"What the hell?" I screeched as I was woken up at 2 in the freaking morning by a waterfall of cold water, "Dammit! It's two in the morning!" Around me, I heard my roommates screaming angrily also.

"I realize this Gallagher Girl, if it wasn't, our joke wouldn't have been half as funny," replied a cocky (and yes, sexy) voice. Zach leaned down to kiss me softly, I almost melted, but he was so not getting off that easy, so I pushed him off.

"Zach, Grant, Jonas, Nick, we have four words for you," I said angrily.

"You. Are. So. Dead!" We yelled simultaneously, tackling the guys and pinning them to the floor.

"Okay, you got us, so what are you going to do now?" Zach asked, confident that we wouldn't physically hurt them. They were right, but that doesn't mean that we weren't going to get back at them. We're spies, we always get our revenge.

I smirked down at Zach, "You'll see Blackthorne Boy. Just wait." I got off of him and stood up, Macey, Bex, and Liz following. Zach got up off the floor, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. Okay, so I was mad at him, but I loved when he held me like that, so I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"So, now that y'all are here, why don't you guys stay the night, we can have a slumber party," Macey suggested. I shot Macey a disbelieving look, no way was I going to sleep anywhere near Zach, but she just mouthed, "Payback."

"Sure," Grant agreed, settling down on Bex's bed, "So what are we going to do? Are we going to have a pillow fight or something? Or are we just going to make out?" That earned him a slap form Bex. "Ow," he complained.

"No, we're going to play a game," Macey said simply, an evil glint in her eyes, "It's called Strip Truth or Dare." At the title of the game, the boys noticeably became more interested in the game.

"What?" I exclaimed, I thought we were supposed to be torturing the guys, not rewarding them by letting them see us naked.

"Um, Macey, I don't think that's such a good idea," Liz said worriedly.

"Are you kidding? It's bloody brilliant!" Bex argued, smiling at Grant.

"So it's been decided, 5 against 2, sorry Cam, sorry Liz," Macey said.

"So how do we play?" Nick asked impatiently, his eyes roaming Macey's body, no doubt wondering how she'd look in underwear.

"Eyes up here, guys," Macey commanded, and I noticed that Nick wasn't the only one with wandering eyes, Zach, Grant, and Jonas were also checking out me, Bex, and Liz. "Okay, so the way this game works, is you ask a question and then remove a piece of clothing, if you refuse a question or dare, you take off two items of clothing and lose your turn to ask a question or dare.

"Um, Mace, can we change first?" I asked her, because I was only wearing a cami, a pair of really (and I mean really) short boy-shorts, and a pair of socks, I figured I'd have 6 questions, and that's only if I don't refuse any dares or questions.

"Nope," Macey replied, "So let's play, who wants to go first?"

We all sat down in a circle, with Zach sitting beside me, his arm around my waist (and yes, he was smirking), I felt my heart stop and start again, this time on double time. Oh, this was going to be fun.


Damn, I could kiss Macey right now (if I wasn't in love with Cammie that is) for her ingenious idea.

"Um, Mace, can we change first?" Cammie asked.

Please say no, please say no, I thought.

"Nope," Macey replied, "So let's play, who wants to go first?" Everyone sat around in a circle, with me sitting by Cammie, Jonas by Liz, Grant by Bex, and Nick by Macey.

"I will," Bex volunteered, Grant staring at her intently as she took off a sock. Disappointment came over his face, but he shrugged it off, knowing the shirt and pants would be stripped down eventually. "Okay, Zach, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered, knowing that any dare from Bex would probably end with me in the hospital. I expected her to be disappointed, but she smiled, as if this was the answer she wanted. Oh crap.

"Okay, Zachary, tell me five things you like about Cammie."


I sat there, my cheeks flushing red from Bex's question as Zach, sat there, thinking. One minute passed, then two minutes, then four minutes, and finally five.

"Goode, could you please hurry up before we all fall asleep?" Macey complained, but at the same time she shot me a sympathetic glance. Hurt washed through me, was it that hard to find five things about me he liked? Did I mean that little to him? I scooted a little further away from Zach, causing his arm to slip form my waist.

He looked at me for a little while, before turning towards Bex and shaking his head, "Sorry Baxter, I can't seem to think of anything I like about her." Rejection washed through me and tears fell from my eyes, I looked down at the floor hoping that no one saw them, no such luck.

"Zach you idiot! Why'd you have to say that to her? You ass hole!" Grant said angrily.

"Zach, you are so dead for playing around with Cammie, if I wouldn't get expelled for it, you would be in a body bag heading down the Mississippi River by now," Bex threatened.

"Goode, you messed with the wrong girl," Macey growled.

I was so concentrated on trying to stop my tears that I didn't notice Zach move until he was right in front of me, taking me in his arms. I pushed at his chest weakly, trying to get him to let go, if he didn't like me, why was he holding me? "Let me go Zach," I pleaded, but Zach's hold on me tightened.

He lifted my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him, "I said I couldn't think of anything I liked about you, I can, however, think of a million reasons why I love you. I love the way you make your heart beat a mile a minute, just by smiling at me. I love the way you fit perfectly into my arms, almost as if you belonged there. I love that you're always so kind and forgiving, if you weren't, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to tell you this, God knows I've screwed up our relationship more times than I can count, but you always take me back. I love that you're so brave, always willing to risk your life for someone else's. But most of all, I love that you're my Gallagher Girl. " he whispered, kissing away the tears that fell down my face. I threw my arms around him, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"I love you too, Blackthorne Boy," I murmured.

Macey, Bex, and Liz awwwed at us, until Grant cleared his throat, "Moving on now."