I was so scared, all I could do was blink. But when I do, I realized she wasn't there. It was a figment of my guilt and fear. I thanked the lord for that.

"I don't think we looked over the consequences of this, guys. Little kids watch this, our parents will kill us, and… I don't even know if this is legal!" I worried.

"Oh my god, Freddy, just live in the moment once in a while!" Sam yelled. I avoided looking at her for reasons involving testosterone.

Finally, the elevator reached the first floor. The door opened and Carly tried to grab Sam.

"No. No. Let's go. NOW." Carly exploded. Sam looked like she was on the verge of tears. I wanted to hold her. I didn't though, for obvious reasons. Sam was shaking her head, her eyes pointing at the outside of the elevator. Her face was filled with fear and shame and WAIT FEAR? Carly really went too far.

"I think people who watch iCarly are up." she said softly (What? Sam can have a soft voice? This is all new to me!). I sighed.

"Carly, let's just…"

"OOOH NO. SAM, GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE!" she screamed, then in a burst of strength and bent on revenge, she took Sam, threw her outside and then took me along. There were very few people in the lobby, but of course, most of them were guys about our age.

"Oh my god!" one of them screamed instantly. So many people started surrounding Sam I was pretty sure they came from thin air. I couldn't even get past them. People started pulling out their phones and taking pictures, yelling and screaming, and reaching out towards Sam.

"Muahahaha! This is priceless!" Carly squawked, watching her best friend getting tortured. This game was supposed to be fun and pleasantly but very embarrassing. Carly had officially transformed it into something cruel and unbearable.

"Carly!" I heard her screaming. Carly was too busy laughing too hear her, so I had to set the camera down, push through the audience, grab Sam and push back through.

"DO NOT. FOLLOW US." I growled. The people back up, their hands up. I pressed the button and released Sam, who looked like she wanted to drop dead. I picked up the camera sadly and pointed it at her.

Me, I was so hard it hurt.

"I hate you Carly. I fucking hate you." she mumbled, pushing the button and boarding the elevator when it came. Carly looked like she was trying not to laugh as she entered. I had to walk all weirdly, but the girls didn't notice and I thanked my lucky stars for that. Sam's vulnerable expression had turned into pure evil. Her eyes were like flamethrowers burning holes into Carly's face and her lips were pursed together so tightly I'm sure they would be purple when she released them.

"Hey. Karma's a bitch." Carly replied.

"You and her have that in common." Sam said, her voice venomous. I assumed she was biting on her tongue to keep herself from saying too horrible because blood was dripping off the side of her mouth. She wiped it off as soon as it appeared, though. Even in this horrible mood, I wanted to just hold her and tell her everything would be alright and Carly is a big fat bitch.

"That was vicious, Carly." I said, using my stern voice.

"Get over it. Gosh, you two suck." she complained.

"You motherfucker, how dare you even say that in my presence? I HATE YOU! GO GET KILLED, BITCH!" Sam screamed at the top her lungs, every tendon in her neck popping out and spit flying in every direction. Carly looked as if she shrunk like 5 feet.

"You didn't have to accept the dare.' she said, scared out of her mind. Sam swung at her, but missed. Luckily, the elevator door opened and Carly sprinted. Sam was about to, then realized she couldn't unless she didn't value the rest of her dignity. She stalked off to her corner. Carly chewed at her nail nervously, and I just wanted to turn the camera off, go home and forget this whole accursed day. Sam came out after like 15 minutes, which was kind of long, and looked happier than ever.

"Freddy." she said calmly. "Truth or Dare?" Carly let out a breath of relief, but didn't see the sideways look Sam shot her. If looks could kill…

"What? Didn't you just experience a tragedy?" I yelled. She smiled her signature Sam smile.

"The show must go on." she said., winking.