And after forever I'm back. It seems that I'm always so slow with the updates, I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoy it!

The Hidden Village of Sunagakure was still hours away and the heat was already unbearable. It sweep beneath his clothes and burned wherever they made contact with his skin. He mentally cursed his decision to abandon the life of a missing-nin and come back to Konoha.

Unlike the blazing sun above their heads, his mood was dark and, he could tell by the spikes in the chakra of the female beside him that she was no better. By the time they made it to Wind Country Ino was regretting her long and dark traditional ninja blue pants, fighting with the idea of ripping them off – to hell with decorum! – it would do wonders to their mission, they were to call attention upon them, were they not? Granted, indecent exposure was not the best way to approach the subject, but perhaps it would drag her to a cool prison cell while Sasuke dealt with crazed ninjas. Then she would make a heroic entry and save him from the clutches of the evil rapist men. Or not – to hell with the Uchiha as well. She wanted to shred her black top too – great choice of color, genius – however, she had a feeling that it wouldn't help her situation; her bare midriff was as hot as the rest of her body, like it was being consumed by a ranging hateful flame.

She desperately searched for something to say to her travel companion just to take her mind briefly off her lovely situation: she was going to Suna, pretending that he was something akin to her lover, where her true previously one roamed, to attempt to be capture by a couple of murderer idiots – strong idiots, she rectified. Fucking fabulous.

"Hokage-sama appointed an inn for us to stay. We are supposed to head there as soon as we arrive."

He just gave her a non-committed grunt, his black eyebrows furrowing at her interjection showing his ill disposition. It was meant to be a glare, not focused on her but on the horizon, like dreading and cussing what was to come. The sweat and the pout did nothing to help his supposedly nasty expression. To Ino he just looked constipated.

Asshole. She hoped they finish their mission in record time so he could rot there in the desert, waiting for the Chuunin Exams, all alone. And then fail. That would make her slightly happy. He would deserve it too; he had no right to attack her in the mists of his drunken haze, basically calling a lewd woman afterwards, uncharacteristically apologizing and now treat her like she was as unwanted as hemorrhoids. She hopes he gets them too. Her wicked thoughts had nothing to do with the fact that she was enjoying the attention before he pushed her away. Nothing. Nor were they connected to the way she disgraced herself in front of him, crying like those sad alcoholics in front of Shushuya when they were kicked out before lock down. She wondered if she had the right to not include herself in that category.

She wasn't the one at fault – Sasuke was. He was the one that accepted the invitation that was only made out of politeness (and gratitude), who matched her drink to drink and crashed his lips fiercely into hers, like one would have expected of him, smoldering her body with his. She could not be blamed for it – even if he had his head shoved deep inside his ass, the Uchiha was damned hot, and still her childhood crush; if one adds the fact that he had been giving her heated glances all night long and the way the sake ate at her defenses, the conclusion was that she was the victim.

Ino snorted at the thought – such a willing one, as well.

The room was spacious enough to accommodate all their needs – a full sized bed, an adjacent minimalist kitchen, a private bathroom and a balcony, a divine gift if not for the Kami forsaken place they were in, according to Ino's point of view. It was cast on dull brown and orange hues due to the dying sun outside that, combined with the worn appearance of the dark bedspread, did nothing to appease her annoyance; it looked as unwelcoming as the desert surrounding it. Her glare fell upon the single bed on their lodging.

He watched her eyeing the piece of furniture with distaste and thought that in some level he shared her apprehension – never before in his life had he slept with someone else and he could just picture Ino widespread diagonally in the bed, hogging the covers and grunting occasionally. He remembered that the fox container hinted several times that she had lived with her ex-teammate, so at least she was used to sleep accompanied, yet, that knowledge did nothing to appease him – the lazy ninja was probably a man that slept through anything. There was something about the idea of Ino and Shikamaru that made his gut constrict, acid flowing to his mouth, so he swatted it quickly. Perhaps it was because it was just too easy to see.

Ino knew that they should waste no time, yet, the last thing she wanted was to go out on that heat once more. She would refuse, as in stomping her feet and threatening with physical and emotional harm for she was the captain of this mission damn it way, if the bastard was to frown upon her resolution of drowning in the shower for the next few hours instead of prancing around the hellish place pretending to fawn over him. The thought arouse a full blown sense of pyrosis – at that time an ulcer was probably born in her stomach as well. What wouldn't she give to have Neji here with her.

When she headed to the bathroom door and no sound of protest was voiced by her partner, Ino felt disappointed – she needed to blow off some steam; screaming at infuriating, molesters males had its appeal.

It's not before two hours later that she left the cool water in the tub and joined her partner in their bedroom. He lay on the bed, arms crossed behind his head, shirtless, and she thinks that perhaps it would have been better to stay looked in the bathroom for a few more hours. If nothing, just to avoid any type of confrontation.

It's his turn to disappear behind the door while she turns to the neglected mission scroll.

