Title: The World Exists For Just Us Two
Summary: "Love is so...difficult," Naruto often tells himself. Especially since the one he loves is Uchiha Sasuke. "I must not know what love is," Sasuke often tells himself. Especially when coming to terms with his feelings for Uzumaki Naruto. SasuNaru. AU.
Disclaimer: Naruto & Co. © Masashi Kishimoto
Warnings: Rated M for future chapters.


The day was clear and crisp without a cloud in the sky. Flowers were bursting from every tree and garden as a parent and child pair trotted along on a fine spring day. A head of blond hair could be seen over the hedges of the Uchiha estate. Unseen, was another mop of golden hair, belonging to a boy clinging to his father's hand. The two were nearly carbon copies of each other, save for the fact that the 3 year old boy had a set of whisker birthmarks on each side of his cheeks.

"Where are we going?" the little one asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity. He walked with a bounce as he carefully avoided every crack on the pavement.

The father looked down at his son, smiling gently before leading the boy up the Uchiha driveway, "To a friend's house, Naruto."

The boy pondered for a moment. He scratched his head of messy blond hair before asking, "My friend?" He questioned.

"My friends," the father replied while patting the boy's head. "They were your mother's friends too," Minato added the last part in afterthought, wanting to slap himself in regret.

"Hm.." The child quickly silenced and let go of his father's hand. Mom's friends. Naruto idly plucked a leaf off the hedge before twirling it between his fingers. His head hung a bit lower, avoiding Minato's gaze.

Nice going, Minato. The older man mentally scolded himself before bending down on one knee to look at his son. "Th-they have a son just about your age too, Naruto! You probably don't remember, but you two met when you were younger. I'm sure you two will become great friends!" He grinned enthusiastically, hoping that the boy would quickly forget the sudden topic of his mother.

"Really?" The boy instantly cheered up, his eyes alight with joy, "Let's go! Let's go!" Naruto dragged his father up to the door, stumbling over a step.

Minato let out a deep chuckle, "Careful now," he lifted boy up into his arms before ringing the doorbell.

A stern looking man greeted the two with a small smile, followed by his gentle wife. "Minato, my good man! It's been ages! Come in, come in!" The dark haired man ushered.

"Thank you, Fugaku," Minato replied graciously.

"Ohh, Naruto! You've grown so much!" The light skinned wife exclaimed while pinching the whisker-marred cheeks. Naruto pouted and turned his head, hiding his face in the crook of his father's neck.

Minato chuckled softly while Fugaku gave a hearty laugh. "Mikoto, would you mind calling down Itachi and Sasuke? I'm sure the boys would like a reunion as much as we would," It wasn't so much a question as it was an order. The dark haired man led the parent and child couple to the living room while Mikoto rushed up the stairs.

Wide blue eyes took in the surroundings around him. "This place is huge!" Naruto exclaimed in an excited whisper into his father's ear. He wriggled his tiny legs and pushed his hands against his father in order to be put down. As soon as his velcro sandals clad feet touched the hardwood floors, he was off in an instant, circling around the living room, crawling under the coffee table, and slamming against the spotless windows. He eventually settled down onto a plush red couch next to his father after being sent an admonishing look from his father's eyes.

A few minutes later, Mikoto returned with a tray of earl gray-filled tea cups. "It's so good to see you two again," she said in a gentle voice as she set the tray onto the coffee table. "Naruto, how old are you now?" She inquired while bringing a porcelain cup to her lips.

"Th-three." Naruto answered shyly. His feet swung alternately as they dangled over the edge of the couch.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, "I see. It's already been three years," She stared into the teacup, as if she could see a movie of the past playing in the reflection of the liquid.

Minato let out a soft "ahem" before sipping his own tea. He could already see where this conversation was heading. He just hoped that Fugaku and Mikoto were merciful enough to wait until Naruto left the room.

"W-Well, where are those sons of mine?" Fugaku intercepted nervously, placing his teacup on the table. "Naruto, you were always quite fond of them when you first met," the man added with a nod.

As if by cue, two dark-haired, onyx-eyed young boys entered the living room. "Hello, father, mother," the older of the two greeted. He eyed the two guests before smiling softly at Naruto. The younger of the two, slightly taller than Naruto, remained silent. His eyes lingered, or rather, refused to move from the sight of the blond child on the couch. Naruto as well, stared at the youngest Uchiha, unblinking, until the image of the boy was burned into his brain.

He's mine. Both Naruto and Sasuke thought simultaneously. It was on this day that the never-ending obsession the two had for each other began.