So i am back with the sequal to one of my favourite fanfictions that i probably will ever write! So anyways, you all know the drill, for each chapter there is a song, listen to that song either before or during the reading of the chapter. LOL. Please don't be harsh with me but if you have any comments and concerns please REVIEW! :P lol


Chapter 1: When it Rains

So it's been 6 months since the gods tried to kill me and they have been pretty good. I've started to talk to people other than Nico. I actually have a friend who is from the Aphrodite cabin. Her name is Kendra. She is actually pretty nice and not totally obsessed with how she looks… Ok that is a total lie, but I can dream that she will leave those stupid mannerisms behind her.

The camp is thriving. Apparently there haven't been this many campers since before the great war against the Titans. This month for example we have received around 150 new campers. And in the past 6 months about 500. It is amazing how many half bloods have found the camp. The games of capture the flag are so much fun.

Anyways, Nico and I are still close… I think. We haven't really been 'intimate' if you know what I mean, since that one time 6 months ago. We never kiss, hug, we don't even hold hands anymore now that I think about. I thought about asking Kendra if that's normal for a guy and a girl to do that when they are dating, but I think I have enough smarts to know that it isn't normal.

"Hey Nico." I said as I found him wandering to the dining pavilion for supper.

"Oh. Hey Em." He said

"What have you been up to today?" I asked him

"Oh, you know, the norm. What about you" He answered

"Oh you know, the norm." I said

"Yeah." He said.

This is how our conversations went most of the time now. All meals were silent. The cabin was silent. That's how life was… silent; dead.

On a normal night in our cabin, we would sleep till Percy and Annabeth were tolled to come and drag us out of bed, tonight was different though. Both Nico and I woke up at around 1 am. We could both clearly here the sound of campers screaming. At first we though it was the Hermes cabin playing a prank on someone, but then we noticed the faint glow of green.

"You don't think it could be?" Nico said

"Greek fire" I finished

"We have to get out of here." Nico said

We both got our armor on and grabbed our emergency bags that we had packed… around 6 moths ago. You see we didn't know if the gods were going to keep to their agreement to leave me alone so we just took some precautions.

When we got outside we both noticed that it wasn't just one cabin that was on fire, but it wasn't every cabin. It was all the Olympian cabins, and some of the other minor god cabins. Nobody seemed to be trying to stop the fires. Everyone was just standing there, there was a lot of screaming going on between both sides…

"Wait, why are there two sides, did one side decide to prank the others?" I asked Nico

"Don't ask me, I'm as in the dark about this as you." He answered

"Let's go find out" I said

We walked over to the 'mob' as you would call it.

"Hey… What's going on?" I asked in a quite voice. I wasn't one who liked to be in the spotlight. But of course, no one heard me.

"What's going on?" I said a little louder. No one even glanced at me.

Finally for the last time I screamed at the top of my lungs "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Everyone seemed to hear me and they all stopped.

One of the girls from the left side of the 'mob' said:

"Why… we're taking over the camp"

"Ok… why?" I asked

"Because, we we're unfairly treated not being aloud into the camp after the war!" She shouted.

"That makes no sence, everyone is welcome here. Who are you anyways?" I asked again.

"I am Alicia, daughter of Nemesis, goddess of revenge. And I am leading the last of the Titan army of demi-gods. Get out of our camp or die trying to save it." Alicia said.

"Guys, you lost like 6 years ago and you try to take over the camp now? Get it threw your thick head. YOU. LOST. Kronos is not coming back no matter how hard you try." Percy shouted.

"We're not going to just let you take over the camp" I said

"Then you shall all die." She said bitterly.

Then they charged. Normally we would stand tall and return the attack, but it was late and lots of us didn't even have weapons or armor. We had no choice but to run. We ran all the way outside the borders of camp, past the strawberry fields, to an abandoned beach house on the cost of the water.

By the time we had all caught our breath the planning started. This is what we trained for; we trained to be in the real world. We needed to set up camp. Some of the Athena kids were already starting to figure out how to build a good shelter. Annabeth, the leader of the Athena cabin, got one of her brothers to help her make a rainbow with a squirt bottle. She was sending an iris message.

"Annabeth" I asked

"Yeah" She said

"Who are you IMing?"

