Hello everyone! It's me: ShatteredRose12! This is my new story that I've started entitled "Girls Against Boys". Now, I know that I'm still currently writing my other story, and I haven't discontinued it, but I've been working on this one for a while now and I wanted to finally put it up. I'll try hard with the updates for both of these stories, but I hope that you enjoy this story as much as you enjoy the other one: "A Summer to Never Forget". Anyway, here's a quick summary of my story:

Kagome, Sango, Ayame and Rin are four best friends living right next to each other. They absolutely can't stand guys, due to childhood traumas, so it's just their luck when the house across the street's new inhabitants are four boys. Now the girls declare a full on war with the guys to chase them away. But the boys won't leave without a fight! Who will win in this battle of the sexes, and who will start to see life in a different point of view? A story filled with drama, pranks, hurt, friendship and (possibly) love, this will definitely be a handful for the boys! {InuKag, MirSan, SessRin, KouAya}.


-Chapter 1- The New Neighbors Are WHAT?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with him. At all. Whatsoever. Now just read the damn story!

It was a cool Saturday morning. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and children's laughter could be heard everywhere. It was the perfect day for riding your bike, or relaxing outside, or taking a walk in the park. So of course, naturally, Sango, Ayame, Rin and Kagome were inside Kagome's house, in her room, not doing anything of any importance.

Ayame, a tall, pretty, wistful girl with beautiful, striking emerald eyes sat on Kagome's bed painting her toenails to match the color of her hair, which was long and auburn and styled in two pigtails. Sango, an intelligent, strong-willed, beautiful brunette sat in a chair at Kagome's desk reading a book called "The Loved and Loveless". As she read, she twirled pieces of her long brown ponytail between her index and middle finger, and at certain points in the book she would smile or laugh and her coffee brown eyes would grow wide and huge or become thin and narrow. Rin, a cute, bubbly, petite girl lay on her stomach on the floor, eating a bowl of popcorn and watching TV. Her legs were up in the air and crossed behind her head, and every few seconds she would brush her long, dark brown hair out of her face. And last but not least, Kagome sat at the window peering through a pair of binoculars. She was gorgeous, with long, waist-length raven hair, large, beautiful chocolate brown eyes and a thin, curvy figure. Her lips were thin and a pretty petal pink color and she had a smooth, creamy complexion. She was smart, kind, caring and very nice. But deep down inside she bore a grudge, an unknown hatred for something. And her eyes portrayed it.

Rin lay on the floor eating her popcorn and watching a puppet show (which was really for little kids…). Suddenly, she burst out laughing uncontrollably. Ayame raised her head and stared questioningly at Rin and Sango raised her eyebrow at Rin. She continued to laugh.

"Ha ha! The red puppet just bonked the blue puppet on the head!" Rin said giggling. Sango and Ayame exchanged a looked.

"Ha Ha HA! The blue puppet just bonked the red puppet back!" Rin exclaimed again. This time she went into hysterics, rolling around on the floor laughing uncontrollably. Sango let out an exasperated sigh.

"Rin, SHUT UP!" she commanded. Rin looked at her and burst out laughing again. Sango gave an exasperated sigh as she slammed her book shut on the desk. She turned the chair to face Rin and glared at the small girl.

"Rin… Rin… RIN!" Sango yelled loudly. Finally she got Rin's attention and she stopped laughing long enough to look at Sango.

"Yes?" Rin asked in between giggles. Sango gave her a look.

"Shut up! Stop laughing!" she commanded.

"No! This show is sooo funny!" Rin giggled. Sango rolled her eyes.

"You do realize that that show is a kid's show right? As in, it was made for 7 year olds and younger!" Sango said, emphasizing her words to make a point. Rin just shrugged.

"It's funny," she repeated, smiling.

"Oh grow up Rin! Why can't you just watch shows for teens your age?" Sango asked. Rin pouted, offended.

"Well I'll start watching shows for my age when you start reading age-appropriate books," Rin shot back, crossing her arms. Sango paused at that, and Rin continued.

