Justice League: The Costume Party


Batman x Wonder Woman / Green Lantern x Hawkgirl / Question x Huntress / Green Arrow x Black Canary / Flash x Fire / Superman x Lois Lane.

There was a Party at the Watchtower.

The party wouldn't be like any other. It was the first ever, Costume Party that 'they' actually would join. So the Hero and the Heroines of the Justice League were wearing costumes of Celebrities, Movie characters, animals and most importantly; each other.

Lois Lane was the guest of Superman. Their relationship was serious now so they were 'officially' dating. Media had been behind this relationship since they learnt it. Drinking a Mocha in Starbucks with boyfriend was normal. But if that boyfriend was Superman; then the things would go abnormal.

Other than Lois and Clark's relationship, some League relationships were not that good.

Some people wanted more than relationship with other people. And this was destroying those people's friendship with each other.

There were good ones, too. They were happy as in more than friendship and in friendship.

Some of those relationships were full of anger. Those people were not even standing and being in the same room with each other.

And of course, there were a lot of people who have friendship with other people. Through, that was the only thing that they were here besides fighting with criminal.

Hawkgirl was in her room, fixing her dress. She looked at the mirror and tried to find something that bothered her in her outfit.

"Shay! Damn, you look perfect!"

Hawkgirl turned around to look at her friend who was standing by doorway. She gave him a huge grin. She was wearing a short, white dress and wings, of course, with white high heels. She even had a Halo on her hair.

"Thanks, Flash! You look … Umm, like a Vampire?"

"Thanks! I've tried so hard to find this costume, you know." Flash said and smiled. He was in a Dracula costume. He had a black half-mask. Then he showed her, his new vampire teeth.

Shayera laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, impressing… Hey, I kinda get the feeling…"

"A feeling that makes you think, something on you didn't suit with the rest of your outfit. But, It's amazing! And I'm saying it with the eye of a man."

Shayera laughed. "Thanks, Wally. Ready to go?"

"Hell yeah!"

Wonder Woman was putting on her make up. She had never done such a thing but everything has it's first. Tonight is going to be fun, She thought. And by 'fun' she had meant; no thieves, no criminals, no murderers, no psycho people who want to lead the world. Just…dance.

Once again, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was beautiful. She was always beautiful. But in her costume, tonight she was a lot more beautiful. Her costume was a Devil Costume. She had a red, short dress and black high heels. She knew, she would never be evil. But it was a costume party and It was Dinah's idea to get her a dress like that.


Black Canary appeared in front of the bathroom door. She was a Bunny tonight. Her costume was black and she had cute bunny ears right on her head.

"Aw, you look great!" Diana said as she put her lipstick back on table.

"Says the woman who looks stunning!" Dinah laughed and hugged her friend. "I wonder, What will Ollie think about my costume…"

"I think, he will be speechless." Diana chuckled.

"He won't be the only one that will be speechless." She winked. "I'm sure, your favorite billionaire will be speechless, too."

"Umm, Bruce? Trust me, he would 'never' be," Diana sighed. " I doubt he's coming, anyway."

Dinah patted her shoulder. "It's okay, love. We can have our 'girly dance' party then."

Diana laughed and opened the door. "Sure, why not. Ready to leave?"


The crowd was huge. Everyone had to scream to talk, the Punch was getting empty easily. Also, It was impossible to find people in all of those different costumes. Before the party got started, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hawkgirl, Flash, Huntress and Zatanna made a deal. They choosed a table, already. So They were going to meet there.

Once Shayera and Flash got there, they looked around.

"Oh man, they're late." Flash said in a dissapointed voice.

"Who's late?" Diana asked, as she walked over to the table with Dinah.

"Diana! Dinah!" Shayera exclaimed then giggled. "Hey, your names sound like one another."

Both girls laughed and hugged them. Dinah looked at everyone then made a dissapointed face.

"Are you okay, Birdie? Wait, I guess, I'll have to call you 'Bunny' huh?" Flash asked .