"Oh, just a friend. I though we could use some help getting the camp all set up, so I called the experts." She tolled me

"Ok…" I said

I didn't really know what to expect from Annabeths friends. I mean, they couldn't really do anything that interesting for us that we couldn't do ourselves. But when they got to our "camp" I understood why she said they were the experts at making a camp. They were the hunters of Artemis, and lady Artemis herself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them

"Well, we got an Iris message from Annabeth asking for some help and we answered the call." Thalia said.

"Ok… I think we can do it ourselves but if you want to help then I'm not going to be stopping you." I said "Lady Artemis"

"Yes Emily" She said grudgingly. I guess she still wasn't over the fact that I wasn't a maiden anymore.

"Do you think you could help us fight the demi-gods that have taken over the camp?" I asked

"I'm sorry. But as a god, I cannot help you directly, they have no monsters for my girls to slay, that is the end of the story. I think that you can all do perfectly fine." She said. Her voice sounder harsh. I guess that she still didn't like me to.

"We must get going" Artemis continued.

"But you said that you would help us set up camp" I said

"But we already did. My hunters are very quick at setting up camp. They even took the liberty of building a fire." Artemis said.

"Thank you lady Artemis" I said as I bowed

"You're welcome… Emily." She said. "Now we must be going, good luck in your battle."

And just as swiftly as they arrived, they were gone. The camp was silent. It just started to sink in to everyone that Camp Half Blood had been invaded, that we had been forced to run for our lives, that we wouldn't be able to go back home for a long, long wile. We all sat around the fire, quite, not even the Apollo cabin wanted to start a sing-along.

"Emily" Kendra said.

"Yeah, what is it?" I said

"I need to talk to you… In private."

"Ok… What do you need to talk about?" I said as I walked with her to the water front.

"Well, I have to leave." She said

"Leave… But we just got out of danger, where would you go?" I asked her.

"I'm going to back to camp. I…I….I'm their spy… But I just couldn't go threw with it, but I can't stay here, I have to get back to them…" She said

"What…." All I could think about was why she would do that. "Why… Kendra. I trusted you!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I just can't betray you anymore…" Kendra said.

I know that I hadn't done this in months. You know, like randomly start to sing, but it was the only way I new how to control my emotions, and if I lost control of them then the gods would come after me… again.

And when it rains on this side of town
It touches everything
Just say it again and mean it
We don't miss a thing
You made yourself a bed at the bottom
of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
and convinced yourself
that it's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore

and no (oh) how could you do it
(oh I) I never saw it coming
(no oh) I need an ending
So why can't you stay
Just long enough to explain

And when it rains
You always find an escape
Just running away
From all of the ones who love you
From everything
You made yourself a bed at the bottom
Of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
And you'll sleep till May
You'll say that you don't want to see the sun anymore

and no (oh) how could you do it
(oh I) I never saw it coming
(no oh) I need an ending
So why can't you stay
Just long enough to explain

(Explain your side, Take my side)
Take these chances to turn it around
Take these chances we'll make it somehow
And Take these chances and turn it around
Just turn it around.

and no oh how could you do it
oh I I never saw it coming
no oh how could you do it
oh I I never saw it coming
no oh how could you do it
oh I I never saw it coming and
no oh I need an ending
So why can't you stay
Just long enough to explain

You can take your time, take my time.

"I'm so sorry Emily" Kendra said

"Yeah whatever." I said

"I just hope that we don't meet on the battle field" She said

"Ditto" I said

"You were a great friend" Kendra said. Then she started back to the camp.

That night I didn't get any sleep whatsoever. I didn't have anyone to talk to. Nico wouldn't look at me, I couldn't talk to Kendra because she was gone, and I am deffinatly not talking to the two other people that I might consider talking to, Annabeth and Percy. I was alone and there was no one. It faintly reminded me of growing up. No one but me, nothing but a backpack. No parents, no guidance, no one to lean on. Just empty space…

An: So i hope that ending wasnt too depressing for yah because it will probably be getting worse. lol Anyways, i want to know what you guys think about this new story and all that. :P so REVIEW! they always make me feel happier and they encourage me to write. :) lol so i hope you liked the first chapter, there are 9 more planned. :P lol