Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the Vampire diaries or any of the characters. Nor do I seek to infringe any copyright laws. ALL RIGHTS belong to LJ smith & the CW network.

Summary: Damon and Bonnie were in love but does Damon's infatuation with something he thinks is great ruin the real thing they have together? Will it be too late when Damon realises he's made a mistake? Will Bonnie move on? Not the best summary. I just wanted to write something full of angst I guess. I love stories where it's not a fairytale romance from the start. Love is dramatic and far from easy and so many things go wrong before they go right. So here goes hope its okay. Also I hope to have Damon and Bonnie pair up in the end but along the way will be Damon and Elena and Stefan and Bonnie as well.

Chapter 1: shattered fairy tale.

Damon didn't think he'd ever been so in love in his whole existence. If anyone would have told him 2 and a half ago that the girl he'd be madly in love with was petite Bonnie Bennet he would have laughed in their faces. This was however before Bonnie and Damon decided to put their differences aside. After founders day had marked a new chapter for the both of them. His apology at the parade had planted the seed of doubt in Bonnie that he was completely bad. Working together to deal with Katherine and werewolves had also forged an unbreakable friendship between the two. Neither knew those feeling would brew into something as deep and powerful as the love they now shared.

The realisation was definitely made for Damon when Katherine kidnapped Bonnie. She had been outraged when he and Stefan refused to join forces with her, almost killing Bonnie to prove a point. The image still haunted him, her fragile little body dead still in the middle of the woods. Blood dripped staining her beautiful brown locks and her body lay there broken and losing its usual glow and vibrancy. Damon knew then and there that this chocolate curly haired pixie sized girl meant everything to him. He'd cut his wrist that night in the woods feeding her and watching her heal and come back to him. It had taken a while and Damon had for a moment thought he had lost her. The devastation he felt in that moment was something he didn't think about these days because to do so was too much. Damon had held her tightly to his chest refusing to let her go even when Stefan tried to check she was okay. Damon wanted this girl to stay in his arms forever.

Now here they were. The wedding was an outside affair in the boarding house garden. They'd decided to have a night wedding. A marquee had been set up with sparkling crystal fairly lights and the ground was scattered with white and purple rose petals. Damon could clearly see his brother Stefan smiling proudly up by the front alter. They wore matching suits. Stefan stood straight in his crisp white shirt, Italian silk suit and royal purple tie. Damon had to chuckle at how spiky his little brother always managed to get his hair. The whole of mystic falls had turned out for the wedding. Any event got them going I guess. Jenna was now waving at Damon as he noticed her and Alaric were at the front camera in hand. Even Sherriff Forbes had worn an azure coloured dress for the occasion. Kelly winked at him also from the front. He laughed as Matt tamed his unruly mother and couldn't help but think the blonde looked smart too. He knew all about the things what went bump in the night now, so did Caroline. They'd aided in the fight against Katherine too. He soon noticed Tyler and Jeremy as well. He never liked Tyler but at least he was one of the werewolves on their side. Well only because he liked Bonnie. Damon growled at the thought of another with his little witch but stated to laugh as he saw Jeremy was now flirting with a girl. Damon couldn't help thinking the young vampire had learnt a lot from him. He hoped he'd find a girl like Bonnie one day. He broke out of the sentimental moment. He was not prone to having them and would not want one again anytime soon.

Bonnie couldn't believe it a year and a half they'd battled Katherine and now here she was about to marry Damon. She remembered how he saved her from Katherine and from that moment on had never let her go. She was only 19 and a half but hadn't aged a day over 18 at all. It had been grams last gift to her before she died. She'd given her eternal youth. She didn't have the power to give her eternal life so Bonnie could still die the same way a human could but if unharmed she'd always look 18. Bonnie didn't know what she and Damon would do when such a day came.

Just saying her name and Damon's together still had the effect of making her breath hitch. She looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled around in her floor length white wedding gown. The top was heart shaped and as tight as a corset with Swarovski crystals and diamonds. Damon really spared no expense. Bonnie's hair was piled up high and her chocolate locks cascaded down bouncing with every move she made. She even had a tiara and lace vale. She still didn't think she matched Damon's beauty. She began to think of Damon's messy black locks that always had a hint of brown sparkling through, his icy blue irises, muscular form and perfect pale skin. She didn't know what he saw in her. She really had no idea of how stunning she really was. Taking a deep breath she looked towards her bridesmaids.

"You look out of this world!" chimed Caroline whose eyes were tearing up because of how proud she was.

"You two don't look so bad yaself" Bonnie tried hard not to get emotional.

She looked at her bridesmaids, her best friends. She'd picked Elena and Caroline royal purple bridesmaid's dresses. They were flowing and baby doll shaped with Swarovski crystals and diamonds around the waist that matched her dress.

"Why so quiet Elena?"

Elena looked nervous she didn't want this wedding to happen.

