Author's note: Thanks for all the great support! Getting reviews truly make my day. I'm also very open for questions, suggestions and constructive criticisms. This part takes place in the world of Washington politics, and there probably won't be any huge crisis 24-stile. It'll focus in Renee and Jack's personal drama, only that now they have jobs at the White House. A little bit like… "24" meets "The West Wing" but with a lot more romance and less politics. Maybe just some bomb or assassination attempt… (Or it wouldn't be 24). I'm open to your ideas regarding the terror arc of this part. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Please, consider this first chapter "a test-post"… I'd like your opinions on the general concept of the story, and the jobs I thought for Jack and Renee. I was just too tempted to use the White House setting. I hope it doesn't come off as too crazy or too unrealistic for the characters. As always, I do my best to be plausible. But I had to take some creative license. I hope nobody is too annoyed by it. You are all free to tell me so. I know the Renee I imagine may be somewhat different from the show.

Anyway, thank you so much! Love, Lara

Special considerations:

"Day Seven" took place on March 25 - 26 of 2017

"Day Eight" took place on May 20 - 21 2018

Jack's birthday was set by the show on February 18th 1966

In my story, Renee was born in January 22nd 1980, making her 38 in May 20, 2018.

Allison Taylor's birthday was never established so, in this story, I will establish her birthday in October 26th in loving tribute to Hillary Rodham Clinton. And I made Allison as old as Cherry Jones.

SERIES: Everything went downhill from there




Summary: It's been five months after the crisis in New York. Renee and Jack discover that they were always meant to be a team. They were meant to win or lose together, to celebrate or mourn together. Defeats are softened and victories sweetened because they have each other. Third part of the "Everything went downhill from there" series.

Previously: Renee and Jack dated for seven weeks. Then she learned she was pregnant, but the pregnancy turned out to be non-viable. Feeling devastated, she left Jack without telling him anything. (Part one)

Jack saw Renee was in a tailspin and tried to rescue her. Renee stabbed Jack, not recognizing him at first. Then he winded up getting tortured and almost killed. At the end, they went to their apartment and got back together. Then a Russian operative shot at Renee but Jack jumped in front of her taking the bullet instead. Jack survived after being about to die for the fourth time in less than a day. Renee felt too guilty and scared about everything that happened and considered herself a burden for him. So she left Jack to let him have the happy life he deserves with his family in California. (Part two)

Next: President Allison Taylor makes some changes in her administration and in her personal life. As a result, Jack and Renee find their lives turned upside down as well.

Disclaimer: The show it's not mine. Neither are the characters. Except: Leon Craig, Elizabeth Stockard, Abigail O'Carroll Walker, Captain John Walker and James Barrington.



August 15st 2018 – Wednesday

Washington DC. – White House – Residence

4.30 AM

Ethan tried to put his clothes back on as quietly as possible. He knew Allison needed to rest. But the room was completely dark and he accidentally tripped with a chair, falling clumsily in the floor of the Presidential bedroom. A situation he was sure nobody would ever picture him in.

Allison was woken up by the sound and the first thing she noticed was that Ethan was not sleeping next to her. Then she got in a sitting position and saw him getting up from the floor. "Ethan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it was just the chair." he replied, as he stood up and then sat on the side of the bed, next to her.

"Again? I should get you a night-light" she teased him while caressing his cheek and then kissed his lips. Then she took a glance at the digital clock on her bed table. "It's 4 AM, do you have to leave so soon?"

He wished he could stay and hold her in his arms just a bit longer. But he had to sneak out before the press corps got to the White House. It was easier to remain unseen if he left in the middle of the night. He held her hand and looked at her sadly as he reasoned, "You know we have to be careful".

The president nodded in agreement. She knew. She simply didn't like the situation. They were two consenting adults. She was divorced and he had been a widower for ten years. But they had to hide their relationship anyway for political reasons. She couldn't deny the fact that her relationship with Ethan would generate a great deal of controversy. But it truly pissed her off. "Yes, I know. I mean… Russia and the IRK are at a brink of a war, which means we are at a brink of a war with Russia, a nuclear power. But God forbid the first female President of the United States dates somebody, because that would be the end of the world." Then she sighed resigned, "the things people choose to care about…"

He rubbed her shoulder in a comforting way, as he explained sensibly, "Allison, it makes me angry too. But there's no other choice".

