Ohayo mina! Merii Kurisumasu!It's Christmas! But sadly I'm not feeling the Christmas spirit :(. Does anyone else feel the same way? Well anyway, here's a little Christmas present to you all (and for those who don't celebrate Christmas then... it's just a regular old present because you're special :P) Anyway, I think I did pretty okay with the update this time; how bout you? I didn't get as many reviewers as I had hoped for the last chappie, so I'm hoping to get much more this time (plz? my very own Xmas present :P) In this chappie, its a whole new setting, so I really hope you guys like it. And enough of my babbling... Here's Chappie 10:


-Chapter 10- Why are you HERE?

DISCLAIMER: Sigh, even though I've been a good girl all year, Santa still said that he can't give me Inuyasha because only Rumiko Takahashi owns her! T_T Waaah!

The sun's rays bore down on Kagome's sleeping frame, gracing her with its presence. She stirred in her sleep and twitched in annoyance at the sun that was disturbing her sleep. She rolled over on her pillow to try block the rays out, but she could still feel them beating down on her face. Sighing, she got up out of bed to close her window. Then, when she was about to go back to bed she glanced at the clock. It read 7:05 a.m. She stared at it confused. Huh? It was morning already? What day was it? Kagome wracked her brain for an answer, but it was still asleep. It was only after her eyes rested on her school bag that it clicked in her head. It was Monday! And she had to go to school!

Groaning, Kagome trudged over to her drawers to get her things to go and shower. After picking out her underwear and getting her personal items, she glanced wistfully at the bed one more time before groggily walking to the bathroom. Splashing some water on her face, she took a good look at her reflection. She looked the same as she always did when she woke up in the morning; hair messy, eyes drooping, mouth turned down into a frown. She quickly took a shower and brushed her teeth and then got dressed into her uniform. As she put on her long sleeved blouse and short green skirt, she idly wondered to herself what new adventures today would bring for her. After slipping on her shoes and socks and grabbing her bag, she ran downstairs and into the kitchen where her mom was preparing breakfast for the family.

"Morning mom, morning Souta," Kagome said as she entered the kitchen. She ruffled her kid brother's hair who was sitting down in his chair eating toast, earning a groan from him.

"Morning sis," he said as he fixed his hair that his sister had messed up. She chuckled and walked over to the counter where her mom was busy preparing her lunch.

"Good morning Kagome," her mother said cheerfully. "Are you eating breakfast?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry," Kagome replied. Her mother still handed her a plate of toast and a glass of orange juice anyway, causing Kagome to sigh.

"Here you go dear, at least eat something," Suki said. Kagome smiled.

"Why do you ask if you're gonna make me eat anyway?" she asked. Suki chuckled.

"It's a mother's instinct I guess," she replied winking at her daughter. Kagome rolled her eyes before biting into the toast. It was nice and crispy but soft at the same time and had the perfect flavor. She had to admit that it tasted really good, and it was only after she was done eating it that she realized that she was hungry after all. Suki must have realized it too, because she laughed and handed Kagome another piece of toast. Kagome smiled gratefully before eating the second piece as well. Then, she washed them both down with her orange juice. When she was done, her mom handed her her lunch.

"Thanks mom," Kagome said taking the package in her hand. She kissed her mom on the cheek,

"No problem honey. Have a great day at school," Suki replied with a pleased smile on her face.

"Bye guys!" Kagome yelled as she left the house. She ran down the shrine steps two at a time, and was pleased to find her friends waiting at the bottom for her.

"Morning girls!" she said happily.

"Morning Kags!" Sango smiling.

"Morning Kaggie-chan!" Rin chirped cheerfully.

"Morning Kagome-chan," Ayame said happily. They all hugged each other, and then the girls then proceeded to walk to school together. As they walked, they did a recap of their previous afternoon spent with the boys.

"When I got home, I showered three times!" Sango said.

"Why?" Rin questioned.

"Because, I felt dirty from all that dust. Plus, I felt like I had boy germs all over me!" she replied shuddering. Rin giggled.

"Me too! Especially when Sesshomaru touched me... I felt all icky inside!"

"No kidding! I can still feel Dog Boy's germs on me from when he pinned me on the floor two days ago," Kagome said in disgust. Ayame shook her head.