Dinah sighed. "Yeah, It's just… Have you two seen Oliver?"

"Nope. But I'm sure he'll be here soon. He has to be! No men wouldn't be able to make you wait here." Shayera answered.

Dinah smiled. "Thanks, I hope so."

"Hey, hot stuff."

Diana turned around and gave Batman a strange look. "Hey."

"Wanna dance?"

Diana looked at him then her friends. They were shocked aswell.

"Um, Is that Bats?" Flash whispered with an unsure expression.

"I dont know…" Shayera whispered back.

"Um," Diana said with a raised eyebrow. Was he Bruce? Well, maybe a drunk Bruce? She took a deep breathe. "I think, I'll stay here, thanks."

Batman-look-a-like shrugged and left to talk to another girl.

After a minute, Diana smiled at herself. Of course, he wasn't Batman. She should have known better. He would never call her 'hot stuff' or talk to another girl when he got rejected.

"Man, I wonder who he really is," Shayera said.

"Hey guys!"

"Helena!" The exclaimed.

"Girl, You're late!" said Dinah.

"I know, I know. Sorry, Z kept me waiting nearly," She looked at her watch. "an hour!"

"An hour? Where is she anyway?" asked Flash.

"Still gettin' ready." Helena, also known as Huntress, answered.

"And," said Diana. "You look fabolous!"

"True, I loved the costume! Harry Potter's girlfriend, huh?" Shayera said.

"Yup, I adore him!"

"Shhh, wouldn't want Vic to hear that," said Flash.

"Heck, I don't even know where he is."

"I don't know where Ollie is, either."

"Let's find 'em." suggested Helena.

Black Canary nodded and they both left to find Green Arrow and Question.

"Oh, Flash," said Shayera. "Somebody's staring at you!"

"Wha- What? Who? Where?"

"Easy boy. There, on the left. " Shayera said then chuckled. "The one with the She-Hulk costume."

"What? Fire? Is she lookin' at me?"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Obviously."

Flash was still speechless. Shayera playfully hit him on the arm.

"Go get her, Wally!"

"I…I am going already!" Flash said.

"You're not even walking." Diana raised an eyebrow.

"Ain't I? Oh…" Flash took a deep breathe and started to walk towards Fire.

"They're gonna make a cute couple," said Shayera, as they both grabbed a drink and sat down.

"Yes," replied Diana. "I wish, I could say the same for us."

"I know," Shayera sighed. "John is seeing Mari now."

"I guess, Bruce is still seeing Selina."

"Selina? Catwoman? No way!"

Diana nodded. "I guess. And, you mean Vixen? I'm not that close with her."

"Neither am I. I just still… love him, you know."

Diana nodded. "I believe, he does, too."

"But he doesn't show it!"

"Why would he?" Diana asked.

Shayera narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, no offense but after that Thanagarian attack…I dont think-"

"Okay, okay," interrupted Shayera. "I got your point. You're right… But I just wish… he would understand."

"Give him time, Shy. And be patient. Not everyone is like you. Or not everyone is like him. If he loves you –which he does- he will be back."

"But how long does he need to make up his mind?" Shayera asked, a little impatience.

"This is a question that only John knows the answer."

Shayera sighed. "How about you?"

"How about me?" repeated Diana.

"You and Bruce?"

"Oh... us. Well, we are okay."

"Uh huh." Shayera said with a smirk.

"Hey, at least I'm patient."

"And where exactly does it give you?"

Diana raised her eyebrows. "Umm, I dont know. Well, I'm not rushing things up."


"'So' what? What are you trying to say, Shy?"

"I mean," Shayera said, using the same tone Diana used before. "No offense or anything."

Diana nodded. "Well?"

"You've been patient. But what have you won? You two ain't dating and he keeps pushing you away. It's been nearly two years, right?"

Diana, again, nodded. "I guess, I got what you're saying."

"No offense, Di. I'm just telling the truth. What happened to your Amazonian side?"

Diana chuckled. "Hey, It's still in me."