"I know…" She nodded. "It would ruin our reputations… they would criticize my morality, which would lead to a debate over my divorce and family values". But just because she understood why her relationship had to remain secret, it didn't mean she liked it. She protested somberly, "It's unfair".

"It's extremely unfair". Ethan agreed with emphasis. Allison was a great woman. Her integrity was absolutely unquestionable for him. But unfortunately other people would, wrongly, question her morality, and his, if they knew about her relationship with him. He admitted appalled, "But there's nothing we can do. That's the political reality. Dating openly would be too damaging for you".

Allison knew that. And even thought Ethan used the word 'dating', it was actually the 'sleeping out of wedlock' what would generate a big controversy. Even in these modern times, there were certain groups of people that would harshly criticize her morality if word about her relationship with Ethan got out. Although, keeping her relationship secret made her uncomfortable too. She took pride in being honest. Very spontaneously, she pondered out loud, "Maybe they'd accept us if we got married". She was suddenly hit by the implication of what she had just said. Was she insane making such a suggestion? She desperately tried to take her words back, "Never mind. Please, forget I said anything".

Ethan was trying to overcome his surprise. He looked pensive for a moment, and then wondered, "Why should I? I mean… why don't we get married?"

"What?" Allison couldn't believe he was considering it for real. The suggestions had been originally hers. But it had slipped her mouth accidentally. She tried to look unfazed as she stated, "You are not serious"

"Am I ever not serious?" Ethan asked rhetorically. Then he took Allison's hand and kissed the knuckles. Looking deep into those light blue eyes he adored, he stated, "Look, I love you, Allison. I really do. I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I just didn't say it before because I thought it was too soon".

"I don't care how soon it is", Allison rushed to let him know. Then, nearly choking up, she told him, "Ethan… I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life next to you. I know in my heart that it's right"

"So… would you marry me, Madam President?" Ethan asked solemnly.

The president clucked softly when he used her formal title in the proposal. Then she brushed the tears from her eyelashes and nodded. "Yes, of course, Mr. Secretary". Then she kissed him on the lips.

1.30 PM – Oval Office

For the President of the United States, there was little time to truly process and enjoy her engagement. She got up at six and the hectic morning passed quickly in a turmoil of meetings, briefings and phone calls. It wasn't until after her lunch that she could see her fiancé again. Her smile when she saw him reached her eyes. It was the happiest she had been in a very long time. Once they were alone, Ethan embraced her and kissed her. But then he pulled away and seemed worried. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all, my dear", he assured with a smile. "But there's something we really need to talk about".

His tone indicated it was something serious, Allison took a seat on the couch feeling a bit concerned and Ethan sat next to her. She asked him, "Is it personal or is it a state matter?"

"Both, actually", he said a bit unease. He handed her the envelope he was carrying.

Allison took it appalled. She knew what it was. It was something she had dreaded all morning. She had seen it coming. But she shook her head and handed it right back. "No, Ethan. I'm not accepting your resignation".

Ethan pointed out, "Allison, I'm sorry, but you can't marry your Secretary of State".

She had anticipated Ethan would say that. And she had thought the same thing. But while her political and pragmatic side was telling her he was right, it was hard for her to accept that reality. She folded her arms in front of her chest and asked sarcastically, "Seriously? And exactly what part of the constitution says that?"

Ethan sighed. "Please, listen to me… Allison, I love you. You are a great woman… but also, one hell of a president. So I want to protect your administration. I don't want to damage your chances for a second term. All I care about is protecting our legacy, remember?"

"I know you care about that"

"I care a lot. And if I stay in the Cabinet, you'll take a serious hit… it'll look like your husband is running the country. It has scandal written all over it. I have to sate aside and be there for you from the backstage…"

"But, Ethan, you are absolutely brilliant and honest. I can't lose you. I need you in my administration. I need you to work with me for everything we believe in..." She held his hand and stated firmly "We are meant to be a team"

"We are a team", he stated even more determinedly. Then he smiled with sweetness and promised, "That won't change. My role has to be different, but you won't lose me, darling. I'll be your husband."

