Your Camp Half Blood

Hey yall! Sorry I took so long with chapter 3, but I had school an shizz, so I've not got a lot of time anymore…and my mum says I spend to long on the computer…so I'm cutting down! Sorry!

Hopefully this shouldn't be too late up, but if it is, I'm really sorry!

Please remember to review, and I'd be nice if I could get you opinion as well as your application. Thanks!

Yours truly,


Rayn Price (3's to read) Again, just to clarify. If I make any mistakes in your description…it's probably because I'm guessing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!

Sarah didn't believe me. I guess I expected it. After all, it is pretty unlikely when you don't see these things.

I remember when I found out who I was.

*Flashback- of awesomenitude*

Dad was smiling at me, sitting on the arm of the sofa, his bright white teeth gleaming.

'Rayn, I need to tell you something. Something important,'

I gulped.

'What is it?'

He bit his lip, like he was thinking. 'It's about your mother,'

A lump formed in my throat. 'What about her?' I choked.

Although he was smiling, his eyes were sad, like he was remembering something great that over time caused him pain. I have memories like that too.

'You need to know…and you need to believe me when I say this,'

He looked as though he was holding back tears.

'I trust you, papa,'

His smile widened. 'Thanks Rayn. That means a lot,'

He paused for a minute, and then continued. 'I know this may sound crazy, but your mother was not a normal woman,'

I shrugged and flashed him a smile. 'I know. I've seen the pictures. She was, beautiful,'

His eyes lit up, as he remembered. 'Yeah, I know. Rayn, she was…out of this world. She was a goddess,'

I smiled. 'Yeah, she was pretty,'

Dad's eyes widened. 'You don't understand, Rayn. She really was a goddess. Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow,'

*End of Flashback*

Only now does it actually make sense.

My papa told me that's how I got my name. Rayn. Like Rain.

I smiled at the memory. It was the most confusing days of my life…or at least, one of them. I've had PLENTY.

Sarah looked at me sceptically, her green eyes bright.

'So that's why you can't come with me to my beach house. Because you've got to go to some camp. Yeah right, Rayn.'

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but Sarah cut me off. 'If you didn't want to come, you could have just told me,'

'Sarah I-'

'Don't even start, Rayn! I don't want to talk to you!'

She flicked her hair indignantly, and turned away from me.

'Sarah I'm-'

'Shut up!'

I decided not to try. Sarah doesn't get angry often, but when she does, she explodes, so it's a best to try and stay out of her way, if possible.

After a few minutes, she sighed. She turned around to face me, her pretty green eyes brimming with tears.

'I'm sorry I snapped at you, it's just… you make me so mad sometimes!'

I nodded once. 'I know. I'm sorry,'

She took a gulp of air and sighed again. 'Why did you lie to me?'

I swallowed. 'I didn't lie to you. I promise. I really am going to camp half blood. I wish I wasn't, because I'd love to come…but I can't, Sarah. It's important that I go,'

She clenched her jaw. 'Right…' She looked down, staring at the floorboards.

'Really! I wouldn't lie to you! I promise!'

Looking up, she wiped her tears on her sleeve and tried for a smile. 'Cross you're heart?'

I smiled and traced the shape of a cross on my chest. 'And hope to die,'

She took a deep breath, the smiled, properly this time. 'Okay, I believe you,'

Soon it was time to leave my human life behind, perhaps for good, and I must admit, I was excited, sad and downright terrified.

Sarah was standing on the kerb, holding something small in her clenched fist.

I was sitting in the passenger's seat of my dads Lexus, my mind doing summersaults as I thought about the future.

'Rayn. Before you go, I want you to have this…'

Sarah's face was crimson as she held out her hand to me. Resting on her little palm was a multicoloured hair bow.

'To remind you of me, so that wherever you go…I'll be there with you,'

I started to tear up. 'Oh wow. Thanks,'

Sarah dropped the bow into my hand and I squeezed it tight. 'I'll keep it with me always,'

Sarah's eyes lit up with delight. 'Accept the shower,'

I nodded. 'Accept the shower,'

Dad turned the key in the ignition. He'd only been waiting all day.

Sarah started shouting 'REMEMBER TO TEXT ME EVERYDAY!'

I smiled. The car engine wasn't that loud, but it was kind of a running gag.


Sarah smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. 'I'll miss you Rayn! I hope I'll see you soon!'

I hope so too Sarah. I really do.

The wind was blowing furiously around the car, whistling loudly.

