Author's Note: Rosalie and Emmett and the garage outtake. Sorry that this has been so long in coming, but straight Emmett and Rosalie would not talk to me.

Emmett's POV:

After my father died, I was stuck in the hospital, and then later at the Cullen's house, recovering from the bear attack for a really long time. The one person I turned to back then, above all others, was my new friend Rosalie. She helped me get over my loss and helped take care of me during my infirmary. But mostly she was drop dead gorgeous and distracted me from feeling sorry for myself or being anxious about my new life.

The first time I saw Rosalie, when she was camping with her family, I thought that she was a stuck up spoiled brat. But the second time, when she was saving me from that bear, I thought that she was my own personal angel come to save me or take me to heaven. Only I could not be going to heaven, because it hurt way too much for that to be the case; I must be on my way to hell, with my own personal angel escort. Maybe the devil had angels too. It turned out that I was not going to hell, but I got to keep the hell's angel: I lived and Rosalie's family adopted me and took me home with them. The attraction was still there when I woke up in the hospital with her by my side.

I could barely breathe when I woke up, because my chest hurt so bad from where the bear had clawed me, and I felt a stabbing pain every time my chest rose or fell with the intake of air. Sharpe intakes of breath were even worse. But when I saw my personal angel sitting by my bed and holding my hand that first day, I could not help but to gulp in air, despite the pain associated with doing so. My heart started racing and I could feel my pulse pounding in my head, but that was not the only place I felt it pounding.

I was so embarrassed I thought I would die, when my skyrocketing vitals sent the alarm on the machine off and a nurse rushed in, quickly followed by Dr. Cullen. Having Dr. Cullen and my nurse, who was some old lady who looked like my late grandma, so close to me quickly put a damper on my little problem between my legs. But still, it was as embarrassing at it gets. In that moment I closed my eyes and prayed that I was dead and that I would be in hell the next time I opened my eyes. That prayer went unanswered.

Instead Dr. Cullen fussed with my meds and IV until my heart rate returned to normal. But he must have given me a sedative or something, because I blinked my eyes and then I was waking up again three hours later. Rosalie was still in my room, but this time she was sleeping on a couch in the corner. I tried to stay calm that time so that I could stay awake long enough to find out what happened, but staying calm down there just made me realize how bad everything else on my body hurt.

I ended up screaming in pain when I tried to move, waking Rosalie up, who called my nurse and doctor back in. That time they explained to me that my dad did not make it and that I needed to stay still because of my injuries. The ones to my chest hurt the worst, but the broken leg would take the longest to heal. The thought of being a crippled orphan attending my father's funeral in a wheelchair was not the type of thing thirteen year olds are equipped to handle. I fully admit I cried.

I cried like a little baby and Dr. Cullen was the first to put his arms around me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. Rosalie was the next to comfort me. She came over, crawled into bed next to me, and stroked my hair, while she told me that I was not going to be alone: her family was adopting me and they would take care of me. And despite the fact that I was still bawling, part of me did feel better.

In fact, part of me felt pretty good, with Rosalie's pert breasts crushed up against my face. I continued to cry, but my heart rate went through the roof and something stirred and throbbed in my pants again. And again Dr. Cullen upped my sedative, but at least I did not pass out this time around. Although I did lose the hard on and I fell asleep in Rosalie's arms about thirty minutes later.

This time when I woke up, Rosalie was gone and a pretty woman was sitting in her chair by the bed. "Where's Rosalie?" I asked.

"Rosalie went to shower and change her clothes. I'm Mrs. Cullen, Dr. Cullen's wife and Rosalie's aunt," she answered, walking towards me and taking my hand in hers.

Mrs. Cullen then proceeded to tell me how sorry she was about my dad dying and let me cry into her shoulder for a while. And when I was all cried out, she told me about how she and the doctor wanted to adopt me and that she loved me already. She told me that I could call her mom if I wanted to, but I did not have to.

She seemed really nice; I had not had a mother for a few years and I was not ashamed to admit that I liked it. She hugged me and patted my head and helped me sit up when I had to cough. She even sang to me, but what I liked most was when she would just hold me and tell me that everything was going to be alright. She even smelled like a mom and that was the last thought that ran through my head as I drifted off to sleep again.

The next time I woke up, Rosalie was back and wearing clean clothes with her hair freshly combed. She was drop dead beautiful when she looked a mess, but now that she was properly put together, I think my heart did stop. Either that or it was just racing so fast that it set the machine off again, because my nurse rushed in, followed shortly after by Dr. Cullen.