"But that's not fair for you, Ethan…" she objected somberly, shaking her head. "What you're willing to give up for me… you are making such a huge sacrifice"

"No, I'm getting everything I've wanted since the moment we met. Allison, I loved you secretly, from the distance for far too long… but now we are together… you have no idea how happy this makes me" He then held her close and kissed her lips. He honestly couldn't wait to be her husband. "So, will you accept my resignation so we can spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife?"

"I will. And I'll be happy to be your wife", She replied with teary eyes. Then she opened the envelope and unfolded the resignation letter. Soon, she noticed a small diamond ring falling to the blue carpet. She picked it up and gasped with delight. "Oh, Ethan… it's so beautiful."

But they were interrupted by a knock on the door and then Nancy, Allison's personal assistant, walked into the Oval. "I'm so sorry to interrupt. Madam President, you have a meeting with the senior staff…"

"Thank you, Nancy. I just need a minute", Allison stated with a polite smile as she kept the ring hidden behind her back. Nancy nodded in acknowledgment and left. Then the President and Ethan stood up from the couch. She stared at the ring and the resignation letter pensively. Then she handed the letter back to Ethan. "I want you to hold this until we find a suitable replacement. That won't be easy. But then we can announce your resignation and our engagement."

"That sounds good", he agreed. Actually, with everything that was going on, it was better if he remained as Secretary of State a bit longer. Sadly, that meant hiding their relationship longer too. It had to remain Washington's best kept secret. Staring at the ring, he asked "what about that?"

"I love it. I'll wear it in a chain, under my shirt", Allison said quickly. Then she kissed his mouth softly one last time before having to meet with her staff.

August 27st 2018- Monday

9 AM – White House

Angela Nelson, White House press secretary, finished giving her morning press briefing and opened the room for questions. All reporters raised their hands and she called one of them from the podium first, "Yes, Arthur?"

"Can you confirm the rumors about Secretary Kanin planning to resign?" the reporter asked.

Angela was stunned. Nobody was supposed to know about that yet. The President and the Secretary had only talked with a few selected staffers to plan the best way to break their special news. But still wasn't the right time for telling the public. She tried to look unfazed, "I'll make no comment whatsoever on those unfounded rumors".

"Can't you tell us what his reasons for resigning are?" Arthur insisted.

A reporter called Sean simply raised his voice from above his peers and asked, "What can you tell us about Mr. Kanin's alleged relationship with the President?"

Angela stared at him truly annoyed. "Nothing. I said I won't comment on those rumors". And then she called another reporter, "Ted?"

"If he resigned, who would replace him?" Ted asked, having heard the same rumors everybody had heard.

"I'm sorry. I can't comment on a resignation that hasn't occurred", Angela replied trying to be patient.

"Is James Heller is really being considered to replace Secretary Kanin? If not, can you tell us who's in the short list?" Ted asked, hoping to confirm the information he had.

Angela replied sarcastically, "Yes, I can… because when I said I'd make no comment whatsoever I was only kidding". Then all reporters tried to ask more questions. But the Press secretary knew she had to speak with the president and plan the next step before saying another words. "Okay. That'll be all until the afternoon briefing", she announced nonchalantly and left the press room ignoring the protests coming from all the reporters.

She headed quickly to the Oval Office feeling truly nervous and knowing that the President would be really upset. Right outside, she saw Nancy, Angela asked with concern, "Was the President watching?"

"I need to see Angie now!" Allison Taylor's steady but loud voice could be heard from inside the Oval Office.

Angela then looked at Nancy and muttered quickly, "never mind". Then she walked into the oval where Allison was with the George Sullivan, Deputy White House Chief of Staff, who was temporary acting as Rob Weiss's successor. Immediately, the press secretary rushed to apologize, "I'm, so sorry Madam President. I should have known the information had been leaked".

But that wasn't the biggest concern in Allison's mind. She just felt absolutely betrayed. They had agreed to wait before making everything public. "Who leaked it, Angie?"

"Ma'am, if I may…" George interfered feeling absolutely uncomfortable. He had to say something the President wouldn't like. "We might get something good from all this. This news about your personal life may serve as a distraction… to get people stop talking about what went wrong in New York".

Predictably, such comment made the President upset. It made her truly sick having to think about the politics of her engagement. "We are talking about using my personal life for political benefit" But before another word could be spoken, the President noticed a blinking light on the phone over her desk. Knowing what that meant, she picked up the extension, "Yes, Nancy?" After listening to her assistant she replied, "Of course, patch him through". It was Ethan, calling from the state department obviously to talk about what was happening. Then she gestured for George and Angela to leave her alone. "Ethan?"