'How much further?' I asked, getting irritated. Dad had been driving aimlessly for what seemed like hours in the middle of nowhere.

'We're nearly the….AHHH!'

The "Ahh" was due to the deer that jumped out from nowhere and my dad nearly hit it. But as I looked closer, I realised it wasn't a deer.

'Oh cr…'

We were swerving, out of control, chilled to the bone with sheer terror. I'd gone all gelliod.

When the spinning stopped, I noticed, only then, that we were stuck in a ditch, with no way out.

With some THING right outside.

I screamed. What the **** were we going to do?

I didn't know, so naturally, I'd gone into panic mode.

I was hyperventilating, imagining the worst.

I looked over my shoulder at my dad. He was still. Too still. His face was white and totally frozen in terror.

'Dad! Are you okay?'

No answer.

'Papa! Answer me!'

He was still too silent. Unmoving.

I went into panic mode. I grabbed his wrist, checking for a pulse, but there was none.

No. This was wrong. I was wrong. I checked again. Still nothing.


Tears were rolling down my checks.

The only explanation I could come up with was that he'd had a heart attack when we started spinning.

Suddenly, something crashed on the window. Something big.

My eyes widened in terror.

I shook my dad, trying to no avail to save him.

I was full blown sobbing now, my chest heaving, and my throat sore.

But I'd have to get over this. And fast if I wanted to live.

I opened the car door and rolled onto the dewy grass.

My only thought was Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. I can't just leave him…

But I'd have to.

My heart was heavy as I stood up and patted the bow in my dark brown and purple hair.

Phew. It's still there.

I got up, and dashed along the gravely road, looking for the oak tree my dad had told me about.

I was crying like a baby, grief shaking me, but all the while determined to make it to camp in one piece.

Something was pursuing me. I could sense it. I could hear the sound of hooves clopping behind me on the cold black ground.

Then pain and guilt was building up within me, making it hard to breathe, hard to move, but more alert, more aware of my surroundings.

Got to keep going. Got to keep going. Got to keep going.

Running as fast as I possibly could, I bounded up the hill towards a big oak tree.

This BETTER be the right one.

It was.

The two girls smiled at me, but their eyes were sad, pitying me.

'That must have sucked. If my mum died, I think I would have too. You were really brave,' Said the smaller one, with the dyed red hair and dark makeup.

I noted she said "Mum" rather than "Mom".

The two girls weren't American. The smaller one was Scottish, and her friend was Irish.

And I'm Spanish. Is everyone at this camp foreign?


'Thanks…I guess…'

The Irish girl sighed. 'It'll be okay. Don't listen to Rachel. She has a habit of making things worse,'

Rachel's nostrils flared. 'I do not!'

The Irish girl smirked. 'Do too,'

Rachel sighed, giving up.

There was a silence as the two girls gave each other playful glances.

Then the Irish girl smiled and turned back to me. 'So, do you know who you're mum is?'

I nodded. 'Yes. My mom is Iris,'

The taller girl nodded. 'My dad is Hermes,'

'My dad is Apollo!' Rachel added in a chirpy manner.

The word "dad" made me recoil. I missed my dad so much it was painful.

'Lauren, I just noticed…but you're wearing my socks,' Rachel said.

Lauren laughed. 'Yeah. Mine were full of shampoo,'

These girls were both kind…and annoying. I guess I just don't get their weird sense of humour.

They both laughed and told dirty jokes, and included me in most of them. Rachel tended to shout if she didn't feel she was getting any attention.

And Lauren tended to not give her attention…which was really really annoying.

But despite all that, I kind of liked them. They were feisty, like me, if not a bit odd.

I could see myself being really good friends with them.

Sorry this ones short too…but again, I have very little time on my hands, and I don't want to use up all my ideas. I have a lot of people to write for! LOLipop.

Feel free to review and shizz.

I was also asked, as I recall, if I would be writing more about characters previously depicted and the answer is yes. I have planned a sort of sequel, in 3rd person instead of 1st, telling the story of 'What happened next'

It will show the first 16 reviewers, plus the hunters and baddies (I still need some volunteers for that!)

And those who are not written about will be in a sequel story.

But that won't be for a while yet. I need to write at LEAST 17 chapters before I can even start properly (I've written a little bit of the first chapter in an old notebook, but I can't continue until I write more.)

And remember to tell me if I say anything that's incorrect so that I can change it.

Also, if I finish writing about new reviewers (which I doubt I ever will, with the amount I have already, Lol, ) I will write sequel 1st person accounts too, so remember to keep reading! Thanks!

Yours truly,