It did not take Dr. Cullen long to realize that my heart rate went up every time I was left alone with his niece. When his eyes fell to my crotch, I felt my cheek's burning with my blush, before he even mouthed the word, "Oh."

"I wanted to bathe him before we sedated him again, but I guess that will just have to wait until later," my nurse said fussing with my IV.

"No, don't sedate him Martha: he'll be fine. Everyone out: Rosalie you can go wait in my office or the doctor's lounge," Dr. Cullen said taking a bag of fluid away from my nurse.

Rosalie complained and grumbled, but eventually let herself be led away by my nurse. As soon as they were gone, Dr. Cullen shut the door behind them and proceeded to give me a talk about the birds and the bees. What do flying animals have to do with growing up? I was really lost until he started talking about erections and condoms. Then he told me that Rosalie would have to leave if my heart went crazy every time I saw her and asked me if I wanted him to keep her away from me.

"No sir. Please don't take away the angel. I'll try harder, I swear," I promised.

He just chuckled and patted me on the head, so I figured that I was not in too much trouble. He told me to try thinking about something else when I had a problem and that seemed to work for me. Thinking about old nurse Martha was enough to shrivel my little man up. Thinking about how Nurse Martha came back in after that lecture and gave me a sponge bath was enough to make it crawl back inside me and try to pretend like it never even existed.

That sponge bath was the nastiest thing I have ever experienced in my life. Nurse Martha was old and wrinkled and looked like my dead granny. She pulled off my hospital gown, leaving me bare for the world to see, and wiped me down with a washcloth. I wanted to die. But it was not until the next morning that I prayed to god to let me die right now from these bear injuries.

Rosalie had been allowed back into my room after the sponge bath and she had crawled into bed with me to sleep that night. She was so close to me that I could feel the heat from her body and that night I dreamed she reached over and touched me. Not on my hand or head like she did during the day, but on my other head. Down there. The dream felt so real and so good that I thought it was real.

That dream was the best I have ever had, but when I woke up I felt like I was in a nightmare: I had sticky white stuff all over my junk and my thin hospital gown was practically glued to my dick. It was embarrassing and Rosalie was still asleep right next to me. And worst of all, I just kept thinking about how I was going to have to let Nurse Martha clean me up.

I started crying and sobbing quietly, which woke Rosalie up. "What's wrong?" she asked me, but I could not answer her, so I shook my head instead. "Should I get my uncle?" I quickly accepted Rosalie's offer, so she left the room, but was back with Dr. Cullen in a matter of minutes.

"Wait outside Rosalie," Dr. Cullen instructed before walking over to my bed and asking, "What's wrong Emmett?"

I was so embarrassed that I could not look him in the eye or speak, so I just pulled my blanket back, showing him the wet spot, to answer him

"Well that's okay Emmett. I'll just send Martha in to clean you up," he said.

I did not want Martha to clean me up. Just the thought of my elderly nurse touching me down there made me sick to my stomach. Before I knew what was happening I was hunched over in more pain than I have ever been in and puking my guts out. Dr. Cullen went first to my IV and then grabbed a bedpan on his way back over to me. He helped me hold the stitches on my chest as I vomited, while calling for help at the same time.

I thought that Nurse Martha was going to come in, which just made me groan and wish I wear dead, but I lucked out and a tall male nurse came in instead. I was still feeling queasy as Nurse Shawn brought in a pile of clean clothes and bedding, before going over to the sink and starting a bucket of warm water for my sponge bath.

"Emmett, would it be okay if Nurse Shawn cleans you up this time instead of Nurse Martha?" Dr. Cullen asked.

I felt a lot better about a dude bathing me, so I nodded. He still had to see me and touch me, but at least it was not the old lady. Shawn was pretty young too, so it felt more like a friend helping me out than that I was an invalid. He even handed me the wet washcloth and let me clean my own junk and made me feel better by telling me embarrassing stories about his own teenage years.

"Once I went camping with my best friend, Lucas, and his family. He had an older sister who was hot. We were fourteen and she was seventeen and filled out in all of the right places if you know what I mean. That night I shared a tent with Lucas, but I was dreaming about his sister. I had seen her dripping wet in her swimsuit earlier that day. I woke up cumming all over myself with Lucas shaking me awake.