Ethan was understandably upset. "Allison… I was watching. How on earth did they found out? Was it Heller?"

"I haven't talked to him yet. It has to be someone from my senior staff", Allison pointed out. That was what hurt her the most. She had been betrayed by some close advisor, again.

"What do you want to do now?" Ethan made the jackpot question.

"I should start by having more people I can actually trust around here"

August 28st 2018 - Tuesday

Bethesda, Maryland – Walker Family House

7 AM

She was alone in a very small bedroom, with no windows. She was on a bed and she could hardly move because the pain she was felling was too intense. She dragged herself to the door and wasn't surprised to find it locked. After realizing she was trapped, she helplessly dropped on the floor in fetal position. Her abdomen was hurting so damn much. It was unbearable. She felt sharp intermittent cramps. Then she noticed to her horror that her panties seemed soaked in blood, just like the crotch of her pants.

Renee woke up startled. She was in her own queen size bed, in her own bedroom. She closed her eyes again and took a few deep breaths. It was so strange. She had been sleeping relatively well for over a month. Now it seemed her baby-related nightmares were back. Suddenly, she felt a particularly sharp menstrual cramp and figured that her period, which had started the day before, had triggered her nightmare.

But she got up quickly and opened the curtains to let the morning light in. Through the window she could take a look at the garden and see the pool in which she had learned to swim as a kid. It made her feel much better. Then she headed to the adjoining bathroom.

In the bathroom, she took off her dark pink oversized t-shirt. She held it in her hands and stared at it for a moment and read the inscription in purple letters, 'The best man for the job is a woman'. Jack had bought it for her and said it seemed made for her. For the millionth time in the past two months, she felt tempted to throw it away. But, once again, she couldn't bring herself to actually get rid of it. It was just like the silver necklace she still wore every day. She needed to keep those things.

After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, she went downstairs and passed by the living room. She stopped for a moment by the arched doorway that separated the living room from the kitchen and watched with a tiny smile as Leo made breakfast, as always. He was momentarily living in her house because he was currently working in DC. and had no place to stay. So he was using her old room. She greeted him, "Morning"

She headed to the cabinet to take her medication. Now she was getting a proper treatment for her PSTD. To control her symptoms, every morning she took venlafaxine, an anti-depressant. And every night she took a very small doze of Clonazepam, an anxiolytic, to help her sleep better. Besides, once a week she went to therapy. She was slowly making a bit of progress.

"Morning", he replied. Then he noticed she was wearing a business suit and make up. Also, her long and dark auburn hair was loose, but had been perfectly straightened. In six years of friendship, he had seen her like that very few times. "Look at you all… power-suited". Renee let out a soft chuckle and rolled her eyes. He continued making pancakes for both of them. "Any idea why the President asked to see you?"

"Not a clue", she admitted honestly. It was strange that the President had called her, out of the blue, asking to meet her. "I guess I'll find out soon", she stated with a shrug as she took a seat by the breakfast bar with her coffee, having noticed that the Washington Post was already there. There was an article about what was going on in The Hague, where the International Court of Justice was still deliberating the case against Yuri Suvarov, who had been forced, under the circumstances, to step aside as President of Russia.

Leo served breakfast for both of them. He had made some French toasts. A bit awkwardly, Leo commented, "You know? Janis told me you won't return her calls…"

But Renee was suddenly too distracted staring at the French toasts to listen. They made her think of Jack and the morning he taught her how to make those toasts. Now she was back to her former 'not-cooking-at-all' policy. Then she focused her attention back on her friend, "I'm sorry… What did you say?"

"Janis told me you won't return her calls. She wants to see you", Leo said trying to keep a neutral statement-of-facts tone. He thought it would be good for Renee to make up with Janis Gold. Personally, he found the nerdy data analyst too uptight and a bit annoying. But Renee used to enjoy being her friend.

Renee straightened her back, tensed by the mention of Janis. She wasn't ready to face her yet. And she didn't want to talk about that at the moment. Some things were naturally still very difficult for her. "She shouldn't talk about her personal matters at work"

Leo just gave her a 'oh, please' look. What a pathetic and lame attempt to avoid discussing the real issue. Then he commented sincerely, "The topic came up because it's been really hard to replace you and Larry Moss…" After his work in New York, he had been named Special Agent in Charge of FBI DC Field Office. He was the third one since the day Larry died. Nobody had been able to fill their shoes.

