I do not own any characters used, or the show Inuyasha. Enjoy!

He ran off looking for Kikyo- again. It paina me every time I see him run after her. What should I say? I may look like Kikyo, but she's more beautiful. And she was Inuyasha's first love. You never forget your first love.

I sat next to Sango and Miroku, looking towards the ground. Their love was true. Even if Miroku groped other girls, it was obvious his feelings for Sango. And it was obvious that Sango returned his feelings as well.

"Kagome, go after him," Sango said. She hated seeing her friend in this gloomy state.

"I agree. Lady Kagome, go after him. Tell him how you feel," Miroku stated. Inuyasha didn't know how Kagome felt.

Kagome swallowed her tears. She couldn't go to him. He was with his first love- with Kikyo. It would surely make her cry. And she wouldn't cry in front of Inuyasha ever again.

"Please. Kagome, go to him! Before it's too late," Sango really wanted Kagome to go. Everyone would be happy.

"I can't! He won't return the feelings! He loves another girl! Not me!" Kagome finally choked out. By 'another girl' she certainly meant Kikyo. Just saying her name would make her cry.

Inuyasha was heading back after going to Kikyo. He made up his mind for who he loved. That was the last time he would ever see her again. He had his chance with her. He wasted it. But, now, he felt a love for Kagome stronger than it ever was with Kikyo.

He heard voices on his way back. Rushing behind a bush, he made out the voice to be Kagome's.

"I can't! He won't return the feelings! He loves another girl! Not me!"

Who was he? And whoever he was, he didn't love Kagome back?

"Sango, Miroku, I'm gonna be going home for a while... Bye..."

"Wait Kagome!"

Before hearing any more, Inuyasha ran to the well. He got there before Kagome, and hid behind a tree.

Suddenly, he smelt the faint smell of Kagome's tears falling. Whoever did this to her is dead! He growled in his head.

Kagome's footsteps were getting closer. When she was right in front of the well, Inuyasha jumped out.

She ingnored him completely and was about to jump in, when-

"Inuyasha! Let me go!" Kagome yelled, hitting and kicking him as best as she could.

"Heh, no."

Kagome struggled, only making Inuyasha's grip become even tighter. He pulled her up, then sat her on his lap, making Kagome even more mad.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed, yelling as loud as she could before getting her mouth covered by Inuyasha's hand.

Inuyasha smirked, then released his hand. "Now who was that guy that made you cry?"

Kagome paled. She forgot all about his hearing and sense of smell. "That's none of your buisness!" She screeched, avoiding looking at him amber eyes.

He could tell that she wasn't looking at him. She was avoiding him.

Inuyasha cupped her cheek, then turned her face towards his. He was fighting the urge to kiss her right then.

Her brown eyes melt into his amber ones. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks.


She was cut off by his lips pressed against hers.

Life is sweet.

How was it? This was just my 3rd Inuyasha fanfiction, so I hope I didn't do too bad.
