Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto or any of the characters mentioned in this fanfic. It's purely for entertainment purposes only.

I caught Myself.

My eyes closed and took a long drag of my cigarette. The cold air whipped my almost bluey black hair around my face and I frowned into the darkness. My other hand was playing with my keys, deep in my jacket pocket. I took the fag from my mouth and dropped it to the ground beneath me, stepping on it and looking up. Currently, I was standing on top of a three story strip club, looking out over tokyo with glazed eyes. Yeah, I was a bit drunk.

I closed my eyes again and listened to the distant sound of cars, the thumping of the music below me and the quick beat of my heart in my ears.

"Hm you jumping too?," a voice said suddenly. I opened my eyes, startled at the sudden question.

A man, roughly my own age, was standing at the edge of the buiding looking down. Blonde hair, from what I could see and quite tanned. Not someone you would regularly see walking the tokyo streets. He was wearing a plain white t-shit and a pair of grey skinny jeans. His face turned towards me and he smiled bitterly.

"No," I muttered watching him roll his eyes.

"So what? You just stand up here at nearly one in the morning for no reason?."

"I have a reason. It's quiet and Im usually alone up here."

He looked back over the lively and dark city. "Im guessing you know my reson for being up here."

"I do."

"And I suppose you're going to try and stop me?."


The mans blue eyes shot over to me and for a milli second they looked amused. "Well that's new."

"Hn. So why you jumping?".

He was silent looking at me carefully. I smirked at him and lit another cigarette. "Want one?."

"Um no. You realise they'll kill you."

"Then you have nothing to worry about," I muttered. He laughed lowly.

"I suppose not. But I still dont want one."

"Meh. So you gonna give me a reason for jumping or are you just gonna hurry the hell up and do it?."

The guy frowned.

"It's cause Im lonely."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you think jumping off a three story buildings going to get you more friends or something?."

"Well I got you didnt I?."

I smirked again and nodded. "I suppose so."

"Im...Im Naruto by the way."


"Nice to meet you Sasuke."

"Yeah". The coldness made me tighten my jacket around my body. "Aren't you cold?."

"Naah. Im not really thinking about the cold...I have other things on my mind."


He grinned at me.

"You know, Naruto. You dont seem like the suicidal type."

"And you don't look like a smoker."

I let out a small laugh.

"I guess...But honestly you don't give off the vibe and talking to you now seems like your pretty happy."

"Well Im happy cause I finally have someone to talk to. Someone who hasn't yelled 'demon' or thrown something at me."

I frowned at the ground putting the cigarette in my mouth.

"So why not just step of the ledge and walk towards me?."

"Because I've spent the last month building up enough courage to do this".

"Ah, but you wanted something like this to happen, right? You wanted someone to stop you."

He was silent, as If thinking.

"As all suicidal people do. They want someone to stop them and tell them that it's going to be okay."

"You want me to be that person right?," I asked. The blonde man pouted.

"You make me sound so gay teme."

I laughed.

"That's not a bad thing is it?."

"Not really."

"Okay then. So you going to get off the ledge and come over here?."

The blonde bit his lip.

"So you stop me from killing myself now, what do I have to do in return?."

"Meh, nothing. You not jumping would put my mind at rest."

"What'd you mean?," he asked in slight curiosity.

"Well you jumping would have you on my mind, the image of you killing yourself would really be one to make me feel guilty dont you think?."

Naruto seemed to think about it then he sighed and I could see his hot breath.

"I was so ready to just throw my life away."

"Yup," I muttered letting a puff of smoke out.

"Aren't we all."

Then much to my relief he stepped back onto the roof. He didn't speak as he walked up to me and I properly saw him up close now. I admired the view.

"Sasuke," he whispered to me and I shivered hearing the slight sorrow in his voice. "I...I could really use a friend...Someone to comfort me right now." His bg blue eyes were watering and I sighed.

"You want me to do it right?."

"That would help...But you don't have to...You've already done so mu-."

So I wrapped my arms around the man, letting his head rest in the crook of my neck. He had stiffened as If not used to the sensation. Then relaxed.

"S-sasuke.. ," he choked out and I felt him shake. His hands fisted the back of my jacket and he cuddled even closer to me. I closed my eyes dropping my cigarette and welcoming the heat from the strangly warm man.

"Shh," I whispered. "Just let it out Naruto."

And he did. He sobbed into my shoulder with his arms around me and I just listened, and hugged back.

Yes, I barely new the guy, but I could tell he was an emotionally scarred young boy in the body of a man.

It was a sad night, because part of me finally became attached to something and my cold facade dropped.

The stupid bastard had had an affect on me.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed, R&R :)