"Then show him that! Show him that you are not gonna wait for him forever, that anyone can take you from him, that you may not be here for him everytime." Shayera said then sighed.

"Says the woman who has been waiting for her lover to come back to her."

"It's not the same." Shayera pouted.

"It is! We've been waiting for them to realize their love for us. And we don't do anything about it."

Both heroines fell into silence. There were a lot of random emotions going on in their minds. Hurt and love, anger and happiness, patience and rush…

"Hey babes! Which one of ya wanna be the lucky girl and get a chance to dance with me?" asked a man with an orange superhero costume.

"Get lost," was the girls' only answer.

The man took a step back and started walking quickly.

"Men," started Diana. "The most mysterious, arrogant, selfish-"

"Handsome, sexy, cute-" Shayera added.

"Pigheaded, self-centered-" Diana continued.

"Amazing, suprising, simple-" Shayera added, again.

"Kind, attractive and-"

"Perfect things alive," Shayera finished.

Diana sighed. "See? Every insult about them ends with the good ones."

Shayera took a deep breathe. "Guess, you're right. But Who's to blame if they are perfect?"

"Shy, They are not perfect-"

"Who are not perfect?"

Both girls looked up and see their reporter friend. "Lois!"

Helena sighed. "Lemme try again." She said, holding a guy on throat. "Where. Are. They?"

The man pointed the corner. "There…I swear I don't know anything else! I just saw them going there!"

Helena let him go then looked at Dinah. "Let's go."

Both girls walked over to the corner and opened the door. The room was empty.

"Damn it! Are they trying to hide or something?" Dinah pouted.

"Who, Pretty Bird?"

"Ollie!" She exlaimed and hugged her boyfriend.

"Mmm… You look fantastic."

"You dont look bad yourself." Dinah winked.

Green Arrow was in the costume of a Police.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but have you seen Vic?" Helena asked.

"Were you looking for me?" Vic walked in with his Superman costume.

Helena chuckled. "Don't tell Clark but I like it better on you."

"I know." Vic laughed and kissed her.

"So you girls wanna dance?" Oliver asked.

"With a pleasure!" Girls said at the same time.

"Hey girls!" Lois greeted them.

"You look perfect!" Diana said. "Nurse, huh?"

"Clark might want a check-up, you know." Shayera winked.

Lois laughed. "Thank you! You two look great aswell."


"Speaking of him, where is he?" Shayera asked.

"Speaking with the guests, I suppose."

Diana nodded. "Which costume did he wear?"

"A Cowboy."

"A Cowboy?"

"A Cowboy," repeated herself Lois. "He was going to join as 'Clark Kent' I stopped him from doing that."

"Really? Wow."

"So, what were you talking about?" Lois asked.

"Umm... Men."

"Another great subject that I'm good at." Lois smirked.

"Good at this? Can you give us, um, advice?" Shayera asked.

"Sure! You can ask me anything about them." She leaned forward and whispered. "Clark wasn't the only guy I've dated."

"Um, he has super-hearing, you know." Diana chuckled.

"Ah, sure he does!" Lois blushed. "Sometimes, I just forget."

"Here, sit," said Shayera. "Well, like we said… we need some advice."

"Go on."

"Well, there's a man and I-"

"Hey girls!"

Shayera groaned then looked up.

"Geez, bad timing?" Zatanna asked.

"Yes. No. Hi, Z," said Diana and hugged her.

"Hey, Z. You look nice!" Lois said.

"Um, an Elf?" asked Shayera.

"Thanks. Yeah, I like elves. They are just so cute!"


"Anyway, as much as I love hanging out with you girls, I have to go find someone to dance with."

Diana giggled. "Good luck!"

"Try that guy in the spiderman costume. He's been checking you out since you walked in."

Zatanna looked at the guy, then Lois. "Lois, you're a relationship goddess!"

"I thought, It was Aphrodite?" Diana said. Shayera laughed.

"Geez, Di. Well, I'll go talk to him. See you three later?" Zatanna asked.


