That night, I told Bella that we should web-cam with Carly and the gang. She agreed and we got on at eight. Spencer was waiting for us, making some weird face.

"SPENCER!" Me and Bella shrieked together.

He yelped and fell backwards off the chair. In an instant, Carly and Freddie were standing in our view.

"Bella! Sam!" Carly exclaimed happily. "Ohmigod I've missed you guys so much."

Freddie grinned. "Yeah, I've missed you guys too. Even you, Sam."

I smirked and said, "Bite me, fudgewad."

"Why did you guys scare Spencer?" Carly asked. Then she hesitated. "Oh, nevermind. I'll ask him later. How are you gals?"

"I'm good, kiddo," I replied. "I don't know about Bellsby here."

Bella huffed before she replied. "My name isn't Bellsby! It's Bella. And I'm fine, thanks, Carly."

I grinned and the four of us talked for about an hour. They had put iCarly on hold, just doing a few small skits to keep the fans entertained. So I mentioned an idea I had the day before. "Why can't Bella and I just host from here and you can keep us up on the green screen or on the fold-out screen thingie?"

Freddie smiled and said, "I wondered when one of you would suggest that! But yeah, that'd be awesome. Carly, whaddya think?"

Carly nodded, "That's awesome, Sam. We can do the show next Wednesday. I'll e-mail you guys the last script we wrote before your mom sprung the move, and we can practice it over the webcam!"

Bella gives a thumbs-up. "Awesomeness. Send it to Sam, though. I forgot my password again."

"Your password is password, Belly Bear." I rolled my eyes.

"No I changed it."

"Okay, then it's username."

"Oh, yeah."

Carly began laughing, and Freddie just shook his head. Finally Freddie said, "I've gotta go; Mom's gonna kill me if I'm not home by nine."

We both said goodnight and he left the screen. Somewhere, a door slammed. Carly, Bella, and I talked for a little, then said goodnight. Bella went to shower and I sat down on her bed.

Bella's room was decorated blue, with lacy white curtains and a wooden bed outfitted with a purple duvet. The hues are all soft, and it's not messy. Bella's not exactly an OCD neat-freak, but she has a particular order. The shelves above her desk held numerous CDs, and a couple odd bookends. Her laptop was in a little cubby below it, with the webcam taped upside-down to the top of the cubby and bent so its picture is right-side-up. A framed picture of me and her with our faces squished together, when we were seven or eight. Another tacked to the computer center was a picture of Carly, Freddie, and Spencer. Another is of Charlie, and our mom (Pam Puckett). Her homework was arranged by class, like the good girl she is. A copy of I Am Number Four was on her nightstand, the cover heavily battered.

I blinked, suddenly feeling inferior. My own sister was so much better than me! Silently I got up and went to my room. I took no time to look it over; I knew the pale yellow walls with the blue throw rugs on the floor. I knew the old wood desk with my phone charging on it and the laptop in the drawer. I knew my plushy bed, outfitted in blue. I knew every single marker scribble and crayon mark. I knew the lacy white pillow on my bed, and the teddy bear that sat in front of it.

I jumped on my bed and hugged Teddy. He smelled like cigarette smoke and ham, and the curly fur tickled my face. I pressed my face into the small crack in Teddy's neck like when I was little. I hold that little bear for just five minutes before I feel myself fall away into unconsciousness.


As soon as I was out of the shower, I went to check on Sam. She was laying in the middle of her bed, breathing quietly and holding her Teddy. I exited and got a quilt out of the closet in the hall. Then I re-entered the room and draped it over my sister. Sam looked peaceful, so I gently brushed away the hair from her face and tripped out of the room. I sat down on my bed and looked around the room. Memories looked back at me. I sighed and curled up under my soft blankets. I closed my sleepy eyes and drifted off into a fitful slumber.


I couldn't stand the girl from the moment I laid eyes on her. She was created to be the death of me; I knew it. She was beautiful, and blatantly uncaring. She was rude, but respectful around teachers. She acted like she was a mother instead of a sister. For some reason, I was drawn to her; like a moon to a planet. I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I could not stay away from her. But I would try my damndest. I had to keep away from Bella Swan.

I know it's short, but it's a chapter!