Author's Note: Heyy! This is my first time uploading a story on here. I will claim now the I DO NOT own anything about Naruto or any of its characters. That and I will also say that I will own none of the songs written in this story. See if you can guess the songs. Credits will be handed out properly at the end if need be.

Chapter 1: First Song

"Geez…this is taking forever! There hasn't been anyone on this damn list that makes the cut yet!" A frustrated Sasuke was whining.

"Aw damn Sasuke, stop your whining. We won't get anywhere with your negative attitude." Kiba retorted, quite annoyed.

"We've gone through almost all the list already! I'm about ready to burst!" Sasuke exclaimed, somewhat ignoring Kiba's complaint.

"I'm bored. Let's just finish up with the last guy, ok? Almost done here….." Shikamaru sighs out while leaning backwards on his chair. Auditions are way too troublesome….

"Fine." Sasuke looks at the last guy on the list, Uzumaki Naruto, and calls on his name, "Hey Uzumaki-san! We're ready for you now."

From out of the side of the stage, a blonde spiky-haired guy walks out with an acoustic guitar. He grabs a stool and sits down on it in the center of the stage. He clears his throat, ahem, "Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

'Hmmm…..he definitely fits the looks department,' thought a mildly interested Sasuke.

After a while, Naruto straps on his guitar and begins singing (1):

Another turning point;
a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist;
directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test
and don't ask why.

It's not a question
but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs
and still frames in your mind.

Hang it on a shelf
In good health and good time.

Tattoos of memories
and dead skin on trial.

For what it's worth,
it was worth all the while.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

'Holy crap…his voice is amazing!' This caught all the bored boys' attention.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

Naruto ends the song there and gives the "judges" a bright smile before bowing and walking off stage. I wonder if I did well enough….

Meanwhile in the auditorium….

"Oh my god! I think we've just found our new lead singer!" Cries out a happy Kiba while jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I agree with you there. But we aren't an acoustic band. Can that guy do alternative rock?" asks a mildly impressed Shikamaru.

"I would think so; it sounded as if his range could go that way if we asked him to." Replies Kiba. "What do you think, Sasuke?" He asked with questioning eyes over at Sasuke who was dazed.

Wow….I've never heard a voice that has ever captivated me like this. My heart is beating really rapidly.

"Hey Sasuke! We need your opinion here." Sasuke snaps out of his daze to glare at Kiba who was poking him in the ribs with a pen.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. This guy is great. Looks like we've found our new lead singer." Says a mildly alert Sasuke.

"Yes! Told you so, Shika!" gloats Kiba.

"I never said he shouldn't join. I was just voicing some concerns." Replies a hurt Shika. "Anyway, time to get to class. Lunch is over."

That seemed to have snapped Sasuke back into reality. He was quickly grabbing his books, "Shit! We'll be late soon!" But before he could go, he had to say something to the blonde in the back. He was really amazing. I wanna tell him the big news. He soon found himself backstage looking for Naruto, but he was nowhere to be found. The raven looked around some more and found a stage hand. He asked him where the blondie went and the guy told him that he shot off to class.

Sasuke walked down the halls a little disappointed for not being able to talk to the new recruit. He had decided to praise him and congratulate him for joining the band. He stalked off to his class, barely aware that he was late until Kakashi-sensei cleared his throat, "You're late Sasuke-kun. Do you have a note?"

"Sorry sensei, I lost track of time so I don't have a note." Sasuke replied apologetically.

"Alright, but this is your first warning, don't get another one. Now take your seat."

Sasuke turned toward his seat when he noticed the familiar blonde hair sitting in the usually empty seat next to his. He was fast-asleep on his desk, lightly snoring. Sasuke felt somewhat nervous which was a new feeling for him. He took his seat and stared at the sleepy-head before deciding whether or not to wake him up. Sasuke decided it would be better to wake him up before he got in trouble. Sasuke bent low next to Naruto's ear and whispered, "Naruto….you shouldn't be sleeping in class….I could give you detention for that." Sasuke tried to sound like Kakashi to see if it worked, and it did.

Naruto woke with a start, "I WASN'T SLEEPING!" Once he realized what he said and where, his face turned a really crimson red.

"Yes…I'm sure you weren't now please pay attention." Frowned Kakashi-sensei.

Naruto took his seat and then he finally noticed the raven sitting next to him, laughing hysterically. "What are you laughing about?"

"You actually fell for my lame imitation of Kakashi, that's why." He burst out laughing in more fits.

"Is there a problem, Sasuke-kun?" asked Kakashi-sensei. "Care to share your joke with the class?"

Sasuke calmed down to slight giggles, "No thanks sensei, there's nothing wrong back here." And with that, Kakashi turned around and continued on with his lesson. Sasuke looked over at the glaring blonde next to him, expecting him to do something like punch him. But he looked away.

The blonde's face softened after a while and he turned back to Sasuke. "Why do you look so familiar?"

"Maybe you saw me in a magazine." Scoff. Wonder if he'll fall for it again.

"Don't flatter yourself Apollo." The blonde snorted back. Sasuke had to admit that this guy was really cute.

"Stop talking back there," droned Kakashi.

They instantly shut up and looked at one another giggling slightly. Naruto looked over at the raven haired guy next to him and smiled inwardly. He was really hot. He couldn't look away. Then suddenly, the end-of-class bell rang. Naruto jumped out of his seat and burst through the door without another backwards glance.

Sasuke heard the bell and was lazily cleaning up to leave when he saw a rush of blonde jump through the door. He must be really hungry. Oh crap! I was supposed to tell him the good news! Sasuke realized his mistake and rushed himself out the door too, but the blonde was no longer anywhere in sight.

He first headed into the cafeteria, but he didn't find Naruto. He found Kiba and Shikamaru though. "Hey guys, have you seen our new lead yet?" Sasuke asks the two of them as he approaches.

"Oh, you mean the new kid, Naruto?" Kiba asks.

"Yeah." Sasuke replies.

"Well, he hasn't been in here yet. Try the library?"

"Nah. Doesn't seem the type to be into books. He was sleeping all through class. Kinda like you, Shika." Sasuke smirks.

"Whatever man, newbies are so troublesome." Shika sighs while Kiba howls with laughter.

Sasuke left the cafeteria and headed down a few halls before coming to the staircase to the restricted roof. He shrugs it off and decides to check up there anyway. When he reaches the door, he quietly opens it up to find the blonde. Asleep again. The wind blew gently on the roof and the view was beautiful. Sasuke looked down at Naruto and saw a new feeling inside of him. Peace.

HEY! 1st chap is finally done. Send me reviews since this is my first story. Chap 2 will be up soon.

Btw, could you guess what song was up there (1)? Hint: think heart grenade.