blended together.

"Oh honey, a boy like that isn't worth your time." Annie soothed, smiling sympathetically at the younger girl.

"I suppose in most cases that would be true." Rachel mumbled, nodding numbly and smiling slightly back at her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I'm sure he is a lovely boy!" Annie exclaimed quickly.

"No, it's perfectly okay, I'm starting to think that myself." Rachel replied, shaking her head a little and smiling sadly at the counter top.

"Okay, well, you kids go play, don't make too big a mess for me to clean!" Annie said, realizing the awkward situation, shooing them out of the room.

When they were all sitting on the large leather couch in the basement, Matt turned The Hangover on and moved to settle into long, L shaped section in the corner of the couch.

"That movie is to absurdly vulgar!" Rachel exclaimed as the credits were rolling and the pictures were being shown on screen.

"That's why it's so awesome!" Mike defended, throwing a pillow at the girl.

"Hey, who's being rude now?" Matt crowed, ducking his head to miss a pillow, also thrown by the unnerved asian teen.

"Oh gosh, it's already eleven? I should be going, I have an early morning dance lesson tomorrow. Thank you for having me Matt." Rachel said, rushing around the room, hugging the two boys quickly but tightly. She rushed to the stairs before pausing at the door, "Thank you both for asking me to hang out tonight. It was very kind of you to save me from another night at home."

"It was actually really fun Rach." Matt replied, "Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, you're really funny when your not being all intense and stuff about glee. Not that you're bad then either, you're just more chill now." Mike rushed to explain. "We should do this again." He added, smiling sweetly.

"Under better circumstances next time I hope." Rachel murmured, "Well I really should be going, thanks again guys, I'll see you on Monday." And with that, she flew up the stairs and out of the house without a second glance, calling a quick "Thank you for having me Mrs. Rutherford," At the women before dashing out of the house and into her fathers car.

well, what do you think?

this is gonna start off rachel/finn (obviously) and then rachel/mike or rachel/matt

probably mike because i adore him.

and there's going to be some pretty heavy rachel/puck/mike/matt friendship and probably some rachel/santana/brittany and maybe quinn friendship too.

suggestions, comments, questions?