This idea just hit me when I was going through all my books and I came across the Twilight Graphic Novel. I just couldn't get it out of my head, so here it is. Sorry if the preface sucks, I didn't have a lot to work with. The next Chapter should be up soon. Oh and, I'm going to go ahead and warn you guys. I suck when it comes to updating story's and putting new chapters up. But the next chapter is almost done, so don't worry about that.

Disclaimer: I don't own


I'd never given much thought to how I would die - because well, I'm not a suicidal maniac. Even if I had, I would never imagined it like this.

I held my breath as I stared at his huge red nose and colorful wig, and he smirked his creepy smirk.

This was a horrible way to die. I was about to be murdered by a psychotic clown and where was Edward? At Burger King! He doesn't even eat! If I survive this, he is so dead!

Oh, he's already kind of dead, so… never mind that.

If I had never gone to forks, none of this would have ever happened. I wouldn't be facing an evil clown. About a quarter of me is glad I did go to Forks, another quarter wishes that I was back in Arizona, and the rest of me wants a cheese burger. Hmm, maybe that's why Edward went to Burger King.

The psychotic clown smiled and showed me his yellow teeth as he sauntered forward to kill me.

"Dude, go buy a tooth brush!"