"Yeah, and I can still feel that flea-bitten wolf's hand on my arm when he was cleaning my cut yesterday," she said, sticking her tongue out as if the mere thought of him touching her repulsed her. Rin looked thoughtful.

"That was mighty sweet of him though," she mused. All three girls gave her a look like she was crazy.

"Sweet? No one asked him to interfere! I'm a wolf-youkai; I would have healed in half an hour!" Ayame said fiercely. Rin sweat-dropped.

"I'm not sticking up for him; I'm just saying!" she cried defensively. Kagome and Sango giggled.

"That was odd of him to help you though," Sango said. "Especially since he claims to hate you so much."

"Oh please. He doesn't hate Ayame at all! Don't you see the way he's always staring at her? I think he likes her. Remember how he winked at her the first day when they saw us looking at them through the window?" Rin said. Ayame's face turned red at that memory.

"W-what? He does not! He can't stand me and I can't stand him!" she exclaimed. Rin laughed at her defensiveness.

"I know you can't stand him, but I'm not sure the feeling's mutual. Why else did he help you?"

"Because he's a boy and boys have no sense!" Ayame replied vehemently. Rin rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you're right about that, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't like you," she said. Ayame's face turned redder.

"Yes it does!" she argued angrily. "He does not like me and I hate him!" Rin giggled at how upset Ayame was getting. Kagome and Sango exchanged a look and Kagome sighed. The girls were now rounding the corner for their school which they were almost at.

"Okay you two, that's enough!" she said. "Why are we even arguing about the guys? I doubt that we're going to see them again anytime soon, so let's just forget about them for now, okay?"

No sooner did the words leave Kagome's mouth did she and the girls glance up. They had finally arrived at school. But that's not what made the girls' mouths drop open and their eyes widen in surprise. It was the four people who were walking towards them, about six feet away.

Standing there, in front of them were none other than the four boys. They were dressed in the school uniform, which consisted of a long black button down shirt and black trousers. Each one of them had bags on their shoulders and backs, and each one held a shocked expression on their face (except Sesshomaru who had his usual cold countenance). Both the boys and the girls had stopped walking, and they now stood facing each other, similar to a face-off in an an old Western cowboy movie. No one spoke a word; they all just stood there staring at each other speechless and in shock. The girls' shock quickly turned to anger. Kagome and the other girls walked right up to the boys and stood directly in front of them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kagome demanded, staring angrily at Inuyasha, who was facing her directly. The boys' shock was quickly replaced by anger as well.

"We could ask you girls the same question," he replied in an unfriendly tone. Sango scowled.

"We go here Einstein. This is our school!" she replied sassily. Kouga rolled his eyes.

"Well so do we!" he shot back at her.

"Since when?" Rin demanded. Miroku stared at her hard.

"Since today," he replied in a calm voice. The girls all exchanged horrified looks.

"What?" Ayame shrieked. "What do you mean 'since today'? You guys are going to this school now?"

"Isn't that what Miroku and Kouga just said?" Inuyasha demanded. "We obviously go here if we're standing outside the school dressed in their uniform! Or are you just too stupid to understand?"

Ayame's cheeks flushed pink. Kagome growled at Inuyasha.

"Of all the damn schools in Japan why the hell did you guys have to pick this school?" she asked angrily. She was pissed now.

"Don't ask us; it wasn't our choice," Miroku said shrugging. "Izayoi registered us here before we even moved to this neighborhood. We had absolutely no say in the matter."

Rin and Ayame looked like they wanted to cry. Sango and Kagome just looked pissed off as hell.

"Kami! Why? Why are you doing this to us?" Sango threw her hands up in the air as she shouted up at the sky, as if she would receive an answer from some mysterious being. "Why have you made us to be stuck with these four boys in school? Isn't it bad enough that we live across from them? Now we have to see them in school too? Why? Why are you punishing us? What have we done to deserve this? Haven't we suffered enough?"

The boys all exchanged looks and they frowned.

"Well it ain't like we wanna be stuck with you girls either!" Inuyasha said defensively. He was a bit offended.

"Yeah, this isn't a treat for us at all!" Kouga said. Rin turned to look at him.

"Then why don't you boys switch schools? And while you're at it, switch neighborhoods, maybe even cities!" she all but yelled at him. What was she so angry for?