"You and Elizabeth will make a terrific team…" Renee said reassuringly. Leo had made arrangements for Agent Elizabeth Stockard to become his deputy director. "When does she start?"

"She moves next week", Leo replied with a smile when he thought about Liz. Finally, he'd have her back in his life.

"I'm glad", she said sincerely. Liz seemed like the perfect woman to be with Leo and to do Renee's old job. At the same time, Leo was certainly perfect to replace Larry. But, what about her?

'I laid down my badge, Mr. Hastings. I took it from my pocket and I laid it down. So why would you possibly think that I want it back?'

Leo had also offered Renee her badge back. But she turned her badge down, again. Not because of bitterness or depression, and not because she feared the horrible memories. She simply felt no desire to go back to her old job. It just didn't feel like 'her world' or 'her passion' anymore. For once, the thought of never being "Agent Walker" again didn't cause the too familiar sharp pain in her chest and tightening sensation in her throat.

9.45 AM – White House – Oval Office

Renee was anxiously standing right outside the Presidential office. She was still dumbfounded by the fact that she was about to see President Taylor again. As she waited, she was pleasantly surprised to see that the official portrait of former First Lady Nancy Reagan was on display there. She had missed it during her last time in the White House. Obviously, back then she hadn't been able to admire the art pieces President Taylor had chosen to exhibit. Now she took the opportunity to look at it closely. She stared at the painting until she heard the door behind her opening. It was the President assistant.

"Ms. Walker, the President will see you now", the woman announced, inviting Renee into the Oval Office with a gesture.

"Thank you", Renee attempted an appreciative smile which came off awkward because of her nervousness. She walked into the presidential office having truly no idea what to expect.

Allison stood up and walked towards the other woman with a smile. "Hello, Renee"

"Madam President", Renee greeted back, also with a polite smile, but timidly, as the two women shook hands. It was the first time the President ever addressed her using her first name. It made Renee realize the President had totally forgiven her for their argument.

"Please, have a seat", the President invited as she sat in the large cream-colored couch. Renee sat in front of her looking a bit self-conscious. As usual, Allison decided to waste little time with small talk. She had something very important to discuss with the other woman. "Renee, it's my understanding that your decision to leave the FBI is final and you're not currently working"

Renee first stared at the President with confusion. How did Allison know that? Then she realized who she was talking to. If the President of the United States wanted to know something about somebody, she could find a way to get the information. Probably, Allison had simply asked the brand new FBI Director. The only question was… why did the President care? Then it hit her Allison was waiting for confirmation. "Yes, that's correct, Madam President. I'm taking time to… To solve some personal problems…"

"I understand", Allison assured the other woman gently. Then she dropped the big shocker, "I actually called you to offer you a job, in the White House… I want you to be my Chief of Staff. What do you say?"

First, Renee stared blankly and blinked nervously several times. She was obviously dreaming or hallucinating. That was the very last thing she had expected the President to say. There were so many thoughts and concerns running through her mind like hamsters. She tried to voice them in the most respectful possible manner. "Madam President, nothing would honor me more. I want to serve my country. But… what about certain issues like my lack of political experience and…the mistakes I've made?"

"Those are issues I'm choosing not to worry about because I have much bigger concerns at the moment", Allison stated plainly and sincerely. "I really need you here. I need somebody smart, somebody I can trust. I know you've made mistakes. But I can trust you. I know you can do the job and you'll think about nothing that's not the best for the American people". She was so sick of traitors and people who thought only about scoring political points. She wanted somebody who could disagree with her without betraying her or acting behind her back. Then she added gravely, "I have to make impossible choices, but I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. And I need somebody who's not afraid to tell me I'm wrong when that happens. Now, can you promise me that you'll do your job loyally and to the best of your ability?"

"Yes, and very proudly, Madam President." Renee replied feeling deeply moved and overwhelmed. She felt terrified, but in such a wonderful way. It was the kind of fear she had only felt in very few moments of her life. Like during her very first swimming competition, when she skipped third grade, before starting college, before moving to Manhattan for the very first time and then when she was about to marry Jimmy.

