A/NSequel to the little drabble I wrote for spn_bitesized, Stolen Moment. I'm not 100% sure about this, mainly about Dean (who is freakin' hard to write in character). But I hope you enjoy anyway (especially since I should actually be studying and not reading and writing fanfiction (so addictive! I just can't say no.)). This is the first chapter of five (hopefully updated every few days).


Chapter 1

The Perfect Plan?


Twelve year old, Adam Milligan knew three things about his life.

One, his mom, no matter how many bad things he did, loved him.

Two, his dad, John Winchester, also loved him, but had a way of always avoiding things that Adam wanted to talk about, somehow able to change the subject or stop his further questions with a single look.

Which brought him to point three, Adam had two older brothers, Dean and Sam, that he had never met, and knew almost nothing about, John always able to not answer the questions he asked.

The only thing he did know about; was that they worked with his father and what they looked like. Adam had one photo of them, which was now worn and creased, having always been with him, either in a pocket in his jeans or bag, and he'd memorized what his brothers looked like, seeing the parts of himself in them.

His mom and John didn't know he had the photo, Adam having stolen it the first, and only time, John had shown him photos of his brothers.

After awhile, Adam had realized that neither his mom, nor John, would tell him about, or take him to see, his brothers, and he'd realized that he would have to take matters into his own hands.

The first time he'd tried to run away to see his brothers, he'd made it to the bus station, only to realize that he had no idea where his father and brothers were.

He'd made it home just before his mom, glad that his mom had no idea what he had had planned, knowing his mom would worry and try to stop him from doing it.

So, he'd realized that he'd have to find out all he could from John about where he was staying, and find his brothers that way.

The only problem was, John was always suspicious, and after awhile, he stopped giving Adam the little hints the young boy had been using to piece together where his brothers were.

After awhile, Adam had given up hope, not knowing what else to do, how else to track down his family. His mom and John had relaxed, obviously thinking he'd stopped his crusade to see his brothers.

It wasn't until John had visited this time, pulling out a gift for Adam from the trunk of the Impala, and Adam had seen how spacious the trunk was, that inspiration struck.

Which is why, Adam was now where he was, hiding in the trunk of his father's car, duffle bag wrapped in his arms, big smile on his face, as he realized he had finally done it, he was finally going to meet his brothers.

Butterflies started flying in his stomach as he wondered how Dean and Sam would react when they saw him.

Maybe they wouldn't like him. Maybe that's why John didn't talk about them, maybe he had told them about Adam and his brothers had hated him, never wanting to meet him and so his mom and John had made sure that he ...

Shaking his head, he pushed the nerves down.

No, his brothers would want to know him, just as much as he wanted to know them. He was sure of it.

Swallowing, he pulled out his phone, knowing he had at least sixteen hours until his mom realized he was missing.

He had told his mom and John that he was going over to Ronnie's house, smiling as John stayed for his usual cup of coffee, wondering what had his father looking so tired, before sneaking around the front and into the car while John was distracted.

He'd left a note for his mom on his pillow, knowing she would find it tomorrow morning when she got home from work and tried to get him ready for school.

Part of him felt bad about leaving like he was, but he'd given his parents the opportunity to introduce him, and they hadn't, so he'd done what he'd had to.

Yawning, he felt his eye lids grow heavy. He hadn't slept much last night, too excited about John coming to visit, and as he lay in the back of the car, he didn't think there was much harm in having a little rest.

It was only three o'clock, plenty of time to have a quick nap and wake up to get out of the car and surprise his family.

As he started to drift, a smile crossed his face, as he realized his plan was going perfectly.

He woke up, what only felt a short time later, with a frown crossing his face until he remembered where he was, and why. Sitting up a little, he looked out one of the small cracks, frown deepening as he realized it was dark.

He'd slept more then he'd planned, but the car had stopped, and that meant John had made it back to Sam and Dean.

Grinning, he grabbed his lock picking set out of his bag. His mom hadn't been impressed when he'd brought it, but John had just given him a small smile, a proud look on his face as he ruffled his hair.

Sticking his tongue out to one side, he quickly set to work, almost whooping when the trunk popped open.

Climbing out, pulling his bag with him, he looked around nervously, his heart picking up its pace.

He was in the middle of nowhere, a dark, empty looking house in front of him, the sight of it making his hairs stand on end.

As he pulled his bag tighter onto his shoulder, he swallowed hard, reminding himself that John was here, and so were his brothers, and he had nothing to be afraid of.

Maybe they were asleep?

Looking around him, he moved forward slowly, some instinctual part of him stopping him from calling out, knowing that it would be dangerous if he did. The feeling didn't stop him from moving closer to the house, making his way up the stairs and opening the door.

As he made his way inside, the sense of foreboding grew, his brain telling him that there was no way John and his brothers were staying here, that they were obviously outside doing something.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around, deciding that he could just wait for them by the car, shivering a little as his breath come out in a gust of white.

Everything seemed to happen quickly after that, the door slammed shut, a man appeared in front of him, and the next thing he knew he was flying through the air, hitting the wall with a loud thump, black spots appearing in his vision, head starting to throb.

Groaning, he felt his heart stutter, and then start to race, as the man moved towards him, an evil glint in his eye that Adam realized was bad.

Struggling to his feet, he ran through the dark house, tripping over things in the dark, but somehow managing to stay in front of the evil man.

Diving into the kitchen, he spun around, expecting the man to be behind him, feeling goose bumps creep across his skin as he saw nothing but an empty door way.

Taking a deep breath, he looked around the kitchen, picking up the only thing he could find, a salt shaker, snorting when he gripped it tight.

Searching the room again, he pulled the shaker closer to his chest, gasping as the man appeared in front of him again.

Yelling, he threw the shaker at the, what he could only assume, and would be in his nightmares for years he was sure, ghost, watching it disappear in a flash.

Crouching down on the ground, he hid his face, waiting for the blow to come, peeking through his fingers, crying out when he saw the man reappear near the door, starting to move closer to him, only to turn into flame and disappear again.


Adam froze, curling tighter into a ball, as a flash of light lit up part of the room, dark shape of a man behind it, looking in the room.

"You up here?" the voice said, sounding tired and weary.

Whimpering a little as the light moved closer to his location, Adam wondered if this man was another ghost.


Adam pulled himself tighter together, arms over his head, willing the thing to just disappear.

"Hey, kid."

He flinched as he felt a hand on his arm, before he realized that it was warm, and didn't feel anything like the evil man that had touched him.

"You with me, kid?"

Looking up, he froze, eyes roving over the face he'd memorized for the last four years.

"You okay?" Dean asked, his face a picture of concern.

Adam pulled his arms away from his head, looking up at his oldest brother with wide eyes, trying to think of a way to introduce himself. He frowned as Dean started to move, wondering why he was moving around so much, and why it had gotten so dark.

"Kid?" Dean asked again, and Adam could hear the concern in his voice.

The thought ran through his mind just before everything went dark, Dean's worried gaze the last thing he saw.


A/N - Let me know what you thought :).