"He said that he heard me moaning and thought that I was having a bad dream or something. He was just trying to wake me, but it was pretty gross and embarrassing to wake up like that. And Lucas started screaming and ran away as soon as he realized what was happening. Thankfully his older brother was also in the tent and he took me down to the river to wash up and change before anyone found out. That water was freezing and my teeth were chattering and I swear I almost got frostbite when a gust of chilly wind blew by.

"Lucas eventually got over it and forgave me, but it was still really weird the whole rest of that camping trip that we were all stuck together out in the woods," Shawn told me as he finished cleaning up my vomit, before moving on to redress my wounds. There was barf on the old dressings, so they had to go.

After that Shawn came and gave me all of my sponge baths, but Martha was still my nurse for everything else. And thinking of Martha worked wonders for getting rid of my little problem between my legs and keeping my heart rate steady, so I used that trick the rest of the time I was in the hospital. Although I was all too happy when Dr. Cullen said I finally got to go home.

Going home came with a lot of advantages, like no more Nurse Martha and no more hospital smell. I finally got to see what Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's house looked like and I had a room to myself. My new room was huge and a few of my old things had been moved into it, but most of the things in there were new, like the bedspread and clothes.

And I was apparently well enough for certain other activities, because Dr. Cullen gave me a bag full of condoms and a bottle of lube when I got home. Well he did not hand them to me, but he showed me where they were kept in my top dresser drawer next to my socks and underwear. He even handed me a banana and showed me how to put one on, before handing me a strip and telling me to practice.

I had assumed that the condoms were permission to use them and the only one I wanted to use them with was Rosalie; I had asked her to be my girlfriend before I even got out of the hospital and she had agreed. But it was not until Edward was knocking on my bedroom door with Rosalie half naked in my arms that I ever considered that my new parents might not be okay with our relationship. Her breasts were even better without the shirt and bra.

Edward really frightened me the way he had Rosalie running off back to her room. He warned me that my adoption was not final yet and that his parents could always send me back if they did not like what I was doing with their precious little girl. And it was not like I was even doing all that much with her! I had just barely gotten her bra off for the first time when he had interrupted.

After that night, Rosalie and I agreed to slow it down and keep our activities out of the house. I was still bed bound for another month, but as soon as I was walking around again, I was hobbling out into the forest on my crutches to have some private time with my girlfriend. We were both inexperienced virgins, so we spent a lot of time out in the woods just touching each other.

It was over a year before we realized that there was a next step; my friend, Paul, from school started telling me about how his new girlfriend used her mouth on him. I did not believe him at first, but then Rosalie and I googled it later that evening and found out about everything we were missing. And once we entered the world of oral, there was no going back.

Oral was a lot harder to hide from the parents. When we were just using hands, we would leave our clothes mostly on while we touched each other, so all we had to do was pull our clothes back into place and zip up in order to not get caught. But with oral, we started taking our bottoms completely off, explaining how I got caught with my pants down a week later.

Rosalie and I had gone off into the forest to fool around as usual. She had gone first and screamed my name when my head was down between her legs. I kept going until she pushed my head away, completely out of breath, before we switched. She pulled her pants up and I lowered mine. She had a mouth full of cock when I heard movement behind us.

I pushed Rosalie off of me and tried to put my pants back on, but my new dad stepped into the clearing before I got my junk put away. He looked from my boner to Rosalie's flushed cheeks and back again a few times before he said, "I hope you two were planning on using a condom. Esme is looking for you two: dinner is ready. I'll stall for five minutes, but you better be decent when you come back in and I don't want to have to come looking for you again."

And with that said, he turned and walked away. As soon as he was gone, I turned to look at Rosalie, who was looking past me at something in the trees. I turned back around and followed her gaze to see my boxers proudly on display, stuck in a bush. So I did the only thing I could do; I grabbed my boxers while dropping my pants.

Rosalie did not move to help me and just started laughing. It took me a minute to find the humor in the situation, as it was my penis that had been caught out and on display by my adoptive father, but by the time we were walking back to the house, I was laughing too. At least he was not my biological father, although it was still hard looking him in the eye that night at dinner. And I swear Rosalie and I turned scarlet red that night when my new mom handed us each a huge bag full of condoms and lube. I was so embarrassed and I really did not want to get caught again, so I think I would have done almost anything in the name of prevention.

"Let's take our bikes over to the meadow," I whispered into Rosalie's ear a week later, in between sucking her neck. We were so scared of getting caught again that we had not done anything for an entire week, when we normally fooled around at least once a day. My balls were killing me.