The President stood up and smiled pleased. Renee stood up quickly as well. So Allison went to shake her hand to close the deal, "in that case… welcome to the team"

Still pretty dazed by what was happening Renee shook the President's hand solemnly. "Thank you, ma'am. I promise I will not let you down"

August 29st 2018

Los Angeles, California – Jack Bauer's apartment

6.00 AM

Jack was woken up by the sound of his alarm clock going off. Groaning, he made that horrible sound stop. He got up and dragged himself out of his bed. He opened the curtains and the intense Californian sun nearly blinded him for a moment. He went to the kitchen to get some breakfast before getting ready for work. He was working as a security consultant and living in the apartment a friend had rented him. Honestly, he didn't like this apartment as much as he had once liked his apartment in New York. But he could move out as soon as he found a place he liked better. The best part was that Kim, little Teri and Steve lived close, and he got to spend a lot of time with them. He also spent time with his nephew. It was great being close with his family. He had wanted that for so long.

Holding his cup of coffee, he headed to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the news before work.

"The White House announced that former Chief of Staff Rob Weiss is being replaced by a former FBI Agent named Renee Walker…"

Jack had to sit down as he heard the news anchor saying that name. He stared at the TV in big shock. Apparently, the President had indeed brought Renee in as Chief of Staff. Some reporter harshly criticized the fact that Renee had no experience in politics and, until the day before, most people didn't even know who she was. But that was something Jack was certain Renee would overcome by doing a great job and surprising the hell out of everybody. Fortunately, nobody seemed to know anything about Alan Wilson or Vladimir. But Jack knew that information was strictly classified. Very few people had access to it, and those who did weren't allowed to reveal it.

Suddenly, a picture of Renee popped up on his TV screen. It had to be a photo taken around a year and a half ago, seemingly for her FBI file. Renee's hair in it was auburn, a bit darker than on the day they met, but yet lighter than he had last seen it. It barely reached her shoulders. She was wearing a navy jacket and an apricot shirt.

Jack couldn't even pay any more attention to what the reporters were saying. He couldn't think about anything except how much he really missed her. It still hurt him to think about her. Once again, he found himself trying to forget all about her, only to discover that he couldn't. He turned off the TV and bitterly threw the remote carelessly over the couch. Then he just stood up and went to change for work. He felt so stupid for not being able to get over her.

September 25st 2018 - Tuesday

Washington DC. - White House

6.30 AM

Renee entered the west wing of the White House through the northwest lobby, wearing a light-gray pant suit from Calvin Clain. She walked past several security checks and continued down the hall way. A security officer, sitting behind his desk, greeted her nicely, "good morning, Ms. Walker"

"Good morning", she replied politely. And then she continued towards her office. She spotted her assistant Dolores Demarco already in her desk, always a hard worker.

"Good morning, Ms. Walker", Dolores greeted politely.

"Good morning, Dolores", Renee greeted back with a small smile. "I hope you're feeling better"

"I feel good today… thank you", Dolores replied appreciating her concern and putting a good face. She was suffering only from normal morning sickness. She had felt the worst the day before. But she didn't want to be known as a weak little woman. She followed her boss into the office and placed a huge cup of coffee with a muffing on Renee's desk. She knew Renee liked to have her breakfast every morning as soon as she got to her office. Dolores had started working for Rob Weiss and really worried about making a good impression to her new boss. White House staffers normally brought assistants from their former jobs, and she didn't want Renee to do that. "Ms. Nelson said she wants to see you right away".

"Thank you. Tell her I'm here" Renee said, and Dolores left to do so quickly. It was the first time ever she had an assistant. She drank some of the coffee appreciating how nice the other woman was. She had never asked for coffee explicitly. The other woman had picked that up just by observing. Renee opened her laptop and first checked the President's schedule for the day. Then she checked the news on the internet.

As expected, they were most of them about the surprising death of Owen Bradley, the National Security Advisor, who had suffered a heart attack at the age of fifty one. That man was three years younger than the President, barely four years older than Leo and a year younger than Jack. Those were very terrifying thoughts. Renee instantly tried to push them away and moved on to check a different topic.

'Walker Watch: day twenty three'

It was the headline of the latest entrance on a blog about politics. Renee could hardly believe some reporter even bothered to watch her, and report about her about her daily. It was actually meant to embarrass her, and by extension the President, by pointing out Renee's weakness and trying to catch her mistakes. That guy didn't know half of it, indeed. But Taylor had told her not to worry about 'some jerk who hates women'. She was used to deal with misogynists, and so was the President.

In an instinctive attempt to make herself feel better, she stared at her college degrees, displayed on the walls next to the bookcase. Two of them had the logo of Princeton University. One said 'Bachelor of American studies' and the other said 'Bachelor of Eurasian and Russian studies'. Then she stared at her two degrees from Columbia University. One said 'Master of Business Administration' and 'Master of International Affairs'. She had graduated Summa Cum laude from both universities. Of course everybody in the building had some sort of degree from some big university.

Then Angela Nelson excused herself and entered the Chief of Staff's office. "Good morning, Renee"

"Good morning", Renee greeted back and gestured for the other woman to take a seat. "Needed to see me?"

"Yeah, I'm prepping the morning briefing. I need to know, has the President decided who'll replace Bradley?" Angie explained quickly while sitting down in front of Renee.

"No. We'll be discussing the options with the President in the staff meeting", she replied looking at the time. She then looked at the blue folder over her desk. It was the file of the strongest candidate. A file she knew by heart. And, instinctively, she touched the silver necklace on her neck.

"When will I have a name to give the press?" Angie asked a bit concerned.

"Tomorrow morning." Renee replied a bit absentmindedly, distracted by thoughts regarding the man of the file.

Angela pointed out, "they'll want a name today"

Renee looked at her in disbelief. "Bradley passed away yesterday, for God's sake. Tell them we want to show some respect and wait a little before announcing who'll replace him"

Angie nodded in agreement. "By the way, about Secretary Kanin…"

"He's resigning in a week. And, yes, James Heller will be the new Secretary of State", Renee replied too anxiously, anticipating Angela's questions. 'Audrey's dad', Renee thought to herself, feeling a bit nervous about that. Jack Bauer as National Security Advisor and James Heller as Secretary of State. Definitely it was what was best for the country. No matter how awkward some meetings could get.

7.15 AM

After announcing herself, Renee entered the Oval Office. It didn't matter how many times she had done so in the past twenty three days. It was something that still marveled her every time. She noticed George Sullivan, Deputy White House Chief of Staff for policy, was already there talking with the President, both of them sitting on the couch. She had expected to speak with the president alone since the staff meeting began at 7.30. But she decided not to ask George to leave. "Good morning, Madam President…" then she nodded at her deputy "hi, George". The man barely nodded back politely.

"Good morning, Renee", the President smiled warmly and seeming happy to see her. Then she looked the folder in Renee's hands. She could guess what was in there. For confirmation, she asked, "Is that the file?"

"The file of the man I think is the best option to replace Mr. Bradley", Renee confirmed handing a copy for the President and another one for George. Then she sat in one of the chairs.

The President put on her glasses and read the first page. Then she looked at Renee a bit surprised for a moment. She knew Renee and Jack had shared a personal relationship that was now over. She had no idea whether they were still friends though. But personal feelings weren't important in this matter. They all had to think only about what was best for the country. In that spirit, Allison admitted, "I was thinking about bringing him in too"

"Jack Bauer?" George asked Renee when he noticed the name, as if he were asking 'are you drunk?'. Then he looked at the President, "Madam President, this is the man who tortured a guy right here, in the White House"

Without missing a beat, Renee looked at the President and made her case, "a man who has kept this nation safe countless of times, ma'am. In my opinion, I think the contribution he can make as national security advisor is too important to dismiss"

Allison pondered both points for a moment. Then she told George, "I know very well what Jack has done. And I don't approve that. And I know the decision will generate controversy… probably a lot. But it's not a time to set aside what's best for our national security just for the sake of avoiding a political fight". And then she looked directly at Renee, "I know the contribution he can make is too important to dismiss."

At that point, Nancy entered the room. "Madam President, Secretary Kanin is on the phone, line one"

"Thank you", Allison smiled gratefully at her assistant. She stood up. Renee and George quickly did so too. Then she spoke to them, "we are not making any rushed decision. Let's all just consider this with an open mind".