"At least I don't go reading those adult romance novels with all sorts of adult things in there that girls your age shouldn't be reading!"

Sango's cheeks darkened a little.

"Oh please! My books have nothing to do with your immaturity! And F.Y.I. Rin, this book is a teenage romance novel, and since I'm a teenager then it is age appropriate. So there!" she stuck her nose in the air to make a point. It was Rin's turn to roll her eyes.

"Well if that book is so "age appropriate" (she made air quotations with her fingers) then how come you won't let anyone read it, huh?"

Sango paused again, and you could see that she was thinking up an answer.

"Because… well, it's mine. If I don't want anyone to read it then it's my business."

"Oh reeaaaalllyyy…? Are you sure, or is it just because there are things in that book that would send normal 15 year olds running and screaming and make their eyes bleed?"

"Okay, you are so over-exaggerating Rin!"

"Am I?"

"Yes you are! Anyway, this isn't about me or my age-appropriate books; it's about you and your childishness. Now shut up! Puppets getting hit on the head is something I would have laughed at when I was five! Not when I'm 15! It's not funny anymore!"

Rin gave a fake gasp, and clutched her chest dramatically, though her face twisted into an expression of real pain.

"Are you trying to say that I'm immature?" she demanded.

"Well I ain't sayin' that you're grown up, now am I?" Sango said. She shook her head and walked back over to the desk and sat down with her book muttering to herself about the immaturity in people these days.

"Oh shut up!" Rin said, throwing a piece of popcorn towards Sango. It bounced off of her head and landed on her book in front of her. She looked up and turned towards Rin, glaring at her.

"Oh, real funny Rin!" she said, holding the popcorn up in the air as evidence. "You're just proving my point about immaturity!"

Another piece of popcorn went sailing through the air and this time it hit Sango on her nose.

"That's it!" Sango said. She marched over to Rin and grabbed the popcorn bowl and started barraging Rin with popcorn bombs. Rin shrieked and she grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it back at Sango. Sango shoved some in Rin's mouth. Rin grabbed another handful of popcorn and shoved it down Sango's shirt. Sango shrieked, and she dumped the entire bowl of popcorn over Rin's head. The two girls continued with their popcorn fight, screaming and yelling and laughing. Then, Sango pushed Rin down on the floor.

"Hey, don't push me!" Rin cried as she pushed Sango back.

"Well don't push me!" Sango cried, shoving Rin. Rin shoved her back. Sango flicked Rin on her ear.

"Ow! Don't flick me!" Rin said. She flicked Sango back.

"Ouch! Rin! That hurt!" Sango cried.

"Well you started it!" Rin shrieked.

"Did not!" Sango said.

"Did too!" Rin replied.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!" Sango argued.

"Did too!" Rin retorted.

"Did not!"

"Liar liar pants on fire!"

"God bless the germs and the devil eat the worms!"

"Wait… what?" Rin asked confused. Sango smirked.


"Stupid!" Rin said rolling her eyes.

"If I'm stupid then you're retarded!" Sango shot back.

"Well if I'm retarded then you're an idiot!"

"If I'm an idiot then you're a dim-wit!"

"If I'm a dim-wit then you're a brainless slug!"

"Am not!" Sango said.

"Are too!" Rin said.

"Am NOT!"

"Are TOO!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP BOTH OF YOU!" a voice suddenly roared. The yell stopped Sango and Rin dead in their tracks. They stopped fighting and turned around to the source of the noise. There, sitting on the bed with a polish bottle in her hand was Ayame, and she looked pissed.

"Polishing your nails takes a steady hand and loads of precise concentration! And right now, you guys are breaking my concentration with all of your stupid noise! So SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Sango and Rin exchanged a look. Then, they both gave an evil smile. Suddenly, they started singing the theme song to Dora really loud and REALLY off-key. Pretty soon they were screeching and Ayame had to cover her ears before her ear-drums burst from the awful noise. She groaned.