The meadow was five miles north of our house, past the river, so it was unlikely that our parents would follow us there. Thus we were unlikely to get caught and I thought we would be safe there.

"Okay," she moaned back into my ear.

I took Rosalie's hand and led her to our bikes in the garage. We made out for another ten minutes before we finally pulled apart and got on our bikes. It took us awhile and I had to think about old ladies to make my dick stop aching while I pedaled, but we finally made it to the meadow, propping our bikes up against a tree.

We were stripping out of our clothes and could not keep our mouths off of each other before we even got our helmets off. I hitched Rosalie's leg under my arm as I picked her up and laid her down on the grass. She was dry humping me like I was water in the desert. Her soft, curvy body felt like silk against my skin. But I wanted her mouth wrapped around me already, so I pulled away and went to work.

I always took care of Rosalie first. She liked to get hers first and I liked to fall asleep after I got mine. Even if I was getting it outside, which was normally the case back then. So the quicker I took care of her, the quicker she would return the favor. I had two fingers in her wet pussy and my tongue lapping at her clit, while she was screaming my name. Between her screams, moans, and legs wrapped around my head, it was no wonder that I did not hear the car pulling up.

The meadow was just off a trail that was barely large enough to drive a car down, although most cars were not capable of getting over the thick tree roots. The police cruiser Chief Swan normally drove would not make it, but I did not know that his department also had a four wheel drive jeep capable of off roading. And I confused Rosalie's screams for ones of pleasure, so I was more than a little surprised when the chief of police cleared his throat and said, "Ahmm, Emmett, Rosalie."

Rosalie was pushing my shoulders and at first I confused her actions for directing my movements, but as soon as I heart Chief Swan's voice I realized that she was pushing me away because she had seen him. I must have jumped ten feet in the air and screamed like a girl, before grabbing my shirt and covering my junk.

"What's going on here?" Chief Swan asked as Rosalie grabbed her clothes and began to cover up.

I had no answer to that question, so I just looked at Rosalie, hoping she did.

"Sorry Chief Swan," Rosalie replied, pulling on the rest of her clothes.

"Get dressed Emmett. I should charge you two with public nudity, but I'm going to go lenient on you since this is your first offense. I'll have to take you back to your parents and explain what I caught the two of you doing," Chief Swan said.

I complied and got dressed, before helping the police chief strap our bikes to his roof rack. Then Rosalie and I climbed into the jeep and prepared to see the looks on our parents' faces when they realized that we got caught together again. I would not be surprised if they grounded us for life. I prepared to hear my parents yell and scream or be mad at us, but I was not prepared for their reaction at all: Dad asked if we had at least used condoms and Mom just sent us to our rooms for the night.

I wanted them to be mad at me, because that I at least would know how to handle. But this mild disappointment was killing me. I was just thinking that I should try to go talk to them, when Mom came in my room. "Sorry Emmett for keeping you waiting, but I wanted to wait until your brothers were asleep before we talk about this," she said sitting down at the foot of my bed.

"I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to get carried away like that, but I also did not think anyone would find us," I replied, wringing my hands in my lap.

"You and Rosalie are grounded for a week. And I would hope that you two would show more discretion than that in the future. And you two didn't even have a condom on you! With all of those condoms we give you, the least you could do is use them, got it?"

"Got it. I promise to use protection, but…"

"But what Emmett? The least you two could do for us and for yourselves is to be safe," she replied sternly.

"But we're virgins," I whispered embarrassedly. I was pretty certain that my face had turned red.

"Oh. Oh! Really? I just thought… well never mind what I thought. You two can go at your own pace and it's probably a better idea if you make Rosalie wait for sex."

"Why?" I asked confused. I had clearly been getting mixed signals from my parents lately. They told us to use a condom when we were still virgins, but ground us for getting caught.

"Well girls are only after one thing, Emmett. It's like riding a fine stallion; if you want the ride you have to buy the horse. If you give out your stallion rides for free, then no one will want to buy your horse. But, if you save your rides for the right person and get married, then she will by all of your horse rides, understand?" she asked patting my head.

I did not in fact understand what she had said. It seemed to be something about livestock and sex; Darwin I hope that she was not saying that I should date a horse. "Sorry, no," I confessed, still confused.

"Well how about this metaphor? A good looking boy like you is like a prized bull used in bull riding competitions. People pay a lot of money for a ride on the bull and other people pay even more money to keep the bull and take care of it to show off or take on private rides. Don't give away the rides for free, or no one will want to take care of the bull. You are the bull, Emmett," she finally revealed.