"Why don't you girls switch schools? You're the ones who want us gone so bad," Inuyasha challenged. Rin glared at him nastily.

"We were here first mutt," Ayame sneered at him. He flinched a bit when she called him mutt, and the guys could see that it had affected him.

"We just moved here so we are not going anywhere," Sesshomaru suddenly spoke up for the first time. "If you girls have a problem with us being here then you can all move, but this Sesshomaru will not be moving to please anyone, and neither will the rest of us. Now, if you girls are done, kindly move."

Everyone stood quiet for a few seconds, taking in Sesshomaru's words. Rin was the first to speak up.

"No we sure as hell aren't done!" she said angrily.

"Yeah! Since you guys keep intruding on our territory we're gonna make sure get you off!" Sango said.

"We don't take kindly to trespassers, and you four are still fresh meat," Ayame said in a mean tone.

"In this school here, we're in charge. We run things around here, and what we say goes. By stepping on our turf you're stepping into a danger zone. We're gonna devour you guys alive," Kagome threatened. "So be prepared. And you guys can't hurt us either 'cause we got backup. This is our battle zone, and everything and everyone in the school is our weapons. The minute you guys walk through those doors, the war starts. Right here. Right now. You boys game?"

"Bring it on!" Inuyasha sneered.

Everyone just stood glaring at each other. The tension and conflict was so thick in the air that everyone around them had now stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at the two groups. They started pointing and whispering, wondering what was going on. Some thought that a fight was going on and they eagerly watched the two groups waiting for someone to give a blow. Others watched anxiously, hoping that nothing serious was happening.

No one hit anybody, but if their looks alone could kill, both parties would have been long dead. It was only when the bell rang that the girls and boys broke away from each other.

"Time to go," Rin announced. Still, nobody budged, each group waiting for the other to make a move first. Finally Sesshomaru moved.

"This Sesshomaru has already informed you girls that he will not be participating in this silly game you have called a war. Do anything to me and I will retaliate with actions that I see fit. If you don't know what I'm talking about ask your little friend over there."

When he said this, he gave Rin a cold, hard stare which caused her to cringe, both at the memories and pain of the previous day and also from the intensity of Sesshomaru's gaze. As if he triggered a switch, Rin's shoulder started hurting her again as if to remind her of the pain that had been inflicted upon her previously. The girls turned to look at Rin worriedly. They looked back at the boys with even more venom than before, worse upset that one of their friends had been injured by the boys. Sesshomaru took this as a sign that the girls were finished.

"If you four are done and have nothing more to say, kindly step aside," he demanded in his cool, calm voice. "The bell has just rung and I do not wish to be late on my first day here."

The girls all exchanged a look before stepping aside to let Sesshomaru through. The boys all followed suit, shooting mean looks at the girls and getting dirty ones in return. Both groups walked almost side by side up the large stone steps leading up to the school, and when they reached to the doors they stopped. The boys and the girls turned to look at each other, both thinking the same thing. The girls nodded and the boys took a deep breath before they pushed open the doors and stepped inside. The girls walked in after them, and as the doors closed behind them both groups once again turned to look at each other. They stared silently at each other, knowing full well what had just taken place and what it meant. It was only when Kagome spoke up that everything that the guys had been thinking was confirmed;

"It's on."


Inuyasha and the guys walked slowly through the halls of Shikon High, not quite knowing where to go since they were new here. He and Miroku had wanted to check out the school before they actually started, but there hadn't been enough time since they had moved so late into the neighborhood. They were actually supposed to have moved a day earlier than they did to give them an extra day to settle in, but there had been some complications with the moving van resulting in a delay in their migration. Inuyasha had been disappointed at the time, but now he was kind of thankful because it meant that they had had one less day to spend with those psycho girls.

Speaking of the girls, he idly wondered where they were. After Kagome had officially declared the war, the girls had disappeared in a crowd of students, leaving the guys to fend for themselves. Naturally, they hadn't even offered to help the guys out or to show them where their classes were. Inuyasha hadn't expected them to though, so it didn't really bother him. Another row was sure to break out anyway if they had stayed together any longer.

This school was much bigger than the school the guys had gone to back home. They weren't used to so many people in one place, and they started to feel a bit intimidated.