"Okay, okay I get it! Swiper no swiping! Now just shut up before I go deaf!" Ayame shrieked. Rin and Sango stopped singing immediately and grinned as they slapped each other a high-five. Mission accomplished. Ayame rolled her eyes and went back to polishing her toes.

"Jerks…" she muttered. Sango shrugged, and she headed back over to the desk to continue reading her novel. Right now, Katy was in the middle of being kidnapped by the handsome, seductive, maniacal doctor Shizzo who she was strongly attracted to, and she was struggling with the decision of if she should call her boyfriend Lenny to come rescue her, or let Doctor Shizzo have his way with her… (A/N: lol omg what kind of book is this that Sango is reading? Shield your eyes! Lol) Rin went back to watching her show and the room was peaceful once again. But… not for long…

"Hey guys! Look!" Kagome suddenly yelled. Everyone turned and looked at her surprised. It was the first word that she had spoken since she had glued herself to the window to spy on people with her evil binoculars.

"What is it?" Rin asked.

"I see something!" Kagome exclaimed. All three girls exchanged a look.

"You don't say…" Sango said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Are you not supposed to see something Kaggie-chan? 'Cause then that would defeat the whole purpose of binoculars, don't you think?" Ayame asked. Kagome sucked her teeth.

"This is no time to be smart Ayame," she said.

"So you want me to be dumb…?" Ayame asked confused.

"It shouldn't be that hard, you've been doing it all your life," Rin said, and she and Sango slapped a high-five. Ayame however was not amused.

"Very funny girls. Just remember… I know where you live…"

Both girls immediately stopped giggling.

"I'm being serious here guys! Come here! There's something you all need to see!" Kagome urged.

"No thanks Kags. I don't want to spy on innocent people. I'm not a stalker like you," Sango said.

"I'm not a stalker! Watching some random person's every move while confined in the safeness of my room where no one can see me is not being a stalker!" Kagome said. Ayame and Sango looked at each other.

"Then what is it?" Ayame asked.


"Well here's my observation: Kagome–chan is a stalker and a weirdo!" Rin said, and all three girls giggled. Kagome frowned.

"Stop laughing and get your butts over here NOW!" Kagome commanded them. The girls stopped laughing and looked at each other. Kagome didn't yell too much, and she didn't normally talk to them that way. This must be serious. Sighing, all three girls made their way over to the window.

"Okay, what?" Sango asked. You could tell that she thought this was a waste of time.

"Look! There's a moving van in the house across the street!" Kagome said, pointing at the large house that was facing theirs directly. Sango rolled her eyes.

"Um, yea! We know that Kagome! We can see it without the binoculars you know," she said.

"It's no big deal Kags," Rin said. "We've known that people were moving into that house for about two weeks now."

"Yeah, why are you getting all worked up over it Kaggie-chan?" Ayame asked.

"It's not the moving van guys! Well, I mean it is, but… it's the stuff coming out the moving van!"

"Uh, yea, that's what moving vans do Kags they move people's stuff," Sango said, a little irritated with her best friend.

"Shut up Sango! I know what I'm talking about! It's not just the stuff! Look, there's a baseball glove, and a baseball and a bat and a Lakers shirt and a hat and…"

"Okay, we get it Kagome. There are numerous sport items in the moving van," Ayame said. Kagome growled in frustration.

"Don't you all see?" she yelled. Everyone stared at her blankly.

"No," they replied. Kagome threw her hands up in exasperation.


"Come on guys. Let's give Kagome-chan a chance to say what she has to say. I'm sure she has a pretty good reason for all this," Rin said. Kagome flashed her a grateful look.

"Thanks Rin. Look, what I'm trying to say is, what kind of person owns all that sporting equipment?" Kagome asked. Everyone looked confused.

"People," Ayame answered.

"Yes, but what kind of people?"

"Sporty people?"

"Okay, yes, but that's not what I meant!"

"Help us out here Kagome-chan," Rin said. Kagome sighed.