Zatanna walked over to the guy and started to talk with him.

"She does actually talk!" Shayera said.

"What did you expect? To be shy around?" Lois raised an eyebrow.

"Um, kind of." Diana replied. Shayera nodded.

Lois took a deep breathe. "You two have so much to learn."

Batman and Green Lantern walked into the Ball-room. They didn't want to come at first. But considering Flash's random spirit and trouble-maker style, they had to. Plus, they didn't want their girl-friend-to-be's to dance with somebody else.

"You could have chosen a costume, you know." Green Lantern said.

"No, I'm good."

"Typical." John said as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, GL! Um, Is that the 'real' Bats?" Flash smiled, holding two drinks.

"Hey, Flash. And yes, he is." John answered.

"Hey, man. Nice costume," One of the 'fake' Batmans winked at Batman and left.

"Let me guess, there are Batmans out there, right?" Batman asked as he sighed.

"Yup. One of them asked Di to dance. We were all shocked!"

"… And she accepted?" Batman asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Ehh, not really. She and Shy were talking when I left….Maybe somebody else asked them to dance?"

Seeing both men, narrowing eyes, Flash decided to leave.

"Um, It was nice to see you two. But, Bea is waiting for me. So see you around!" Flash said and turned to leave. "And GL, interesting costume." He said then left.

Green Lantern was wearing a Marine costume. Through, It wasn't suprising. He was a Marine before.

"Hey, John! Hey, Bruce!" Vixen appeared in front of them with Supergirl.


"What have you two been up to?" Kara asked.


"Did you guys like our outfits?" Mari, also known as Vixen asked. She was wearing a Pirate costume.

"Yeah, It looks…nice," answered John.

"Thanks, we worked hard!" Kara smiled. She was a Cop for the Costume Party.

Bruce and John nodded without a word.

"Would you two wanna dance?"

"Actually…"John said.

"No, we're just here to look around and keep the arguments under the line, if there is one." Batman explained.

"…Okay." Kara looked puzzled.

"See you later?" Mari asked, looking at John.

John nodded and both of the girls left.

"Want something to drink? I kinda need one right now." John said.

"I think, I will have fun. No alcohol, though."

"Alright. Save me a seat," said John and left to get a drink.

"So let me get this straight, If we hurry up and rush them to get in a relationship, we lose them. And if we take it slowly and make them to open up first, we get them?" Diana asked, third time

"Yes! It's that simple."

"But we're talking about John and Bruce as Green Lantern and Batman. You know how stubborn they can be." Shayera said.

"Yeah, my point exactly. You'll keep being stubborn aswell, have fun, hang out with other boys and make them watch you with other men."

"You sure you're not devil or something? Or we mixed our costume? I can exchange the costume." Diana said between chuckles.

"I take that as a compliment just because I like you and I like devils." Lois smirked.

"Fine with me." Diana smirked aswell.

"If you two are done flirting-"

"We are not." Diana interrupted as she raised an eyebrow.

"Anyway, she is right, I'm bored, let's get up and dance!" Shayera finished her own sentence.

Girls looked at each other then nodded. "Alright!"

Flash chuckled and kept dancing with Beatriz. They were moving together with the rythm. Beatriz laughed and pulled him to herself.

"You're actually good, you know."

"You're not too bad yourself." Flash winked.

He made a move to impress her. Instead, he bumped into someone. "Sorry!"

"Watch where you're go- Hi, Wally!" Helena said as she fixed her dress, a part of her Harry Potter's Girlfriend costume.

"Hey, Lena. Hey, Vic."

Question gave him a smile then pulled Huntress back to him to continue their dance.

"Hi, Wally!" Black Canary said with a chuckle.

"Hey, Dinah. Oh, I see you found Ollie!" Wally said with a warm smile.

"Hey, only I call him that," Dinah winked.

"Oh, yeah? Then, I'll stuck with GA."

"Dude, It's a clothing prada." Green Arrow said with a disgust.

