Threatening! Aha, okay, I'm writing I'm writing! I'm glad you guys seem to enjoy my little letters! The reviews are awesome. ^^ Keep them up! Here's another chapter for you. Sorry, things are only getting started. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve. Enjoy, and review please!

And if you have any ideas for plots, give me them in reviews! I'd love to hear what you guys want happening, too.

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Dear Maggie,

Knitting? Ah, but a very useful hobby it is. I learned to knit when my parents and I lived in Britain for a while. Besides, the needles come in handy. Never know when you'll need chopsticks. And don't girls twist their hair up with them sometimes? So there, a perfectly normal hobby you've taken up.

And wow, Mags. I love what you've done with your dorm room! It looks really nice now. Thanks for the pictures. :D You know what will make it even more homey? Ever considered a nice hand-made dream catcher? Because I spent a summer with the Ojibwa Tribe when I was ten, that was when we first met! At Jasper's birthday party. Yeah, my parents said we should take a break to visit, but I don't think we really talked to much, Mags. Anyway, I think your room has more use for it now then I do. Think of it as a Dorm-Warming gift. ;)

Hmm, she sounds like my friend Kate. She's a zebra I helped raise. Always very polite, but not one to stick around to people she doesn't know. I'm sure your roommate will open up eventually. Maybe she's shy? But some good martial arts moves never hurt anyone. Find common ground with her, something you both like. Tell Val your best friend ever Henry says hi! Haha, you know it's true.

A guy can take a hint. I'll see what I can find once I land in China for you. ;) Which by the way, I'm leaving for in about a week. Expect that Christmas present a little early. But speaking of China, I'm going to be seeing my old Master. It's a bittersweet thought, I mean, what if I've forgotten what he taught me? What if I'm a disappointment? I'd better get out of this hut and practice some more.

But before I do, let me finish writing this letter. Um, promise? Must I? I'm kidding Mags, I'll try my best. It's just, now I'm going to have trouble telling you this -

Some really weird things have been happening around here. This really strange man in a suit visited me a few days ago. He said something about "Changes occurring for the greater good." At least, that's what I think he said, it was in Hindi. But that's all he said, and then he left. I tried to follow him, be he was gone. Vanished. And that's only the start. Yesterday, a swarm of locusts were flying around my hut. My hut only! Locusts? I managed to run out, but they barely followed. It was just, so strange.

But not to worry about me Maggie, in 324 days I'll be visiting. I'm going to solve this mystery, but who knows? Maybe it's just one big coincidence? I bet once I leave India, everything will be back t normal. Don't worry about me! I miss you.



P.S. - I'll save the scarf for when I head to Greenland, it's to hot here. But you can have one picture for now. ;) I hope your happy! I was dieing in it while we took the picture.