"Well... I think we should stop to the office first," Miroku suggested after the boys had walked around lost for a few minutes. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Just one problem... where is the office?" Kouga wondered out loud. All the boys looked at each other, just as lost as the other one. They contemplated asking someone for help, but everyone looked so busy, like they were either in a rush or just shouldn't be bothered.

"Why don't we ask that person over there for some help," Miroku suggested pointing in the direction of the lockers. There was a boy with dark brown hair leaning against the lockers casually talking to a pretty girl with short red hair and blue eyes. Inuyasha raised his eyebrow at Miroku.

"I don't think he would be interested in helping us," Inuyasha said skeptically. "He looks preoccupied already."

"Huh? He?" Miroku asked confused. "I wasn't meaning the guy; I was talking about the girl!"

Inuyasha made a face. "Miroku you-"

But when he looked Miroku wasn't standing beside him anymore. He looked around confused for the missing boy until he saw him over by the lockers where the boy and the girl were standing. Inuyasha sweat-dropped. Miroku worked fast...

"Hello there," Inuyasha heard Miroku say to the girl. "May I ask what your name is?"

"I'm Soriah," the girl responded smiling at him.

"Well I'm Miroku, and might I say that you are the most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on at this school," Miroku said, taking her hand and smiling seductively at her. The girl giggled and blushed. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. She was about the only girl he had laid eyes on since he'd been to this school. Well, except for the four psychos they were currently in a war with... but they didn't really count as girls so...

"Well you're not so bad yourself cutie," Soriah said coyly. Miroku winked at her.

"I have a favor to ask of the most beautiful girl around," he said in a smooth voice. Soriah giggled again.

"And I have a favor to ask of the obnoxious punk talking to my girl!" suddenly came a gruff male voice. Miroku turned to see the boy who Soriah had been talking to standing behind him. He had his arms crossed in a menacing pose and he had a pissed expression on his face. But that wasn't what bothered Miroku. It was the fact that he had to look up to the boy; he was big! Miroku sweat-dropped as the boy glared down at him with a death stare and a scowl on his face.

"Pardon me?" Miroku managed to ask in a calm voice, to hide the fact that he was really scared.

"You've been flirting with my girl for the past few minutes right in front of my fucking face you douchebag!" the boy yelled at Miroku. Miroku flinched at his tone of voice and obvious anger, as well as the fact that he had been flirting with another guy's girl... especially one so big.

"Is that so?" Miroku asked nervously. "But I think you have it all mistaken my friend. I wasn't flirting with her; I was just going to ask her to show me around the school."

The boy narrowed his eyes at Miroku.

"Show you around? You new here or something?"

Miroku silently nodded his head.

"Well just who the hell are you?" he demanded.

"My name's Miroku," Miroku said in a still polite tone. "And who might you be?" The boy seemed to get angrier at Miroku's nonchalance.

"My name's Kiinje. I'm the baddest of the bad around here, so you definitely don't wanna mess with me or my girl!" he said in a threatening way. "I have a feeling to hurt you real bad right now."

"My apologies. I honestly didn't know that she was your girlfriend, and I had absolutely no ill intentions; I swear!" Miroku said to Kiinje. He narrowed his eyes at Miroku.

"Oh yeah? So why was she giggling and batting her eyes at you then?" he demanded.

"Being friendly?" Miroku offered weakly. He looked to Soriah for help, but she was busy texting away on her cell phone, not caring that Miroku was currently in trouble. Kiinje's lips curled into a nasty frown.

"Being friendly huh? Well I'll show you just how friendly my fist can be with your face punk!"

Kiinje raised his fist and aimed it towards Miroku, about to punch him when it suddenly stopped mid-air, inches away from Miroku's face. Both of them turned around surprised, only to see a very scary looking hanyou standing there.

"Miroku didn't know she was your girlfriend and he didn't mean any harm, so there's no need for you to try hurt him," Inuyasha said in a serious tone. Miroku looked first surprised and then relieved. Kiinje looked even more pissed.

"Who the hell do you think you are; telling me what to do and interrupting me? This ain't none of your business so scram!"

Inuyasha gave him a look like "I know you ain't talking to me!"

"Actually, Miroku is my friend, so yeah it is my business!" he said angry now. "And my name's Inuyasha, and I'm the guy that's gonna kick your butt if you don't leave Miroku alone and get the hell outta here!"

