The Graft

A Star Trek: The Next Generation Story

by Lal Soong

Chapter One:

On a rare day without any duties scheduled for either of them, Worf and Deanna decided to take the opportunity for an entire day of leisure time. Deanna took a long, relaxing bath, because she hated sonic showers, and then chose out a lovely red dress that she knew really turned on her husband. After three and a half years of marriage, she was pleased that she could still so easily excite her Klingon husband. Maybe the holodeck will provide more than fantasy, she mused with a smile as she slipped into the outfit. Already, she was imagining slipping it back off.

As she stepped out of their private bedroom to the living area, he stood from the sofa to greet her. The Klingon scrutinized her appearance, smiling as he reached her slender legs. "You look exquisite," he told her and with a low growl, brought his hands up close to her chest.

"Worf," Deanna chastised, grabbing his hands and nodded in a direction behind her husband.

Their children were in the room, of course. Worf needed to remind himself to watch his actions around them, especially two-year old Shannara. The little girl smiled up at them from the carpeted floor and holding up two blocks exclaimed something that wasn't completely coherent to an adult's ear.

Smiling, as though she understood her daughter anyway, Deanna went to the little girl and knelt down beside her. "Mommy loves you very much, Shannara," she said, kissing her on the cheek. "You be a good girl for your big brother, okay?"

"Otay," the little girl uttered. She raised her stuffed dog, a recent birthday present from Captain Riker, expecting her mommy to kiss it goodbye, too. Deanna complied.

Standing, Deanna turned to face Alexander, who was sitting on the sofa. "Make sure Shannara takes her afternoon nap," she reminded her fifteen-year old stepson.

"Don't worry. I will," Alexander replied. He got up from the couch in an attempt to usher his parents out of their quarters.

At the doorway, Deanna turned around one more time. Alexander was now nearly as tall as his father. Deanna could not get over how much he had grown in the last year. He was a young man now, quite capable of taking care of his little sister for the day, Deanna reassured herself. "If you have any problems, don't hesitate to page us."

"Of course. Now go enjoy yourselves!" The boy had to practically push his sok'cheim out the door before she left willingly, following Worf to the nearest turbolift.

Once his parents were out of sight, Alexander stepped away from the door, letting it slide closed. He glanced at his little sister. Shannara was still sitting on the floor, playing with her blocks and stuffed dog. It doesn't take much to entertain little tikes, he mused.

He tapped his commbadge. "Alexander Rozhenko to Rosa Cassadaga."

"Are they gone?" came an excited response.

"Affirmative, my dear lady. I await your arrival."

"I'm on my way, loverboy."

Alexander smiled broadly. She called me loverboy, he mused. Was she implying something in that statement? He hoped so! If he was wrong, he didn't want her to think he was trying to push her into anything before she was ready. But oh boy, did she ever turn his warrior instincts on!

He walked over to the replicator and ordered, "Red rose, no thorns." He delicately removed the synthetic flower and walked across the room to stand near the doorway. He paused, and glanced back once at his little sister to reassure himself that she was still playing with her blocks.

The door chimed a couple of minutes later. "Please enter," Alexander said, suppressing a smile. As the door slid open, he held out the rose to his visitor. Alexander was mesmerized by the beauty standing before him. In everyday clothes the fifteen-year old black girl was a pleasure to stare at. And tonight she had on a very revealing thin evening dress.

"Alex, aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked, as she took his flower and the initiative.

"Of course," he replied. "Let's have a seat on the sofa."

Like a gentleman, he allowed her to sit down first, but she wasn't looking for a gentleman! She snuggled against him and nuzzled first his ear and then his neck. The girl ran her fingers along his ridges, smiling delightedly as her fingers explored the fascinating textures. He responded quickly to her caresses, seeking out her lips with his. He had never kissed anyone before Rosa, but she made it seem so natural. . .

"Oh, Alex," the girl moaned. "If only we were alone."

As if to remind them that she was in the room with them, Shannara began using her stuffed dog like a bulldozer, demolishing her creation. She let out a traditional Klingon roar and stood to kick at her blocks.

"Shannara!" Alexander snapped. This sent the little girl into tears. "I'm sorry," the young Klingon apologized. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

His sister ran into her room, still crying.

