"Oh are we going on a plane?" Murdock chirped as they crept through the lobby and out into the taxi Hannibal had called. He nodded. "Yes, Captain. But I'm afraid we're only going as passengers. So just sit tight."

Hannibal got in first, Murdock, then Face who shut the door and the car pulled out of the parking lot.

"This was a fun trip. But it was ruined. But that's okay! Because hey, I bet you've never seen Hawaii before, Hannibal." Murdock babbled between the two, staring out the windshield. Face had his eyes glued on his window and Hannibal raised his eyebrows at Murdock.

"It is a very lovely state." He noted as Murdock grinned and glanced over at him. There was a gasping sound and Hannibal looked to Murdock, who looked to Face, who was staring out the window. Before they could ask what he had seen, he was shoving Murdock to the side and demanding to the driver, "Pull over!"

The driver obeyed, confused, and the car came to a halt on the shoulder of the road. "Face?" Hannibal asked warily. Face said nothing, throwing his door open and running away from the car. Hannibal swore loudly, unbuckling his seat belt and crawling over Murdock to dive out Face's door, taking off after him.

He found him a ways down the sidewalk, someone had him by the collar of his shirt and was shaking him roughly. As Hannibal came closer and people moved around, he saw that it was Bosco Baracus. He fought off the urge to smile and cleared his throat, gaining their attention.

"And where did you spring up from?" He wanted to know. B.A. spat, "Took a damned boat. Only to fin' out I get seasick. You betta punish these fools good, Hannibal!"

The three had got back to the taxi and were extremely relieved to see Murdock still perched in the middle, speaking to the driver in what must be the Hawaiian language. The driver suddenly started laughing and nodded to Murdock, who grinned back at him. Face gave Hannibal a shake of the head and started to open the front door when Hannibal reached to stop ihm.

"You get in with your buddy back there." He said and Face rolled his eyes, choosing not to argue and climbed in, pushing Murdock along down the bench seat. There was a small fight outside the car and B.A. came slamming in beside Face. He growled and folded his arms across his chest.

Getting B.A. on the plane had been difficult, it was almost embarrassing. Hannibal's words, "Well you shouldn't have decided to come here in the first place, B.A." Had only angered the big guy even more.

"You were gonna need me to get 'em back, I knew it! But apparently you can handle them yourself, fools." B.A. was drug onto the plane and belted into the seat, swinging at anybody who came close to him. To make matters even worse, he was seated beside Murdock. Across from them was Hannibal and Face.

The duration of the long flight, Murdock stared out the window, pointing out different clouds to B.A. as he gave Murdock his toughest glare yet.

"And this one looks like a bird shooting off a rocket launcher, don't you think?" Murdock turned back to B.A. and smiled. B.A. shook his head slowly. Murdock's face suddenly scrunched up and he fumbled with his seat belt buckle. "I'm gonna go do my business. Be right back!" In his attempt to get over B.A., he accidentally elbowed him in the chin.

B.A.'s arm came out and grabbed hold of Murdock's jacket. He yanked him back, causing the pilot to fall down on his bottom and leaned in so he was nose-to-nose with him. "As soon as we're outta this plan, Imma kill you, fool." His voice was low and threatening.

Murdock gulped and half-smiled. "If you don't let me pee, I'm going to go all over the seat in your van."

But B.A. released him this time, looking ahead as the Captain scampered down the aisle, waving to the flight attendant before slipping into the bathroom. B.A. groaned, rubbing his forehead. "You should have stayed back in Arkansas." Face muttered. When B.A. shot him a look, he sunk back and opened a magazine.

It was going to be a long flight.

A/N: Hmm...Was this too fast of a chapter?