


If you're a new reader, or just haven't been around to my little corner of cyberspace in a while, I suggest skimming this. You don't actually have to read it, but the summaries at the bottom might be of interest. Thank you so much!

Your faithful author,



First off, just by clicking onto this link you have committed yourself to the Incognito Cookie Collection Club (The I-Triple C). This is an unofficial club, of which I am the official sponsor. By joining the club, you've become apart of the story, too. You heard me right. You, sitting there and reading these words on your computer/iPod/cell phone screen (Gotta love technology, no?) are as important to this story as its characters are. It's you, my readers, who make the characters come alive. I cannot thank you enough for that.

This story has certainly changed a lot since it first began in August of 2010. Back then (two months ago for me, as I'm typing this up now near the end of October), I had no idea where this was going. I only knew where I wanted to start. The situations these characters would be put into, the adversaries they would face, the drama they'd have to endure; none of it came to me until much, much later. My eternal gratitude goes to UnbrokenSilences, my beta, who is ten times more vital to this story than I could ever put into words. I'd also like to thank stripedpolkadots and her fic Strangers as well as Vamps-With-Wings and her fic Memoirs of the Lost and Forgotten for giving me inspiration. I apologize if, in the beginning, there are any similarities. These are wholly unintentional, I assure you.

During the two months that it took me to write this story, I had an ongoing cookie contest. I handed out cookies to each and every person (both FanFiction members and anonymous reviewers) who reviewed, alerted, or favorited this story or myself. Sadly, the cookie contest is over as of October 30th, 2010. (Just wait! There is an on-going Muffin Match for the sequel, Indescribable. You can still be in the running! All you have to do is review this story once to be in the running.) To see the Cookie Contest results, simply go to the chapter titled Cookie Contest Results.

Blanket Disclaimer: Everything and anything you recognize or think you recognize is not mine. I own no Maximum Ride characters, settings, or any part of the plot. All rights go to James Patterson.

Also: This story is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, and locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, and are used to advance this fictional narrative. All incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author's imagination and are not to be constructed as real.

Claimer: While I don't own any cannon characters, I claim my right to each and every original character, from the lowly stock character to the very important protagonists. In addition, the plot is one-hundred percent mine. This story may start out like a cliché, but it's changed so much since I began it in August. My sincerest hope is that this story will be nothing you expect.

A Note: You're meant to be confused. You're meant to think and ask me questions. You're not meant to know all the pieces. But you are meant to enjoy this story. The only reason I've kept up with it for so long is because of all the wonderful feedback I've been getting from readers just like you. If you ever have a question or ever need something explained, please send me a PM. I will reply to the best of my ability without ruining your reading experience by giving away too much.

A Warning: Be prepared for some swears. They will be there, and some of them will be shouted. I can't very well censor without ruining their effects, because most of the curses are interwoven with thoughts and speech. So, there they will stay. You've been forewarned.

Incredible (formerly Incredibly Indescribable) is now the first part of the Incomparable Trilogy. Below are the full summaries:


Summary for:


A Ride By Any Other Name


Rated T for language, violence, and some mature themes

She could hear the voices. He could mimic them with pitch-perfect accuracy. Her voice would last forever, if anyone would permit it. He needed those words to see the big picture. She had a Voice to guide her through the chaos. His voice was the one she craved the most, the one she needed to survive.

They wanted to create the ultimate warrior, one who followed orders and destroyed with ease. But they couldn't. Everything they made had a surprising, life-saving quality: a soul. A soul with a passion and a drive and will to survive, to live, to win. A soul that would not hold back to protect those it loved. A soul that would be the final straw in bringing their entire organization crashing down on its knees.

When your life is thrust into the fast lane and your family is torn off its hinges, will you be ready? Can you handle the ride?

Are you ready for the Incredible, Indescribable, Indestructible, Maximum Ride?


Summary for:


The first Installment of the Incomparable Trilogy


Rated T for language and violence.

She could no longer hear the voices. He ceased to repeat them. Her abundant voice lost all meaning. He didn't know what to listen for anymore. She was beaten of her will, her Voice having left her for dead. His voice was lost forever to the violent wind.

But the ones who created them made a crucial mistake when taking apart their miraculous creation. Now their experiments are getting minds of their own, and they're pushing at the time-weakened, crumbling walls. How much longer will they stay standing?


Now, I can't possibly delay you any more. Without further ado, I present to you my pride and joy, Incredible.

Many thanks and happy reading!

Your faithful author,