"She'll be all right," Rosa reassured him as she ran her hand through his long hair. "Why don't you let me hear your version of that Klingon growl?"

Alexander found himself slipping back into the mood rather easily. As he let out a playful growl, he gently nudged his girlfriend to a reclining position on the sofa, laying half on top of her. Rosa laughed flirtatiously and darted her tongue up into his mouth.

The young Klingon felt sensations he had never dreamed of before! Wanting this girl even more now than when he'd first seen her in that slinky dress, he began stroking her bare legs.

Alexander unzipped it down the side and slipped it off, then began fondling her firm young breasts. Rosa gasped as he lapped delicately at her nipples, the nubs growing firm under the caresses of his deliciously rough tongue. The girl panted hotly into his ear, letting the young Klingon know she wanted him to continue-wanted them to go further.

He skinned quickly out of his own clothes, her hot soft hands helping eagerly. Alexander bent back down to continue to torment her breasts with his tongue, lingering teasingly on each stiffened nipple. Rosa moaned and arched her back, her ebony fingers playing over the ridges of his forehead as she fought the urge to pull his head closer.

Alexander was delighted that he was so easily giving Rosa pleasure. He had only read of sexual experiences before now and felt himself nearly floating away from his body over the sheer excitement of the real thing. She really does want me as badly as I want her, he thought incredulously.

Rosa felt him grow hard against her thighs, and suddenly her hands had new territory to explore. She gasped when she first wrapped her fingers around it, but quickly spread her legs and wrapped them around his hips, snuggling her feet under his buttocks and guiding him into place.

"I want you to be my first," she whispered in his ear, her tongue working in the sensitive folds.

That was all the more encouragement Alexander needed. He pushed gently forward, restraining his instinctive impulse to thrust with all his strength, afraid he'd hurt Rosa. She gasped again and thrust back toward him, and they both moaned as he slipped into her.

Rosa gasped again as she reclaimed his lips, the sheer ecstasy of the sensations cascading through her body startling her. She could feel his body quivering against hers as he sank slowly deeper into her, and thought she understood his tension.

Alexander was quivering with the effort of not sinking his claws into her hips and hilting himself in one mighty thrust. Her moaning gasps and clutching, shuddering interior was his reward though, and he growled deep in his throat when she finally wailed and stuffed herself completely onto him.

The two young people were completely immersed in each other now, Alexander starting to slide in and out in time to the spastic thrusts from the girl. She howled as he clutched her to him and bit down on his shoulder, causing the young Klingon to finally lose control!

He roared and speeded the movement of his hips, battering her enthusiastically responding body with nearly unfettered lust. He managed not to bite her back, barely, and tried to keep from clawing her, but was unable to control the quickening of his hip's gyrations.

They wailed and growled at each other, Rosa clutching him possessively, and suddenly Alexander exploded inside her! The girl moaned at the heat of the liquid spurting into her and came in spasms with him.

"I-I'm sorry," Alexander panted as he began to grow limp inside her. "I didn't mean-I didn't know it would happen so quickly."

"I loved it," she reassured him. "And it's not like it'll be our last time." Rosa pulled him down and kissed him, enjoying the feeling of her breasts flattening against his sculpted chest.

Alexander was enjoying the feeling of her cool, firm body against his when he remembered his little sister. "Get dressed!" he exclaimed, "Shannara's in the next room. What if she sees us?"

"At least she didn't come out while we were- you know," Rosa said nervously as she slipped into her dress.

As soon as he had his pants on, Alexander strode to his sister's door. "Shannara," he called out, expecting her to open the door and smile out at him playfully.

When the door did not slide open, Alexander pressed the override button on the commpanel and stepped inside. His sister was not in the room. Where could she have gone? How could she have gotten past without him noticing? He knew how, he realized, feeling ashamed. What if she saw something? If she had, she probably thought that he and Rosa were trying to kill each other, with all the growling they were doing, and now Shannara was probably hiding somewhere in utter fright.

Turning about quickly, he left the room still calling for his sister. It was not like her to not answer him. Every passing second, his heart beat faster with alarm.

He stepped into their parents' room, expecting to find Shannara playing in some of their mother's belongings. She was not there either.

"The bathroom!" he suddenly exclaimed, realizing how many dangers that room provided. He rushed out of his parents' bedroom and through the living area.

