A.N: PLEASE READ: Here is my new story. This one is going to take me a while to write, but it will be very different from my other stories. I'm planning it out, and writing...re-writing, and overall making sure its perfect. I don't know how often it will be updated, but it make take a bit because I want to make sure everything is right.

This story is a little AU. The characters and their personalities will mostly stay the same. Except for maybe a calmer and less vicious Sam, and a braver, more outspoken Freddie. And in this story, Sam and Freddie don't know Carly right at the beginning, but trust me they will meet her.

The actual web show iCarly doesn't exist. You'd think if they didn't know Carly, they wouldn't have the show.

I hope this story will be as good as I planed it to be. I want it to be the right mix of humour and drama. So it's not over dramatic, but it's not corny either.

This chapter isn't very exciting. Nothing really happens. It's just setting up the story. I really wanted it to show you Sam and Freddie's friendship, and how it's different from how it is in the show. They are a lot closer here, and joke around a lot. But it's all harmless.

The whole story will be in Sam's POV. So it probably won't ever be announced. You'll just know.

Disclaimer: Dan Schneider owns iCarly, not me. Sorry.

Okay, without further rambling...my new story!

If You Were Me

By: ForTheWin04

Chapter One: Prologue

My blond hair bounced in the wind behind me as I walked down the damp Seattle streets. It was the end of summer, and before I knew it school would be restarting. I was about to start my junior year of high school, and even through it was still two weeks away, I still couldn't help but feel nervous.

The sun was at its peek and I pulled my bug-eyed sunglasses down from my head to cover my eyes. I looked to my right to see my best friend – whom I've been walking with this whole time – smiling at me, and the sun reflected in his eyes. Freddie Benson had been my best friend since we we're five. We were those kids on the playground that everyone made fun of, telling us that we were going to get cooties if we stuck around the other. Luckily for us, we never listened to the other kids comments, and are still best friends to this day, at sixteen years old.

Being best friends with a boy definitely effected the way I grew up. I'm the type of girl that would rather wear an old baseball cap than a skirt and heels. Even when I was little, while all the other girls were tying their hair in bows and taking ballet classes, I was on a junior baseball team with Freddie. Of course I was the better player of the two, seeing as Freddie can barely throw or catch. And even though all the other little girls saw me as an outcast, I never would've changed my situation for the world.

Even now I have steered clear of the norm. I am the captain of the girl's flag football team, and every Friday night when the school would gather for the game, Freddie was always in the stands, cheering me on with his friends from his computer class.

Now, we walked in the late summer sun and headed for Freddie's apartment. He lived with his crazy over-protective mother, who thought the only thing that wasn't perfect about her son was me. Ever since she met me, Marissa Benson thought I was bad news and had since attempted many times to terminate our friendship. This only stopped a year or two ago when she found out about how my mom treated me (which was not very well), and Marissa soon decided that I had more troubles than she originally assumed. From that point on, I was a more frequent visitor at the Benson residence, spending countless nights there away from my complicated home life.

"Why are you so quiet?" Freddie asked me now, breaking a long silence.

"Sorry," I said snapping back into reality. "I was just thinking."

Freddie nodded, then slightly smiled. "About what?"

"Life," I said putting it generally.

A small laugh escaped Freddie. "Now that's enough to keep you distracted."

We keep walking, and his building came into view. A new silence found it's way over us, and I couldn't remember the last time I had such a hard time finding something to say to Freddie. Normally, all sorts of conversation on the most random of topics flew up left and right. Now, however, I felt like I was finally all talked out.

After making our way up to Freddie's apartment and scarfing down one large Hawaiian pizza, I sprawled across the floor of Freddie's room. I thought of the events of the past week. My boyfriend of 5 months, Derek Hanson, and I had broken up. The list of fights the two of us had partaken in finally became too long, and I ended things between us. It seemed after passing the three month mark of our relationship, we were constantly at each others throats. Insults flew, harsh things were said. It was almost freeing to finally be clear of him.

Still, the thought of him made me sad. Although, towards it's end, our relationship was hardly even functional, I couldn't help but replay the good times we'd shared over and over in my head. The memory of them seemed to outweigh that of our fighting.