"Okay, we all knew that we were getting new neighbors, and that there would be kids, but we never knew if they would be boys or girls," she said. Everyone nodded, following so far.

"So, who do you know who uses all of that sporting equipment?" she asked. Everyone thought hard.

"Ooh! I know! Ryomi Tsatsuni!" Rin exclaimed. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Okay… and what is he?"

"A…boy…?" Rin asked confused.


After a few moments comprehension flickered across the girls' faces.

"Oooh!" they all said, finally understanding.

"Wait, so you're saying that you think our new neighbors are boys?" Sango asked. Kagome nodded.

"Yes! Why else would they have so much sporting equipment?"

"Uh… their dad could coach a Little League team," Rin suggested.

"No. The estate lady said that they don't have a father. Apparently he died or something. It's just the kids and their mother."

"Well… it could be really sporty girls. You know, like tomboys?" Ayame suggested uncomfortably. Kagome shook her head.

"I highly doubt that. Sure, girls like to play sports, but I don't think any girl would need all of that sporting equipment for herself. Besides, that looks like the whole family's stuff, and usually in a family only one out of the three girls are tomboys."

All the girls exchanged uneasy looks with each other.

"You really think that… boys… are moving in across the street from us?" Rin asked. She said boys with certain venom in her voice that only her friends understood.

"Looks like it…" Sango said. She was quick to accept the bad.

"Well, hey, we don't know that yet!" Ayame said brightly. "I mean, their mother could own a sports shop or something! It could be girls you know. It could even be the wrong moving van. That happened to us before you know. When we first moved here our moving van got mixed up with someone else's and we got stuck with a bunch of creepy knick-knacks."

"Maybe…" Rin said doubtfully.

"Oh, those are boys alright," Kagome suddenly said. All three girls turned to see her back at the window with the binoculars.

"What do you mean Kaggie-chan?" Ayame asked, walking over to her.

"Look" Kagome said, pointing to the house again. In the driveway, a red minivan had just pulled up. In the back seat, there were three tall figures, and in the front seat there were two. The person in the driver's seat was a female, but the person in the passenger seat looked like a male.

"I thought you said the father had died," Sango said, looking at Kagome. She shrugged.

"He did."

"That could just be an uncle or something, or maybe even a step-dad," Rin suggested.

"Or… an older brother…" Ayame said. The girls all stared at each other wordlessly.

"Hey, look! I think they're getting out of the car!" Rin said, pointing to the window. The girls all rushed to the window and peered out of it. Sure enough, there were five figures coming out of the car.

"Ugh! I can't see their faces!" Sango said.

"Lemme see," Kagome said, peering through her binoculars. "Umm… okay the right car door is opening and I see a pair of legs coming out… hmm… the person is coming out, but their back is turned to me. I can't see their face," she finally said.

"Well, describe their back!" Rin urged.

"Okay, okay! They have short, black hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail… um… they're pretty tall. They're wearing a long- sleeved purple shirt and khaki shorts with tennis. Um… on their left hand is a silver watch, and on their right hand is some weird looking glove with beads wrapped around it."

"Well? Are they male or female?" Ayame asked impatiently. Kagome shook her head.

"I don't know. But… there's a huge possibility that it's…"

She didn't finish her sentence, but everyone already knew where she was going.

"Well… check it out!" Rin said frantically. No one was mad at her for being pushy though; they all wanted to see the outcome of their neighbors. Kagome went back to looking through the binoculars.

"Okay…since ponytail person hasn't turned around yet, I'll go on to the next person. They're coming out of the car now. Um… legs… torso…head… Whoa!"

"What? What is it?" all three girls asked anxiously. Kagome shook her head.

"Sorry. It' just… that's the most amazing hair I've ever seen…" she murmured. Sango, Rin and Ayame exchanged a look.

"Lemme see," Sango said, grabbing the binoculars from Kagome.

"Hmm… you're right. That is gorgeous hair. Wonder who it belongs to. It's so long, and wavy and silver! Wow! I've never seen hair like that before! It's full and luscious and shiny too!"

Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Sango, stop getting off with their hair!" she said. Sango grinned.

"Sorry. Hey, looks like this person has… dog ears?" she asked confused.

"Dog ears? Lemme see!" Ayame cried, grabbing the binoculars.

"Whoa! You're right! They do have dog ears!"

"How is that possible?" Kagome demanded. She was kind of freaked out. Ayame shrugged.

"They're probably a youkai. You know, like me."

Ayame was a wolf-youkai, and though she maintained a human appearance, she still had wolf youkai traits, such as a keen sense of smell, sight, super human strength and speed and a great sense of taste. Not to mention pointy, elf-like ears.

"A dog youkai?" Kagome asked, struggling to grasp the concept. Ayame nodded.

"They're not unusual you know," she said. Kagome rolled her eyes.


"Ooh, they have claws!" Ayame said, resuming her previous duty.

"Great. They just keep getting better and better," Sango said dryly.

"Lemme see," Kagome said, grabbing the binoculars from Ayame. She looked at the strange white-haired person, feeling some sort of strange attraction to look at them.

"So, is it a girl or a boy?" Rin asked. Kagome shrugged.

"They haven't turned around yet. I- HOLY CRAP!"

"WHAT?" all three girls exclaimed again, but Kagome was speechless.

"Kags? Kags?" Sango repeated the raven haired girl's name over and over, but her best friend didn't answer her. She just stared, dumbstruck and almost terrified out the window at the person. Sango shook her shoulders until finally Kagome seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in. She looked at Sango with troubled eyes.

"Kags? What's wrong?" Sango demanded. Kagome stared into her best friend's eyes before looking away.

"It… was a guy…" she said softly. Everyone gasped.

"Are you kidding?" Rin cried, grabbing the binoculars from Kagome and staring outside. "Oh come on!"

"Is it true?" Ayame asked. Rin nodded.

"Yop, it's definitely a guy alright," she confirmed. There was that venom again. Sango glanced at Kagome again. She still seemed to be in shock.

"Kags, what is it?" she asked. It took Kagome three tries to get any sound to come out of her mouth, and when she finally could talk her voice was shaky.

"Hi…His eyes!" she said. "His eyes!"

"What about his eyes?" Sango asked concerned.

"They were… gold!"


"Yes! Gold! Beautiful, piercing, striking GOLD!"

"But isn't that the same color as…."

"Yes Sango! His eyes are the same color of hi-" Kagome's voice broke off and she turned away from the window. No one bothered her either; they all knew what she was going through and that she just needed a few minutes to herself.

'Why?' Kagome thought to herself. 'Why is he here? Why is this happening?'


"So Inuyasha, what do you think of this place so far?"

Inuyasha turned around to glare at his best friend.

"We've only been here for 5 minutes Miroku!" he said. Miroku shrugged.

"So? What's your first impression?"

"You really wanna know?"


"I hate it!" Inuyasha snapped.

"Really? But you haven't even been here ten minutes yet!" Miroku protested. Inuyasha glared at him.

"I never wanted to come here in the first place," he said.

"Okay. So why you glaring at me like this is all my fault?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Well, if you hadn't gone acting all excited about moving and convincing mom to let you come with us, I probably wouldn't be here right now!" he growled.

"Oh sure, blame it on the hot guy. Did the others come out yet?"

"Nah, they're still in the car."

"True. Well I'm gonna go look around."

With that, Miroku left. Inuyasha sighed.

"Might as well look around too," he muttered to himself. That was when he suddenly got this creepy, eerie feeling that he was being watched. He looked around and felt a chill go down his spine. Slowly, Inuyasha turned around, and looked up. There, he saw a house, and on that house he saw a window, and through that window he saw a girl… and the girl saw him too.

She was looking at him through binoculars, but when he turned around she sort of froze there just staring at him. Then, she seemed to scream and turn away from him rather hastily. He quirked an eyebrow. What a weird girl.


