I hope I'm doing the right thing right now. I haven't finished the story, but I felt everyone who loved the original deserved a sneak peek of VS II (that's shorthand for Vampire Stalker II). This chapter pretty much wraps the loose ends of VS I, like the title says. I also expanded on how Yugi and Yami met and their relationship. Enjoy this sneak peek.

Chapter One- Loose Ends

Yugi ran for the mansion as twilight cast a glow on his surroundings. He had been worried sick about Joey ever since the blonde had been kidnapped. He had been escorted home by Yami and probably wouldn't have slept all night and day if the vampire pharaoh hadn't put a sleep spell on him. Now, as he ran, he thought back to that night nine months ago when he and Yami had met.

Nine Months Ago

Yugi walked home after trailing Joey. Why did Joey go to a broken down house? What was he doing in there? It didn't make sense. Hopefully, Joey supplied some answers when he confronted him tomorrow. The short duelist continued to wander around. He knew he was probably worrying Grandpa sick, but he was too confused about Joey's behavior to care at the moment.

It wasn't until he had the feeling of being watched, did Yugi look around at his surroundings. He knew where he was, but the street was oddly deserted. He looked around wildly. The emptiness of the area scared him and he decided to run home when a dark figure stepped in front of him. The suddenness of the figure's appearance startled Yugi and he gave a gasp.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" he asked when his heart beat returned to normal.

The figure didn't answer. He (from what Yugi could make out) continued to stare levelly at him with intense ruby red eyes. Yugi noticed that the guy's hairstyle was just like his own. As the figure stepped into the lamplight, he saw that this guy could almost pass for his twin! Almost if it weren't for the eyes, the extra streaks of yellow, and the pale skin.

"Who are you?" Yugi asked again. And again, the figure didn't answer. At least, not in words. Instead the guy zipped behind Yugi with inhuman speed and lanced his head at Yugi's neck.

Yugi screamed as he felt two sharp pricks on his neck. The pain was indescribable! It also felt like his blood was being drained out of him. It probably was too, which meant this guy was a vampire! Vampires were real and he was going to die because of one! Just as that thought occurred to him, the fangs withdrew. Yugi sank to his knees, weak from blood loss.

As he stayed crouched on the sidewalk, the vampire leaned down and whispered, "I like you. I hope we meet again." With that, the vampire left. Yugi stayed where he was for a good hour or so before he arrived home. Thankfully, his grandpa was asleep, so Yugi didn't have to explain his lateness or the mark on his neck.

Present Day

Yugi pounded up the porch steps and unlocked the front door. He slipped in and closed the door behind him. It was a few minutes to nighttime and he could hardly wait for the vampires to wake up. Grinning to himself, despite his anxiety, he crept upstairs and slid into Yami's room and into the pharaoh's bed. He rested his chin on Yami's shoulder while he took in the room's decor.

It wasn't anything special, but to Yugi, was the most wonderful room in the world. The walls were painted a dark color and was peeling in some places. Electric candles glowed dimly giving the room's atmosphere an eerie feel. The carpet was threadbare and the color of red wine. Blackout curtains and blinds effectively covered the windows as well as the red velvet curtains that completely enveloped the four-poster canopy bed. A Duel Monsters Deck laid in a well-cared box that was on the nightstand beside the bed.

Yugi's eyes began to grow heavy as he surveyed the room and was about to nod off when movement caught his attention. He sat up as the pharaoh stirred and rolled over, his eyes opening and lighting up when they landed on Yugi.

"Morning, little angel."

Yugi smiled at the new nickname. Up until now, Yami had called him by name or just love. But, the new name made his heart swell with intense love as well as send a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Planting a kiss on the vampire's cheek, he replied, "Good morning."

Yami grinned as he sat up and pulled Yugi onto his lap (A/N: Aww! How cute!) and kissed him passionately on the lips before the smaller boy could say a word. The pharaoh felt Yugi deepen the kiss and he took the opportunity to tap his tongue against the closed lips. Yugi complied and Yami explored Yugi's mouth extensively before breaking.

Yugi pouted. "Why'd you stop?"

"Because I need to feed otherwise, I might bite you and I promised not to do so without your permission."

"Oh, okay." Sliding out of the bed, the two boys stepped out into the hall just as Seto and Joey emerged with their daughter cradled in Seto's arms. The sight of his friend brought back last night's fright and relief swept through the human. "Joey! I'm so glad you're all right!" Yugi tightly embraced Joey around the waist and looked up at him, smiling.

Joey stretched his arms upward and yawned hugely as he answered, "Hey, Yug."

Yugi took a step back, his mouth open in shock. "Joey, you're a vampire, too! But, how? Why?"

"I didn't want to lose him," Seto answered. Kneeling down the Yugi's level he continued. "The one that kidnapped Joey was a former lover of mine. He would have killed me had Joey not taken the blow for me. I disposed of my former lover. However, the strike and excitement sent Joey into labor. The procedure and the wound caused too much blood to be lost. I had no choice but to turn him."

Yugi noticed the bundle in the priest's arms and said, "I understand. I'd rather have Joey undead than dead. By the way, can I hold her?"

Chuckling, Seto said, "Of course. Her name is Yuri." Handing the baby to Yugi, he stood up and cuddled Joey as Yugi oohed and aahed over the newborn.

"All this mush is making me sick," came Bakura's rough voice. "I'm going out for breakfast." No one said anything as Bakura swooped down the stairs and out the doors to find his victim for the night.

So, what do you all think? Ryou will make an appearance in the story. I just need to find some motivation to continue this story. Perhaps it lies in Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of the Duel. Hmm.