Rosa, who had only just managed to get her dress and all her accessories back on properly, followed him into the bathroom. The shower door was only slightly ajar, but it was enough to see the small hand sticking through the crack. The small, motionless hand. As he slid open the door, he prayed he wouldn't find any water, but somehow he knew he would. Shannara was laying face down in a mere six inches of water. He pulled her out and laid her gently on the floor, feeling for a pulse. Her face was turning a purplish-grey color. She was breathing ever so slowly. Her chest was not moving. He realized she had taken in far too much water in her lungs.

Rosa came to his aid, leaning down to give the girl her own examination. "Oh God, Alex! Is she breathing?"

"Alert sickbay," he begged and then placed his mouth on his sister's to give her a breath.

Rosa ran to the commpanel in the living area and paging sickbay, informed them of the medical emergency. When a medical team arrived seconds later, Alexander backed a few feet away from his sister to let them do their job. After stabilizing Shannara, the two medical officers had her transported directly to sickbay.

Rosa rushed to Alexander and they hugged fiercely, both crying on the other's shoulder.

"I have to go to her!" Alexander said, pulling away from Rosa. "I have to know she's all right. It's all my fault! I was supposed to be watching her."

Mouth agape and head shaking, Rosa could offer no response. Alexander turned and left her standing speechless in his quarters.

"Are you sure this part of town is safe for a lady?" Deanna asked using a southern drawl and delivering it in a joking tone as she and Worf stepped into the holodeck-created saloon.

The bar was crowded with poker players, drinkers, cigarette and cigar smoke, and bargirls, all mingling together. The laughter, arguments, teasing of anything in a skirt, and all the other sounds that filled the room had reached decibels that were nearly painful to Deanna's ears. Still, she did not want to leave. She loved the Ancient West and this was simply a part of it.

"Not if she's alone," he replied. "But if a strong, honorable man is accompanying her. . . ."

"Yes? Don't stop! Do tell me more about this strong, honorable man." She clutched at his muscular arm, squeezing it affectionately.

"I would much rather show you-I have a room booked upstairs."

"Oh really?" Deanna cooed as she glanced toward the stairway. "I'm afraid if you want to get me up into that room, you're just gonna have to carry me."

In one swift motion, the Klingon swooped his wife over his shoulder. He easily carried her up the stairs and into the rented room, growling promises of ravishing her the entire way. Once he'd thrown her on the bed, he began to deliver. He unzipped her dress and it rolled off her shoulders down to her waist to reveal her bare succulent breasts. She clawed at his clothes, ready to rip them off if she couldn't get the buttons unfastened quick enough.

"I want you inside me!" she exclaimed and nibbled at his ear. She reached down between his legs and clutched at the erection aching to get out of his pants.

"I want to be inside of you, love," Worf growled, arching into her caress.

"Wench," Deanna whispered, her hand tracing the shape of the object she knew so well. "I want to be your wench today, love."

The Klingon grinned, enjoying it when his wife played the naughty roles. And she was obviously anticipating this one. . .

"You treat me right, wench, and maybe I'll give you a bonus," Worf growled, tangling his fingers in her long black hair and pulling her head back to look into her eyes. Although unfamiliar with the accent and word-choices, he was trying to get into character for her, and Deanna's heart leapt with her love for the big Klingon.

"Oh, I will, I will," she promised, staring wide-eyed at him as she brought her other hand into play, unbuttoning the period pants he was wearing and reverently bringing his erection into the open.

She glanced down and gasped, one hand going to her mouth as the other vainly attempted to encircle the engorged shaft before her. "Oh, sir, it's so big-I just don't know if I can. . ."

Her voice trailed off as her hand worked slowly up and down, eliciting a heartfelt groan from the Klingon as he felt the blood bubble in his veins. "I have never-I mean, I ain't never broke a filly I rode yet, wench. You all will do just fine. I may spoil you for all the other cowpunches, though."

That was too much for Deanna, and she began to giggle. "Cowpunches? Worf, don't you mean cowpokes?"

"Is there a difference?" he asked, thinking about it.

"Yes, there is a difference," she laughed, still stroking him. "As much of a difference as this to-this," she said smokily and leaned forward.

