I fell back in love with Push fanfiction. This story picks up roughly six months after the movie. At the end of the movie, Cassie and Nick had the drug and Kira had killed Carver with the help of Nick's note. This chapter is more of an introduction than anything - the story will start up in the next part, if anyone's interested.

Let me know what you think.

"My mom drinks when she wants to get really clear images. She's famous for it."

Charlie Dane was not a petty criminal. He wanted to make sure that this Cassie Holmes girl knew that straight away, which was why she currently had three guns trained on her.

Three red sniper dots danced on her lapel, right over her heart. She looked down and cocked her head.

"Those guys aren't very good, you know."

Dane rolled a cufflink coolly between his fingers. "Excuse me?"

"Your snipers – they're not very good."

The man calmly dragged up a crate and sat down. "Go on."

Cassie reached into her coat – the red dots quivered warily - and pulled out her sketchbook. She lifted it up so the first page was showing; not only to Dane, but to the three hidden snipers.

"The one on the left is too nervous to even hit my shoulder. If I try anything, and he shoots and misses, then you'll shoot him later." She turned the page and tapped a rather gruesome image with her forefinger. "See?"

One of the dots disappeared. Cassie smiled to herself.

Dane grinned, his top lip stretching over a crooked line of nicotine-yellow teeth. "And what about the other two?"

Cassius licked her fingertip and turned the page, before lifting it up once more. "The police are about to activate the two tracking devices they slipped into their jacket pockets earlier. You're not stupid, so it looks like you're going to send them to another part of town to distract them."

She watched the other two red dots drop from her chest as the two snipers presumably began patting down their pockets. She tapped her drawing; a white chalk picture of a getaway car with two stickmen visible in the front seats.

Dane bowed his head slightly. "I guess I should thank you for the warning."

In the distance, two car doors slammed and en engine blared.

Cassie flicked her sketchbook closed and sat down. "There we go. Now what do you need?"

"A way out." He ran his fingers through his lank hair. "A friend of mine told you gave him a six month plan to stay out the spotlight. I need the same. Eight months, if you can –"

"- I can't." Cassie's face hardened. "How much for the six?"

"That depends how good the plan is. I daresay it's enough to buy you a roof over your head. And your family, too."

Cassie narrowed her eyes. "No, just me."

Dane looked her up and down, alarmed. "You're on your own? Shit..."

"That's not really any of your concern, is it? What is your concern are the police that are going to raid your apartment in five minutes. They'll find a green safe. Sound familiar?"

Dane sat bolt upright. "Will they open it?"

Cassie's face crumpled with concentration. "Give me a sec." She reached into her pocket, pulled out a minibar-measure of vodka and downed it in one. "...yes."

She opened a fresh page of her notebook and a retrieved a worn-down pencil from her pocket. It darted across the page until there was a rather slapdash picture of a mobile phone with Sara on the call list.

"You're going to ring Sara and tell her you're going to New York airport."

Dane fumbled for his phone. Cassie smiled, the corners of her closed eyes wrinkling.

"But you're really going to go to JFK. Sara's working with the police."

Dane clenched his jaw. "Of course. And after that?"

"You're going to book a ticket. I can't figure out where because you keep changing your mind, but it'll cost... three-thousand dollars."

She tore off another page and handed it to him. It was a drawing of several hundred dollar bills.

"There'll be someone waiting for you at the gate. You can trust them."

Dane frowned impatiently. "A bit vague, don't you think?"

"That's all I can get," Cassie snapped. "Future you clearly doesn't want to be Watched, so you keep changing your mind. Good tactic."

She stood up and held out her hand.

"You expect me to pay for that?" Dane shook his head. "You'll get half."

Cassie shrugged. "Whatever. Good luck." She snatched a rather disappointing wad of money from his grubby hand and walked away, swaying unsteadily as she did so. It took her a moment or two to find her pocket, and once she had she buried the cash deep inside.

She kept her head down as she turned the corner, walking straight into the solid chest of an undercover policeman.

She only glanced up for a moment. "Hey."

"Where's he headed? I have three cars waiting to go after him." He pulled a substantial wad of notes from his pocket.

"Be at JFK, gate 9, in half an hour."

"Thanks." The officer fumbled with a walkie-talkie and began to back away. "Watch yourself, Cassie."

Cassie grunted a goodbye and leaned into the shadows.

It wasn't herself she needed to watch, after all.

It was someone that had disappeared from her visions, intentionally or otherwise – someone that had made her a promise and had let it go sour.