I must say I was confused the entire time she was talking about the horse and then even more so when she went on with the bull. I was so lost that I did not know where to begin with a response. But luckily I did not have to, because mom still had a speech or two in her.

"Okay, let me try one more metaphor as see if you get this one. Why buy the cow when you can drink the milk for free? The cow is you, the milk in your sex. It means, 'Why would someone bother marrying you, if they can have sex with you for free?' Loose boys don't get married off very quickly when they come of age. Do you want to be the last boy in your class to get married?"

"I thought the cow metaphor went the other way around. Isn't Rosalie the cow?" I asked, still slightly confused.

"Everyone is a cow until they finish schooling, graduate from University, and start their careers. If you want to get married and have a family, you need to keep your purity intact so that a nice young lady will come along and want to marry you. No one wants a slut," she explained, knowing that I did not want to go to college.

Not long after being adopted, Mom had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I really did not have an answer for her. I had thought about it for a few minutes, but the only thing I could think of that I wanted to be when I grew up was a father, so I had told her that. "You want to be a stay at home father?" she had asked in response.

Having no other answer, I had nodded and we had left it at that. But now it seemed that that life choice came with the requirement of keeping my purity intact. "So if I sleep with Rosalie, I'm a slut?" I asked.


"What about Rosalie? Will she be a slut too?"

"No, Rosalie wants to go to university and start up her own car repair shop when she grows up: she'll be able to afford to buy a cow. You don't want her using your body now and leaving you later as used goods, now do you?"

"No, I guess not," I answered feeling really bad about my recent slutty behavior. I wanted Rosalie to marry me, even if it meant abstaining from sex.

"Good, then get some sleep and think about what you've done," Mom said getting up to leave. "I love you, Emmett."

"Love you too Mom," I said as she left.

I lied down to sleep, but I just kept thinking about what Mom had said. I had been acting really slutty lately and if I wanted Rosalie to still want me, to marry me, I should make her wait for it, like Mom said.

I could not sleep with all of the images of Rosalie leaving me that were floating around in my head. And some point in the night I most have started crying, because Dad walked in and asked, "What's wrong Emmett?" and sat down on my bed next to me.

I did not answer right away, so Dad started rubbing my back before I replied, "Mom says Rosalie's gonna dump me because I'm a slut."

"Have you not been using condoms, then?" he asked, probably linking sluttiness with lack of condom usage.

"No, we haven't had sex yet. I'm still a virgin," I replied, still sniffling.

"Then how can you be a slut?" he asked confused.

"I've been putting out with my tongue and fingers. Mom said that I should stop if I want Rosalie to marry me."

"I don't get it."

"Mom said that I'm the cow and if I want Rosalie to buy me, marry me, I need to be a virgin."

"I'm lost. Let me call your mother in here to explain."

"No don't," I begged, not wanting to face her again.

"Then can you explain to me why my son is the cow?" he asked more sternly than he had been speaking before.

"I don't want to go to college. I want to get married and have children and stay home, while Rosalie goes to work. Mom says that makes me the cow," I answered before breaking into a fresh bout of tears and sobs.

"You are going to university, not college, Emmett."

"I don't want to."

"You have to. There is no option not to go."

"Mom said I could be a stay at home dad."

"Well that could happen, but not before you get at least a bachelor's from university." But I just shook my head, so Dad stood up, turned to the door, and called, "Esme!" before exiting out of my room.

I could hear Mom and Dad arguing in their room. My room was the closest to their room, so I could hear them better. I could not make out what they were saying, but I could hear their sharp voices for several minutes before they turn to soft murmurs of agreement. And it was another half an hour after that before they came back into my room, together, and holding hands. By that time I had stopped crying, my tears all cried out, and I would have gone to sleep if I had not been able to hear their continued voices.

"Emmett, your mother and I have reached an agreement: you are going to university and you can engage in sexual activities as long as you use a condom. We know that you kids are going to have sex whether we give our permission or not, so we just want you to be safe. I suggest you start thinking about possible majors before I enroll you in a pre-med program," Dad said chuckling. "I always wanted one of my sons to follow in my footsteps."

"And I'm sorry for what I said earlier Emmett: you are not the cow and are not a slut," Mom said walking over to my bed and wrapping her arms around me. "Besides, Rosalie is going to be sleeping with someone, so it might as well be you."

"Esme!" Dad chastised.