Kiinje laughed a mean laugh.

"You kick my butt? You must be new here too to try mess with me! I'm the toughest guy at this school you know. I could kick your butt in a second!"

"Pssh!" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and snorted. "Kick my butt? I'd like to see you try!"

As Inuyasha said this, he squeezed Kiinje's fist, which he was still holding, until he was sure it was hurting him. Kiinje winced in pain.

"Feel that? I'm barely squeezing. If I wanted to I cud snap off your wrist right now. I'm a half demon; you're just a weak human. I'm the one who would be doing the butt kicking around here," Inuyasha said. He squeezed Kiinje's fist a little harder cracking his knuckles in the process. Kiinje let out a cry of pain and Inuyasha dropped his fist.

"Kiinje!" Soriah screamed, suddenly done texting. She rushed to him and began holding his hand and repeatedly asking if he was okay. Miroku frowned and Inuyasha shook his head.

"Well then, I think we're about done here," Inuyasha said. "C'mon Miroku, let's go."

Miroku followed after Inuyasha and the two walked away. However, Miroku turned back around and saw Kiinje glaring at him with a death glare while Soriah was still frantically talking to him and trying to get some help. Miroku quickly turned back around and they both rejoined Kouga and Sesshomaru who had watched the whole thing.

"Wow, that almost got ugly," Kouga nodded.

"Keh! He's just lucky i didn't crush his damn bones! He'll be fine in a few minutes," Inuyasha said angrily.

"Thanks for the help back there," Miroku said to Inuyasha.

"Keh!" Inuyasha snorted. "If it wasn't for your damn lecherous ways none of that would have happened just now! You're just lucky that I didn't feel like explaining to mom why you didn't come home, 'cause that's the only reason I helped you."

Miroku rolled his eyes.

"Sure it is. I could have totally taken him! He looked big but I wasn't scared at all. I've fought people bigger than him at my old school. He would have been no problem at all," he said. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.

"Riiiight..." he said sarcastically, showing that he didn't believe Miroku at all. Miroku frowned.

"I'm serious!" he insisted.

"Oh, and I guess him knocking you out would have just been you 'giving him a false sense of confidence'?" Inuyasha taunted. Miroku seemed to get mad at this.

"Yes it would have!" he said angrily. "You know I would have beaten him! I just didn't want it to turn into a fight!"

"Just give it up Miroku. You know he would have beaten you bad," Inuyasha teased. Miroku scowled and opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a sharp and stern voice.

"It doesn't matter who would have won or lost. All of that time was wasted just now on something insignificant and meaningless, and we have gotten absolutely nowhere. We still don't know where the office is, what our schedules are or any of our classes and your stupid bickering certainly is not helping. So I suggest you both shut up and try to find the office or I'll make you!" Sesshomaru said, giving them his signature cold look and icy tone. Inuyasha and Miroku frowned, but they didn't say another word. Kouga sensed the tension in the air so he tried to break it.

"So... I think the office is this way," he said, pointing to the left of them.

"Hey there," suddenly came a feminine voice. All heads turned around, only to see Kagome standing behind them. But something was extremely wrong, because she was smiling...

"Hey..." Inuyasha said warily.

"You guys look lost. Need any help?" Kagome offered the guys. They all exchanged looks with each other, each one thinking the same thing.

"Um... kinda," Kouga replied cautiously as well.

"Okay, well are you new around here?" Kagome questioned. She still had a friendly smile on her face and a cheerful tone that was confusing the guys.

"What do you mean if we're new? Of course we are; you know that!" Kouga replied almost rudely. Kagome looked at them with a strange look.

"Huh? Oh, my bad! I guess it is pretty obvious that you guys are new because you all have your collars buttoned up. No one buttons up the first button on their collar. Not to mention you almost picked a fight with the toughest guy in school. No one's dumb enough to do that," she said giggling. The guys raised their eyebrows. Kagome was giggling... something they hadn't seen her do since they'd been here. Something was definitely wrong... was this even Kagome? The boys stared at her suspiciously and she all looked at them still smiling and cheerful. They had been standing there for about two minutes now and she hadn't uttered a single diss or mean word to them yet.

"Anyway, since you guys are new I'll bet you haven't gotten your schedules yet. In that case how about I show you to the office?" Kagome offered. The boys were beyond wary now.

"Okay..." Miroku accepted her offer, but he was highly suspicious, as were the rest of the boys.

"Great! Then follow me," she said as she started to lead the way. The boys followed behind at a safe distance, wondering just what Kagome was up to. While they walked, she chattered on happily about the school and the various people in it, some of which Inuyasha assumed to be her friends. After about three more minutes of her talking he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey Kagome, what's your deal?" he demanded, cutting her off mid-sentence. She stopped talking and looked at him confused.

"Huh? Kagome?" she asked puzzled.

"Yeah, don't play dumb with us! Why are you suddenly being so nice to us? What happened to our little 'war'? And where are the rest of the psychopaths you call friends?" he asked in an almost angry tone. Kagome looked at him bewildered and blinked in surprise and puzzlement. Then, after a few seconds, something seemed to click in her head.

"Oh! I get it! You guys mistook me for Kagome Higurashi, didn't you?" she asked.

"Aren't you?" Kouga asked confused. The girl laughed, not a mean one, but a humorous laugh.

"Oh no! I'm not Kagome; my name is Kikyo. Kikyo Temehari."

"Kikyo... Temehari...?" Miroku asked bemused.

"Yup. I know why you all thought I was Kagome though. We look almost identical. Almost everyone mistakes us for each other. It's kind of annoying, but there's really nothing we can do about it," Kikyo said sighing. Inuyasha still looked confused.

"Wait! So... you're not Kagome?" he asked as he tried to make his brain process the information. Even though Kikyo shook her head, the uncanny likeness between them was too great for his brain to think otherwise.

"But you look just like her!" Miroku protested. Kikyo sighed.

"I know," she said as if she had gone through this a million times, which she probably had. "But I'm not her. I'm Kikyo, she's Kagome. Two totally different people, no matter how alike we may look."

"You got that right," Inuyasha muttered. Kikyo heard him and she turned to him.

"I take it you've already met Kagome?" she questioned. Instantly an angry look crossed all of the guys' faces.

"Met her? Oh, we've done more than met!" Kouga replied. Kikyo looked at him questioningly.

"Really? Have you met her friends?"

"Oh, we've met all of those psychopaths she hangs out with!" Inuyasha said. Kikyo raised an eyebrow.


"Yes, they're all psychopath bitches!" Inuyasha said angrily. Kikyo frowned at his use of language.

"Wow. Just what went on between you guys?" she inquired. Miroku shook his head.

"Those girls have terrorized us ever since we moved here," he said. "We're their new neighbors, and apparently they hate us so they want us gone. And now they have declared a war with us."

Kikyo's expression changed to one of surprise.

"Wow. It's that bad?"

"Yup. We haven't done them anything though," Kouga said shaking his head.

"Well, hey don't let it get you down. They aren't as bad as they sound... just stay out of their way and things will be just fine," Kikyo said cheerful once again. Inuyasha wondered to himself how she switched moods so fast.

"Well anyway, this here is the office," Kikyo said as they approached a tan door. On the door, in red block letters was the word OFFICE.

"The secretary is named Mrs. Himyah. Just tell her that you're new and she'll fix you right up, okay?" Kikyo said. The boys all nodded, still too shocked and confused with her similarity to Kagome to say anything. She didn't seem to notice though and smiled another bright, cheerful smile.

"If you guys need anything, just ask me. I'm pretty sure you'll find me sometime during the day; I'm usually all over. Anyway, class is about to start so I'd better get going. See you guys later!" she said waving, before she ran off to her next class. The boys stood staring after her, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

"So... that was weird..." Inuyasha said, saying what everyone was thinking. The guys all nodded in agreement.

"How can a human being be so... happy?" Sesshomaru asked in a disgusted tone. Miroku shrugged.

"Well, it's much better than being rude and mean all the time like the girls are. I mean, something has to be wrong with anyone who's always cold and distant and unkind to others," he said. Sesshomaru turned to glare at him when he said this, and Miroku realized a little too late what he had just said.

"So are you implying that something is wrong with me?" Sesshomaru demanded. Miroku shook his head fiercely.

"No, not at all!" he said. "It's quite the opposite. Besides, I was talking about the girls not you."