"Hiroyuki Atsushi. He's one of Suna's ninjas. Also one of the suspects. It says here that his only living relative is an older brother - Hiroyuki Nobu – he is away in a mission for the moment. They are usually seen in a small tavern where is believed that several illicit trades take place. No surprise in that."

Ino wrinkled her nose in disgust while reading her scroll, before tucking it once again in her pocket.

"I hope you're in the mood for sake. I know I am."

The suggestion was made without any dual meaning other than the obvious one but still she recoiled at some unknown force when she heard the words slipping from her lips. Sasuke remained impassive but the might in his dark eyes burned tenfold brighter. She tried to hide her sudden need to swallow the lump in her throat behind a glare and a hiss.

"You know what I meant."

His lips twitched in a smug smirk that he made no effort to conceal while eyeing her once more, turning around and heading towards the door. She followed, albeit unwillingly, cursing profoundly her luck.

They find the supposed hang out after forty five minutes of useless chasing and head in without much hesitation. Ino prepared herself and dove into the act, holding onto Sasuke's arm, just like old times. How nostalgic. Said male tries to fight the urge to push her away and scold his feature into something apparently less annoyed. At their arrival several pair of eyes locked on them until they sat down and ordered.

It's a show, he knew – a coy show, nevertheless, one - but when Ino glued herself to his side, warm hand sweeping beneath his gi, he was reminded too much about his genin days, and alike then, he didn't know how to react to her advances. It was different now, it was hard – her full assets were lightly pressed onto him and her feminine scent coated him, just like some nights before. So, maintaining a cool façade was the first step in this soon to be disastrous act; trying to unfocus his attention from the she-demon to the ninja sitting on the table ahead from them was the second; he was indecisive if the third was to ignore his urges when she looked at him behind her dark lashes or pretending to sip on the sake – the malefic beverage was only adding to his problems. Regardless, he has enough mindset to notice the way the dark haired ninja they were supposed to watch glances at the two of them, clearly intrigued. He is also capable of perceiving the way his eyes drag appreciatively down on what's visible from the blonde's figure. That's all they need; they only have to make sure they leave the establishment before him, so he's able to take in the Uchiha's clan symbol on Sasuke's back. Ino knew this too, so she took upon herself to give off a loud feminine squeak when they were with their backs turned, heading towards the exit door.

Although Sasuke didn't feel it, Ino's keen tracking senses detected a well-hidden presence following them at a reasonable distance almost since they left the pub. At that time she was definitely aware of the dangers of this mission, this was not some lousy job performed by some mere ninjas and possible civilians. She eyed her partner meaningfully and he imperceptible nodded. Perhaps they would have a showdown on the first night. Not bad, bastard. They probably have an hard on right now thinking that they can land an Uchiha.

When they arrived back at the inn, she could still feel the drowned chakra in the vicinity, watching their every move. She was startled, however, when a second chakra signature joined the first. She decided to ignore it for now, until they reached their bedroom.

She excused herself to change to her pajamas, coming to the balcony as Sasuke followed her example and went into the bathroom. She eyed the nearby trees, where she knew they were studying both of them.

Well, let's make this interesting. She sat herself on the railing on the balcony, waiting for Sasuke to exit the bathroom, while feeling burning eyes in her back. She heard the door creaking and forced herself to focus in the task at hand. Smirking seductively, she beckoned the Uchiha to come closer to her. Said male, seeing her bathed on the silver moonlight, her skin looking even whiter due to her paled strapped top and glistening hair, had no difficulty in following her lead. He approached carefully, tapping down the sudden heat he felt, barely aware of their audience. When he was within arms-reach, she wasted no time to snake her hands around his neck, bringing him closer, until he touched her knees. There was no sake this time and no tears, but Sasuke felt almost foolish as in that night, for allowing a simple female to bewitch him as much as Ino did. At the feeling of her warmth sweeping through his clothes, the urge to kiss her was almost overwhelming, but he waited. He wanted to see what she would do and how far she would go. That and he wants her to be the one to take the first step, to show him that she also craved him, and that he was not only a drunken kiss that could have led to a drunken mistake.

Her breath gushed his face as she whispered his name, making the calloused hands at her hips tightened considerably – a warning. Her nose skimmed the outline of his jaw, trying to push the male. Her lips followed suit and Sasuke felt his desire spike. He shifted his face a bit and she chuckled at his impatience as she kissed her way to his lips. She kissed his lower lip before tugging on it with her teeth and was rewarded with a low growl coming from the back of his throat. Aggressively he moved his lips against her, trying to get as much of her as she allowed before thinking of pulling away. His hands drifted to her thighs, parting them so he could fit between them, getting closer to the female body and crushing her to him. Ino moaned when she felt his apparent desire so close to her and he shamelessly grinded into her once. She hissed and dug her nails in his lower back, underneath his shirt before letting go of his lips and biting down on his neck. He was about to, like her, slip his hands under her top but her breath and voice on his ear stopped him.