It meant the end of a chapter. Bonnie would be with Damon and she with Stefan. She'd always had Damon as an option if things didn't work out with Stefan. This meant no going back at all. Stefan would always love her she knew this but Damon was moving on and with her best friend. The decision she was contemplating would be so much easier if it was any other girl Damon was with.

"You really do love him don't you Bonnie?" Elena sighed

"Well duh why would she be marrying him otherwise?" Caroline said a little annoyed at the girl. They were both bridesmaids because Bonnie couldn't choose between the two. This meant she decided not to have a maid of honour and Caroline had been dying for the job.

Bonnie laughed at her ever bickering friends and continued to answer Elena.

"Yes I really do. He's an extension of my soul if there is such a thing? And I know that's cheesy. He drives me crazy with his antics. I mean the amount of times I have to reprimand him. She giggled. "But he still makes me laugh whether it's trying to watch Buffy with him, attempting to cook dinner with him or even at a club. He also makes me feel special and beautiful. He makes me feel like I'm number one for once which is all I've ever wanted. I just hope I can give him as much as he gives me."

Elena smiled weakly.

"Oh please BB that little menace to society is the lucky one!" She chuckled she'd warmed to Damon over the entire crazy goings on. "Besides like I said if I were batting for the other team I'd totally be marrying you your that gorgeous!"

They both began to giggle. "Come on lets grab your bouquet. I can't wait till after the ceremony. Reception means alcohol and party time woooooop!"

"Oh my god where is it? Where's the bouquet?"

"Calm down BB I'll come help you find it. Coming Elena?"

"No I'll stay here make sure everything else runs smoothly."

Damon was eager to see his bride to be. Maybe even sneak in a quickie before the proceedings began. He wanted Bonnie all to himself not to share her with their entire wedding guests. He just wanted to hop on their honeymoon to Italy right now. He couldn't even contain himself when he thought about the naughty lingerie he saw Bonnie sneakily buy for the event. One peek wouldn't hurt he thought as he entered the boarding house and went into his room to find Bonnie. Instead he found Elena. He couldn't deny she looked pretty in her bridesmaids dress a stark contrast to his caramel glowing beauty.

"Well well Elena bet my brother can't wait to take you home tonight?"

"Maybe he won't be."


"Maybe you'll be the one taking me home tonight."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I love Bonnie!" but the darker part within him couldn't' help being intrigued.

"I know you love her but you love me more right? What if we have a chance at being together?"

"I used to dream about that all the time Elena but it ceased when I fell for Bonnie. Where the hell is all this coming from anyways? You just want me because I love another?"

"Maybe that's what it took to realise my feelings."

"I love her Elena. When I'm not with her I can't breathe. I think about her delicate frame pressed against mine and it's the only time I feel safe. I want to keep her next to me forever."

"How do you know it won't be like that with us? How do you know the feelings of wanting to keep her next to you are nothing more than wanting to protect her? You've wanted me a long time Damon and you really haven't loved Bonnie as long."

"Elena your confusing me STOP."

"Damon do you want to hurt her he in the long run? If you're so confused you cannot possibly love her wholly. You cannot possibly be sure you'll devote yourself to her forever?"

Elena leaned in pressing her palms against Damon's chest. She then abruptly crashed her lips against his. Damon hesitated but soon obliged. The kiss was deep and ferocious as they devoured each other. Even Elena had forgotten all about Stefan. In that moment Damon lost all judgement. The man he'd become disappeared as the want for a dream overcame the greatness of the real thing.

It had been decided.

Bonnie came back into the room with Caroline and Stefan in toe. Stefan had been desperately looking for his brother to get him to the aisle in time.

"Got the bouquet Lena. DAMON what are you doing here this is total bad luck?"

Stefan picked up on the expressions of both Elena and Damon and their body language.

"Caroline maybe you should go outside for a moment."

"What? Why?"

"Please" Stefan pleaded.

Bonnie now knew looking at Stefan that something was seriously wrong.

"Guys what's going on? Lena? Damon?"

Stefan interjected. "You two aren't really doing what I think you are?" distaste filled his words as his heart ached for himself and the poor girl beside him. Stefan was quickly in front of Elena searching her eyes for the truth.

"I don't get it! What's wrong? Someone please talk to me!" Bonnie's heart began to race. She knew something life changing was going to happen. It was a feeling in her gut that she just wanted to push back down.

Damon was immediately in front of her. He placed his hands on either side of her face.

"Bonnie I need you to listen to me okay?"

"Oh my god! You're leaving me at the altar? What did I do wrong? If it's all too soon we can wait?

"Bonnie its I "

"Damon and I we've decided to give us a chance." interrupted Elena reluctantly whatever anyone said this was hard for her too.

Bonnie couldn't breathe or hear what Stefan was saying anymore as she collapsed to the floor shaking.

"You know deep down I knew history would repeat itself. You are just like her!"

"Stefan no it's just!" Elena tried to explain what she was doing but did she have an answer? She was putting Stefan as her back up choice now that's all she knew that and that she really did still love him.

"I don't want to hear it. My only concern from now on is Bonnie and I!"

