A/n: I have two words for you. CHLEREK TIME! That's right I went there. I'm growing up. From Zammie's to Chlereks this is HUGE! Jk jk. But on a serious note something been telling me 'write a darkest powers fanfic or ELSE' so of course I didn't take my chances and now I'm writing it. Go you guys!... maybe. Or maybe it'll be so bad you'll come and burn down my house. Please don't. That would be nice. ANYWAY hope you like it and hereeeee it goes!


We were at ANOTHER safe house since the last one we were found. And the one before that was burned down. I was with Tori (witch), Simon (sorcerer), Kit (sorcerer also), Aunt Lauren(human but she was a doctor came in handy!), and my amazing boyfriend Derek(werewolf). Then there was me. The tiny yet powerful… necromancer. Even if I was powerful but power didn't give me many advantages. No matt-

My thoughts were interrupted when we got to the door and a boy about our age who was tall and built like Derek with intriguing grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. Derek pulled me behind him slightly and he and the boy had a slight stare off. Well this won't be awakard I thought.

A middle aged woman came to the door with a bright cheery smile on her face breaking Derek and the other I guess werewolf up.

"Kit it's wonderful to see you!" she was actually really pretty. She had jet black hair that was curly and very healthy with bright white teeth and brown eyes that had flecks of gold in them.

"Yes you to Essie" said Kit giving her a hug.

"You all must be Lauren, Victoria, Simon, Chloe, and Derek then huh?"

"Tori not Victoria."

"Right, right" the woman said in a polite tone."Come on in everyone's here and we can to introductions!"

"Sounds great" said Aunt Lauren and she lead the way through the door.

We all sat in a beautiful room with polished oak wood floors and caramel colored walls. There was a brick fireplace there as well as a big T.V. and a generous amount of seating room. But it wasn't really enough for all of us.

"Okay everyone we have some new people coming to join us here and I want you to make them feel welcome" the woman who I'm guessing was named Essie said while looking at the boy who opened the door.

"Alright I'll start the introductions. My name is Esmeralda but you can just call me Essie and I'm a witch" next was a short red haired girl who looked awfully young.

"Hi my name's Amy I'm 13 and I'm a fire half-demon" she stated sounding quite nice to be a half-demon. All the ones I've met didn't seem too nice other than Rae. Then again all the ones I met were dead.

"Chris werewolf" said the werewolf we had just met before shooting daggers at Derek.

"Hey! I'm Sophia, 16 and I'm a shaman!" said a perky girl not much taller than I am with auburn hair flowing just past her shoulders.

"Hi, I'm Nick 18 and I'm a werewolf" he said while looking at me and winking deserving a growl from Derek next to me.. He was tall and muscular with dark hair like Derek's but with icy blue eyes. Plus he seemed way nicer than all the other werewolves I've met.

"Hi I'm Krista 16 and I'm a vampire and Lucas is my brother" she said stealing looks at an interesting Simon while showing off her fangs. She had intensified orange eyes that looked like they were burning and blonde hair lighter than the color mine is.

"I'm Lucas, 16 and I'm an astrology projector and Krista is my sister."

"What's that" I honestly had no idea. I thought it had something to do with the stars or something. He rolled his eyes before explaining.

"I can have outer body experiences, and make other people have them to."


"Yeah" was all he said before sitting back down" Simon and Derek's Dad Kit stood up next.

"Hello, I'm Kit and I'm a sorcerer Derek, and Simon are my sons."

"I'm Lauren and Chloe is my niece. I'm not a supernatural but I am a supernatural doctor." Next was Derek.

"Derek, werewolf Kit's my dad Simon's my brother, and Chloe's my mate" that last part he would have killed Chris brought him back to life and killed him again with… assuming looks could kill. OH! Wait! Did he just say I'm his mate? I didn't have time because everyone was looking at me now.

"H-hi I'm Chloe and I'm a n-necromancer" ugh stupid stutter! It wasn't too bad this time at least though.

"Hi I'm Simon, and I think we know who I'm related to" he said sending a flirtations smile towards Krista.

"Tori and I'm a witch" I'm shocked even Derek said more than she did.


Wow Lucas was cute. I think I'm going to keep my eye on him! He even had a little attitude. He's a keeper. Jee could Derek and Chloe get any closer? I think NOT. Ugh they make me want to hurl. Wayyy to into each other. I mean she's 16 and he's 17 they totally need to have a little fun before they settle down. And I bet Derek isn't even getting any. What a pansy.

A/n: Hmm I highly enjoyed writing from Tori's bitchy point of view lol. I promise next chapter there will be some actual stuff going on I just really wanted to get the beginning into's out the way in the first chap! So please review and tell me how this has made you feel. Did it piss you off? Did you smile? Did you just think that was a load of crap but I'll read the next chapter just to see if I can keep my eyes open this time? No matter what idea's and pinions are awesome!