"How about Ollie Boo?"

"Ollie boo?"

"No, didn't like it. I gotta find something more interesting…" Flash started to think about the nickname.

"Guys…" said both girls, Dinah and Beatriz.

"Like what? I don't like being called with stupid names." Oliver said.

"Hey, I thought you don't mind."

"Dance?" Both girls asked, hoping to continue their dances.

"I don't mind, actually. Just don't write it on fan websites, don't write it on t-shirts and don't write it on walls."

"Gotcha." Flash said with a grin.

"GUYS!" Girls exclaimed.

"Oliver Queen! You'll keep dancing me 'till the night ends so move." Dinah said with narrowed eyes.

"Wally West, you heard her. Move!" Beatriz pushed him back to the dance floor and started to dance.

"Another one."

"Don't you think you've had enough drink?" Bruce asked his friend.

"No," answered John. "Just three glasses?"

Batman shrugged and took a look at dance floor. "Can you see them?"

"See? I don't even know what costume they are wearing."


"Look, Isn't it strange? We're trying to spy on women who are in a costume party with different costumes and a lot of people," John stared at three Wonder Woman and four Hawkgirl costumed women. "who are wearing exact the same clothes with them."

"Good point."

"And why is this spying thing? I thought you and Diana were just 'friends'" said John.

"We are."

"Since when friends spy on each other?"

Bruce sighed and raised an eyebrow. "What about you and Shayera?"

"Um, what about us?"

"You sure, you two are giving each other the 'space' you need?"

It was Green Lantern's time to stay quiet.

"Just as I thought," added Bruce.

"Hey guys!" A brunette girl in a cat costume said with a flirting smile.

"Um, hey." John said. At the same time, the song changed. Teenage Dream by Katy Perry was on.

"I love this song!" said the blonde girl in an Alice costume from the movie, Alice in Wonderland.

"I don't." Bruce said. John shot him a glare which couldn't affect againts Batglare.

"I love this song too, Claire! Why don't you love this song?" The brunette asked Bruce.

"Do I look like a teenager to you?" Bruce asked, taking another sip from him non-alcohol drink.

"Let's dance, Tiffany!" Claire, the blonde said as the brunette shrugged.

"Sure, C! Would you two-"

"No," Bruce interrupted.

"You could have been nicer," whispered John. Then he looked at the girls and lied. "Don't mind him. He just broke up with his girlfriend-"

"Ouch, poor him!" said Claire.

"Poor little thing! It's okay. Let the emotions control you for a minute," said the brunette, Tiffany.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to see that." Bruce said.

"It's okay, honey. Cry, pout, sob-" The blonde said.

"Who's talking about crying?" Bruce asked in a harsh tone before John spoke.

"Girls, I don't think he is in the mood. Why don't you find another two men then hang out?"

Girls made a sad face then nodded.

"See you later." They said and left.

"You, with your harsh comments. And all the girls still love you?" John asked in disbelief.

Bruce only shrugged as an answer.

"You have a charm that makes all the girls love you, you know."

"Jealous?" Batman asked with a smirk of his own.

"Whatever, man."

"John! Bruce!" exclaimed happily, Clark Kent. Also known as Kal-El or Superman.

"Shhh," hissed Batman. "Identity, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I just had a little drink." Clark said, a little dizzy.

"A little? Like how many?" John asked.

"Oh, nothing. Two…"

"Two glasses? I thought, you would be a though guy on drinking, Clark" John said.

"Two bo…"

"Two bottles? Well, still… Since you have Kryptonian DNA, we were expecting you to be better at drinking, Kent." Bruce said with a smirk.

"Two boxes!"

"Did he say…two boxes?" asked John.

"Ha! You should have seen your faces! Speechless, huh? Do Green Lantern and Batman have anything to say? I guess not." Exclaimed Clark, happily. John and Bruce were the sarcastic teammates of Clark; they were always getting on his nerves. But he loved them like a brother, anyway.