"Feeling guilty about something?" Kouga asked with an evil smile, jabbing Sesshomaru in the ribs. Sesshoamru glared at him.

"Do not touch me wolf. Some of your fleas may jump on me," he said coldly. Kouga frowned.

"I don't think that's possible. You're probably already infested with fleas; especially that nasty fur thing you always have draping over your shoulder. I thought only women wore fur scarves," he shot back.

"Wolf, take back what you said or I will take your life," Sesshomaru threatened. Kouga bared his fangs.

"I'd like to see you try," he challenged.

"Enough!" Inuyasha shouted. "We're outside the damn office so just shut the hell up all of you and let's get our schedules so we can go to class already!"

Without waiting for a response, he stormed into the office, leaving the other guys with no other choice but to follow.


"Who do you guys got for homeroom?" Miroku questioned. The boys were all sitting outside the office comparing their schedules that they had been given a few minutes before.

"I got some dude name Mr. Flechin. What about you?" Kouga asked.

"Same," Inuyasha said. "Who you got Sesshomaru?"

"Someone by the name of Ms. Harem," Sesshomaru replied, staring down at his schedule.

"Well, it looks like we'll all be in homeroom together except for Sesshomaru," Miroku said peering at his schedule as well.

"That sucks," Kouga commented. "Sorry dude."

"Why are you apologizing? I did not wish to be in the same class as either of you in the first place. Besides, I am older than you all, so naturally I would not be placed in the same homeroom or grade as the rest of you. And anyway, I prefer to be away from you all," Sesshomaru stated bluntly, staring at Kouga coldly. Kouga frowned.

"Ouch," he said, a bit upset. Inuyasha snorted.

"Oh please. Don't mind Sesshomaru. He says that, but deep down inside he wanted to be with us so bad. When he hears us talking about all the things that happens in homeroom he's gonna feel left out and wish he was in the same class as us," Inuyasha said grinning. Sesshomaru glared at him.

"Little brother, I already hate having to see you three every day at home, and at school as well. Not having homeroom with you three is like a dream come true, and there is no way that I would miss being around you all."

The way he said 'you all' made them all feel like they weren't anything much, and they frowned in response. Satisfied that he had made his point, Sesshomaru went back to scanning his schedule.

"Well anyway, let's see what other classes we have together," Miroku suggested, to change the topic. Comparing all four schedules, the boys discovered the classes that they had together. Inuyasha and Miroku had all their classes together except for 5th period where Inuyasha had Math and Miroku had Physics, and 7th period where Inuyasha had Photography and Miroku had World History. Inuyasha and Kouga had 3 periods together, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had 2 together. Kouga and Sesshomaru had 4 periods together and Miroku and Sesshomaru had 3 together. Miroku and Kouga had 2 periods together. All of them had 2nd, 6th and 8th period together. The boys were generally pleased with their schedule. They would be together quite a lot, and they would always at least have one of them as their companion in each class.

"Well, it's about time we head to class," Miroku suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"You got the late slip right?" Inuyasha asked. Miroku nodded.

"Yup. Let's get a move on it."

"But where is our homeroom?" Kouga wondered out loud. They all exchanged a look.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to look together," Miroku said sighing.

"This Sesshomaru has no more reason to stick around. Since I am in a different homeroom I will be leaving now. Goodbye," he said, before he strutted off, not even waiting for a response.

"Find us at lunch time!" Miroku yelled to Sesshomaru, but the daiyoukai didn't respond or even turn around to acknowledge what he had said. Miroku sighed at his aloofness.

"Well, guess we'd better start looking," Miroku said, and he, Inuyasha and Kouga began searching for their homeroom.


So there you have it! Your Christmas present. Merry Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah)! Now plz give me mine in the form of a review :) I'm hoping to get more than last time, but I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Do you like the new setting? Things are definitely gonna get interesting from here. I'm not sure yet if I should make Kikyo a big part of my story or not, but she's nothing like she is in the anime (i.e. she's actually nice and friendly). What do you guys think? And who do you think would have won the fight: Miroku or Kiinje? And did Sesshomaru really want to be in the same homeroom as the guys? Anyway, review and I'll start working on the next chapter right away (which will be better than this one :P) So, without further ado:

~Merii Kurisumasu~

-Mata Ne!- ^_^