Inside Stefan's heart was bleeding. He loved her he truly had. He'd have died time and time again for her. However deep down that morsel of doubt had been there. He knew it was only matter of time. Elena had him and then she wanted the brother she thought no one could have. He'd thought Bonnie and Damon being together would be the end of this. If he had known otherwise he would have protected her poor heart from breaking like his.

"So what everything we've shared was a lie? You've just been waiting for her?" Bonnie asked quivering as the tears trailed down her soft skin.

Damon knelt down in front of her. "Bonnie you will always be special to me. You were never a joke to me Bonnie. What we had meant so much to me and I'll always want to protect you, be a part of your life. This doesn't change that. We'll still see each other all the time. But Elena she's what I've wanted for so long. I owe it to myself to find out. I will still be here for you. We are best friends my little witch."

He caressed her cheek pulling her into a hug. Deep down he prayed he was making the right choice.

Bonnie broke away "I hate you Damon. I hate you both! I never want to see either of you again."

"Don't say that Bonnie!" Damon pleaded. A part of him broke he dreaded the thought of never seeing her again. "It's all going to be okay. In time you'll forgive me and Elena and you, me Elena and Stefan we'll all work it out."

"No she's right! You two are dead to me. This was your last chance Damon. I have forgiven a lot of your actions but this time it's over."

Damon couldn't' believe this. Was he really losing Stefan and Bonnie because of his want for Elena? His question was soon answered as Stefan guided a distraught Bonnie out of the boarding house. A few minutes later the two were in Stefan's car. Tears falling rapidly from both of them as they left mystic falls for good.

8 months later.

Bonnie chuckled as he friend Eric set down their bottles of beer and took them to the dance floor where he twirled Bonnie around to the fast paced music. They were at yet another fraternity party. This one was called the let's get laid party. Bonnie and Eric always found it amusing as to who came up with these things. The dorm was filled with students making out, some half naked and others attempting to down more alcohol than their little bodies could take. Music blazed out of the huge surround sound speakers and the dance floor was packed. She was soon tackled by her best friend Max. She was quite the rebel and so much fun to party with. She had dark brown hair that had a few braids in. She wore a red halter top and leather pants. Next to her was Bonnie's friend Alexi who was a black haired girl, very tall and exotic looking. Bonnie had left for uni deciding to forget her troubles and live her life. It still burned when she thought about Damon. It burned with hate mainly. She had loved him so full heartedly and he'd given it up in a heartbeat. All the things he'd said to her about meaning so much to him were all a lie in her view.

Bonnie was now at university in Los Angeles. She took a course in supernatural studies. There she learnt about witches, vampires and a vast amount of other mystical beings that go bump in the night. It really had made her chuckle that such a course existed. It was almost like being taught stuff you already knew and she always aced every paper she did. Her knowledge on the supernatural had helped her write a very impressive entrance paper for which had earned her a huge bursary. She now could afford her own lovely apartment. She liked that it was hers and that she could at least practice magic without worrying of being discovered. She'd hoped Stefan would come with her though but he left soon after mystic falls and her decision to move on. She knew he needed time alone. He was utterly broken and damaged by it all of it though he'd tried to stay strong for her sake it couldn't be done. She just hoped he'd return. He was her best friend after all. She also had knew best friends that she was so grateful for. In addition to Max, Alexi and Eric there was also Wesley who Caroline had taken a shining to on her monthly visits. She and Matt and taken a break for a while so it was perfectly acceptable. Even Jeremy visited since he met Max. She almost believed he lived in her dorm room. Ever tempted by the bad girls she thought. He'd even sat in on Bonnies lectures looking like a smug little pest as the only vampire in the room. Overall Bonnie's life was great now but it would never be enough. She still craved the love she thought she'd had.

"Wow people you got me all worn out with this dancing!"

"On come on BB shake it for me." Screamed Max before jumping on a table.

"Yeah on that note I'm heading home." She giggled.

"Need me to walk you?"Chimed Wesley?"

"Na babe I'll be fine."

Bonnie began to walk down the dark street to her apartment which was only 10 minutes away from campus. Suddenly something clamped its hand over Bonnie's mouth. Bonnie felt a strong muscular body pressed up against her as it pushed her toward the wall roughly. Bonnie had no time to process as she was whirled around. She knew it was a vampire as Sharp fangs then descended into the soft skin of her neck. The pain was unbelievable and took her back to when both Damon had attacked her when she was possessed by Emily and when Katherine had tried to kill her. Bonnie slowly felt the life been taken from her becoming increasingly dizzy.

"Stop I'm warning you!" she murmured before placing her hands on the vampires chest.

Using what little magic force she had in her that moment she pushed the vampire away. He really didn't move at all but he was now off her neck. Looking at the blood ridden vampire now facing her. Bonnie realised something.

"Stefan" she whispered before hearing him whisper her name back and then everything went black.

AN: okay so hope this was okay? Next chapter will be Bonnie and Stefan. Also we'll see how the dream romance between Damon and Elena is working out. Was it really worth it?