"Sorry Emmett. I mean, we can start considering majors tomorrow. Maybe nursery school teacher," Mom said, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"No, there are no Bachelor's degrees offered in nursery school education. Minimally you could be a Kindergarten teacher," Dad replied.

I did not particularly want to be a teacher, but I could not think of anything else I wanted to be that involved advanced education, so I just shrugged. Maybe a baseball star or a college football player, but I knew Dad would not like either of those options, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"And we are going to remodel the loft above the garage so that you and Rosalie don't have to make out in the woods or hide anymore. We don't want Charlie to have to keep bringing the two of you home," Mom told me. I got the feeling that the garage loft thing was Mom's way of apologizing for calling me a slut, but that was alright with me, so I just nodded.

Rosalie and I had to help in the remodel, which I really enjoyed. I almost told Dad that I wanted to be an architect just because I liked it and wanted to get him off my back. Almost, that was until Mom told me it involved graduate school. I thought about engineer, but most engineering jobs wanted a master's, meaning more school. I tried telling Dad I wanted to be an artist, but he pointed out that my artwork was atrocious, so I was feeling rather grateful when he finally agreed to let me major in business.

It was not that I really wanted to go into business, but it was an easy four year degree, with no graduate school, and it would come in handy when Rosalie opened up her repair shop. I figured that I could keep the books from home and spend time with the children at the same time. Although why I was required to plan my entire life now, at the age of fourteen, was beyond me. But at least it meant Rosalie and I had a place to fool around and a blanket permission slip to have sex. Not that we did, for another year and a half that was.

Rosalie had curves in all of the right places and sex with her was magic. I will never forget the first time we took full advantage of the garage loft and made love for the first time. Our parents had taken Edward, Jasper, and Alice in to Port Angeles to see a movie, but let us stay behind.

We had a science project to work on over at our friend Paul's house, so Mom and Dad dropped us off on their way out of town. We had already completed most of the project at school, so we finished within an hour and got a ride back home from Paul's mother. We had the house to ourselves for hours.

By this time, Rosalie and I had been together for forever, so there was none of that awkwardness about being naked with a girl for the first time that all of my friends experienced when they lost their virginities. And I was getting enough stimulation on a regular basis that there was no premature ejaculation, like was happened to Mike Newton. Jessica Stanley had blabbed, so it was all over school for weeks: how embarrassing.

Instead, everything went as planned for Rosalie and me. I picked her a bouquet of roses from my aunt's garden and even sprinkled rose petals over the bed, just like they show on television. I lit two candles, turned on the love songs, and retrieved a couple of condoms. The extra one was for just in case the first one broke.

I started by going down on her, like I always did, to make sure she was ready for me. She was begging for me by the time she ripped open the condom and slid it down my shaft. We had been practicing how to put a condom on for months and I think she could put a condom on blindfolded with one hand tied behind her back.

Rosalie was tight, warm, wet, and still pulsing from the orgasm I had induced with my tongue. I wanted to cum just entering her. But I held out and took my time. I pounded into her over and over again, giving her every inch of me. And then a wave of emotion overwhelmed me and I lowered myself to her body and kissed her as hard and passionately as I could.

I only last about ten minutes and was dripping sweat by the time I came, but our family was not due back for another hour or so, so we had plenty of time to clean up. I pulled Rosalie into the shower with me, letting the cold water cool us down as we kissed slowly. Then we climbed back into the bed and spooned we fell asleep.

We woke up to the sound of Mom's car pulling up just outside the garage. She seemed to know that we were inside, because she did not open the garage and pull inside like she normally does. Instead she parked outside and we heard the family exit the car and go inside, while we rushed to get dressed and clean up. We had already done most of the cleanup, so this time we were just looking around for condom wrappers and bras and other evidence of our activities.

Once Rosalie and I were satisfied that everything was as we had found it, we exited the garage and went inside the house, to announce that we were home before Mom sent someone out looking for us.

Author's Note: I know you all wanted the first lemon in the garage, but I just couldn't write it without explaining Emmett and Rosalie's past and where the idea for the garage came from: Esme has a weird way of apologizing that involves remodeling the house.

Also, I have two new stories. I have Messier-82 over on twilighted and Kuiper Belt Object Reclassification on this site. Kuiper Belt Object Reclassification starts out in the same world as this story, but it differs in that all of the children are hermaphrodites in that story. Also, all of the personalities are slightly altered- for example no evil Edward. And the plot line is totally different. I hope you all will give it a chance!