Yay! It's the sequel! XD

So, I know that the title sucks but whatever. I'm back!

Now, let's get started. I don't own Shugo-Chara. ;)

It's been five years since The Stones was shut down, since Ikuto's graduation, since Akane left. Everyone's grown up and is living their lives as they wait for their friend's return.

The youngest of the group, Yaya and Kairi were now 19 and 18 and starting their first year in college. Yaya was studying dance to become a ballerina and Kairi was studying at the same college with computer classes. On holidays, Kairi would drive them down to visit the others since Yaya still doesnt want to grow up and drive.

Ikuto finished college where he used the music scholarship he got and also studied business to help his dad with Easter Production. He even got his own contract as a famous violinist. As he works in the building, he gets to hang out with Haru or Raiden as he records new songs. Although he's the one most anxious for Akane's return, Haru has been able to live a normal life. He's also cut himself off any harmful substance.

Not only does Ikuto visit Haru, he visits Amu. She goes to a college near by since she didn't want to be away from home. She's gets good grades and had won a full scholarship for her art. When she's not on studying, she's working in the new bakery in town called Mother Angel's Bakery.

Mother Angel's Bakery was actually started by the Mashiro's with help of the Fujisaki's. Rima goes to the same college as Amu and she takes acting classes along with comedy classes and also, cullinary arts-in other words-food. Every since she made that cake in the Garden for her friends and they loved it, she's started baking more. Eventually, the Mashiro's started a business for her for when she gets out. She works there when she's not studying like Amu. As for Nagihiko, he studies in a college a little further out in dance and on a basketball scholarship but he manages to get to the Bakery on time to work with Rima.

Tadase goes to the same college as Nagihiko and is taking all the major subjects to become a teacher since he's going to me Seiyou's next princpal soon. When Nagihiko goes to work at the Bakery, Tadase gets a ride down there too to see Lulu.

Lulu has been happy with Tadase. She stays in the old house that she lived in when she lived in Japan back years ago. Every now and then, her parents would sent some money over for her to go back to france to visit. But in the mean time, Lulu works with Amu, Rima, and Nagihiko to be indepent.

Utau has gotten real big on the charts and has been holding many concerts and recording new songs. She's even had a tour for two years but unfortantly didn't get to see Akane. Kukai went with her on her tour since the two were inseparable. Kukai, when he's home, goes to college with Nagihiko and Tadase on a soccer scholarship.

Aoi and Daigo are still in school. Aoi was in her final year of high school and Daigo was now an 8th grader. Aoi has all honors and Daigo is the top instructor at the dojo in town and they still live with Daiki comfortably, awaiting for their sister to come home from her five year tour.

All their charas had returned to their hearts now that they were working to fulfill their dreams and become their would-beselfs but Aoi and Daigo only got theirs. Since the Guardians were all grown up now, Seiyou had to find new Guardians. Aoi was made Queen while Daigo was made Jack since they were the firsts to get their charas along with the King, Ace, and Jocker of the group.

But the thing that bothers them all in the past five years is that Akane promised to keep in contact with them as she was on her tour. And she kept her promise...for three years. After that, no more letters came in from her and the gang would end up getting their letters back since the mail couldn't find where she was. They keep up to date with her concerts by checking the Easter site for where she'll be and then they'd watch her concert on TV but thats about it. They knew in what country she was in but mail never came and mail never went. Ikuto's tryied talking to his dad to call Akane but whenever they'd call, she would never pick up. Eventually, after four years of tracking her on the site and watching her concerts, the concerts stopped and news on her stopped too. No one knew where she was. That is...until one day.

Aoi's POV

"Phew, glad that's over. Norio-kun kept dragging on and on and on-"

"True. But according to the former Guardians, he's not as bad as Tadase-kun."

I nodded in agreement with my chara, Chiye. She was born not that long after Akane-nee left. She looks like a mini me with her hair tied back with a swirly clip and wore a white sports shirt, a blue plaid skirt, and black mary-janes. She was my would-beself to be able to do anything.

Daigo wasn't walking home with me because he had class today so he had to leave the meeting early. But it was okay. I'm use to it. Eventually, I made it to Daiki's apartment. We moved a few months after Akane left to be closer to the school and the Easter building. I walked up to the mailboxes and unlocked it. There was a ton of mail.

"Woah...What's all of this?" I took the mail and walked towards the doors, scanning through the mail. "Bill...Bill...Bill...Advertisement...More Bills...Woah, What the hell?" At the end was a pile of letters kept together by a rubberband and a sticky note on it.

We're sorry for the inconvience. These letters were lost over the pass three years.

"It can't be," I gasped. I tore off the rubber band and went through the letters. All the dates were at the top corner of the envelopes. All three years... "Oh my god." The last letter was resent. It was writen just a few days ago. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Aoi...Aoi, you have to tell the others."

I shoved the other letters in my bag, keeping the recent one in my hands as I ran into town. I dodged people easily and made it to every light.

"You should've dropped off your bag before you ran off," Chiye said, keeping in float pace with me.

"I know. But this is important!"

Soon, I made it to the Mother Angel's Bakery. I burst through the door, the bell above the door chimes, signaling my presences. I stood there panting, trying to catch my breath. Everyone stared at me confused but a few didn't.

Rima and Nagihiko seemed to be on their shifts since they were behind the counter and Amu was tea and cake with Ikuto, Kukai, and Utau. While at another table, Lulu was having cake with Tadase. Yaya and Kairi were visiting again because they were standing at the counter. They were talking to Rima and Nagihiko until I came in. But where's Haru?

"Aoi-chan...Are you okay?" I looked over my shoulder to meet deep black eyes that belonged to my brother figure.

"It's a letter...It's a letter from Akane-nee," I panted, waving the letter in my hand. "She's been sending letters over the past three years. They were lost in the mail." I reached into my bag and showed them all of the letters from over the past few years.

"Come, we'll go upstairs," Rima said, letting us walk behind the counter and upstairs to the little louge we have.

Once upstairs, I dumped out all the letters out of my bag and everyone starting taking one of the letters, opening them, and reading them outloud. So many of them were directed at certain people. Like the letter Yaya was reading was directed to congratulate Rima on the new Bakery. The one Ikuto was reading was directed to Lulu saying she met her parents while in France. The one Lulu was reading was directed to Haru saying how much she's missing him. The one Kukai was reading was directed to Daigo to congratulate him on becoming top instructor at the dojo. And there were some just talking about what she's done. About when she finally published her books. About her new songs. Her concerts. Meeting new people.

There were so many that we went through until we got the letters from this past year.

"I feel so lonely now that no one writes back..."

"I'm starting to get worried. It's been four years, getting close to five and I still haven't found Mama and Papa. I need someone to talk to...Please respond."

"Have you all forgotten me?"

"I dont' know what to say..."

"She thinks we've forgotten about her..." Haru said, falling back on the couch.

"All of these letters were lost in the mail...? And they're giving them to you now?" Ikuto said, sitting on the floor by the couch, still looking through letters.

"But this one's recent," Utau held up the letter.

"What does it say?"

She ripped the envelope and took out the letter carefully. It was folded in three just like Akane usually does. Now that it was open, we were able to see through the paper with the light and I was surprised to only see two lines. Two short sentences.

"It says:

I'm coming home...

I'm sorry.

"That's it?" Amu asked.

"There's nothing else here," Utau shook her head after looking in the envelope again.

"But she's coming back to Japan," Nagihiko said smiling.

"But what does she mean by I'm sorry?" Haru asked.

Akane-nee...What's going on?

Alright! First chapter! Whoo! XD I'm excited to write this ;)

R&R plz