"He is gone."

Sasuke was not proud to admit that it took a full second to understand what she meant and it took a lot more time for him to finally let go of her. His male ego was a little more than bruised at the fact that she kept a straight mind during their little session but it hurt far less when he caught side of her blushing face and softly erratic breathing. He eyed her puffed lips appreciatively and wonder if he should continue at the lust clouded gaze she sported. He decided against it and made his way back to the room, settling down on the couch.

"You better start getting cozy with that couch because you are spending your nights there."

She appeared right after him, her face back to her usual pale complexion and her voice betraying nothing of what just transpired.

"As if, Yamanaka. We could have spies on us."

"Then we draw the blinds."

His smirk grew at her playful tone and he knew that some hours after, when she went to bed, he could climb next to her and she would only fight him for a minute or two. Probably not a very good idea to sleep in the same bed as her, and not only for fear of wrestling her for the cover, but Sasuke definitely wanted to take his chances. He would deal with Morino Ibiki afterwards.

When morning came Sasuke was more than surprised that he slept all night without having to battle a blonde she-demon and that said demon was already up with a piece of toast hanging between her teeth as she went through the mission scroll once more. That woman had to possess some serious stealth ability.

"Morning, sunshine."

Her only answer was a grunt noise of acknowledgment while he sat down and rubbed the sleep out of his face.

"I never pledge you to be the snoring type."

Her voice was laced with amusement, especially at his nasty glare, his tolerance for her in the morning way lower than usual. He got up and walked towards her, stealing her half-eaten toast, eyeing it with distaste before eating it. He resumed his place on the bed, sitting near the edge, glancing at her. She was still on her pajama's top and shorts, her milky skin showing, with her hair down. She might be quite annoying but she was still something to look at.

"What are you looking at, bastard?"

"You. There isn't much too look at, but there is nothing else here."

He had a victorious smirk in his face when she bristled with anger.

"You could have me fooled." It was her turn to smile at the dark haired male.

"My acting skills are rather developed."

One of her thin eyebrows rose at this, her expression completely disbelieving, irking him. He could not hide from the blonde that yesterday he was quite aroused, and since there was nothing he could throw at her, he simply got up and left, in search of a decent breakfast, leaving her behind.

When he came back to the room Ino had exchange the couch for the bed, all sprayed on her stomach holding an old looking book. He approached her and sat down next to her, peering at whatever she was reading. She spoke without even sparing him a glance.

"Ah, where were you, anata? I missed you."

He shifted so he could get nearer her in order to whisper into her ear, half-lying next to her body.

"You could give me a warm welcome back gift, no?"

Her book hit the mattress as she abandoned it to look at him. She seemed to be assessing something before moving to kneel on the bed facing him, her expression mischievous. Her hands skimmed from his collarbone to hi nape while she skidded sensuously to straddle him, sitting on his thighs.

"What did you have in mind?"

He knew she was only teasing him, he could see it in the playful look she had on her blues eyes, and part of him could not resist pushing it further. His hands found their way to her hips and continued to slide slowly to her backside, squeezing it slightly before he pulled her so she was sitting directly on top of his groin. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and all air of mockery was gone, replaced by charged warmth.

"I think you can come up with something on your own."

Their lips met in a furious kiss, tongues and teeth clashing urgently.

Ino vaguely remembered that they were on an official mission there and this was far from right, but hell, Tsunade herself said that they should act like a couple. She was not referring to this, most likely, but she never said otherwise too. She decided to push that thought aside as her hands tested Sasuke's hard chest muscles and abdomen, smirking triumphantly when she felt his chest vibrate with a groan in response to one hand wandering dangerously on his waistband. He could feel the slim upward line of her lips on his and felt the need to retaliate by rolling them, changing their position, and let his own hands do some exploration, underneath her flimsy top. When his fingertips skimmed the underside and he heard her gasp, he no longer had any state of mind to take it as a victory over the blonde, feeling too far gone in her taste. He never meant for this to escalate like that, only a little bit of teasing perhaps but not this I'm-about-to-ravish-you-into-oblivion sort of thing. Not that he was complaining. Especially not when one of her legs rose high in his back, an action that summoned his attention. One hand shot to the back of her knee, traveling down her thigh in order to reach that hot spot he could feel through his and her clothes. Before he could achieve his goal a loud knock was heard, successfully turning their full attention from each other to the door. All their senses were high and alerted for the possible threat that lurked just outside their room. Ino quickly made her way from underneath Sasuke to open it after exchanging a look with him. She straighten her clothes and hair and slowly pushed it open. Her eyes widen at the person in front of her and her lungs froze, making it hard for her to breath. Although she hadn't seen him in years, she could never forget those burning dark eyes, the angle of his jaw and his trademark ponytail. The problem was, she could not believe her eyes.


Reviews, please!