Worf gasped as hot wetness descended on him and turned the bubbling in his veins to superheated steam. He groaned deep in his chest and tangled his fingers in her locks again; this time, however, he did most emphatically not pull her head back.

Deanna wanted to laugh again at his reaction but could only gurgle merrily as she sweetly tormented him. She knew exactly what he wanted to do, which was literally rip her dress off her body and ravish her mercilessly. And, she was certain, with just a little more work that was exactly what would happen!

The Klingon in Worf was rapidly reaching the point of no return as the lovely black-haired wench in front of him slurped loudly around his throbbing member. "If-you-unnnghhh-ohhh- AARGHHH!" he babbled, finally succumbing to the urge he normally controlled tightly.

Deanna gasped in delight as he pulled her roughly off of him and slung her back onto the bed. Strong hands grasped the thin red dress and pulled outward, shredding the fabric like tissue as it came free of her curvaceous body. The woman smiled eagerly at the expression on her husband's face, then gasped again as he rolled her onto her stomach and then pulled her up onto her hands and knees.

Worf roared, the sound of Klingon triumph thundering in the room as he sheathed himself fully in her willing body. He clutched her strongly by the hips, just enough of his rational mind in control to gauge the pressure of his fingers as he began to enjoy her.

Deanna was buffeted, pummeled, abused, and delighted. She knew how badly Worf needed these occasional releases, but for some reason she could only tease him into them when they were playing other roles. And for some reason she couldn't convince him that she enjoyed this, occasionally at least, just as much as he did. She regretted that after the first episode of bondage and domination she'd shared with her husband, which she thought he'd enjoyed as much as she had, he'd never consented to try it again. . .

Then the pleasure overwhelmed her, and all that existed for them both was sheer sensation, feeling run amok. Time had no meaning to the gasping, wailing, roaring couple, nor responsibility, nor propriety. Just each other, and what they had together!

Worf shuddered, hunched over the slavishly kneeling Deanna as he exploded deep within her. She was sobbing and shaking, her own orgasm overwhelming her near to the point of sensory overload, and the big Klingon could feel her joy and excitement as her mental control slipped for a timeless moment. For a second or an eon, he was never sure which at the time, they were truly, literally, one!

He shuddered again and rolled onto his side, bringing her with him and cuddling the shaking Betazed against his broad chest. She'd done it to him again, he thought ruefully, and it made him love her all the more. Worf pulled her face around and licked gently at the tear-tracks on her cheek, then whispered "Kur'kszao"-love-into her ear.

"Yes," she sighed and snuggled back into him, enjoying the warm feel of his flesh against hers and the soft emotions she could sense in him, so perfect to her and so un-Klingon. He might not be her Imzadi, but Worf was everything that was important to her.

"You did it to me again, you naughty wench," the Klingon mock-growled as he hugged her against him.

"And enjoyed it at least as much as you did, cowpunch," the woman giggled. Her stomach rumbled, and Worf laughed at both her body's reaction to violent exercise and emotional stress and his own. He felt, he was certain, at least as hollow as she sounded just now.

"Would sandwiches be sufficient to stop those cravings, Deanna?" he asked rhetorically.

"I'd rather have a-"

"Chocolate sundae," they both said in unison, and Worf laughed as she continued, "but sandwiches will suffice for now, you beast."

"Good," Worf said, then bellowed, "Bring me some sandwiches up here, cause if I have to come down there I'm gonna bust somebody up!"

"Oh!" Deanna gasped, digging under her for the sheet they'd twisted into knots. "Ohh, sir, I'll just die of embarrassment if someone sees me like this. Besides you, I mean," and she giggled self-consciously for him.

Someone knocked at the door and the couple scrambled to cover themselves.

"That was fast," Deanna said and looked to the floor for her discarded clothing.

"Who is it?" Worf asked after making sure they were both sufficiently covered by the sheets.

Their captain stepped inside. "I'm so sorry," Will said.

Instantly, Deanna sensed the dread from Riker and knew he wasn't apologizing for catching them in a state of undress. "What is it?" she started to ask and gasped. "Oh my God, Shannara! Worf, there's something wrong with our baby!" She slipped out from underneath the blankets, not caring that she was completely nude. After slipping on her panties, she grabbed her dress, and clutching it to her bosom, she called up the holodeck exit and rushed to the nearest turbolift.