Summary: After Chloe is found siphoning money from Oliver's company in order to purchase Kryptonite weapons, she realizes that she losing her sense of humanity. She decides that the only way to escape from who she is becoming is to erase her memories and start over. Oliver has 4 months to stop her before it's too late.

Spoilers: Up to Conspiracy, and then I write my own way.

POV: First chapter is Chloe-centric, and then Ollie-centric for the rest of the journey.

Chapter One

Chloe was tapping away on her laptop. Since Lois was chasing down a lead for the Daily Planet, she decided to work from the apartment today. It was safe- there was no chance for any unwanted interruptions or Lois' questions.

The door suddenly opened, and Oliver walked in. She smiled at the sight of him.

"Just the interruption I was hoping for" she said, temporarily abandoning her work and walking to the door to greet him.

Something seemed off. He silently closed the door behind him and started looking around the apartment. She was about to question him when he pressed a couple of buttons on her laptop and turned up the volume. A loud song started playing.

He walked over to her with a fierce look in his eyes and she leaned close to him. "I like where this is going Romeo, but you might want to put on some softer music", she said, leaning over for a kiss.

"It's not a booty-call."

She stepped back and blinked twice. Something had happened- something so big that changed his perspective of her. And that was scary.

"I think Tess Mercer might be listening. She's up to something that involves you", he explained. She looked at him questioningly. What was Tess up to?

"She came by my office today with evidence that somebody's been siphoning money from my company." She felt her stomach sink- it was about the Kryptonite weapons, and the money. She knew she should have told him, but didn't know how.

"You're stealing from me." He said simply, looking at her with contempt. She looked at him guiltily. It wasn't selfish, what she had done. Plan B, that's all it was. But on paper, her actions looked that way.

"It's not like that." She told him, trying to find some way to make the situation better.

"Right. A lot of women have used me for my money. I never expected it from you." He held hatred in his eyes and bitterness in his words. He had never looked at her like that. Even when Davis had taken him hostage, he looked at her with disappointment.

She remembered what he had said to her that day: When did you become one of the bad guys, huh?

She wasn't going to lie to Oliver the way that she had lied to Clark back then. She wasn't one of the bad guys- far from that.

"I wasn't stealing from you, Oliver. I was borrowing the cash and buying insurance for the entire planet", she told him.

She was about to explain everything when the song concluded. She remembered the possibility that Tess had the apartment bugged and reached for a piece of paper and a pen. Let me show you, she wrote.

He nodded, and proceeded to follow her. She reached for his hand, but he shoved both hands in his pockets and continued to walk.

They got in her car, and she drove them to the site. It was a long journey to the site, but they travelled in silence. It was dark when they arrived. She parked the car. They walked, and she showed him the Kryptonite weapon container. She opened the doors, and they turned on their flashlights.

Chloe paused outside of the container as Oliver walked in and looked around. There were sealed liquid Kryptonite containers and suitcases everywhere. She watched as he picked up a dagger and shone light on it.

"Kryptonite weapons. This is what you've been spending all of my money on? Something that could kill Clark?" He asked in disbelief

"They're to protect all of us, including Clark- from Zod and all those other Kandorians." She clarified, stepping into the container.

"I don't understand. I thought you were helping set them all up with licenses and passports."

"All the IDs I gave Clark have computer tracking chips on them", she admitted.

He turned around and looked at her as if she were a monster. She didn't think that it was that bad, but maybe it was.

"I want to keep an eye on the visitors from another planet" she said. Was it so wrong to make sure that everything was going according to plan? This was a Kandorian apocalypse that they were staring in the face- they couldn't afford mistakes.

"Well, welcome to 1984- the Sullivan edition." He said wryly, taking another look around.

"Look Ollie, I'm sorry, okay? But I didn't have a choice. Our friend's moral compass has gotten us lost more than once. I'm not okay with just sitting back and trusting Clark again."

And now here she was, alone at Watchtower. Nothing interesting was going on in the city, and for the first time in what felt like a lifetime ago, she had time to reflect. Time to think about her own life.

She wasn't the same person that she used to be. It had been a while since she chased around a lead for a good story and desperately wanted her name on the cover of the Daily Planet.

She used to think that it all didn't matter. That her change in career didn't matter as long as a younger version of her would have been okay with where she was now. That philosophy had worked for years, but tonight was different.

Tonight, her high school self wouldn't have liked her very much. Chloe always prided herself on not worrying about money- she was a woman who would always make her own way.

She saw how it led to the corruption of souls, how Lionel and Lex always manipulated each other over control of a company. It led to the destruction of countless lives and she swore to herself that it would never happen to her.

Now, it was too late for that. She was becoming no worse than Lex. And Oliver had killed him in the name of justice. If she continued in this direction, she was going to lose herself.

She had to get out. Out of the Watchtower and out of Metropolis. Maybe it would better off if she even got out of the country. All she knew was that she had to get far away from this life. Now.

It was time to start her life over. Chloe knew that she was disappointing everyone, but she needed to do this. She needed to start thinking about herself, because there was nobody left to do so for her.

She fished her cell phone out of her bag and dialed a number that she hoped was still in service. A voice finally greeted her.

"Hey, remember that offer you made me a year ago? I'm taking it." She said

She listened to the details and confirmed that she was ready.

She shut down the computers before she thought of saying a proper goodbye. She flipped open her laptop, and started recording some sort of video explanation to Oliver. Somehow, nothing came out right. She ended the video in frustration, and didn't burn it on a CD.

Instead, she dug around for an old CD that she made last year before taking her responsibilities as Watchtower full-time. She was afraid then that she would lose herself in the job.

At the time, she created the CD in case everything went wrong. She was so scared of what she was getting herself into, but at the same time, she knew that she had to find Lois and had to find Oliver. Maybe she should have stopped herself at the very beginning. They were all better off without her.

She dropped the CD on her desk, shut off the lights, and took a cab back to Smallville. She asked the driver to wait for her, and stepped inside of the empty apartment after climbing up the stairs. Lois was on assignment tonight.

Chloe packed the necessary clothing. A part of her wanted to bring more- her high school yearbook, her Torch articles, something memorable. But that wasn't in the plan: bare necessities and nothing else.

She couldn't even pack her own laptop. It had too much information, too many memories. At the same time, she owed it to the team to give them the information that she had. It was why she didn't erase Watchtower's database. She put the laptop in a yellow envelope, and carried it with her on the way out.

She wheeled her suitcase out to the taxi, and the driver put it in the trunk. She asked the driver to stop by the Clock Tower first. She carefully placed the package in Oliver's mailbox in the lobby, and closed it. She walked out of the building.

She stared up at Clock Tower. She wanted so badly to go up to the penthouse and tell him everything. It wouldn't be too difficult- just a couple of steps forward and an elevator ride. He knew about the weapons- he was probably the only person who could understand.


She turned around and saw the driver. He was waiting at the cab. Everything was already packed, and all of her responsibilities at Watchtower were safe with Oliver. It was now or never.

She smiled at the driver and took a deep breath as she got back into the taxi. Every hero that she knew did solo work at some point. But she was a sidekick, technical support. Watchtower. Maybe it was different for her. She was a database. Maybe what she needed was for her memory to be erased.

"Kansas International Airport."