"You okay Sam?" Freddie said suddenly, seeing my distress.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," I told him, half lying. "I'm just thinking about Derek."

"Ah," Freddie began. "That jerk."

I nodded, and pulled my hair back from my face. "Pretty much."

Freddie came and sat down next to me on his bedroom floor. "He doesn't deserve you, Sam."

I looked at him. "You're just saying that."

"I am not!" He said, offended. "Seriously, you're too good for him."

"Thanks Freddie." I rested my head on his shoulder, and he responded by putting his arm around me. I smiled, so did he.

"I never liked Derek anyways," he told me honestly.

"I know you didn't. You told me at least once a week to 'dump his ass.'"

"Hah," he laughed. "And I was right, too."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't rub it in," I said.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Freddie really did always hate Derek. He was always trying to tell me he was wrong for me, and how I was just going to get hurt with someone like him. But the one time that really stood out was the first night Derek and I had gotten into a fight.

I ran into Freddie's room, tears running down my cheeks, and a bruise on my arm just beginning to form. I closed my eyes tightly when I saw Freddie run up to me.

"What did he do to you?" He asked, his voice dangerous and low. I just shook my head, and began to cry all over again. Freddie wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer and rubbed my back.

"Shhh, Sam. It's okay. You're okay." Freddie told me, taking away the pain.

"He...h-he hit me." I whispered out.

Freddie released me, held onto my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "I swear to God, Sam, I'm going to kill him!" His tone expressed just how mad he was.

I just nodded before hugging him all over again. "I hate Derek Hanson," Freddie whispered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

Later that night, we practically feel asleep on his couch, until his foot collided with my face. "Ew! Get you're nasty foot out of my face!" I complained.

"No! You get your nasty face away from my foot!" he spat, and sat up.

I frowned. "Haha, very funny."

"Well it doesn't need to be infected. I love my feet," he said matter-of-factually, patting them with pride.

"You are a freak, Benson," I said, rolling my eyes.

He smiled. "But I'm cooler than you Puckett."

"Yeah, okay," I said sarcastically.

"I'm hungry," Freddie announced randomly. "Let's go to McDonalds."

"Freddie, its like 12:30! We're not going to McDonalds." I told him.

He smirked. "Oh, but we are."

He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out the apartment door and didn't let go until we got into the elevator.

When we made it to McDonalds, it was almost one in the morning. I was too tired to even focus on the burger in front of me, let alone the conversation about computer processors that Freddie was trying to keep up. I practically fell asleep, when I saw someone enter, and my heart almost stopped when I saw Derek Hanson. "Shit!" I said, sliding down in my seat.

"Awe," Freddie said. "What's that ass wipe doing here?"

I laughed. "You did not just call him an ass wipe!"

Freddie laughed back. "Well it was accurate!"

"That it is," I said, smiling.

"What's he doing here at 1:00?" Freddie asked.

"How should I know?" I answered.

"Sam?" I heard Derek call out.

"Dammit!" I whispered under my breath, realizing my cover was blown. I looked up to see Derek and his best friend Justin Faulkner walking towards Freddie and I.

"Hey Sam." Derek said pleasantly. "Freddie." He added, nodding in his direction. .

"Look Hanson, why don't you get out of here?" Freddie said, standing up.

Derek took a step closer. "What's it to you Benson?"

Freddie crossed his arms across his chest. "You hurt my best friend, and that's not okay with me."

"Freddie, just sit down," I said quietly, pulling on his arm. I sunk lower in my seat as Derek tried to pull me up.

"Yeah Benson. Sam doesn't need your backup!" Derek said, and he and Justin laughed.

"Don't talk to him like that!" I told Derek.

"Whoa, Sam. Calm down, I just wanted to talk," he said trying to grab my hand, but I pulled it away from him.

"Well she doesn't wanna talk to you," Freddie said to Derek as he pushed past him, grabbing my hand in the process. "Come on Sam, we're leaving."

I didn't have to argue with that. I tightened my grip on Freddie's hand and we stormed out of McDonalds together, hand in hand, leaving Derek Hanson behind.

Well? What did you think? Please review! I really wanna know what you think of the AU, and the secret Seddie in there. It kinda shows some...stuff. Lmfao.