Staying quiet, John gave up and took a sip from his drink. A smirk appeared on Bruce's face. As usual, Batman has a thing to say.

"You shouldn't have drunk that much, Kent. What will happen to your Superman, The Hero reputation now?"

"Is that John?"

Diana kept shaking her butt as Shayera spoke.

"Who?" Lois asked, unable to hear her in loud.

"John! Is that man John?" Shayera said, louder than she asked before.

"John? Yeah, I think so," answered Diana.

Shayera grinned. "I'll go say hi."

"Woah," Lois pulled her back on the arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

"... To talk to him?"

"No! Weren't you listening when I was saying 'be stubborn, have fun' part? If he would know that you care about him too much to leave him , he wouldn't mind at all. Play the untouchable girl!"

"…Okay. But If it doesn't end well, I'll try it in my way."

"Honey, no offense, but we have seen your way."

Shayera narrowed her eyes at Lois.

"I said 'no offense'!" pouted Lois.

"Really? No offense Lois, I hated your hair." Shayera chuckled.


"I said no offense."

"Ha! I know what you're trying to do. Fine with me. Offense? Not taken."

Diana just laughed at them both. "You're being very childish."

Both girls looked at each other then smiled apologetically.

"You know, you're in a Devil costume. But you're still an Angel," said Shayera as she laughed.

"I know right? She's just nice like that!" Lois agreed.

"Thanks! I think, I'll be an angel or something like that in the next Costume Party."

"I would exchange but I would have to paint my wings to red to match your outfit." Shayera added.

"Definately, understandable. Angel looks better on you, anyway." Diana winked.

"Hey! After giving advices about relationships, no one says anything about the nurse?"

Shayera smiled. "You look hot!"

"Relationship nurse!" added Diana.

"I might use that name on my new Magazine, thanks!" Lois cheered up.

"Girls! I thought you three left," said Dinah as she was dancing.

"Not really. Where have you been?"

"How long have you been dancing?"

"Have you found Oliver?"

"I'm here!" Oliver shouted from the crowd.

"How about O-sizzle?" Flash asked, still trying to find a nickname for Green Arrow. "Oh, hey ladies!"

"O-sizzle? Seriously, Flash?" Oliver asked in disbelief.

"Hey, Wally." Shayera waved. "Where's Beatriz?"

"In the rest room," He answered her then looked at Oliver. "What? I thought it was good!"

"Yeah, baby!" Helena joined them with a glass of pure alcohol. "Shake that-"

"I think, you have had enough, baby," said Vic.

"No! I'm not gonna give you my drink, Vicky Vic."

"Vicky Vic? Seriously?" asked Flash, then looked at Oliver. "And you don't like yours."

Oliver rolled his eyes at him. "Man, O-sizzle sucks. Really. Find something else."

"You don't like anything! O.G.A? Which meant Oliver the Green Arrow? You thought it was something about space and it reminded you of 'Yoga'. G.A? Green Arrow? You said it was a clothing prada. O.Q? Which meant Oliver Queen? You said it was like D.Q. Make up your mind, bro!"

"… You found them all by yourself?" asked Lois.

"Yeah. Why?"


"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

All the heads turned to Clark, in his Cowboy costume, on the stage.

"Since It's our first ever Costume Party, we had better make it special! We're having a Karaoke Time now!"

Everyone started clapping their hands as they shouted "Wooo! Awesome! This rocks! Yeah, man!"

"Well, you probably know the rules but I'll just remind you." Clark said and pointed the huge screen. "Okay, see the lyrics on the screen? Just read and sing them with the rythm. That's it! So Who's first?"

Everyone looked at each other then screamed "Me! Me! Me!"

Clark sighed. "How about we choose the people on the…List?"

"What list?" John whispered to Bruce. Which he only shrugged in response.

"League List, probably. Everyone's names are in it." He explained.


"The first person is… Green Lantern!"

Okay, well... It was my first FF! (:

And I'm happy with what I've done, I think.

Let me know if you want to see a League Member more. :)

- Sahra (: