This idea came from the picnic table scene. The three of them, gahh, they make me LOVE3.

Inspired by My Body is a Cage and Ampersand, a fic by Citybreaker. It's really good, go check it out.

There's silence as my eyes widen, jaw slacked.

Be cool, be cool, be cool.

Honestly I don't mind that Adam is transgendered. It's shocking, sure, but part of me always knew something wasn't right with the charming but awkward partner-in-crime of my crush, Eli. Though some of my background and religion might judge, hate, or prosecute, I'm not like that. I don't care if Adam is boy, girl, or alien, he's still Adam, the guy that completes our strange trio, makes me laugh, and made me fall in love with almond pizza.

Sure, I'm cool with it, but him...

We both turn towards Eli, and I watch his green eyes as shock etches across his face. Adam looks almost scared, and I think we both know that in this second, our friendship could be torn. All the nights at Eli's with the lights dimmed low and popcorn; movies and falling asleep on each other's shoulders, balance, could be lost.

We're scared.

Eli lets out a sharp breath, and I'm pretty sure my heart stops beating.


Simple as that.

I search his eyes to see if he's lying, to see if there's any glimpse of sarcasm or disgust, but I only see those calm jade orbs reflecting what they always did with Adam and I, peace, love, friendship... The shock sets in and I smile. He's accepted Adam.

In that second, my heart surges.

Eli Goldsworthy, if possible, I just fell for you even more.