Sesshomaru touched down in the clearing where his ward and Miko slept. Shippo had calmed by now and was very aware of his surroundings. "Child, smell the air tell me what you smell." Sesshomaru instructed to young Shippo. Not knowing what else to do his obeyed the demon. Taking in a long whiff tears came to his eyes, his mothers scent was in the wind. That meant that his mother was here somewhere. "What do you smell, child?"

"My momma." the young kit said with tears filling his eyes.

"Then go to her kit." Sesshomaru said dropping the kit onto the ground. Shippo took off after the scent, coming to the center of the clearing. His mother was curled up with Sesshomaru's young ward and the large two headed dragon that the girl rode on quite often. Shippo didn't know if it was an illusion or not but he made his way over to his momma and poked her face, making her stir. Kagome opened her eyes to find her son staring at her with tears streaming down his cheeks. Without a second thought she scooped him up in her arms and cuddled him close. Shippo let out all of the tears that he had been holding back. His mom was alive and he was with her. "My Shippo I missed you so much, I'm sorry for leaving you with Inuyasha, I'm so sorry. Could you ever forgive me?" Kagome said through tears of joy. All Shippo could do was nod.

Sesshomaru watched the reunion from afar, allowing a small smile grace his lips.
"She'd make good mother." His beast said with glee, "to many, many pups."

"Silence you." Sesshomaru growled in his head.

"Oh come on you where thinking the same thing, only I said it out loud, I should know I live in here." his beast shot back.

Sighing, Sesshomaru walked over to the happy young woman and her child. He laid her bag on the ground, the noise making her look up. "Thank you Sesshomaru." She said looking up at him, the light dancing in her eyes once again. His heart jumped at the sight of her being happy, it made him feel warm all over. He didn't know why she was doing this to him, it confused him and that was one thing his hated to be, was confused. Pushing the frustrating feelings aside he turned his attention back to the young priestess. He just nodded to her as if saying you're welcome and told them to sleep. Cradling Shippo in her arms and Rin to her side she fell asleep, finally at peace.

Sesshomaru walked over to a tree right across from the small group and sat down, thoughts of the young woman swarming in his mind. He knew that he wanted her as his and his alone, but that went against everything that he stood for. Taking a human as a mate, he refused to do so. He would not be weak like his father was. Yet as those thoughts crossed his mind, his heart felt as if it wouldn't be a weakness, that loving the young woman for the rest of their lives, for her to bear him children for years to come, would give him something else to fight for. It would be strength, not something that would cripple him. She was a rare beauty and a powerful young woman, she'd be an excellent woman to mate with and their mating would produce strong and powerful offspring. All the thinking that he was doing was starting to make the young lord exhausted closing his eyes he fell asleep with the thoughts still rolling threw his head.

A shrill giggle awoke Sesshomaru from his dreams just before he saw a pair of small children flying at him, tackling him to the ground.
"Good morning Lord Sesshomaru-sama, Rin wanted to wake you up." Said the small girl with a smile plastered on her face. Sesshomaru's heart softened at the sight of his ward so happy.

"You worthless child leave the lord alone, let him get his rest that he so greatly deserves." Jaken squawked at the young girl. Sesshomaru looked in Jaken's direction giving him a look that said if he wasn't silent he'd be pushing up daisies. Looking around he noticed the Kagome was not up with the children like she usually was.

"Where is the miko?" he questioned to his young ward, "should she not be up with you?" he said raising one slender eyebrow.

"Rin did not want to wake her, Shippo said she smelled funny and that she was mean when she smelled like that, so Rin thought she wasn't feeling good so I let her sleep." Rin said looking down at her feet.

Jaken over hearing this and thinking that his lord wanted to leave he decided that he would go and wake the filthy human up, there was no need for his lord to be bothered with such a small task, that his faithful servant could do for him, plus he owed the little bitch for making a fool of him.

As he got closer to Ah-Un the dragon stirred and growled that the little imp. "Oh silence you beast." Jaken commanded the much larger animal, hitting it with the staff upon one of its two heads. (That was a bad move ^.^). The other head grabbed the staff in its mouth and tossed it, then turned its attention back to the quivering little imp that stood before it. Giving a huff in Jaken's direction as if warning the much smaller green demon, that if he dared to touch the young female that lay next to him, he would kill him without a second thought. Jaken had never seen Ah-Un act like this before, wondering what would cause such a docile creature to be so aggressive a sharp spicy scent hit his nose. It was exceptional. Ah-Un looked down at him and growled, sending Jaken running to Sesshomaru's side. Sesshomaru looked down at the little imp that hid like a child behind his masters leg, "Mi lord, there is a tantalizing scent coming from the other side of that beast but it refuses to move so I can investigate further, Mi lord?"

As Jaken looked up he saw Sesshomaru's eyes start to bleed red, he had caught the scent alright, the miko had gone into heat and his beast was fighting for control so he could mate with the female.

"Must have mate." His beast whimpered.

"No!" Sesshomaru growled as he fought the creature back down into his cage.

"But fertile, means many pups, must have pups must make mine!" howled the enraged creature that fought for control of the body. Sesshomaru felt his control slipping with each passing second, and couldn't stop his body when his beast made a b-line to the young miko, praying that he could pull the creature back before he hurt the young miko that had stolen his heart.