Renee and George then left the President alone to take the phone call. Since in a few minutes they would have a staff meeting anyway, they remained in the outer Oval Office, by Nancy's desk. George then looked at Renee quite angrily and repeated outraged, "He tortured a man in the White House"

That was a real fact. However, Renee knew the topic was far much more complex than that. She couldn't stand listening how Jack was being attacked. She gave the man a cold stare. "Stop saying that"

"That's what happened. And that's what every reporter in America will be saying", George stated calmly. His expression was saying 'Don't get my mad at me for stating facts'.

"Then we reply saying something different!" Renee argued firmly, getting angry. "We turn the story around and make it about the lives he's saved and his heroic actions…"

George not only thought Renee was grossly wrong, but he also hated her for showing up out of the blue and taking away the job that was meant for him. Yet, she outranked him. And he could tell he wouldn't win this easily, since the President agreed with her already. So he decided to lower his tone and be nicer. "I'm sorry. But I really think it's not the right political move. I have to at least tell the President as much"

"That's fine", Renee agreed nodding. "Look, we're just considering the issue. And whether he gets offered the job or not it's entirely up to the President". But to Renee it was plain to see what the President wanted to do.

"Of course", George replied, acknowledging the obvious, just unhappy about it.

8.10 AM

Renee went back to her office. The President was still thinking about the idea of making Jack National Security Advisor. As she walked past Dolores's desk, she ordered, "Please, tell Angie I need every news article that has Jack Bauer's name". She knew Jack's FBI file by heart. But she had to know what the general public knew about him.

She stepped into her office and sat in her chair, with her elbows over her desk and her head between her hands. She had no idea how she felt about the idea of seeing Jack again and working with him. She definitely missed him so much. But too many things had gone wrong… the baby, Vladimir, the stab, the shooting...

She leaped from her chair and paced around her office nervously. She couldn't stop thinking about the man who had saved her life in every possible way. But she reminded herself that this wasn't about Jack and her. This was about doing what was best for the country. Jack deserved that job more than anybody else.

September 26st 2018 - Wednesday

Washington DC.

1.30 PM

Just a short walk away from the White House there was a restaurant which served mostly American food. It was properly named 'The Oval Room'. For the past twenty three days, Renee had eaten while working or while talking to somebody about work. Except once a week when she met her therapist during her lunch hour. But that day she had made some time to meet her closest friend for lunch. Leo wasn't living at her house anymore. He had found a nice place in Georgetown. And she missed talking to him.

"So, you'll see him today?" Leo asked, getting a bit worried.

"His plane arrives in two hours" Renee replied, trying to keep a casual tone. The truth was her heart raced faster and her palms sweat when she thought that soon she would see Jack again.

"And how do you feel about seeing your ex boyfriend again?" He didn't mean to sound like a therapist, but he was deeply concerned.

Renee could feel all her muscles tensing. She left the fork on her plate and her expression became colder. "Right now he's just the President's favorite candidate for the position of National Security Advisor… and I feel he's the best man for that job. So I hope he takes it"

But she couldn't fool her friend, who gave her a very skeptical look, "So, you have no more feelings for him?"

"I can't have feelings for him", Renee stated resolutely. Then she repeated a bit weakly, "I can't".

4.30 PM – White House

Renee was reading a briefing from the Homeland Security department when Dolores entered her office, "excuse me, Ms. Walker? Mr. Bauer is already here to meet the President."

Her muscles got tensed and her chest hurt. But she successfully covered how nervous she felt. She stared at the watch, and then at the President's schedule on the computer screen. As she stood up, Renee explained, "She'll be free in twenty minutes… I guess I'll see him first". She exited the office and began walking down the hallway.

When she reached the outer oval office, she saw him. Jack was sitting in a chair waiting for Allison Taylor. He was wearing a business suit, with a light green tie that matched his eyes perfectly. He was so painfully hansom. Her heart began pounding faster and faster. When their eyes met, she felt so dizzy it was like she was about to faint. But she had promised herself to be professional.

Jack got up from his chair promptly as he noticed Renee there. He had expected to see her, given her position. But apparently he was not prepared for how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a navy blue skirt suit with a light blue shirt. It was the first time he ever saw her wearing a skirt and it was impossible for him not to take a quick glance at her legs. Also, her hair looked Irish red again and he wanted so badly to run her fingers through it. Of course, he couldn't do that. He definitely couldn't go down that road again.

For a moment, none of them could say a word.


(Thanks for reading… please, tell me what you think)