A/NWell Here Is My First Fanfic, And I Am Soooooo Uncomfortable About It. I Hope You Like It And Please Review And Tell Me What You Think.

Constructive Criticism Is Always Important. Oh, And Please Forgive Any Spelling Mistakes Because I Am A HORRIBLE Speller.

Anyway, On With The Story! Hope You Enjoy!

"Hermione! Come down for breakfast already. Your going to miss the train if we're late!" Called the shrill voice of Jean Granger at the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming Mum" Answered a pretty brunette as she rushed to pack her remaining books into her over-loaded trunk.

Hermione Granger had sure changed now this last year. Her once bushy hair had now tamed into gentle wavy curls at the back of her head and her body had curved in a the right places giving her a more mature feminine look. Her inner beauty was just the same, pure and innocent as ever.

The 17-year old witch sighed heavily, tired from packing her trunk, yet again with another bunch of books. Her thoughts were far away, as she thought about what this year her favourite place would hold for Hermione had been on the run during her 7th Year, she and the rest of her classmates had been offered the chance to finish their final year of education and take their N.E.W.T.S at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the "8th year".

Hermione had complied instantly, due to the fact that she wanted to have whatever opportunity she could get helping her with her research towards becoming a , although she was not willing to say it out loud, she desperately wanted to stay a little bit longer at the place she considered her Second Home.

Her mind reeled backwards to The Great War in the Wizarding World where Hermione and her two best friends, Harry Potter & Ronald Weasley, had helped to defeat the Greatest Man Ever Fear, Lord Voldemort.

Hermione cringed slightly as she remembered the emotions of loss, pain, fear & success coursing through her at the time. The Wizarding World had lost lots of people during the dreadful war. It was a time of happiness but also a time of grief.

Families had been torn apart but others had been reunited once more.

As her impatient mother called for her attention again, Hermione was pulled out of her thoughts. Hermione slammed the trunk shut with a loud bang and was just about to turn to go downstairs when she heard a high screech come from outside her bedroom head snapped towards the open window to see a large tawny owl heading towards her, as it landed gently and gracefully onto her neat stood and stared at her importantly while she fumbled, getting the scroll of parchment free from it's hind legs.

As soon as the owl was dispatched from the letter, it flew away again into the cool, warm morning air and into the far looked at the familiar letter that she got every year before she started the new school year.

But this year, as she held the letter the hands shook just a little bit. This year was Hermione's last year and her only chance to become Head Girl. It had always been her dream or more like obsession to become Head Girl and succeed in later life pursuing her career.

She carefully and slowly slitted open the envelope and extracted the rough yet familiar parchment.

"Dear Miss Granger,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to be Head Girl for your Final Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are asked to report to King's Cross Stations on the 1st of September. You will then be asked to go to the private Head's Compartment so you can be informed of your tasks for the year with the Head Boy.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Head Of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

By the time Hermione had finished reading the letter she was grinning widely from ear to ear.

She ran downstairs to tell her parents the great news.

But what Hermione Granger didn't know was that there was going to be lots of adventure in store for her for this year.

I Sooooo Hoped You Liked It!

Please Leave Review, It'll Make Me Feel Good!

(Oh, And Sorry About The Small Chapter, I Don't Really Like Long Ones!)

Until Next Time...