"Anyone else come out the car yet Rin?" Sango asked. Rin nodded.

"Yea, the dude in the front seat is coming out."


"Well… yea… I think it's pretty obvious he's a guy," Rin said.

"Oh great," Sango rolled her eyes.

"Well… he's taller than the other two. Um… wow. He has the same long, beautiful, silver hair as the other boy does."


"Yea, except it looks even longer and shinier and silverier and prettier…"

"Maybe they're related," Ayame suggested.

"Maybe. He could be dog boy's older brother," Rin said.

"Dog boy?" Sango raised an eyebrow. Rin giggled.

"Yup. That's my new nickname for him. Anyway, his brother is definitely older than him. And… cuter…"


"Well… not in that way…" Rin said blushing. "Anyway, he looks human enough. He has elf looking ears, but they're better than dog ears right? He has gold eyes too, but they look more serious and colder. And… he has strange purple markings on his cheeks and a crescent moon on his forehead."

"Eh?" Ayame said. Rin nodded.

"Yea. It's pretty weird."

"He must be demon then," Ayame confirmed. "Normal humans don't have markings on their faces like that."

"Unless you're Sango and it's a pimple!" Rin snickered. Sango shot her a look.

"Not funny!" she growled.


"Well… you know, nothing exactly screams normal about these guys," Ayame said.

"True that," Sango agreed.

"Ooh, he has claws!" Rin said.

"Cool!" Ayame exclaimed. Sango and Rin looked at her.

"If he weren't a boy that is…" she said slowly in a small voice.

"Hey, where'd the ponytail person go?" Sango asked.

"I don't know. I think they took a walk or something," Rin answered.

"Nope, they're coming back," Ayame said. Rin looked at Ayame, who had the binoculars in her hand.

"Hey! You stole those from me!" Rin accused. Ayame grinned.

"You snooze you loose!" she said. "Hey, ponytail's coming back!"

"Lemme see!" Sango said, grabbing the binoculars from Ayame.

"Hey!" Ayame protested. "I just got those!"

"You snooze you loose!" Sango said, and she and Rin slapped a high-five while Ayame pouted in her corner sulkily.

"Ah! I see Ponytail Person. They're walking back to Dog Boy," Sango said. Rin grinned. Ha ha. Dog boy.

"Well? Girl or boy? Girl or boy?"

"I don't know. They're talking to Dog Boy. Now they're both looking this way and- OMIGOSH!"

"WHAT?" the girls exclaimed again.

"He… he saw me…" Sango said, turning away quickly from the window.

"He? It's a he?" Ayame asked, and if Sango weren't so traumatized she probably would have laughed. The way she said "it" was funny, as if he were some newborn baby or creature or something.

"Yeah. It's a he…" Sango repeated. "A he with the most beautiful, striking, violet eyes ever."

"Really?" Ayame asked, taking the binoculars out of Sango's limp hands.

"Wow. His eyes are violet… that's unusual… they're pretty too…"

"Violet?" Kagome asked worriedly. This was the first she had spoken from since she had looked out the window. Sango turned to stare at her, and her eyes held the same troubled stare as Kagome's.

"Yeah Kags… violet…" she said softly. "Dog Boy's eyes are gold and Mr. Ponytail's eyes are violet."

"You know what that means…" Kagome choked out.


Sango and Ayame stared a little confused at their two friends. They had a little idea of what they were talking about, but not quite, and if you didn't know what Kagome and Sango were talking about then it would be very confusing to you.

"Um… so there are two more people in the car…" Ayame said uneasily. "Should we check them out?"

"Definitely," Kagome said. "If the last person has whiskers or a tail then I'm outta here."

The girls all giggled and Ayame resumed her position at the window.


So there you have it! Chapter 1 of "Girls Against Boys"! I hope you all like this story so far! Please review, and tell me what you think! I want enough reviews for me to continue with chapter 2 please (10 would be nice! XD) Anyway, look out for the next chapter entitled: "Meeting the boys" (titles are subject to change). See ya! :P